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Posts posted by RobFord

  1. 6 hours ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

    A tandoori oven 'bakes' it does not have naked flame or glowing coals inside. If you wanted to burn anything including body parts in a private garden you would need a crematorium oven to reduce them to ash. A statement that a servant was asked to light a 'tandoori' oven in a Consulate means only that someone wanted to cook Arabic style flat bread 'kubz' 

    Three days to dispose of the body. 

    “The outdoor furnace in the Saudi consul's yard was built according to his specifications and can withstand temperatures hot enough to melt metal, a worker who constructed the oven told Al-Jazeer”



  2. On 7/1/2020 at 6:23 AM, Mama Noodle said:


    Ive worn my FFP3 masks, face shield and bathed in alcohol every time I left the house and have zero doubt that masks work, even in the beginning when it was being said by top scientists in the USA not to use them, but where my doubt falls off is the hand to face/eyes/nose transmission. 


    Yeah masks are great but you'd logically think that if a virus is easily spreadable on surfaces all it would take would be one handrail, one door knob to spread the virus and in massive gatherings such as protests and riots, hand-to-face transmission has GOT to be a problem unless you wanna tell me that these protesters are carrying hand gel and are constantly washing their hands before they touch their face, which would be a hard sell. 


    So if massive protests and gatherings in close proximity to others in the middle of a pandemic does not spread coronavirus, as stated by you and others (which is along partisan lines) then the lockdowns and shutdowns are unnecessary because clearly all you have to do is wear a mask.

    Another word salad.

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  3. All of Southeast Asia ( including Thailand ) burns, and they burn at every agricultural level. 

    The only way it could be controlled locally is is to hit them in the pocket book with fines that are enforced. This will never happen as the party in office would soon be very unpopular and voted out. And losing those seats would make Bangkok very unhappy as well. Expect the same platitudes next year folks.



  4. On 6/24/2020 at 10:58 PM, dexterm said:

    I personally think it will drift towards overt apartheid. No-one has offered a pathway to a viable alternative of a two state solution (approx 67 borders, shared Jerusalem, acknowledgement of Palestinian refugees' right of return) that has been on the table since 1993 Oslo Accords and even earlier...who's going to make it happen..no-one!
     The EU and possible future Biden US administrations (or Trump even more so), who are the only ones with real clout, will offer the usual platitudes of deep "concern' over Israel's illegal annexation. ... Good as far as I am concerned. It makes a one state solution more certain!

    Palestinians will soon realize: the possibility of a separate Palestinian state is dead..therefore lets move on and long live a united Israel where Palestinians and Jews share the land in  a truly secular one man one vote democracy. What's wrong with equal rights for all in the same land?

    Never going to happen.
    Israel fears the Palestinian population would soon become the majority. Years of a dissident minority becoming the majority. 

    Multiculturalism isn’t going to work either. If anything young Isrealis are more intolerant than Netanyahu.

    Saw Bibi interviewed maybe 25 years ago. His response to the Palestinians was: “how long did take to drive the Moors out of Spain”? Over 700 years for those counting. Realized then there’ll never be a solution with Netanyahu in power.
    There may be two settlement once Israel has all the territory it thinks it needs. Which leaves the Palestinians nowhere.


  5. On 6/18/2020 at 9:37 AM, TopDeadSenter said:



    "More than 1 million ticket requests for Trump rally, campaign manager tweets"



    Because they lie about the numbers. Duh. 

    Jay Marciano, head of AEG Live, the company that runs the arena says it was two thirds empty. 

    He Tweeted “Lying Don’s show in Tulsa is a big fat STIFF! There are only 6624 people in the arena. So much for “There were requests for 1 million.” Total lies. Are we surprised?”



    This is from AEG, the worlds largest owner of sports teams and events. Wonder what the chances of the AEG getting paid are?


    • Haha 1
  6. 22 hours ago, misterjames said:

    Says he's not avoiding the question then avoids it ???? 


    Sorry misterjames. Ferguson jumped on some articles coming out of Africa and the Middle East that have since been debunked. 

    The records show that flights out of Wuhan to the rest of the world stopped around mid-day on January 23, the same day China stopped flights from Wuhan to the rest of China.




    Made a good storey ( as all conspiracy theories do ) though. 

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