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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Saying that any particular pizza is the best is like saying yellow is the best colour. It's a personal thing, Dukes makes a decent pizza, so does New york style pizza and pasta which I prefer, but that is only my opinion.

    I find dukes acceptable would be interested in trying out

    New york style pizza and pasta can you give the location?

    You are quite correct it is a matter of choice when it comes to taste. So far I have not found any thing I would consider outstanding here in Chiang Mai. But I am anxious to try this New york style pizza and pasta place you prefer.

    Sorry it took so long to get back to you. The restaurant is on hwy 3029 between 121 (canal road) and 108 (hang dong road). If you head south from airport plaza on hang dong road, turn right at the Big C light, about 200 metres on your left, good food and a friendly atmosphere. Cheers

    Now you tell me we just got back from Big C a couple of hours ago.sad.png

    That's OK I have a doctor appointment friday in the area,smile.png

  2. Rametindallas

    No , others do not fall short . It is said that there was more corruption during the Dems brief spell in government than in the Thaksin era .

    The Coup was the biggest mistake the military could have made !!! Thaksin was and still is the hero of impoverished farmers in the north and northeast .

    Thaksin's conviction was that as his wife's husband he had to sign a document , thus permitting her to buy a parcel of land that had originally failed to sell and she bought by sealed tender making the highest offer .

    The crime was that he was PM and his signing the document constituted a conflict of interest .

    The coup so fired up the people who support Thaksin , they being the majority of voters in Thailand ; that there is not likely to be any other than a Thaksin government for the foreseeable future .

    As to those who say I support corruption ; if you don't like corruption , go back to your home countries . In Thailand corruption begins in the simplest home and stretches through every strata of society , getting bigger as it goes . You cannot live in Thailand and pretend everyone is Whiter than White and just few are corrupt , it is the way of life here , as it is in countries like Italy and now even the USA . While the Dems were in power they tried to pass a law making it illegal for farmers to make their own pesticide out of herbs and spices that people eat every day . It is said that someone close to government had big investments in "Monsanto", the government was trying to clear the way for Monsanto products to be exclusively marketed in Thailand . I'm told that MPs all take a 10% cut from the profits of major industries . The details at home as to the personal shortcomings are not important if the country has a High Profile abroad and has a flourishing economy , which Thailand did under Thaksin . Before everyone call Thaksin a convicted common criminal , they need to be conversant with the facts ; some commenters have very sketchy knowledge .

    I have only been here for three years and have no memory of what Thaksin did for the poor. I was there two years ago in a village in Issan and the poverty was deplorable. I saw no improvements what so ever. No street lite No TVs just poverty. What did he do for them? I was here during the attempted coup and I did notice that Abhist treated the people very gently. He could have ended it all very quickly by just telling the army to move them out when they were breaking the law but not yet organized.I guess he could have said treat them like Thaksin did the people he suspected of drugs. Don't waste time with courts just shoot them.

    The one thing that jumped out at me was that Abhist himself had no real power. He seemed to be depended on to many other parties. Cross one of them and out he would be. I am not a know it all but I do know some things Abhist agreed to what the red shirts wanted only to see Thaksin tell them no they couldn't do it they would have to stay and have a lot of people killed before he would allow it. Then a little later he abandoned them and stopped their pay checks. Maybe it is me but I see some thing wrong there.

    As for corruption worse under Abhist than Thaksin. Well from what I have been able to gather Thaksin held the politicians back by taking the money himself. It was only when he let go of the reins of power that the others saw the opportunities that Thaksin had been taking for himself and really went into it. A lot of those people were still in government when Abhist became PM in fact I was told it took 30 of Thaksins men changing sides to put him in the seat of course they were going to carry on with the example Thaksin had set for them.

    I was not here but I was awake during the Thaksin years he did nothing other than ride on a world wide economic boom. It had nothing to do with his leadership. If he was so good at leading the country into economic wellness why has he not done that now? Transferred one massive dept to another department so he could borrow more money and run the national debt up higher. Now I see he is trying to make one loan that by itself will put Thailand in debt for 50 years.

