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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. Hi Forum.

    I am down south in Thailand and it seems to me that for some weeks now we have serious problems with ADSL connections.

    It seems that just SOOOO many people I know have problems. They can't see this site or that site but can see some other site. They don't get their mail. They cannnot send mail.

    Main problem seems that many people tell me they get a "DNS failure" error.

    And yet I know for sure that the server they are looking for and all overseas DNS systems related to it are working.

    SO... I conclude that something is wrong with a big fat router up in Bangkok somehere and that "they" know about it and simply are not doing anything to fix it.

    Any ideas, feedback or suggestions (other than the obvious please)

    Cheers and thanx from down south


    Possible but unlikely I would have thought

    - Routers use Routing Information Protocol (RIP) or more recently this is being phased out in favour of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

    theyre kinda the same - but all you need to know is Public Routers on Public Networks are most likely to be running RIP - this is a method for Routers to exchange their Routing Tables amongst eachother.... so in theory if a particular route fails - the Router will look in its Routing Table to find an alternate "way round" if it doesnt have one it will forward the packets to the next hop to see if it knows an alternate route - once this is learned, the Router adds this as the new OSPF Route in its Table and forward to all others Routers on that Network.

    you wanted some ideas - hope you aint just lost the will to go on...

  2. Im no spelling genius, so what.

    Probaly one of the worst spellers on here, doesnt mean shit really now does it.

    Even though it is not in context with the original post, I'll assist you with the following corrections, which are in red;

    I'm no spelling genius. So what!

    I'm probably one of the worst spellers here. It doesn't mean shit really now, does it?

    So, what do you think about the 'emotionless' airport/immigration personnel?

    Shouldn't the 'so what' have a question mark after it instead of an explanation mark?

    Please explain why you think it should have a question mark after it.

    i think he meant the "so what" in the question "Im no spelling genius, so what."

    not the "so what" in the sentence "So, what do you think about the 'emotionless' airport/immigration personnel?

    i think - i dunno anymore...

    ahhh whatever :o

    i thought the topic was about the lack of smiles in the land of... well... smiles

  3. Update:

    I've managed to get file shareing kinda working ok on the two machines, i am able to see both PC's shared drives and access them... had to rerun the network setup wizard on the secondary PC - this seemed to fix the problem.

    Where the problem still exists is when i try to execute a file on the secondary PC from the primary PC (through a shared folder) - i still get that weird "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item" error.

    I'm not able to connect to the internet on the secondary machine either.

    Windows firewall is disabled on both machines, i'm running zone alarm instead. I have configured Zone alarm to recognise both PC's in the trusted domain.

    Both machines can ping each other without a problem.

    #things have moved on since typing this so please ignore#

    Sounds like the problem still lies with your shares - it may be worth setting another "group" admin account on both PCs.

    Right Click My Computer > Manage > Users & Groups

    Create a test account and add it to the local admin group on both PCs

    When you create your new user - right click the user > properties

    under the "Member Of" tab - when you click Add - you will see "Location"

    if youre using workgroups or domains make sure this is selected otherwise it will only search the local machine.

    Are you using a domain or workgroup? either way you want a domain group with admin rights added to all your shares... sorry Im only used to working with large domains using active directory etc...

    ping is only for testing network connectivity via the tcp/ip protocol - it is of little help in this situation - other than to confirm that both pcs are on the same subnet and tcp/ip is working.

  4. sounds like something aint right with the share permissions...

    well try the above anyway - if that isnt any good i would take another look at your shares - maybe even start again... its bound to be something fairly simple - if your machines are networked and can see eachother then its got to be down to permissions.

  5. Sad, but what does this story tell us again?

    wreck diving is very, very dangerous and should ONLY be done with highly experienced dive instructors.

    theres nothing to support that these guys werent highly experienced techie divers - no mention of dive deapths, if they were on air, nitrox or tri-mix...

    either way if these guys had chartered their own boat for this trip - i would guess theyre not fresh off the bubblemaker course...

    i hope we get some more details on this unfortunate story

  6. My Fiance', her Father, and I went to the Thai Navy range in Samutprakarn a couple months ago when we got her a lovely 9mm. She carries all the time and everyone feels much better now that she dose. I only wish I could carry too :o what a lame rule that we can't carry guns. We (foregners) get victimized too. In the States I'm licenced and carry a Glock model 22 .40cal. In Iraq I pack a classic, Colt 1911 .45. I would like the Glock for Thailand, I would think with all the humidity the .45 would require much more cleaning and attention.

    and if you were allowed to "pack a piece" in thailand - what the f*** would you do with it...

    you sure as sh*t couldnt use it - point it another farrang and youve got a problem if they've got one too - point it at a local and you'll be watching your back for the rest of your days - and if you did use it im fairly sure you couldnt rely on the thai legal system to give you a fair trial, even if it was in defense... your ass would be in jail without a second thought....

