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Posts posted by spare5

  1. An interim government would be appointed, which will be given a timeframe to hold elections.

    Thaksin was care taker for something like 6 months before he was ousted by a coup.

    After he was ousted an interim government appointed by he army took care of the country for more than a year before holding elections.

    Think youll find the gov would remain and just another PM appointed caretaker from it.

    This is not the same as interim gov appointed by the army this is an election process has already been called by an existing civil government and therefore must adhere to the rules.

    Regardless im making assumptions but I asked a simple Q that hasnt been shown by anyone neither here nor by the EC or the PDRC......

    Still waiting for proof like a ruling or an article # sub section ~ and not just a supposition by you whistling.gif

    Yes, that's right. As Bangkok Pundit details, individual constituency elections can be delayed under specific conditions ('riot, flood, fire, force majeure or another case of necessity') but there's nothing in the Constitution that allows for a delay of the election as a whole: http://asiancorrespondent.com/117342/can-the-election-be-delayed/

    Exactlt. RIOT. Isn't there enough RIOT already to postpone election?

  2. Perfectly said. You are a 100% right on.

    It looks more and more like a mythomaniac attitude and Mr Suthep should remove the qualifier of democrat from the name of his party . Everything this guy is saying and doing is at the opposite of a democratic behaviour.

    Here's the son of a rich Bangkok Thai - well educated and spoken with good English but not a clue about how to argue intelligently and articulately on the global media. And in it lies the problem for Thailand without a wholesale acknowledgement of corruption and the pernicious rotting influence on the body politic no change will happen. Corruption is widespread,institutionalised and robs Thailand so they say of 40 - 50 % of monies that could go into reforms and infrastructure. I have seen it at first hand through family connections at a provincial level - idiots you wouldn't employ to deliver pizzas are running provinces piled high with lucrative permits and licences and for what - the signature of a well connected guy who bought/fought his way to the table. The 'REDS' anger is deep. very deep and is the unfocused rage of being terated like sh*t for decades and paid peanuts for hard work whilst some local big wig cruises past in his Benz to wais all round. Accept , accept , accept seems to be the Thai mantra - but in the world of Youtube,Facebook , social media and the like it is far harder to put the genie back in the bottle.

    What would really scare the powers that be would be mass demonstrations similar to Brazil or the Arab Spring that come from heartfelt feelings on the street and aren't tied to one corrupt faction or another. If that day ever comes a lot of those in power will be sh*t scared and blood really will flow in the streets.

    The absolute root of the problem is the education system here. The so called educated Thais are nothing of the sort. And as for the schools, who is to blame for the pitiable structure and level of education in the North and North East which the so called educated Thais are complaining about? Thailand, on paper, spends huge amounts of money on education. Yet the country consistently scores bottom of any empirically tested tables of geography, math, language, etc, in South East Asia. It's an unfortunate fact that the people with the wealth in Thailand have, for decades, deliberately starved ordinary Thai people of a half-decent education while at the same time allocating huge budgets for education which they put in their own pockets.

    The present political mess is the result. Thailand as a whole needs to decide if it wants a modern age democracy or if it wants to live in some kind of feudal twilight zone. If it's the former, then the whole education system needs to be revamped.

    I like it when he reconfirm in BBC that 5 millions protesters were in fact on the street of Bangkok.

  3. So, the police are demanding answers from the police. (from the other thread) The protesters are demanding answers from the polce. And its been Four Days since an explanation was demanded from Chalerm as to who the men in black were that were scurrying across his Labor Ministry roof. Still unanswered, Everyone wants answers. Where's the Answer Lady aka PM? Laying low, as her brother told her to do.

    Since he cannot claim the MIB are the protestors, what answer can you expect from him? How can the so called THIRD HAND fly up to the roof top of Labor Ministry?

    Both sides worn black.

    So MIB shoot MIB

  4. Another reform badly needed before an election.

    Yes and the People's Council is just the group to champion a reform aimed at permitting freedom of press and welcoming critical foreign news reports, given Suthep's tolerance for any news reports that are not wholly committed to propagandizing his 'cause'.

    . What a joke.

    And who ever disagree that the protesters were numbers 5.8 million ...... . . . should face the People's court.

  5. Bunch of dickheads.

    Perhaps they would also like to wear ribbons on behalf of those they have murdered over the decades.


    sent from my hippo phone

    The fact is, Sgt Major Narong was murdered, just like in 2010 when Col. Romklao was murdered. What it is telling me is, like in 2010, there are some professional assassins milling around.

    If the dead Col Romklao did not get justice in 2010, why should this dead police in 2013.

    Just a comparison.

  6. Time for a business Government I would say. Both parties with justifiable seats in parliament. If I was Yingluck I'd choose for that and offer it right now. First put Thailand back on the map.

