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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Have been considering it. Would rather listen to a lecture on God's work than a bunch of drunks at half time any how. Not a Christian just a Seahawk fan.

    Down with the Broncos.


    Yes I know drunks are charming witty and intelligent. Been there done that. Boring is more like it but can't convince them of that.

    I'm not a drinker myself, esp starting at 6 am (but I do remember the days I was finishing around then, but not too clearly), nor do I have any ill will towards any religion Actually I had a lovely Christmas with a Hill tribe village this year and have even spent Christmas eve in a church in Yagoon (as well as one Bethlehem). My problem was that they charged us for a seat to watch the game and then made us be quiet and pray or leave the room. There were also quite a few other people not amused and they were well aware of it but I don't see in this years ad any mention of religious activities or affiliation.

    I'd be interested in hearing what they have to say to this thread, please respond legend23.

    Interesting 36 posts and all of a sudden we get a new downer thrown in to the game. What did you do if you left. Did you get your same seat when you came back? What was the talk about what they were doing in Burma about. I would stay for that as I have been involved in a small way with the refugee camps. Might have been worth listening to. As for prayer scientific thinking is still out on that. Last I heard they were leaning towards it being a positive thing. But then again science is a fluid field with no concrete information. Remember when doctors recommended smoking Camels and coffee was no good for you now they still say smoking is bad for you but a cup or two a day of coffee is good for you. I heard a rumor where they are on the verge of discovering a whole new field of science they had never suspected was there.

    And if you didn't like that you could talk to others about the game. Drat I just about have myself talked in to going to it.wink.png First one in years.wai.gif

    If they wanted me to sing they would soon change their mind.tongue.png

    I think people's objections were over the bait and switch element--they paid for a buffet and a game, then were hit with a prayer meeting. Had they been told in advance there was going to be a prayer meeting they would not be complainin

    Could be. just sounds like they are not coming this year none of them said it was worth it.

    time will tell.

    My problem with it is different than theirs. I should stay away from good buffets as I tend to over due them.sad.png

    We all have are cross to bear.

  2. " But the court decided Friday that the government did not indicate that it would crack down on protesters. "

    And the court will take that at face value ? What if that isn't the case ? The emergency decree will likely end up at the Constitutional Court in any event. An emergency decree - for any length of time, prolonged or otherwise - is always at a disadvantage being defended in a court of law, as it should be. The courts are empowered to protect the constitutional rights of people.The emergency decree consciously suspends human rights. So for the decree to be deemed justified, the administration has to have such a compelling case, that it would warrant uprooting the most basic freedoms of a people. But if it is determined that it was imposed simply to control the people, to stifle opposition, and to produce a more conducive environment for the administration to hold on - then it will not hold. And if one were to give advice to Yingluck, start by showing up in court, rather than sending operatives to speak on her behalf at these various hearings. Because the more she avoids these appearances, the more she gives the impression of really having nothing to do with the government at all.

    She could always send a laptop with Skype on it to get the defense from the horses mouth.

    I just wish it was over not just starting to heart the battle up. In 6 months she has managed to offend the middle class so much that they have taken to the streets and not in a partisan way. Just a bunch of citizens asking for an honest government. The only hold back is that they like the rest of us know that as long as their is a Shinawatra involved in it they will not get an honest government. They could care less what party the Shinawatra's were in they just want there kind of people out of it.

    Democratic maybe not but some times to get well you have to get sicker.

  3. Another delay leading to a series of delays, leading to more non-action in the name of saving face. Then more obfuscation leading to fuzzy logic culminating in a non-decision, followed by a worldly prevention of a clandestine thought to be provocatively trounced by spin. Then comes the spouting simpletons fueled by an intelligent fire to rant about the beast to which they all were midwives. Finally, at the bitter end, comes the words that sum up nothing and call it pink, in the effort to square the circle, but none have a head for such geometries...

    In the end, no one will even know what day it is because that does not matter at all to the power brokers. Calendars are for followers, not for leaders.

    Have no fear the interim government will make sure it is all level on a slight tilt.wai2.gif

  4. Another "Final Day". How many is that now? coffee1.gif

    don't worry it will go on until taksin is finally outed well done suphet for standing up to red shirt thugs and taksin mafia

    this wont end beleve me until taksin and his vile scan are finally defeated or thailand becomes taksin one party state

    since theirs now not going to be only caretaker pm ewc for months IMO taksin will get more and more desperate and all will depend on army

    And how do you and your brothers propose to erradicate the influence of Thaksin and his 'vile scan'.

