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Posts posted by TVGerry

  1. In Thailand, the checks and balances come in the form of the people on the streets and the army. In most other countries, a corrupt and ineffectual government like Yingluck's would have gone down long ago and a whole bunch of them would have been prosecuted for all the crap they've done. Since that's not happening, it's up to the people to bring down this government. Failing which, the army hopefully will.

    Churchill said Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. the sooner Thailand recognizes this the better off it will be. Every vote counts the same whether you like it or not. Your outlook might seem more enlightened to yourself, in fact it would be surprising if it didn't, but if it doesn't match the majority you will just have to hone your powers of persuasion for the next election.
    There needs to be checks and balances and means to stop malicious persecution by those in power and controlling their use of public funds. But every democratically elected government can not be brought down from the streets. This is a "tyranny of the minority". A far more dangerous thing.

  2. I doubt anyone in the Thai government or in Thai politics have clean hands. However, the PTP takes corruption to another level. How do you prove anything against Yingluck when the agencies supposedly investigating her are in her brother's pocket?

    You want to talk about dumb? Dumb is people voting for the same idiots everytime when they've proven themselves corrupt and incompentant. Gotta love the downtrodden masses.

    *Spare* - so we "all do it", but "Mark is clean"? Make your mind up. Firstly, I doubt very much that you have an inside line on what goes on behind the scenes in Abhisit's sphere of influence. And parroting hearsay about Yingluck doesn't help either. Evidence, backed up by reliable sources, is what I would love to see. And that would be a first on TV.

    Ok a few details over her asset declaration ref Ad Index Co, but hardly earth-shattering or recent news. If proven, she can be kicked out. I'm all for it. But in the meantime the current puerile shenanigans going on as the power-hungry jockey for position would be quite funny, if it didn't hold the potential for more violence. Suthep is a joke. Oh boy, does he love the sound of his own voice. It amazes me that the Thais get taken in by his sabre-rattling nonsense, but then Nuremberg demonstrated the extent to which people can be dumb.

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. There's no evidence that he didn't do anything to provoke the protestors to get himself beaten up either. Those who claim he was 'innocently' doing his non partisan reporter duties are those with clearly partisan interests.

    And who cares what Nick Nostitz said in an interview? Everyone will always say something after the fact to make them look nicer and be all innocent. He seems to be the only reporter to have been beaten up. He must be special.

    Quite easy to sum up, Nick, if you are a red supporter, to venture into camp of the side and do anything other than blend in is being stupid.

    There's no evidence that he did anything to provoke protesters or Democrat MP into naming him from the stage. The only people who've claimed he was insulting protesters etc are those with clearly partisan interests. If there was an argument it seems to have stemmed from protest guards trying to prevent him taking pictures. Even if Nick was in the business of providing clearly partisan coverage to support a cause - which I don't believe he is - I still don't see why that should preclude him covering the protest. Would you support the red shirts if they decided coverage by one particular journalist (Thai or foreign, it's really irrelevant) was biased and decided to single him out from the stage in order to have him chased out? Don't want to answer for you, but I'm guessing you probably wouldn't be defending that.

    Anyway, here's another article on this, with an interview with Nick:

    “I know many of the leaders,” says Nostitz, “I know Abhisit too,” but as yet there has been no response to the incident, he adds. The only condemnation has come from FCCT, Thailand’s Voice TV, Pratachai. Thailand’s Journalist’s Association whose green arm band – that should protect journalists against violence – he was wearing at the time of the attack have also yet to condemn the attack Nostitz said.

    “They all know me,” he says, referring to various politicians, “I just don’t understand the silence. On a human level this is very disappointing. These smear campaigns are damaging. What’s done has been done, but something also needs to be done to rectify it, if only for the safety of me and my family…the protest leadership has to do something.”


  4. That's the problem. She doesn't really work. All she does is go overseas shopping and host airheaded competitions. I mean that's all she has done since she became PM.

    That some MPs accuse me of being stupid, as for this issue, it is difficult to explain or if I explain, no one will believe me because they are not the people who have worked with me.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/yingluck-responds-stupidity-allegation/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=yingluck-responds-stupidity-allegation

    --Thai PBS 2013-11-26

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