    In numbers: The TRT and Dems had respectively: 15,744,190 and 11,433,762 people vote for them. A difference in % of the population of resp. (TRT, Dems) 48.41% and 35.15%. (say 13%) This was NOT reflected in the seats in Parliament by the self dividing rule of the TRT who changed the constituencies. (TRT/ Dems) 265 seats against 159 seats or in seats 106 (!!). . So a Business cabinet with these numbers should be acceptable: 225 to 196 seats. This would be fair and exactly reflect the votes. It could stop this BS and get everyone working on ONE Thailand again.

    The Dems altered the constitution in their favour ahead of the 2011 election.

    "Abhisit government's had passed several major amendments on electoral laws on 11 February 2011, transforming the constituency vote from multiple-seats-per-constituency to single-seat-per-constituency, reducing the number of constituency MPs, and increasing the proportional party list MPs. In the previous general elections in 2007, the Democrat Party had lost the constituency vote but won the proportional party list vote." People's Daily. 11 February 2011. Retrieved 4 July 2011

    If Abhisit cheated before (may be. maybe not), That does not mean that Thaksin is also allowed to cheat in 2013.

  7. Now let the TV veterans come up with who done it theories.

    1. A man in Black

    2. A man in Red

    3. An resident of the area who's upset with the protesters disrupting his life.

    4. An police office getting even for the death of his friend.

    5. Someone who love to see a coup

    6. An upset housewife because her husband didn't come home for dinner.

    7. A TV veteran who wants more to write about here.

    Pick one or make up your own silly theory

    Most probably paid by Thaksin, but I have no proof.

  8. Just like the Kennedy of USA.

    Or Mr. Lee of Singapore.

    Or Bush, etc, power in the west also past within family.

    No it isn't.

    Was George W. Bush the PUPPET of his fugitive self exiled Daddy George H. W. Bush?

    This coming from someone who absolutely detests George W. Bush.

    Yes it is.

    And Mr Lee S L is still the PUPPET of his father Lee Kuan Yew, openly declare himself as a Senior Minister to mentor the junior.

  9. He said that at 9.15am on Thursday two male protesters had climbed a building and sprayed live rounds down on police officers below, killing Pol Senior Sgt-Major Narong Pitisit, a traffic policeman from Bangkok's Talat Phlu Police Station.

    Luckily these 2 protestors were so well camouflaged that they weren't seen by the drone or by the 10 police in black that were on that same roof.

    For some reason this press release has the sound of Chalerm about it, hick.


    Yes, this YouTube clip shows Sutheps men in action.▶Sutheps men in action- YouTube

    This is just an isolated indecent. Most protesters are kind hearted generous people like you and me.

  10. That taxi driver's brain is in good condition? He rolls up to an angry mob, shouts at them, and throws bottles of red liquid at them? Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Which is absolutely and clearly justification enough, for a bunch of guys, going at him and beating him into a pulp...in a land of bratty no-brainers with the moral maturity of 7 year old's!

    By the way: I am loosing track a bit of who died, when, where and by what, but may all of them rest in peace!

    This is so senseless!

    The red liquid could be petrol. he could have set alight and fatally burn many innocent protesters.

    I did not say he deserves to to kicked half dead, but it is his fault in making a scene to look like he is a terrorist.

    Thanks god he is up and running back to normal now.

  11. "Mr. Suthep specifically named Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul as the source of the rumour. According to Mr. Suthep, Mr. Surapong showed the photo during one of his live press conference on national television and identified it as a gunman hired by PCAD."

    "Earlier today, Mr. Surapong said in a press conference that he never used that photo to allege any wrongdoing against PCAD."

    Either one is not very intelligent. All live press conference are viedoed. Sooner or later one would be caught lying.

    Mr. Suthep or Mr. Surapong? Let them settle in court.

  12. I would like to hear people's views on Abhisit's quote, "the democratic process has been distorted."

    What does that mean to people?

    well it clearly means "we will lose - so we won't take part - so there!" and that's all it means as if they thought they could/would win their constant whining would miraculously cease

    Yet, they took part in the 2007 and 2011 elections when they didn't have much chance. Try again.

    I suspect Abhisit is sh*t scared of his former subordinate, Mr Suthep. This is the only difference between 2014 and 2011.

    Abhisit saw what happened to Korn when Korn criticised Suthep .... Korn got a humiliating public dressing down from Suthep from the stage (televised live), and a few weeks later Korn had to step down from his Deputy Leader position with the Dems.

    Pity - I liked Korn.

    You bet the wrong horse. My money is on Suthep. Not even on Mark.

    Just a trivial question: If the poor and uneducated cannot even look after themselves, how could we trust them to look after the welfare of the country.

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  13. "Abhisit said an election that would be an answer to the country must be free and fair, "

    I suspect the current rules that govern the election must be written by Thaksin, hence it is unfair and Thaksin keeps winning.

    The Thai election rules must be change, to allow the minority to win sometimes, just like USA & UK.

    Just a trivial question: If the poor and uneducated cannot even look after themselves, come could be truth them to look after the welfare of the country.

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