    What in the course of these protests suggests to you that thaksin is getting desperate- because he caved in and dissolved govt, invited elections?

    Or is it that he didn't obey the instructions of some crazy old man from Surat?

    O please please tell me you have been in a coma and suddenly woke up in a red shirt propaganda work shop and did not get to hear what Suthep is proposing.

  5. Another "Final Day". How many is that now? coffee1.gif

    Who knows.

    You will probably have to change your avatar Monday.

    I seriously wish it would be the last day but common sense tells us that as long as Yingluck insists on being the puppet running the show there will be no government reform to benefit the people.

    No sense what so ever tells us that all is fine and rosy. Nothing wrong.

    Not sure if I understand this. The way I see it the PTP will get most of the votes. That does not put them in power but it will only be a few months and they will have it. But on the other hand the red shirts their armed faction is talking about splitting the nation into two different ones. I can just see that now the south throwing the doors open to workers from Cambodia and Burma for workers while shutting the doors to the North.

    Just seems to me like they don't know what is happening. Then you couple that fact up with the fact that there is three different sects in the red shirts and one wants Thaksin out of politics. It is quite a stew they are brewing. Should have settled it once and for all and said yes let us set up a commission to reform the government then have an election. It should be a non partisan council made up of people with knowledge and open minds from all parts of society.

  6. Some food for thought for the Educated BKK folk..

    Country is drifting and finance pouring out of the country.... Is thailand a bottomless pit of Amart money? 4 billion US gone already... There is much much more to go. And hundreds of thousands of jobs. Mostly in BKK are going.. That is an unescapable fact... You are too short sighted to see it now, but you are going to see it and you are going to feel it. !

    The money is coming from the coffers of Thailand, which is tax money mostly... not Phua Thai Money, they are "THE GOVERNMENT" they "GOVERN" it is your money not theirs!!.

    Thailand (NOT Yingluk) if now finiancing at least 2 elections, at least 6 months more of law cases. (anyone seen a poor lawyer in thailand) and the closure of business permanently in many parts of BKK (Not Isaaan where the farmers are... BKK)

    If you want the remainder of Thailands wealth to flee the country and bankrupt yourselves in a bid to rob yourselves of democracy... You can do it... It's your money and when it runs out, the poor peope will be back to reclaim their democracy.

    So.... these so educated people lose out financially big time. And the Country is tanking. Some of this money will never come back now.

    So, well done Suthep, you may at last get your chance to ride the fabled horse, but as you have killed it, it may not be as much fun as you thought.

    For ease, I post my own flames... Nonsence, 2010 farworse etc. etc. thaksinista rice scamming old pipkins with no idea of thailand blah blah blah.. (did I cover it all?) No time to edit, have to get my money from the man in Dubai. Hilarious arn't I!!!


    2 weeks a member

    520 posts in favour of thaksins team

    I think here is his problem

    The money is coming from the coffers of Thailand, which is tax money mostly... not Phua Thai Money, they are "THE GOVERNMENT" they "GOVERN" it is your money not theirs!!.

    He doesn't realize when the money comes out of the tax money it goes into the pockets of the PTP and their friends. He doesn't understand it is supposed to be spent for the benefit of Thailand and that is what the anti government protestors are trying to do. On the other hand their is lots of baht's reasons why he might want it to stay the same way it is now. Could also be a she not a he. Equal opportunity.giggle.gif

  7. Misleading headline again, and again!

    He just said that constituencies that do not return a result can hold their election on another date, and that all constituencies do not have to hold such elections on the same date. It does not report that he said the elections can held again and again.

    No difference between changing the election day. Doing it this way though they can keep changing it until they get the vote they want. I think he is a PTP because he is full of BS.tongue.png

  8. AFP again!

    We all know the "AFP" is financially supported by Thaksin!

    When did Thaksin start financially supporting France?

    Are you aware that the AFP is a French government chartered public corporation? I have to question the sanity of someone who makes crazy claims.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Thaksin must keep you pretty busy with questions.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

    At least that claim crazy as it is, is not as crazy as the one where he said give him six months and he would make them all rich.wai.gif

  9. That confuses me as that means he can not run for political office again for 5 years. Also applies to the other democrats which makes this virtually a one party system.

