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Posts posted by icare999

  1. C'mon army, get on with it then! The tension'll keep mounting and Pheua thai will put the country further down the tubes until the army inevitably have to shut down Pheua Thai- better now than later, before things turn violent, and finally put an end to all this Shinawatra nepotism and graft once and for all.

    That's assuming the Army will back the "good guys". What if they back the red shirts? Impossible?? Who knows what deals have been done?

    And unfortunately, putting PTP down will not end violence, it will just cfeate another one, maybe even much more violent.

    Thailand is heading towards real disaster unless Yingluck steps in and calls PTP to stop the nonsense they are currently pursuing. Abhisit should do the same with Suthep, but that will never happen, because Abhisit doesn't have a clue either. Strangely enough, only a stronger Yingluck in my opinion can avoid Thailand going totally down. And I definitely do not like PTP or Red Shirts (doesn't fit me fashion-wise either).

    are you mad or on something YIngluk step in. Only thing yingluk would ever step into would be prada shoes. She has no role other than to be her brothers clone which he admits and has totally no relivence to anything except as a figurehead and clever PR front for real person in charge and his followers. I e never heard such naive total nonsense as this post in my life which takes some doing given things that have come out of her and her ministers mouths. Are you so naive to believe given her record she is capable of doing anything except smile and go shopping. And I thought taksoins followers were silly naive ones but you make them all seem a beacon of intelligence knowledge and logic. I can only cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif at your words which hopefully are ironic and not meant in any way to be taken as serious by anyone

  2. I really feel for the farmers here. They may have been paid to vote for the ruling party but they could not have predicted the fiasco to follow. Sooner or later this will come crashing down, there is no other way for it to go, and then who will suffer? it wont be the rich and greedy who have profited from trashing Thailands number 1 global export position, it will be the farmers who will suffer. it will eventually become clear what the real demand is for Thai rice since losing so much trade, and when the real demand meets the farmers output rather then being masqueraded by the government purchase scheme then people will really suffer.

    Very sad and a real case of the poor taking the hit for stupid decisions made by the rich, driven by nothing more the greed,,, they should be ashamed of themselves and be apologising to the people of Thailand,, never happen of course.

    serves them right for supporting a load of thugs and worshiping someone who cares nothing except to make himself and his clan total overlords in Thailand. I have no sympathy for any of them. You can argue all you like about its due to lack of education, being downtrodden by BKK elite and rest of BS if people are so naive as to believe they will gain by selling their votes and supporting trying to burn down Bangkok then its just Karma.

    • Like 2
  3. I doubt it will be quite as draconian as it sounds. It will almost certainly only apply to second homes, thus being in line with the European norm for property taxation.

    For expats here, their UK property will be their 2nd home, as it's most likely rented out. Especially those that are non-resident for tax. Or for those that have a few rental properties there.

    If a property is rented out then capital gains tax may already be payable. (In other words, the property isn't eligible for Private Residence Relief.) However, the first GBP 40,000 of gains are tax-exempt (Letting Relief). It's possible that the Chancellor is considering taking away this relief for non-residents.

    The Financial Times has a much better article than the Daily Mail (no surprise there). http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/488bdbf6-4237-11e3-bb85-00144feabdc0.html

    From the FT, it does appear that the target is wealthy foreigners with multiple properties. However, the FT also suggests that such a change in taxation law would be impractical. (How do you make a non-resident pay UK tax?)

    utter nonsense non residents do not need to pay CGT tax on property or shares period and its nothing to do with being a mina residence In fact non residents are not really allowed a main residence in Uk or that would make them residents and not given CGT exception

  4. if your non resident or want benefit of being non resident you don't live in UK so I think you are not entitled to any first home allowance. To be non domiciled you actually should not have any home for your own use in UK. One reason I became non resident was to save CGT on my property investments in the UK. If they introduce CGT on property for non residents I certainly would consider selling whatI have left before such a law was introduced.

    I trust if the UK are going to do this the least they could do is give increases to non residents UK pensions instead of freezing them.

    Their are all sorts of ways around this I can see without even trying not least being selling ones property to a wife or child at high price before any such new tax and then buying it back after the new tax. Of course if property was over stamp duty allowance this could be costly.

  5. Amazing that you approve such childish ways of doing from the Dems.

    What is amazing is how you can condemn the blowing of a whistle by way of a street demonstration, but at the same time, go on supporting and defending a group whose street demonstration included grenades, rocket launchers and molotov cocktails.

    i can only hope one day a load of thugs such as reds are turn up where he lives and starts destroying all around and then i for one will say serves him right. He is sort who would support Hitlers brown shirts and claim holocost never happened. Personally while i have never been violent in my life sometimes one has to fight fire with fire and i would find it hard to condemn ant anti taksin group if they used same tactics as his gang of thugs

    Words fail me in describing Gerry1011 mind set but last time i met someone here spouting same load of claptrap he certainly would never say such BS in front of anyone again. Pity my wife used to be a friend of his wife and that idiot would not even believe his own wife who was very anti Thaksin

  6. Who is responsible?

    Only one person, and that is the PM. Responsibility goes with the position, and despite her desperate attempts to separate administration from legislation, having a minor MP introduce the bill, and absenting herself from parliament so the couldn't be accused of a conflict of interest (abuse of power if she had voted for it), the fact that her party was ordered to vote on party lines for the amended bill leaves no room for escape.

