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Posts posted by icare999

  1. YIngluk could take heat out of all this by simply dissolving parliament and calling new elections but of course Taksin wont allow that since he knows this is probably his last chance and he's quite willing to cause whatever simply to cling on.

    I can understand anyone simply refusing to accept anything but total dispersal of the evil Taksin clan and none could trust a word they would say. Taksin has said so many times hell stay away from politics, he resigned and then withdrew that and has broken every promise so its understandable for Suphet to refuse any dealings at all.

    How common people will take this I don't know but I do know Taksin has caused so much angst and hatred against him and his clan from normal ordinary people that they are simply totally fed up with him and want him and lot out.

    One man and his megalomaniac ego has caused all this and its probably now a war to the end. It is simply not possible to compromise with this government who cock a snoop and openly say they wont recognise court decisions.

    So you dont know how common people would react in an election but claim that normal ordinary would react different ?

    Please tell us the difference between common people and normal ordinary people ? you seem to be saying they are a different class which inferrs you consider the common people to be inferior and not normal, well its the common people that have the mass vote and perhaps just perhaps that whilst this kind of attitude towards the common people prevails they will continue to mass vote for the party they think will benefit them at least somewhat. It sure isnt going to be the party who considers them to be inferior or abnormal i suspect.

    Maybe thats why the past 8 elections have always been the same result, the common vote is the vote that counts not the rich or middle class but the commoner in their millions . wink.png

    BS common people ordinary people <deleted> are you on about many common people or ordinary people or poor people or issan people or whatever you call them hate and loathe Taksin. Stop being so crass as to try and pretend to be champion of poor. Your probably like most hypocrites living very nice life . We harvest the rice and my wives family are about as poor as you could get but have through hard work made a decent living a bit removed from where they came from. They however are not so silly as to be brainwashed by red lies and Taksin BS.

    You'd be good in a peoples star chamber sitting in judgement while lording it over all and pretending your really with poor.

    Just like your master who thinks because he has fooled enough to vote he can do anything. Do you need a list of all dictators who were elected such as Mugabwie, Saddam, Hitler, Amin and countless others. If you can't see Taksin and his clan for what they are you are as blind as those who followed all other would be and successful dictators.

    Best just call an election and then amnesty bill is dead but no that would not fit the plan to bring back Taksin at whatever cost

  2. "They have their right to rally. But if they come here, the ones to get hurt will not be the ones inside the Rajamangala but the students themselves," Jatuporn said.

    Since students did not only get hurt but died also, does this qualify to second degree murder charge for Jatuporn?

    +1 my thoughts exactly surely incitement now and back in 2010 is enough to level murder charges against many of red leaders. Their hypocrisy is sickening.

  3. "or will not bring it or any similar bill back"

    Yingluck has, please pay attention!

    Yingluck has already said that she does not control the MP's, that she is "government" ..... The bill (contrary to your assertion) is not dead. It is in an 180 day limbo. After those days pass, it can be voted into law by those very same MP's she claims she does not control. and all it takes is 50%+1 -- no oversight by any other group. With Thailand's history of late, would you trust PTP MP's not to vote on that bill? The only way it dies is for this government to call a snap election.

    which is why they wont call an election and Taksin has instructed them to hang on for dear life since he knows this is probably his last chance. However he will continue until he dies to get venguence and try to install his sickening clan into permanent power in a one party state. My and many other's loathing for him means while he is around or his clan their will be no chance of peace and reconciliation. I can assure you my wife and many of her friends are no hiss elites and many of them totally hate and despise Taksin and all he stands for. My wife has a few friends who are Taksin supporters but then they are ones whose husbands are either part of this government as lower politicians or in positions were they have been paid handsomely and enjoy a share of spoils which which is not available for most Thais. Its sickening to see at first hand here in red Taksin land those who now have aquired land houses merc's and BMW's and everyone here is fully aware its fruits of corruption and favour given to those who cow toe to big brother. To be totally fair I suspect a number of those we know well who totally loathe and detest Taksin would be open to simular nice positions at trough and so jealousy probably plays some part in that loathing. And the really poor just get led like sheep to the slaughter not even understanding how they are being used and abused by their chosen hero. A number of them actually admire those who have suddenly found wealth and all trappings by being lackeys for Taksin and are grateful for a few crumbs. Obviously the sheep do not have a chance for a look in and all people we know are part of middle elite including all those greatly benefiting from this corruption.