    No, it doesn't mean. The election will almost certainly be declared null and void. Deservedly so. I can see why Democrats don't want to participate. They simply do not want to give any legitimacy to the current government in charge. They want Yingluck's government to take the full responsibility for rice-scheme scam, tablets scam etc...etc....

    Thai opposition under fire for election boycott

    by Daniel ROOK

    BANGKOK, February 1, 2014 (AFP) - After two decades of election defeats, Thailand's oldest political party stands accused of turning its back on democracy by refusing to contest controversial elections to be held on Sunday.

    I am confused is that not the democratic way to be allowed the right to choose to participate in an election or not?

    I am confused I can just imagine what the PTP is like saying it is not democratic to not participate in an election and yet they did nothing to the yellow shirts in the last election when they refused to participate.

    Democracy PTP style B S flowing out of their mouth and a red army ready to cause trouble with grenades and guns. Welcome to Democracy Dubai style Thaksin style.wai.gif

    • Like 1
  10. Have been considering it. Would rather listen to a lecture on God's work than a bunch of drunks at half time any how. Not a Christian just a Seahawk fan.

    Down with the Broncos.


    Yes I know drunks are charming witty and intelligent. Been there done that. Boring is more like it but can't convince them of that.

    I'm not a drinker myself, esp starting at 6 am (but I do remember the days I was finishing around then, but not too clearly), nor do I have any ill will towards any religion Actually I had a lovely Christmas with a Hill tribe village this year and have even spent Christmas eve in a church in Yagoon (as well as one Bethlehem). My problem was that they charged us for a seat to watch the game and then made us be quiet and pray or leave the room. There were also quite a few other people not amused and they were well aware of it but I don't see in this years ad any mention of religious activities or affiliation.

    I'd be interested in hearing what they have to say to this thread, please respond legend23.

    Interesting 36 posts and all of a sudden we get a new downer thrown in to the game. What did you do if you left. Did you get your same seat when you came back? What was the talk about what they were doing in Burma about. I would stay for that as I have been involved in a small way with the refugee camps. Might have been worth listening to. As for prayer scientific thinking is still out on that. Last I heard they were leaning towards it being a positive thing. But then again science is a fluid field with no concrete information. Remember when doctors recommended smoking Camels and coffee was no good for you now they still say smoking is bad for you but a cup or two a day of coffee is good for you. I heard a rumor where they are on the verge of discovering a whole new field of science they had never suspected was there.

    And if you didn't like that you could talk to others about the game. Drat I just about have myself talked in to going to it.wink.png First one in years.wai.gif

    If they wanted me to sing they would soon change their mind.tongue.png

  11. Thais do purchase quite a lot. And part of opening a shop inside a mall is to attract these "future customers" and impress them in advance. Window shopping is part of the retail decisions.

    Maya right now is attracting more window shoppers but it would soon change. The only mall I think that will fail soon is Promenada with literally no magnet at all. No reason to go to. Not to mention confused parking layout and its crappy location.

    Didn't notice that many people there buying or window shopping. It is like the Promenada. Built in such away that you really can't see every one from one point. The one thing about the Promenada is they were foreword thinking. The area has a lot of room to grow in. Where as the Maya built in a location with all ready a high concentration of people. Be interesting to see how it works out in two years. It still has competition from KSK.

    If I had to rate them I would say KSK defiantly has the best food store with Tops and the Maya the best movie theater. The rest will have to sort itself out. KSK defiantly needs some form of make over and Maya will have to go through the growing pains of what will stay and what won't stay. I hope the Birkenstock shoe store stays there.

    As for crappy location are you sure it is not you in the crappy location.biggrin.png

  12. IF it should happen, it brings up a lot of questions in my mind.............

    how will the North export it's products without going thru Enemy country [and visa versa]??

    and how will we get to the beach??

    and what will happen to the immigration dept??

    and will there be border skirmishes??

    and will there be a border fence and roadblocks along all the roads going north/south??

    and what about the currency issues??

    and lots more questions to be answered................

    To my eyes, it will create more problems than it will solve.

    To add to the list would the North have the gray matter necessary to set up a new country.

    How ever it does have a ready made army uniform and all.