    Yes, IMHO she was ordered to do so by her criminal brother, but she claims the position, she gets the responsibility. Several of her MPs voted for an amnesty that includes themselves, AFAIK a criminal offense.

    What of the minor coalition parties? Are they so politically inept that they didn't see the problems this would cause, and this bill would scarcely lead to reconciliation? Or are they corrupt enough to bow down to a criminal for consideration, financial or political? Either way, not something you would put on your resume.

    yes to both of your last questions which is obvious to anyone but most brainwashed Thaksin supporter

    person responsible is he who controls from abroad the PM here has no responsibility except to look good and make a pretence to the world that Thailand is not controlled by her brother

  7. English language lesson Number 1.

    L O S E

    Now go away, and if you would be so kind, take the trash with you.

    Wow! Why so much passion and hatred for what's going on in Thai politics. We are foreigners in this country and we choose to be here. If you don't like it there are plenty of taxis to the airport and many flights departing. This does not effect us in any way. Foreigners should stay out of Thai politics period! It is none of our business, I am only concerned with the safety of me and my friends who live here. Keeping up to date on the latest news is something I am happy I can do through this web site as long as it is accurate. Thanks Thai Visa!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    People are only allowed to have an opinion on a country's politics unless they are a citizen of that country? As a non-American I certainly had one about George W Bush. As a non-Burmese I think it is not unreasonable for me to dislike the Burmese generals. As a non-South African I certainly had an opinion about apartheid. So, if I think Thaksin is a self-serving, corrupt, megalomaniac who ruined politics in a country I happen to spend a lot of time in, I think I have a right to hold an opinion.

    With all due respect, your comment is ridiculous.

    with no respect at all for scumbags and A#@@$OLES like those who use then go home line +1 sorry i have more respect for A@#$#holes since they form a useful purpose in clearing type of muck often spouted here And with as much passion and love for my Thai family and despair at what one evil megalomanic is doing to this country I will continue to try to at least show some of truth to all; those brainwashed followers of the kind caring leader

    • Like 1
  8. As far as I can see these moralistic NGOs are generally run by people whose only real interest is for themselves. The always seem to have a hidden agenda.

    What a stupid comment.

    The old saying about a few bad eggs and all.

    sorry to say ive seen enough so called charity workers on expenses in 5 star hotels all expenses paid to despise the lot of them. Their could be a few who genuinely care or want to do good but mostI witness are more interested in perks of job than helping anyone but themselves. A lot of them will claim they get no salary but their lifestyles show the nasty truth. Houses fully paid for, school fees all paid, cars provided, all travel expenses, meals out paid for as expenses and of course all groceries, toiletries, beauty salon and rest. Worst scum of earth in my book a lot of them and those so called missionaries here are the worst.

    • Like 1
  9. I happen to agree wholeheartedly with your principles Strad I believe double pricing is wrong in all

    it's guises anywhere in the world but I can't help thinking that if the gate agent had given you the

    Thai price on the strength of your Thai driving license that this thread would not be here???

    Am I correct?? sad.png

    I agree 100% with charging more to tourists and forang on the basis their income is probably 5-10 times that of most thais. It would be nice however if the extra went to improve the attraction and not into some corrupt officials little purse.

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  10. If you don´t like it you can leave anytime......tongue.png

    Seriously, waht do you want to hear? It´s wrong! What can you do? Nothing! 50Baht will ruin your family day? Come on.....

    I have a BMW smile.png

    and i have a tatty 10 year old wreck but smile.png no debt and plenty in the bank. I id have a rolla once does that make me fit to join this discussion. Who cares if they want to charge more. Its up to them. I do however refuse to go into national parks but only because they are not IMO even worth 20 baht thais pay

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  11. if like nick say's pension might be only paid to those living in the uk.[10-20yrs] time that would piss my mrs.off big time.

    as she earned on av.30-35k a yr.for the last 15yrs.at work she paid a lot of ni.as well as tax so if they were to implement that there would be uproar plus a lot of wives moving back to the uk.its a good job she doent read tv.w00t.gif

    no government are going to care about an uproar from those not living in the UK same as they dont care about freezing pensions. Of course if your an immigrant whose contributed nothing you'll receive or be entitled to all sorts of payments.

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