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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. On 4/10/2020 at 2:08 PM, Genmai said:


    Absolutely. Now that I'm stuck indoors my life and mental state has overall gotten much better.


    The #1 best thing is that I don't have to interact with Thais anymore. That's a massive headache and source of stress gone right there. Now that I no longer have to explain basic concepts, bang my head against the wall and complain about everything that's wrong I'm finally enjoying my life here. Order stuff online, Skype my friends/family, annoy my girlfriend and play with the neighborhood cats in my yard. Amazing. This must be hints of "the good life" that expat retirees talk about. 


    The second best thing is that I don't have to feel guilty about staying in the house all day doing whatever the hell I want. PC loaded up with games I've been meaning to get through (RPG classics), stacks of books, a bunch of plants sprouting for the garden, plenty of time to cook the meals I want to, Udemy courses online, wow holy **** this quarantine isn't nearly going to be long enough for me to get through all the stuff I want.


    The worst thing is not being able to sweat it out at the gym so my gains are quickly disappearing. And dreading the upcoming immigration office trip. That's about it. Alcohol is a no-no for me since overdoing it last year and wrecking my stomach, so I'm forced to stick to water/tea/frozen banana smoothies. If I was capable of drinking now I'd be blasted everyday for sure, and that wouldn't be good or sustainable for serotonin levels. CBD/THC oil would be another matter entirely but I haven't figured out how to get a prescription for that here...


    Another thing to consider is that we're far better off than our friends/family back home. I always had this idea that 3rd world countries are far better places to ride out societal/infrastructural breakdown events simply because people are already used to the idea of living in dysfunctional societies. It's why despite largely disliking everyday living in Thailand I firmly chose to remain here during this crisis. People back in farang-land cannot imagine their international supply lines of frozen cheeseburgers coming to a halt and pharmacies being empty. Too many people who have grown up in a safe & functional environment who cannot conceive of how their world would look if nothing worked. Yes, here it's entirely possible we'll get the occasional farang being slingshotted at by racists. But the far more likely worst-case scenario back home is widespread looting and crime amidst a sea of lost people in disbelief which is typical of developed nations experiencing a period of breakdown. Here we'll still have an overabundance of locally grown food no matter what. Since Thais are so savvy at everything online it's super easy to arrange groceries and supply deliveries through Line and FB. 


    But ultimately you're right. Nothing matters. Nothing is real.


    Except pain.


    Even the most staunch nihilist/existentialist under a high enough level of pain will admit that pain is real, and thus at the very very least some meaning can be derived through moving away from a state of pain and into a more "optimal" state of existence. How you do that and what "optimal" means is entirely up to you and that freedom of being able to decide is one of the highlights of being human.


    But maybe I'm saying this because I'm the kind of farang who gets thrown into a week-long depressive episode after too many logical reasoning sessions with Somchai. And it takes me a period of isolation from everybody to get out of that depressive episode. You might be the complete opposite. In that case you'd benefit from more socialization. Fire up a few accounts on dating/penpal/language learning apps. If you're not in total lockdown walk around and force yourself to chat with others. And stop checking ThaiVisa so often, it's not good for mental health.



    Strange ,you say the best thing is you don't have to intereact with thais, one would pose the question then why do you live here,i have always found most Thai people very nice,friendly and helpful,does help if you can speak some thai,but one would guess you probably reside in Patts,Bangkok,Phuket ect,not the real Thailand.

    • Like 2
  2. On 4/10/2020 at 12:48 PM, Liverpoolfan said:

    What's the point though?

    Walk on through the wind,walk on through the rain,though your dreams be tossed and blown[i think that's right],cos after the storm there's a golden dawn and the sweet silver song of the lark,so walk on with hope in your heart,cos you'll never walk alone ,you'll never walk alone. From A THFC supporter,who has been to anfeild and heard that song,we ,well i felt like singing it myself,after there was huge applause from the Spurs support,no team in the world has anything like it,think on that mate.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Mike k said:

    We have a well and haven't had a water problem. In fact it's raining here now been raining about 2 hours

    So do i mike,we are one of the many provinces in drought,look through the posts here,mostly from people living in big cities,well for the many of us who don't we are in a far different situation,i personally have had no town water for 2 months,when i was getting it ,it stank of rotten eggs and was brown,my bore water is crystal clear. But for many up here no they won't be throwing water cos water little they have or are getting needs to be saved for the house,it's that more than govt orders that will make it a drier than normal songkran.

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  4. 17 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    You are already sharing a house, touching the same surfaces, and breathing each others air. If someone in the house is infected, it could spread. Having a beer together is not going to effect anything. Just more inane and inconsistent policy. 

    Mike after watching Dr vong's video yesterday,i think if in a house with some one infected it's a near on certainty you will catch it.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 4/7/2020 at 3:42 PM, marko kok prong said:

    Does this apply to uni's,i have no probs only me and the gf in my house,but her 20 year old now daughter at uni,i have no problem if she comes to stay,just have to wear the mirror sunglasses around the pool,when she is swimming or lying on the sun lounger in her small bikini.

    So okay i get 2 reactions one happy,one sad? I mean okay react however you want ,but to have 2 beautiful Thai women lying around the pool ,mother 40,looks like 30 and daughter 20,looks like 20,what the hell is there to be sad about? Unless of course.......

    • Confused 1
  6. On 4/7/2020 at 2:26 PM, sirocco said:

     Abao Hakin, 28 ; Hrarat Sani, 31 ; Hassane Nordine, 36 ; Janeledokme Elidrissi, 27 ; et Elhedli Mehdi, 31 ;  Roune Yasmino, 20,  Zied Larbita, 26 .



    French tourists ???? LOL LOL LOL
    French nationality, for convenience, would be much fairer.
    This allows France to increase the number of individuals on its territory to the detriment of the French of origin.

    So what tests do you have to pass,eat cheese,and shout 'we surrender'?

  7. 14 hours ago, dunrudin said:

    Get a life!

    NO doubt you don't live in the north,what is it fan room on Pattaya,or cramped condo somewhere,you don't obviosously have to live with this smoke,prehaps dear chap it is you a relative newcomer to this forum who needs to get a life,oh no doubt you have been here for years,yet only just discovered tvf,one suggests you pull your head in a little ,judging from your post i don't think that would be too difficult! Good day to you sir.

    • Confused 1
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