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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. just tonight spoke to my thai family about this,firstly they did not like the subject because it was of a negative bent, second it was what will happen will happen, no one seemed bothered about it,or cared or shocked,it was then i realised how totally different our cultures are about these things,kon thai really do not care,it could have been 20,000, no one would care, so i think we just have to accept,kon thai don,t see it as a problem and never will,view of life completley different from ours,sorry for spelling have had a couple of drinks and did not drive.[too scared]

  2. If you were bitten by YOUR vaccinated dog, some hospitals will ask to keep the dog in observation...not to give you the shots right away, other hospitals and people will not take the risk and get the 8 vaccines.

    I was bitten slightly by a dog here a year ago.. Because was a street dog and away from my home, the hospital give me the shots series.


    After reading online that Thailand is the #3 country in the world with rabies problems, recommending get a preventive 2 shots vaccination before traveling in Asia...and reading all about, I got paranoid even after the vaccination.

    really number 3 in the world for rabies,this does surprise me a little,i would be interested to know where you found the information,not doubting you at all,but i just would have thought other places would be worse.

  3. i dont understand all you people saying you should not give the girlfriend money,however i give my wife 25,000 a month but she pays all the bills buys food,pays the school fees for her son,sends money for her other son and daughter who do not live with us,she never asks for more, but to give 20,000 a month just for pocket money seems much to much,my wife always has enough to buy things for herself such as clothes,magazines,music,so maybe the op should ask her to chip in with the money he gives her.

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  4. went to a national park a few months ago on a sunday[big mistake-very busy], i was litterally dumbfounded,people where just throwing plastic bottles and iced coffee cups and bags everywhere,my stepson threw a bottle in a bush,and i told him to pick it up,he looked amazed,when we got to an area that had a bin i showed him to put it in a bin,but it was in one ear out the other he goes around the house dropping bottles and wrappers anywhere around the outside i have given up saying anything,a few times a week i go round picking stuff up,and as you know Thai mothers sons can do no wrong in their eyes,because he has never been taught different,my wife does not litter at least not when she is with me,the thing is you get a big fine for littering in Australia though people do still do it,but i think generally less than here and yes there are more garbage bins. Possibly more action by government and local authorities,maybe ad campaigns on tv and education that it is bad for Thailand in school would improve the situation,i think basically it is something kon thai just do not think about,its like the litter is sort of invisible to them.

  5. in town this morning,two guys driving motorsai,paraletic,weaving all over the place,guy on the back swaying like he was doing a limbo dance,i was behind them,suddenly they stop,he falls off,staggers up,luckily i am going slow and have anticipated this,but am worried because no doubt the motorsais behind me are very close and probably looking at the meter of road in front of their front wheel,guy gets up,he's okay,taking a call on his mobile, i suddenly remember him thrashing about at his jacket before he fell off,to get at the phone of course,so he stands there swaying in the road,whilst stopping all traffic as his mate slumps on the bike in front ,in the middle of our narrow lane,so i cannot proceed as the street is very narrow and cars are coming the other way,then a gap opens in the oncoming traffic so i try to edge around them,but by now motorsais are flowing around me like water,i felt like tooting with the horn,but seeing his drunken state thought better of it,eventually i was able to get around,when i looked in the rearview mirror,they were still there ,other motorsais swarming around either side of them,they are probably still there now.

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  6. When they make those concrete homes, I know that they are made of house bricks with a layer of concrete over their outsides . I've always wondered when they lay the concrete what holds the concrete in place while it's drying?

    not sure if they use it here but when rendering in Australia,a bonding agent is added bondcrete was one i used to use,this gives the render a nice creamy constituency,and really helps it adhere to verticle surfaces,but it is fairly expensive,can't say as i have seen it used here.

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  7. most accidents between 4 pm and 8 pm,wonder how many of these where motorsais with no lights,and driving the wrong way down the road,on another note,yesterday coming out of the busy local market,turning left,2 girls on motorsai,who cannot see past my pickup,can't be bothered to wait,so cut infront of me just as i start my turn,luckily,i always check 2 or 3 times each way now,just managed to avoid hitting them as they sped off unaware they had so nearly ended up under the front wheels of my vehicle,when i overtook them up the road i blasted the horn at them,but it was pointless really as i don't think they realised how close they had come to causing an accident,it's got to the stage now where i even look above me,when i pull out,who knows where they will come from.

  8. In Thailand, the man is the head of the household and its ultimate authority. If YOU were responsible, she would have conferred with you before buying the puppy. Between the two of you, you would have determined whether or not the boy was responsible enough to care for the puppy. Verict: you are not the head of your household; ergo, you are not much of a man.

    maybe you should call yourself El presidente tonypace02,as you are obviously such a "big man"

  9. So you want them to jump up and run to the drive way to prevent the puppy from being run over by you or every time the pup farts go and look whats up. If I was your wife I would tell you to go to hell. Why can't you pick up the puppy yourself and do you expect them to have the puppy on their lap for 27/7?

    no i do not expect that,just to be aware that the car is out and will come back,the dog is very small and it is hard to see over the bonnet of the pickup,all they need to do is put it inside the house,or on a leash secured to something,they know roughly what time i shall be back,once the vehicle is parked the puppy can go back out,i do not think this is too draconian,my concern here is for the puppy,personally i do not want to be scraping it's remains off the driveway.

