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Posts posted by TVGerry

  1. Suspended. Of course we're not surprised they won't spend a day in jail.

    “We have lost over B137 million in this case during the past two years,” added Mr Thamrongsak. “We have to support all of our workers in 47 bars and take care of so many things.

    “I hope this case will come to an end very soon or otherwise the Tiger Group will come to an end first. And if we come to an end, can you imagine that how many people will be out of jobs in Phuket?”

    Wow. People have died and this idiot just doesn't get it does he?

  2. "Whether the deal is approved or disapproved, we will never stop supporting our friends in the region and the people of Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Bahrain and Lebanon," he said.

    "Even after this deal our policy towards the arrogant US will not change." - Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

    Yes you just know these people are going to honor the deal.

    Well done Obama!

  3. One can never be surprised by the bitterness and the negativity of a whole lot of people who post here on TV. Bravo! clap2.gif

    Yours is the first bitter and negative post on the thread, if you read between the lines I think many of us are saying the noodle sellers daughter is prettier than these manufactured pretties. So a broad compliment to ordinary thai women.

    Sureeee! Since you said it, it must be true! Haha

  4. There will always be people who have nothing good to say or have some smartass remarks to make about the army. But to the poorer people who can buy their food cheap, this is a good thing.

    So who is subsidising this? The army or the General population through taxes?

    Of course it looks good on the army and I have no doubt it is appreciated, but its hardly coming out of army personnel money as some kind of benevolent act!

    Even selling the food at a discount like that, I very much doubt they're losing money. Or at very worst, they're breaking even. So yes it is a benevolent act that probably isn't costing anyone.

  5. For all it's blemishes and problems the country has, the fact remains that overall, it's a nice place to stay. And definitely an excellent place to holiday. There will be a lot of naysayers who will slam the country but a whole lot of them are actually expats staying here. If it were that bad, they would have <deleted> off long ago.

    Except Pattaya. That place is a toilet. Haha thumbsup.gif

  6. Well, don't know if eating shark fin soup merits a death, but the sharks died for his dinner. Karma is hell! coffee1.gif

    What a nasty thing to say.

    I guess we're all vegetarians here aren't we? If not, we deserve a bullet to the head?

    Point taken, but he makes his protest,and in the case of sharks, their fins are hacked off while they are alive and the bodies thrown back into the ocean.

    Animals for human consumption OTOH are normally humanely killed (except halal) and their suffering is limited in most cases.

    Shark finning is an abomination and enormous waste.


    Feel bad for the shark but saying it's 'karma' the fella got shot dead is plain idiotic.

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