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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. Hang on how many deaths in Thailand,a hundred or so,15,000 in Uk,report's today in Uk papers of companies offering ppe only to get no response from the govt, some e mails were missed admits the civil service ye Gods it's a global pandemic British bungling at it's finest,they have a plane sitting on a runway in Turkey, unloaded as yet,Nurses wearing bin liners,oh yeah they could not make more of a ham fisted job if they tried,a govt Minister interviewed had basically no idea how many nhs workers had died,or care home patients,but my,didn't his study in cosy rural hertfordshire look nice.look you may as well have Monty Python running the place,the op is far better off here.

  2. 18 hours ago, ravip said:

    Sad, as these things happen ONLY in Thailand...

    Yes,never anywhere else,where they are generally covered up or the whole family dissapears.

    like your sarcasm on this.Some posters here would do well to remember whilst not perfect,at least there is an investigation,i am sure if wrong doing is found a larger sum will come to the family,there are many worse regimes than Thailand.

  3. With the intense heat over the last few days,well weeks actually,and lack of rain one bonus has been a lack of mosquitos, in fact evening time when i go outside for a ciggarete a veritable lack of any insect fluttering around my outdoor lights,we had 41,3 c yesterday,but perceived temp was 46c on my app,even at 10 pm it was still around 36c,thank God for ac,though around 4.30 pm it was starting to feel warm in my living room,ac going full blast and 2 fans,plus a 6 metre high ceiling i may well invest in a second ac unit for main room,too large for the one i have in there.

     We don't really get much dengue up here,i have had it years ago on Koh Panghan,notorious for it.

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