  7. the only problem with this product is it still leaves yer balls swinging in the breeze

    - fine in most situations but not if youre trying to fend off a frenzied attack from yer mrs who's found out you've got a mia-noi

    she'd have em off in the blink of an eye


  8. Seems prety straight forward and simple what she is thinking.

    A. She would prefer not to keep having sex with you.

    B. She still wants you to look after her financialy and keep a roof over her head etc.

    C. In order to keep this financial security she would like you to live with her and keep her in cash but have sex with someone else and make you think that it is her who is doing you a good turn.

    Sounds like a cunning girl though not the first to have trapped farang this way.


    I can see where 'English Noodles' is coming from, although a tactful reply wouldve been more suitable. :o

    I thought the same when I first read your OP but I bit my lip.

    I hope Im wrong. :D

    Im sure the OP will be ammused with how many posts his topic has attracted...

    As game4shame says - english noodles seems to have it spot on here - from what ive heard from guys ive known in thailand, "C" seems a likely candidate in this sort of situation... despite what the guy thinks!

  9. Ive jokingly hinted that Ill get myself a mia-noi

    And in turn my wife hinted that if i did, i would wake one day to find her gone and my genitals removed and left on the side... or she would simply slit my throat whilst i slept.

    Hmmm....difference in culture?

    I don't think there would be many Western women who would say (or do) something drastic like that :D

    Joking about having a Mia Noi is something quite different than 'removing' genitals or 'slitting the throat', I would think :o

    I wouldn't sleep comfortable anymore when my wife would make a remark like that....serious or not. :D

    Anybody here sleeping with a MALE-chastity belt ? :D

    US$ 259.--


    when its in jest then its all just a bit of fun - i feel safe enough to sleep easy - but thanks for your concern

    if i do feel the need to live dangerously though ill be sure to get myself a male chastity belt :D

  10. Ive jokingly hinted that Ill get myself a mia-noi

    And in turn my wife hinted that if i did, i would wake one day to find her gone and my genitals removed and left on the side... or she would simply slit my throat whilst i slept.

    Now all joking aside, I wouldnt do it - but she doesnt know 100% i wouldnt get a mia noi - and i certainly wouldnt trust her, or any woman - particularly thai 100% not to cut off my bits if i did - and i aint a gambling man

    Also I have 6 or 7 mates married to Thai ladies here in the UK - and Im fairly certain all of their wives would not accept their husband having a mia-noi....

    And if they did accept it as the OP is suggesting, im sure that ultimately there would be a good reason for their apparent lack of concern - as they would be benefitting in another way... and only a fool would think otherwise.

  11. no - i dont have one of those

    i am starting to get a sneaking suspiscion that ive got a faulty access point - fortunately Ive got another lying around somewhere.

    edit# yep - ive got a dodgy access point, the antenna connectors are not working - ive got another ap1200 working fine now.

  12. Situation:

    Have configured Cisco ap1200 - check

    Have connected 2 x 2.4ghz antennas to the 2.4ghz antenna connections on rear of AP - check

    Have enabled RadioInterface - check


    Despite the above I am unable to see the AP using my wireless hot spot finder, windows wifi stuff or my Ralink Wireless Utility Site Survey.

    What have I done wrong???? Its driving me up the *king wall :o

  13. Hmm OK - in that case can you take a peak in your Windows Firewall gubbins.

    Right Click "My Network Places" > "Change Windows Firewall Settings"

    Goto the second tab "Exceptions" and check IE & Messenger have access -

    if they dont - add them, you may need to specify a port number.

    if the do - goto the "advanced" and restore defaults.

    If still not good - what has happened since yesterday when it was last working - have you downloaded or installed any new programs?

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