    Wke up and smell coffee some of you Taksin supporters here. You simply do not have a clue how it works and how Taksin has hijacked the cause of the poor. Such men are ver devious and clever but still evil and have same traits as all dictators.

  4. At least one side is showing some maturity and common sense and wants an end to the violence. Now if only the yellow shirts would grow up and follow the lead and put an end to this Kaos.

    or the cowardly red thugs realise they are not going to be able this time to kill and loot and burn without some risk to themselves this time. They are ones who escalated this by provoking others and using their normal vile threats. Some of them wanted to have a go and decided to attack or at very least provoke those students wanting and hoping for a violent reaction. When they started getting a taste of their own medicine they decided better tail between legs run.

    Their is no common sense or maturity from this bunch of thugs.

    They certainly got the order from their Taksin to stop since he could see his plan was not working.

    Now its up to him and his puppet government and he can either instruct his sister to dissolve parliament and call immediate elections or try and site it out. E knows if he calls elections even if he wins their is no way they can again get the amnesty bill through.

    This is all due to his puppets and cronies pushing through an amnesty bill for him. The Dems clearly accepted a bill which did not give Taksin or Abahist or Suthep amnesty but that was not good enough since this government has one and one aim only.

    This will all be solved by one man simply once and for all stopping his quest to become total dictator of Thailand and make it his own 1 party state. Without Taksin all is solved and Thailand may be able to start becoming a real democracy.

  5. Suthep sends these students near the red shirts as a provocation, hoping that the situation will get worse, and finally out of hand.

    Who else would he send there? The gentle middle class protesters with their nice haircut and fashionable sunglasses? Not to forget their silly little whistle, of course. giggle.gif

    Suthep's students' brigade is composed of students who are used to fight each other. But now, instead of useless brawls, they can go to search for new sensations near the red shirts.

    The goal is clear. Just to create chaos.

    Suthep must hate to see red shirts avoiding confrontation. It's does not "look good", while his own southern thugs seize government buildings, enjoy free food, harass a 10yrs old child and go as far as to provoke the police and the army. Without any result, hopefully.

    Suthep and the Dems must become impatients. When will there finally be serious casualties?

    Let's just hope that the red shirts stay as wise and restrained as they have been till now. At least they behave like adults.

    its worse Suthep eats babies for launch and feasts on blood of virgins late at night. His zombies crave fresh meat and go in droves around BKK. Only brave reds can stop this evil vampire sucking blood from all in Thailand lead by their brave saints who have a constant battle with the devil and his demons. And now latest reports are Suthep has joined alligance with a gang of were wolves who are disguised as normal students. Other vampires are waiting in the wings scared they might loose their rightful place in being able to lord over poor masses and rape and pillage at will.

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  6. Correct from Saksith............... Sutheps mob are now not just criminals breaking the law, they are now violent criminals who beat old men and smash up taxis.

    5:10pm - RT @TheLilyfish: A taxi has been smashed with ppl inside. They drove away but front pane completely shattered

    Who are the ‘good people’ now, huh? #smfh

    while not condoning it monkey does as monkey sees. Red short thugs did worse and stilll do worse up here in red shirt country to anyone who does not toe party line. When Taksin let loose his red paid for army he and red shirts showed the way forward. Ive never heard a brainwashed red shirt follower here condemn disgusting red shirt tactics or their leaders or any of government but I've heard Dems totally condemn it.

    Ridiculous to say some poor old man this as far as I can tell 2 red shirt probably thugs going into anti government place and being totally stupid in antagonising the situation. In fact they were probably paid to do so poor idiots. Maybe they should listen to their leaders and stay away from other side.

    I lay blame totally on Taksin and his cronies for showing way to so it and wanting to totally take control of everything to impose a 1 party Taksin state.