    I am sorry but I have seen the poverty in the villages. The progress in the cities was just the natural result of the world wide economic boom nothing to do with him. What is it that he has to offer the country in reality terms. I know he told them they would all be rich in 6 months. Can't say as I have noticed that in my wife's family. I also notice that he changes his mind on a regular basis.Are you saying that would be a good thing in a leader. It is OK to change your mind maybe several times until you come to a salutation but not make a public announcement of it every time. Makes him look like a person a little bit unsure of them selves.

    This is an interesting discussion too that unfortunately will just butt heads between the lovers and haters. The truth is really that Thaksin was SEEN as being for the poor and helping out - it is true that for probably the first time (remember that pretty much before his time PMs were Royals, military or high born with a few exceptions) he did at least notice they existed politically and policy wise. He created the 30 baht medical scheme (and the haters will jump in that it caused many clinics to close due to bankruptcy due to poor funding for the scheme - which is true, but the point still stands that at least it was a gesture) - he also brought in the concept of micro-loans to farmers (again poorly implemented and instead of farmers investing in equipment as expected, much was wasted on mobile phones, cars, bling and booze - which ended up making the poor poorer as they now were in debt too). The Dems actually made a working free medical system (working at least for as long as they were in power), but this was thrown away with the new government and propagandard (OK made that word up) into non-existence as far as public memory seems to go. He also (and another double edged sword) made it easier for long term land users (families that had worked the government loaned land for several years at least and still did) to convert their government land into owned land (NS2 to NS3 and then chanot) - and to reclaim unused government land for re-distribution - converting NS2 to 3/ MS3 to chanot has actually been much harder to do since 2006 - but it also (the other edge) allowed for the land parcels to be available for sale which caused his Mrs so much legal grief.

    "The truth is really that Thaksin was SEEN as being for the poor and helping"

    That was my point what had he really done. Do we see any evidence of it now in a positive Way?

  3. Saying that any particular pizza is the best is like saying yellow is the best colour. It's a personal thing, Dukes makes a decent pizza, so does New york style pizza and pasta which I prefer, but that is only my opinion.

    I find dukes acceptable would be interested in trying out

    New york style pizza and pasta can you give the location?

    You are quite correct it is a matter of choice when it comes to taste. So far I have not found any thing I would consider outstanding here in Chiang Mai. But I am anxious to try this New york style pizza and pasta place you prefer.

  4. Hello all

    I am new to this forum. I have been living in Chiang Mai for three years now. I call Chiang Mai home now.

    As I browsed through some of the links they took me back to the 80s and 90s when I had a stack of self help books. All good and mind altering but I found them with the exception of Men are from Mars and Women from Venus and another I can not remember the name of to be fairly impractical for me.

    Now I realize this TEDx is on a larger scale but it strikes me as impractical to do any thing to try to attract more people and industry to the city until they can do some thing about the traffic and the smoke season. I have noticed in the three years I have been here more vehicles on the road and more tourists.With nothing being done to stop the rice paddy burning and trash burning.

    • Like 1
  5. Don't lecture me on recent US history.There are a great many who question Obama's mandate not least the GOP majority in the US Senate.The rest of your post is just bar talk drivel and unworthy of a response.

    If that's the case I am surprised you get any responses to the garbage you spew out !

    And I am beginning to think that some of the redshirt/PTP/Thaksin supporting loons who post comments on this site are actually the same person using different monikers.

    Surely there are not that many fruit loops in the country ! whistling.gif

    New to this but do people really lie here.

    How did he relate that to Abhist visiting a disaster area. That is a common thing for leaders of countries to do. With the exception of Thailand I guess.

    I have no idea about what quote was saying. But I do know that the GOP is a minority in the Senate. It is fairly obvious to all but a red shirt mentality that the poster has absolutely no clue of what they are talking about.

  6. Well I am new to Thai Visa but not to Reality.

    the BRN in no way represent the terrorists. They are more like burnt out terrorists trying to find peace.

    They know full good and well that the terrorists movements while Islamic in beliefs cares not what religion that people believe in when it comes to killing. They have one goal and only one goal in mind. An independent nation of their own. They know that Malaysia will not take them and the idea of Thailand letting them set up a government under Sharia Law will not happen so they fight for their own country with Sharia law.

    Asking the BRN why the terrorists carry on with terrorism is about as intelligent as asking the hill tribe people why the Islam terrorists carry on with terrorism during Ramadan.


    Sorry about the edit but I am having problems with my spell checksad.png

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