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  10. Mr Wachira failed to note some salient points;

    wear a crash helmet

    look before you pull out from a side road to a main road

    don't drive at night with no lights

    don't drive the wrong way down a road


    don't overtake a turning vehicle

    look ahead instead of the 1 meter in front of you

    don't cover your face with a jacket because it's cold or smokey

    oh and don't fall asleep,just in case

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  11. i remember seeing somewhere,a map of the world produced in Thailand,not sure what era,but it had good detail of Thailand ,with Thailand printed in bold letters,the rest of the world was a white blank that just said 'not thailand',if you look at current road maps were they border other countries,yes you have the name of the country,but most maps i have been used to for other regions of the world will at least show,major roads and towns in the adjoining country,but on Thai maps at least the one i have it's just a white blank,maybe that explains it.

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  12. fellow posters what is it with the small red ants,

    i lived in Aus for 15 years after leaving the uk [where i dont ever recall being bitten or probably stung would be more accurate by an ant] in australia,i had probably,4 or 5 ant bites and i had my own pest control buisness,mostly green ants that hurt like hell for a while and then subsided,here however,i have just been stung for the umpteethn time on the family jewels ,one got into my undies,and i found it's corpse after much,scratching and examination dead,on my foreskin,which felt like my tilac had forgotten to wash her hands after eating som tam and fondled me,why are they so kamikaze,a sensible ant would sureley try to make a getaway but here,no chance,on the plus side it does seem to enlarge said member,possibly a poor mans viagra?

  13. just wait until they start burning heaped rice husks to make charcoal,my nieghbours had a smoulder going all night,2 nights ago ,the stink permeated the whole house and made it very difficult to sleep,but this is part and parcel of living here[we live in a small village],and it's not all the time,try going to Mexico city after 2 days your nose and throat will be sore and dry,and not from burning vegetation,but car fumes,rather have smoke from natural vegetation any time.

  14. we have a hairdressing salon,next to our house i built for my step daughter[who lives with us ] and behind this i have my own room,with an outside patio,table chairs,etc,which looks out onto a paved courtyard and garden,my wife has 5 to 10 friends and family who lounge around in the front yard most days,never do they dare,come and use my area,they did once and i made it clear i was not happy[ i find blowing up ,yelling and swearing,very effective now and again,as it was putting a stop to her thrice weekly karaoke parties],this is what you need to do if you have room,there is no harm in letting them think you are a little unhinged,it works wonders for me,and i have all the privacy i need,if i want go and sit with them i do.You have to be master of your domain.

  15. cutting the road toll would require kon Thai to change there mind set,and to get an understanding of cause and effect,this will never happen,because they would rather risk their lives by not bothering with basic safety issues,as it is all to difficult,example; why do motosias here rarely every stop and look when turning onto a main road with the traffic flow,because they would have to stop and put their foot on the ground,so better to risk death,why overtake a turning car or truck clearly indicating,better risk death than have to stop or slow down,anyway Budha will take care,my wife cousin just purchased a new motorbike,the first thing he does;remove the mirrors,they don,t look cool!I have driven in many countries for 31 years,and i have to say in 18 months since i have lived full time in Thailand i have had more near misses[mostly with motorsais],than all those 31 years,i really do not enjoy driving here,it really is a lottery if you will get home ,i too go slow,but even that cannot prevent an accident arising from the idiocy i see every day,as i see it Thai drivers have the worst of all driving traits; impatience,laziness,selfishness,lack of awareness,lack of anticipation and lack of driver education, my wife who is a good carefull driver,passed her test after one day of practice in her brothers pickup,this was all the expirience she had in a car,and was then legal to drive on the road.i can only see things getting worse i am afraid

  16. motorsias that never look right when entering a main road,kids with no helmets no insurance, talking on mobile phones 4 up on a motorsai,motorsais overtaking you you as you attempt a right turn,having stopped and indicated, i was recently about one inch from killing a guy who overtook me early in the morning,as i turned right,cleary indicating and having come to a full stop,he merely glanced back at me as he so nearly lost his life,no helmet of course,unfortunatley Thai people cannot anticipate what could happen,and i find motorsais the main problem,car drivers can be bad too,but i guess they have more of an investment in the vehicle,in 18 months living here i have had more near misses than in 31 years driving in uk,usa,europe and australia,i really do not enjoy driving here,as none of these accidents would have been caused by me ,yet i know as a falang i would be blamed,i have 1st class insurance and a Thai licence,but really ,thai lak Thai ,so i don't have great faith in this,you have to be 200% alert at all times,but what really angers me is if the police and government actually had a prolonged crack down,on underage drivers,no helmets,vehicles with no lights[front and rear] on the roads at night,they could make a big inroad into the road deaths,but as many other members have said,if you have enough budda, statues on the dash and the flower things hanging from the rear view mirror,what could go wrong!

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  17. its a problem all over Thailand,many times i have been menaced by soi dogs walking back from the bar in our small village here,in central thailand,daytime no problem ,but after dark they seem to change,also agressive, early in the morning,i never walk without a big stick now,they can sense your fear,so you have to me more aggresive,but worse than this was when i was nearly attacked by a large dog in the local town,the owner and other thai's seemed to enjoy it and laughed,of course probably my fault for being in Thailand!

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