    IF you were in BKK in 2010 and a bunch of red thugs burnt down your shop and invaded a hospital were your relative was do you not think it would be simple human nature to want revenge on those you saw did those disgraceful things. And then theirs blood over houses and all rest.

    Many here loathe totally any red shirts even though some of the might be simply naive and gullible enough to be totally brainwashed.

    SO as saying goes as you sow so shall you reap but sad part sad.png is those who get hurt are not ones like Taksin who caused it all.

  7. From three that were interviewed two came from Surat Thani. I wonder how much Suthep has to pay to move the crowd to Bangkok.

    If I were the government I would shut down water and electricity in the Complex.

    There was a yellow thug too (a farmer).

    We should appreciate the wise restraint of the reds who gently stay inside the stadium.

    Let's hope that there is no confrontation. Nobody wants the Dems' supporters' hair to be messed up rolleyes.gif

    A confrontation would also spoil their weekend. All that free food and free goodies... rolleyes.gif

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    jealous are we compared with red thing rabble a peaceful disciplined protest with no violence. What a difference to red thug lot in 2010. if they are paid which i doubt unlike red proven on tube payments and thats whats needed to rid Thailand of one mad megalomaniac so be it

    lets see how your master deals with this and good thing is I doubt even he would dare try to vote amnesty bill through if his party are around that is in what is it 160 days or so when they can simply vote on it and its law but who knows if they do after this its almost certainly total civil war

    Just think if people of thailand or enough of them had not come out and shown their disgust at Taksin and all his lot then by now the amnesty bill would be through and taksin booked his flight back to start of the Taksin reich

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  8. it could have been written by any taksin supporter is so unbalanced. Taksin has an awful lot of money and it would not be beyond possibility he simply paid enough for this. I remember hone IK used to read Time it seemed to provide a balanced view and thoughtful analysis. It makes me think about all articles I used to read and wonder if I was hoodwinked by those as well. Anyone whose here can see whichever side they may be on this is not same as yellow shirts although it obviously has amongst them some of that persuasion.

    What a load of crap reporting or paid for PR for Taksin. Whichever its total BS.

  9. What's the rush, I thought the 2 trillion "slush fund" had been approved by the red elite and senate. Everybody's pockets will be full to bursting so no need to fanny around making themselves look silly by trying to export spoiled overpriced grain, although reading about these invisible secret deals are always good for a chuckle.

    Oh really! I think we are all getting very tired of negative comments. Why don't the doubtful crawl back under the slimy rock that they came out of.

    Yes really and some of us are fed up with those totally brainwashed who seem to be blind to Taksin and his cronies looting and pillage of this country and using it as their own fiefdom.

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  10. No one seems to accept a balance of power between conservatives and liberals anywhere. US gridlock, British incontinence in regards to social policy, Dutch struggles with Rotterdam, these are all just symptoms. One side says PROGRESS NOW, the other says PROGRESS NEVER. No one wants to com,promise and because of that nothing changes.

    This is deeply disturbing and deeply sad. This is how civil wars start...

    This is not a football match. This is people's lives, people's children. Too many foriegners are flippant about all this. Yes, there are comic aspects, yes this is Asia, where corruption is an art form...but does that make human beings involved in this inconsequential and trivial, so that posters say "my team should win"?

    What arrogant stupidity. NO, this is not as rugby match. And we are guests, not vital VIP's who contribute greatly to the land in which we are living.

    This is not a small game. This is a young democracy struggling to find balance. I propose that we encourage stability, instead of jumping at the chance to criticise one side or the other with lop-sided arguments that stir the pot.

    Are our own home nations so perfect that we can pretend to know, much less occupy, the high moral ground?

    NO. We are guests. Please remember that.

    Thais, including my Thai wife and coming child, deserve that much respect and love to hope for their future instead of picking sides like punters at a snooker tournament.

    There is dynamite all over the Bangkok streets today. How DARE you throw matches around just because you can turn tail and run home when there is an explosion.

    Sometimes...I am ashamed to be a farang here.

