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Posts posted by icare999

  1. On 31 January 2019 at 7:32 PM, mlkik said:

    800.000 baht is not very much if you genuinely have retired and have committed to living in Thailand.

    Maybe the people getting worried do not really have enough to retire here? I know many people worry about the exchange rates,if that is the case again maybe they are not financially ready for retirement here?

    I am far from being well off but I have put enough money in a Thai account to ensure a worry free retirement.

    Interest rates here are no worse than my home country. I am not wealthy enough to speculate and possibly lose on the investment of stocks and shares . Therefore I see no reason not to have savings here.


    i tend to agree and 400k kept is fine if its thought of as for medical costs. I have no problem whatever 

    funding many million baht for medical but cant get medical insurance due to age and as a cancer survivor (5 years now). I actually usually bring over well over 1 million a year but usually dont keep anything in my bank here once i get my renewal since i use it to invest and then when i need refill ready for 3 months before. 


    If you have to keep 400k baht all year it makes elite visa 500,000 baht deal attractice since its for i believe 5 years. Im nearly 80 so maybe go for both. I could also change to marriage visa but have avoided it for last 30 years because retirement is easier


    My reneqal comes up April and while i made sure i had 1 million start dec to renew end feb (within 6 weeks) i of course did not have it in accoiunt for 3 months after vlast renewal. 


    I guess its 400k is needed from next renewal or i wonder what happens with for example people who renew like me end feb is it then from renewal after that ie from march 2020 ? 


    Whatever im sure as is always case people with enoughm oney wont have a problem and i must admit theirs to many retirees here who dont have a pot to piss in and while i feel sorry for those who are married and not low life its time Thailand got rid of lot of scum 


    Im sure ill get flames for that comment 


    • Like 1
  2. so i guess this applies to not next extension but one after mines due April so as usual i spent 800,000 quickly after last extension and then as needed topped up as year went on thne made sure their was 800,000 imn it in November and kept it ready.


    Guess ill find out  soon when i renew 


    Maybe 500,000 visa elite valid 5 years is a good alternative now you have to keep 400,000 anyway 



  3. On 31 January 2018 at 4:45 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

    Yes, it is. And there is little/no likelihood that you will be able to change that.


    The longer the Junta stays in power, the worse it will be for Thailand.


    IMO junta saved Thialand and I like many and most of our thai friends are very greatful they stpped in. MAny of us are perfectly happy for junta to stay in power if needed for decades much better than Taksin and co  

    • Confused 2
  4. 18 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

    Unfortunately, Thai people do not hold their governments to a very high standard. There was a post on Thai Visa a few years ago that stuck in my mind, a fellow living in the northeast asked his Thai neighbor about Thaksin. He said, "if Thaksin take 1,000 baht from the peoples money, keeps 900 baht for himself and gives you 100 baht is that ok". The neighbor responded "I don't know, no one ever gave me 100 baht before". The point is, we come here from our home countries with an expectation of what a government should be based on what we grew up with. Thai people did not grow up with the same experience. I hope that changes, I really do, in the mean time if the next elected government can be honest and act in the interests of the people the military will not be able to take power forcibly, the people won't allow it.

    555 and you think western governments are better do you run and ruled by bankers a little naive i think 

  5. On 19 November 2017 at 4:54 AM, Samui Bodoh said:


    Unfortunately, I am not surprised by this news, and I suspect that few others are surprised either; when the poor lose their representation, it follows that they lose their influence as well


    The truly sad news is that the trend is likely to continue until there is a government that focus' on the poor, and that is likely a ways into the future...


    Sad times..

    555 rich are getting richer everywhere and poor are getting poorer 555 if you thimnk its because of this government and not globalisation 

  6. 13 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    You make a good point, but I will have to leave the specific, detailed discussions to those who know more than I. However, let me speak in generalities a bit...


    Economically, I don't know if the UK has always had a negative balance of payments, but I doubt that it will always have one. My view is the the EU represents an opportunity to be part of a large market and to thrive within that market. I suspect the we are having a glass half full/glass half empty talk...


    Culturally, this may sound funny as the British influence has been felt around the world for centuries, but I think protecting British culture into the future is more effective within a bloc of people that hold similar values. Forgive me, but outside of the EU the UK will be just one more small/medium country with minimal influence. Inside it has a strong, global voice.


    Politically, I think the UK will be diminished greatly outside of the EU. When (and it is when, not if) the UN finally decides to reform, the first thing on the block will be the UK seat on the Security Council. Further, although the UK has a large army and the courage to use it, the opportunities for influence will be diminished outside of the EU. Force and influence thrive with a combination of power, both soft and hard. The UK isn't really big enough for soft power on its own, at least in any meaningful way. Finally, there are now doubts about the UK's commitment to partnerships. The UK does have the right to pull out of the EU, but I wonder if any country will ever be really comfortable with a long-term partnership with the UK again (I would certainly think very long and hard before any long-term agreement with the UK).


    Generally, I think in this world of change and uncertainty, it is good to be in a community of like-minded folks. The EU members, for all their faults (and there are MANY), share a great deal; freedom of expression, freedom of the press, democracy, respect for human rights, respect for rule of law, etc. It seems to me that this is a good club to be a member of.