    The freed American (black) slaves set up Liberia - if ever there was a group uneducated (not through choice of course) - surrounded by the most dangerous and poor countries in the world - two major civil wars since 1980 (when they over threw the Americano-Liberian government). Half a million dead. Independent and peaceful since 2003 (11 years and counting - democratic since 2005 ) with 85+% below the poverty line. If it can be done there, then it certainly can be done here.

    A split can be amicable - and include right of passage/right of movement etc - in fact it would benefit both North and South for that to be so - especially if Issan/central plains joined the North as much of the county's food comes from these areas - and account for a fair amount of the export money that goes currently mostly to Bangkok. It is likely at first both parts would absorb the laws of the land - and reform over time - that would include immigration, however a brain drain in the North might require some changes - and the opposite in the South (need for workers) - ASEAN and the need to accommodate would probably end most of those sort of problems anyway. The border would probably be open at first - unless there was a civil war (not amicable) - freedom of movement as said, makes sense at least in the short to medium term. Currency would probably be kept by both at first - assuming they both still keep the monarchy (which is likely and has precedence - such as the UK and Commonwealth) - a single currency would not make sense for long due to the single BOT/SET (supposing for example it is in the South - would impact the North) - so likely a split, sooner rather than later. Issues of citizenship is the real biggie - are they all citizens of both? decided by province of birth? what about where parents are from provinces on either side? International agreements and memberships?

    If such a break up were to happen (which is unlikely I guess) then it would probably be better along the lines of devolution than national split - that is, autonomous regions with local parliament (such as currently with Scotland, Wales and NI - before any Scotland independence vote this year and excepting England which has no country level parliament) - and a single national/federal parliament for over reaching and non-local policy (with equal membership). In that way most stays the same - and there could be four regions (perhaps): North / Issan (NE) / Central (including Bangkok) / South (including islands).

    //Edit: added the 's' in "The freed American (black) slaves set up Liberia" - apparently it was more than one facepalm.gif

    The American slaves were set free in 1865. My math tells me that 2003 is 138 years later.

    Stick with Suthep's plan it is figured to be 1 year to 1 and 1/2 years. As for the rest of your post why separate if you are going to stay the same. The south would have no trouble getting workers from Cambodia and Burma. Where would the North get the brain power? There is not an unlimited number of Shinawatra's.wai.gif

  13. But they have been trying to sell it and have only been able to sell less than half of what they have put up for auction.

    Now things will be even worse as the have put a cap on what a farmer can sell to the scheme which means any surplus can be bought by a trader direct from the farmer at a lower price.

    Now that the farmers haven't been paid there will be more of them selling direct to the mills or traders.

    Then there will be some traders who have been buying rice from other countries to satisfy their customers.

    Also there has been an increase in production volume which now means the new seasons crop is enough to satisfy the local and the now diminished export marker.

    Add all that together and it means the traders, or indeed the world markets, don't need to buy old stock rice from the Govt

    Robby, it is a question of price. If you pay way above market and try to sell it above market to limit your loss (not mark to market), you can't sell it. If you sell it for what it is worth, you will sell it and generate cash to pay the farmers instead of blaming the E C or the banks who won't lend you money despite the risk free MOF guarantee.

    The Thai government will have to remove the bugs being found in some of the exported rice, but this isn't a big issue and can be done. Price it to market, sell it and pay the farmers. It is easy. Then show some of the real loss from the rice program and blame those ugly foreigners for not paying high enough. It's easy.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Sorry but it is not that easy, if it were it would already have been sold.

    Take a look at the world oversupply situation and you will see that the world does not want old Thai rice as there is plenty of new seasons crop from all the worlds producers to satisfy demand.

    There is also the question of quality of Thai rice after the Ivory coast had to dump 30% of the lot they bought, The US returning a shipment and the rice given to the old people of Phitsanulok who said it was so rotten the dogs wouldn't eat it.

    Robby, it is that easy. It is just about cost. It always is. Your arguments are that they should sell it for lower, realizing a larger loss. I fully agree, value for value, but YL is being investigated and quantifying a large loss, regardless of whether it is true, may well not be in her favor. It is always about price.

    One friend said forget about selling it and make sake instead.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    People can laugh all they want but that is probably the best way to minimize the loss.

  14. "The government should sell rice from the stockpiles as soon as possible ... even if the sales are made at a loss," Prasarn said.

    clap2.gif He is just repeating a sensible solution that is being requested by desperate farmers - "Give us back our rice so that we can sell it ourselves...".