    There again, another apologist of the "guest theory". Sorry, we can go home indeed, but we came here for work and if the thais want our money, they better learn to provide a stable environment. Otherwise, they can end as Sierra Leone.

    No respect to be had if it is not deserved.

    I to for 30 years have a wife and children here but i don't agree with arrogant if thais want our mobey bit. to original op i want my wife and children to have a future here but not at hands of a evil megalomaniac and if it comes to it after 30 years yes sadly i and my family will leave if Taksin wins. where i disagree with you is the Thais don't need our money and I'm happy for Thailand to be poorer and i and my family much poorer if it could result in best of all words which would not be a simple copy of western ideals.

    This is a war to end and one side or other will win. It has to come to a conclusion which probably given Taksins previous record and his red thugs will end very badly. Having been here 30 years and lived through many coups and bad governments this is worst I've ever experienced. I and my family will dance with joy when and if the shinawati clan are hopefully finally removed. IF evil head is cut off the body will die and we can live happily with a non democrat government without 1 man wielding all the power. It wont be perfect but anything is better than Taksin. Someone asked me if I would personally die to get rid of Taksin if need be. A good question and since I'm almost as cowardly as red thugs id probably not put myself into that danger but would hope if it came to it I would. I and my family are not pro den just totally anti Taksin. We will gladly take our chances with anything else since to us at least anything is better. But thnei m old enough to have seen many evil dictators be replaced by even worse. However in this case it would be difficult to imagine any worse.

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  11. But an unelected party with strong fascist tendencies trying to overthrow the government is perfectly ok. Hate filled crowds of self-entitled fools storming governments offices is just fine. "We are rich, our children are educated in Bangkok" is their self-justification for bringing democracy down, for refusing to acknowledge the big majority that does not support their views? Great! Let's see how that will work out.

    There was a always going to be an end, be Thaskin or Yingluck in charge, the notion that businessmen / women can create a political party and run with no mandate , rules or principals on the totalitarian state style is domed from the start, but to take the good people of Thailand for granted is another, the end result is just around the corner, there is no bigger challenge to a leader than to preserve what they have , to what extremes this PTP will go to, to hang onto power, we will see in the coming days.bah.gif

    it can work fine it does in USA UK and rest while bankers and top steal blind from rest and in particular the poor it works totally ok. At least here their is some chance of freedom for all except those to lazy to dig themselves out of the pit. And yes I know about digging oneself out as does my wife. It just takes incredible determination, hard work and time. Problem is the brainwashed are so naive as to believe Taksin when he says you can have it all for no cost or work. Ive seen local red shirt higher ps wives look down on others as much and more than any so called hiss. Its sickening to watch them try to lord over others in the village because their husband is local red mafia thug bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

  12. This just goes further to show that Suthep does not want to compromise, same as what the Red Shirts did. Lots of inconvenience, getting on everyone's nerves, lots of verbal slogans, etc. He is simply repeating the same Red Shirt tactic under a different cloak. All he really wants is a confrontational spark that will eventually bring innocent blood onto YL's hand, same as what the Red Shirt did to him and Abhisit before.

    Let's see if this government will go down the same road? It doesn't matter if the army is going to disperse the crowd or the police, when they have enough of this circus. (same could also be said about the Red Shirt before) As long as there is innocent blood at the end of it, it will suffice Suthep and these PAD leaders real motives.

    If they really want peace for Thailand and her people, will anyone with common sense resort to this tactic? (Same also could be said about the Red Shirts back then). All they want to achieve is "an eye for an eye" at the expense of the unsuspecting others and in the name of "thaimocracy".