    Finally, let me say that I should not have used the word "Stupid", but perhaps 'unwise'. The UK has every right to pull out of the UK, and I should respect that right a bit better.



    your talking total BS 

  7. 15 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    I am not British so my views don't matter much, however...


    This was a stupid decision, and it has been compounded by the most incompetent leaving process I have ever seen. If you feel that you need to set a time and date into law for getting out, your future relations ain't gonna be that great.


    Apologies to my Brit friends...


    and not being british you really dont know anything or you would understand why  its needed 


  8. I assume child has uk citerzenship so surely it must be against some human rights not to let a mother be with her UK citizan child. Also i tinhk i read if you have 65,000 then thats ok insteade of income. We have 2 children who both have uk citizanship and my thai wife actaulyl has more than that as income in her own right in UK from property rentals and much more income than me. I wonder if wife has income thats allowed or if it has to be husbands income. In any case given all immigrants who are allowed in surely even if thye needed some state help a uk citizan should be allowed to have his spouse with him in UK.

  9. luckely we have enough money to satisfy requirements and our children both have UK passports. Even so UK made it very difficult for us to get even a fmaily visit visa for my wife over last 30 odd years. What annoys most is ive paid over 1/2 million gbp in taxes and we still apy taxes and they still make it difficult. I feel really sorry for those who dont have funds we currently have and over years known many who would not be a burden be refused even tourist visa for their Thia wives and girlfriends it makes me reallty angry 

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Reigntax said:

    And that just about sums up the attitude of the junta and his cohorts like suthep and yet there are still clowns who support this neanderthal.


    He may escape the judicial system but he will eventually have to face the masses and history suggests such persons are dealt with in a very public way.

    555 most of masses dont care and hes got a lot of support like it or not I my thia wife our extended thai fmaily and most of thais we know prefer him to Taksin of ocurse if their was a real choice between an evil would be mugabwe trying to make Thialand his own one party state and army that would be nice but their is not so better anything than Taksin IMO and opinion of many


  11. On 28 August 2017 at 8:59 PM, oldhippy said:

    I agree that the Shins are filthily rich.

    But they are NOT in Forbe's top 10 - there are many far more filthily rich Thais.

    Do these other hiso help Thailand?


    here is the top 50



    lame very lame peopel arem ore rich so Taksin is ok stealing from country and not caring a jot obviously your totally brainwashed im not claiming otheres arent corrupt but to claim Shins care 1 jot about people is totally naive 

  12. 16 hours ago, DonThaiToMe said:

    “Thaksin has long prepared an escape plan for his sister. He would not allow his sister to spend even a single day in prison,” said the source, who requested anonymity.


    What a joke.


    The Junta more or less admits to knowing about YS ´escape plan´ (of course they knew, they probably escorted her to the border themselves) and at the same time tells the press they couldn´t understand how she "slipped away".


    There were never a chance in hell she would be allowed to spend a day in thai prison.


    And they want people to believe the whole debacle isn´t politically motivated/orchestrated? Yeah right... :coffee1:



    well if si\o well done the army hopefully she and her clan will soon be totally forgotten and maybe poor can get a decent person to lead them not afamily only interested in getting more for themselves


  13. bought sold and rented out more than 50 properties in last 30 years average 8-10% yield although thats gone down over last 10 years and while not made gain you can get in UK or USA when selling usually made a bit but more important in a way 10 years ago you got 75 baht to gbp now only 43 and condos weve sold have gone up a bit as have houses so property has been a good investment here nothing like you got in UK over last 30 years but still far better than deposits or even stocks over 30 years 

  14. well ive been here 30 years and raised a family i consider Thailand very safe if you are not stupid having said that id not trust leaving children on their own here anymore than i would in any country in fact if you look at UK and child grooming by a group of immigrants in uk which went on for years id say UK is not safe of ocurse if thye mean roads and driving here id agree 100% probably in top 5 for being unsafe in that respect 

  15. 4 hours ago, bannork said:

    The world doesn't see Thailand like that at all. Thailand is one of the most popular places in the world for tourists,  working expats from whatever country and retirees.

    It is sad that the promise of democracy in the late 1990s has been stifled, but I believe it will return after some 'changes',

    Hey let's look at the alternatives in south-east Asia:

    Indonesia- ex mayor of Jakarta in the slammer for 'blasphemy' and being Christian, currently  there is a campaign aimed at any non- Muslims in the country.

    Laos, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei, Myanmar - political freedom -nil

    Philippines-  mass killings of 'drug' suspects

    Cambodia- a dictatorship 

    Outside Asean you have China and its great internet wall.

    In Asia, political freedom only exists in Japan, India and South Korea and even there cartels and old boy networks are prevalent.





    IMO in west we live with as much but hidden censorship and IMO far less freedom than i enjoy here even as a forang i totally agree for example with ban on being rude or inpolite or any words against what were not allowed to comment on and i really love the way in my daughters school every morning they raise thai flag and honour the king. When i was a kid in Uk one stood up for queen in cinema and while i dont necerssarity bleieve in monarcy its wonderfull how kids at schools here show respect unlike in many schools in UK IMO its all a very small price ot pay for the so called democracy we have in west  

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