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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. 11 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:

    Sexuality is not a choice. It's like being left-handed. You either are or you aren't.


    I have two friends, a gay couple, and one of them looked me square in the eye one day and asked, "Do you think we  chose   to be gay?"

    Fair enough. I understand that. I have two homosexual acquaintances that lead a happy life together and don't broadcast their homosexuality. The point I'm trying to make is the present flaunting of gayness or homosexuality. Why? A person's sexuality is a personal thing so why should anyone shout it from the roof tops?

  2. 8 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

    No one can encourage another to have same gender sex if that's not already their choice. The fact that young people are reluctant to have children comes from another thinking. Maybe they can't afford raising the child, maybe the man won't stay after the baby is born, which happens  most of the time, especially here, or maybe they were brought up in a family with a loving parent present, who taught them what it takes to raise a child. Too many children are having children WITH children, which means that child will probably be raised without a father present, and maybe a mother also, who feels the need to leave the child with grandma while she has freedom working in another city. All of this is definitely not a recipe for baby making, and shouldn't happen unless the two possible parents both love each other, and are willing to sacrifice their lives to raise that child.

    'No one can encourage another to have sex.?' Really? What about pedophiles? I'm not suggesting gays are in that category and I am not against homosexuality. I am referring to the continuing  bombardment of prancing , preening and "look at me, I'm gay" parades. Where  youngsters may be encouraged to join their practices.

    • Confused 2
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  3. 24 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


    Salt is a preservative.


    Should we stop salting our meat?


    Personally, I never salt my meat.


    My meat needs no salt.


    I also do not smoke my meat, as a preservative.


    When I was young, my meat was already SMOKING!


    Still is, and good enough for me.



    My first taste of beer as  a child I didn't like. But I saw the 'grown ups' drinking so I started. I didn't smoke until I did my National Service in 1952. I was encouraged to do it as everyone else did it and was given cigarette coupons by the army to buy my ration of twenty a day. I still drink and enjoy it but stopped smoking when I came out of the army. 

  4. 36 minutes ago, stoner said:


    are you actually serious with this ? please tell me you're not. 

    Of course I'm serious. Youngsters are easily led. Look at smoking, drinking, drug taking and all the other things that are considered vices by some. Youngsters, in my opinion follow the trends and if they are encouraged and like it may follow it.

    • Confused 3
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  5. 35 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


    Excrement is good, in fact.



    I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood.


    We say blessings, upon excretion.


    I still follow this practice, today.


    And, so far.....

    I have never needed a laxative....


    Knock on Wood.




    What's your prayer? 'Thank god I'm not constipated?' Or "Thank god, because I've got severe Bangkok Belly I managed to get to the kahzi before I s**t myself.'?

  6. I find this discrimination against plumbers offensive and hurtful. As a young plumber back in the 1940s I was one of those that enabled the population to have piped water and their excrement got rid of without getting their hands dirty. They would make expert MOD's, whatever they are? and good leaders and members of parliament. Many who seem to be up to their elbows in the stuff. I propose a Plumber's Pride Parade. Where plumbers can flaunt their tools and plungers to gain attention and equal rights. PPP has a nice ring to it.😉

  7. 7 hours ago, Tug said:

    I beg to differ Joe has lots and lots of real world experience in matters of state and diplomacy.trump has experience of being a loud mouth New Yorker with a big mouth and money.without an open Mike to make a circus trump will get clobbered bigley!!

    Yes, Biden has the experience but unfortunately he is well past his sell by date. I think he may struggle in the suggested two hour debate. But you can't turn the clock back. One wonders who is the next leader of the Democrats in waiting?

    • Agree 1
  8. Never send food back to the kitchen. The chef is likely to take revenge by adding a 'not nice' ingredient. I remember Keith Floyd relating a story on the wireless many years ago. A customer used to eat at his restaurant and say the food was very nice, but.." Always something to fault. Keith elaborately prepared a beer mat, British type. "Especially for you." The customer enjoyed it without a complaint. You never know what these chefs are up to.😉

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  9. Something smells about this article. Old wives tale or fact? How often while having one beer or a g+t have I heard my wife say "You're drinking. I was just going to give you some durian." I would think that if you are consuming a bucket of beer then it would be unwise to eat durian, my favourite fruit. Ripe that is. Burp! Pardon me.😋

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    in the states the GOP response is thoughts n prayers as kids rae gunned down in school..yet nothing is done about it

    The usual rolled out 'thoughts and prayers' mantra is as much use as a one legged man in a backside kicking contest. Prayers achieve nothing. Deeds do.

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