    So ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the zoo politics in Thailand, where you can draw parallel for all the zoo animals to their politicians. It's never about reform, the well being of her citizens or the progression of this country. It's all about getting even. If you don't see it, look back at the Red Shirt protest and you will see the same eerie similarity in its essence. And we all know how a different set of animals carried out that protest and how it ended. Do we really want to go down that road again? Getting manipulated by a new set of animals?

    your may be right except IMO I don't believe anything can or would be as bad as Taksin and what he's done and would do if he could. IT is not possible to compromise IMO with a snake or scorpain same as it was not possible to compromise with hitler or any other Dictator. The result which ever way is going to be very painful and its quite possible a lot of collateral damage will occur (that terrible american word). Opinions and views and I freely admins mine also are so anti the other side it is almost at Civel war stage now. Its at the stage where many rather than accept Taksin are prepared to die but unlike reds prefer to try peacefully. Their are also madmen on red shirt side who as they proved would die and are so brainwashed believe they are fighting an evil enemy. Those who keep saying jaw jaw is better than war war would in end simply give in to Thailand IMO becoming some version of a mixture between North Korea, Zimbabwie and Iran where possibly as long as you toed the line and bowed you could live comfortably enough except for proles or masses which here Taksin would enslave totally since they are only useful as cannon fodder and through no fault of their own not useful to help keep things going except as labourers. Others under him who accepted his dictatorship fully without question and had education and/or skills would be given reasonable exits and a comfortable life while they served big brother. However no one would be free of his dictate or whim and those who wanted freedom would need to leave or suffer terrible consequences.

    I and my family had already decided many years ago if Taksin won we could have no future here. We've put 30 years into building a great family and life here but sensible people need to understand and study history and so know what can and would occur. IT wont happen suddenly, it never does but it was happening bit by bit and it is to be seen if this is just a small hurdle in Taksin's eventual aim or the thing which could stop him.

    NOrmal people in Hitlers Germany left it to late as they did in Zimbabwe and other places. Their were many many warning signs and looking back most ask why did they stay. If Taksin wins I can guarantee in 10-15 years people will look back and make similar comments.

    If it goes wrong way (that is Taksin wins) I believe I and my family have 5 years or so to sell what we can here and restart elsewhere. Not something I would want at my age but something I would consider essential.

    I am however fairly sure given recent events we wont need our exit plan and it hopefully can be binned. ITs been around a long time ever since all this began back in 2004 or so.

  13. It's a well known fact that protestors are paid for their time,

    just as they are paid for their vote of politicians.

    Proof isn't necessary.

    It's a fact!

    The people of Thailand do nothing for free,

    besides sleep...

    Not these protesters. They get free food, but are not being paid. I know some that are doing this and they are not getting 1 baht.

    If you have proof, like the video showing the red shirts being paid, please post it. Seriously, I'd like to see it.

    Free food. No different to being paid. They now save money as they do not have to buy food.

    No actually... That is where all you on here accusing the free food as a payment in kind from the Dems in return for protesting efforts are totally wrong.

    If you bother to watch the bluesky coverage, every now and then they announce a donation from benefactors that support the protests. People from the private commerce sector and plain old citizens. That is where the money is coming from to feed the protesters.

    So get your facts right.

    Don't tar these protests with the same brush as the red protests, it's not in the same league. These people are coming out 'for Thailand' hence the national flag as their symbol..... Not the red communist flag like the 'other lot'.

    my family although not well off would happily donate 10,000 baht to help the protestors and that for them would be more than 1 months living budget and wed happily add another 10,000 from us since were much better off. Ill ask my wife to check how we can donate

  14. Don't worry, they have just a few hands of voters, they depend on people in pampers, young and old and a handful of fanatics. Suthep is treating the protests as the business of certain execs of the Democrat Part, like a Pyramid Scheme. It is unsustainable. And Suthep a loser since 1992 when it comes to elections, will work out to be another loser who will spend the rest of his days in jail for murdering over 90 protesters and wounding 2000 plus.

    clutching at straws aren't we cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif whatever happens your hero has had it. No way will he be able to come back here now unless he manages to turn Thailand into a complete police state vis a vie North Korea. For first time in many years I feel confident of a better future here in Thailand and as your hero said he does not believe in democracy so if its a coup or whatever I for one will feel much better. This time it will end one way or other. Either Taksin will be once and for all totally defeated or we will have a one party dictatorship. THeir simply is no longer any room for talk or compromise your red shirts and the shin clan and their hangers on have made sure of that.

    For all their talk and rhetoric the red shirt thugs are total cowards. If they act to form their will be civil war and one side will win or other or Army will take over properly this time. It seems they simply can't get numbers so will wimp out and run back to their holes like the cowardly lot they are.