    BANGKOK: -- The central bank governor yesterday advised the caretaker government to raise funds by speeding up the sale of rice from the state's stockpiles instead of borrowing to pay farmers taking part in its rice-pledging scheme.

    Now why can't the government under stand that. Must be a whing ding economics program at Kentucky some thing university. Probably a diploma mill rather than a real college.

  15. One might hope, but doubt, that the caretaker-PM also admonished her own red-Shirt & UDD-supporters, and also former-DPM Chalerm & CAPO (or whatever it's renamed this week), not to cause fights or intimidation at any polling-stations.

    After all, she wouldn't want to hand the E.C. another easy excuse, to disqualify the election, would she. facepalm.gif

    I think you are expecting to much of her.whistling.gif

  16. “After the elections, national reform will be launched as demanded by protesters. Delaying the elections is equivalent to delaying the problems, and it cannot be done under the law,” she said.

    She lies again, it "can" be delayed, they just don't want to.

    Exactly what law allows for the delay or what specific section in the constitution. Please tell us!!!

    Suggest you see a lawyer for legal information that specific. The fact that the courts and the EC said they could is good enough for me.wai.gif

    She urged protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban and supporters of the People’s 
    Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) not to obstruct the election or disrupt 
    voters who want to exercise their rights.

    She neglected to mention that they have the rite to be told about all the money that is supposed to go into projects fgor the nation and is instead going into the chosen few pocket's and off shore accounts.

    How convenient of her.whistling.gif

  17. Dr Morgan in Hang Dong rd was also recommended on this site, and I've been seeing her for the past 18months

    She speaks excellent English, and you can make daytime appointments to see her.

    Her offices are just past TESCO supermarket on the way out of town, but on the opposite side.

    Oh really, Do you think I could phone & make an appointment? Thanks so much for the help

    Dr. Morgan is not a Dermatologist. are you looking for a skin doctor or an internist?

    Right, she's a GP and quite a good one, but I'm afraid she falls way short on dermatology issues (if that's what OP needs as he mentioned Dr Siri) and will simply refer you to a dermatologist, so you double up on visits.

    I didn't realize he was looking for a dermatologist. That kind of explains your earlier post about all the girls. LOL.

    I do feel how ever that it is good to have one doctor with all the reports from specialists. At least that way you narrow down the chances of taking medications that you should not be taking with another one.

    When I was back in Canada I went to see the Doctor to get two prescriptions renewed that are free to me there. I took a list of what I was taking here and the doctor said no I should not take Celebrex and Ibuprofen when taking Befarin. Had I not been prepared I would have wound up taking things that pose quite a risk to most people. I say most people as I have a stomach made of iron. Still I use the Ibuprofen very sparingly. Not always after eating either. At least I know the danger.

  18. As the new capital of Thaksinland to be, they need to expand their operations.

    They, also, have to buy lots of red carpet for his Excellency, when he arrives.

    yea you have to bring Thaksin into don't you? this is not about your political bias it's about the airport

    Out of curiosity who owns the land it is proposing they build on it on?

    Why move it when it is more than enough to serve Chiang Mai.

    Where ever they move it unless it is to some really inconvenient spot there will be business and people around it. The complaints will be the same just from different people. Also the inaccessibility of it will bring even more complaints.

    Why not wait until it is apparent that a new one will be needed in the near future then start building it. As it sits that point in time is years and years away.

    I wonder what they are proposing to do with the existing land. Do they own it or lease it?


    I lined out a word.

  19. Was going to take a peek today but got stuck in the queue for parking, gave up after 20 minutes of sitting and waiting, maybe try again during the week.

    Yeah, it's seems the Huay Kaew entrance (and exit!) is not working out all that well. (Surprise. wink.png )

    Probably better luck from the Superhighway which at least means an easier exit, however on the way in that would still mean having to get past the Rincome intersection.

    Went to immigration yesterday and then to the Maya. I was willing to get out and walk part way as it would have been quicker. But once you are through the intersection it is an easy entrance.

  20. Have been considering it. Would rather listen to a lecture on God's work than a bunch of drunks at half time any how. Not a Christian just a Seahawk fan.

    Down with the Broncos.


    Yes I know drunks are charming witty and intelligent. Been there done that. Boring is more like it but can't convince them of that.

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