    Im very surprised the Thais have had it in them to say enough is enough and you can watch gloomily as the rats leave the sinking ship.

    Of course if Taksin decides to pour enough money in for mercenaries like before anything is possible but unless he has managed to buy the army he has had it thank goodness.

    I would prefer for my this family and so would they anything as better than this lot of cowardly despicable excuses for humans. And my family came from very poor background in Issan with difference being they worked hard and dragged themselves out of the gutter or at least most of women did including my wife.

    Best thing for anti Taksin of us is if Yingluk clings to power as long as she can as a total lame duck. Taksin could dump her and put her sister in her place but that would IMO be like pouring petrol on fire although he might try it in his last desperate attempts.

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  15. you get what you pay for. Real proper beef is almost impossible to get here and 1500 a kilo is cheap if its the real thing. Ive paid triple that in BKK but usually can't afford it. Good Anges roast beef in UK is around 18 gbp a pound or around 2000 baht a kilo

  16. This is not just Bangkok elites rabble rousing,

    but Bangkok middle class, and their families back home, and many more,

    who have finally become fed up with the PTP over reaching and lies.

    And a mass of the unpaid rice farmers and their children working in other towns.

    All utterly fed up with bald faced lies to their faces and not getting paid while their local puyais still get their shares.

    There was needed something to strike the match to already simmering discontent.

    PTP went way to far, and 80% against public opinion, with the 4am amnesty bill,

    and the lies, brought to light by the Constitution Court, to put it on the table.

    Then right after as it was still going down in flames took a stab at garnishing 2.2 TRILLION baht in loans.

    Just about the right amount to buy the next election if it comes too soon,

    but earmarked for the rice farmers... as it they will ever see it.

    At the very most, 100,000 were at Red Shirt Central 2010,

    but if they have 4,000 in the stadium today I'd be be surprised.

    And yet the police blocking the routes north from the south with tank trucks,

    and tire shredding triangles, shows their fear as right now there is the

    LARGEST ever rally in downtown Bangkok,

    and showing a grim faced, not ebullient, group of obviously middle class Thais,

    no madness, no insane faces laughing for cameras.

    A serious group listening to speeches,and lending their physical presence

    to make a VERY large statement of intent. Even as this has grown beyond the

    Anmest bill issues, the over-reaching by the Shin-Clan has created an

    anger-driven movement all on it's own, one that is NOT abating but actually growing the crowd.

    Regardless of over the top rhetoric on stages, or competing potential visions

    of governance beyond the immediate goal, there are no calls for destruction, just occupations,

    Wit specific instructions to not damage ministries or steal anything.

    When reads went to ministries there was destruction and beatings and mayhem.

    This is a very different feeling mass rally.

    Suthep has never directed a secretive group to take out army leaders in the field,

    there is no reason as sane sniper will take him out, and besides, that is one of the few acts

    that WOULD cause 1 million plus people to be come utterly enraged.

    Yingluck is progressively being backed into a corner, no matter her protestations,

    and despite denials of reality via legal manoeuvres, the writing is smudged but on the wall,

    clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif very well said I'm totally fed up with those who spout total BS and don't understand what Taksin and his crew are up to. I did not think Thai people had it in them and that Taksin would get his way and make Thailand a 1 party dictatorship. I had and have my exit plan if that evil monster ever really gets to total grips here as he tried in 2005-2006. Hopefully I wont need to excite that plan and my thai family can live here without the dark cloud of Taksin constantly overshadowing things. As I've said I've lived here 30 years and brought up 2 lovely children here and in all that time lived through some pretty bad corrupt governments and coups but nothing posed as big a threat IMO to this country as this one person who is hell bent on getting total power or would/will destroy Thailand without a care for anything except himself. Even his whole family flee at slightest sign of trouble. How any can support such a evil cowardly lot is beyond me. It would be better to live under Saddam or Gaddafi than what Taksin would do here I guarantee you that. So in my book almost anyone or anything is better and as Taksin himself said democracy is not always best for every country.

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