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Posts posted by rio666uk

  1. chanchao

    Thanks for replying.

    I'm in the UK

    If youre in UK - next time youre at your favourite asian supermarket, get yourself a bag of thai "broken rice".... its exactly that.. broken, but my mrs and her thai friends swear by it for fried rice... seems to be much drier than the normal basmati or thai fragrant rice. I should point out its much cheaper too - but im told that its not the only reason they buy it.

    As for oil i use either chilli oil or olive oil - sesami can be good but go steady with it as its very strong.

  2. Hmm... i dont agree

    Boo - where are you both living at the moment?

    Having read your post i would suggest that you let your husband have some control over the more simple of household administrative chores, despite probably not being too interested in them, its at least another bit of independence that he has.

    Although I take care of everything as you do, Im always concious to try and explain to my wife as much as i can about doing such everyday things here in the UK, so she has an understanding at least if the worst were to happen to me unexpectedly.

  3. I've no intention of lecturing you on the content or delivery of your posts. It just seems a shame that you're unable to deliver your point of view without antagonising  your fellow posters.

    If my posting style is antagonistic, it's probably because I'm a big prick in real life, right?

    Either that, or people just take themselves and their opinions WAY to seriously on this forum.

    I second endure's feelings here, and believe i said something similar to pudgi in his other topic last week...

    Ironically, Pudji's second statement seems to echo what endure said anyway.... either way its a fair comment I think people would agree.

    Lighten up people - - - its nearly Christmas - - - :o

  4. So burning needlessly petroleum as a sport is sick.

    I dont pitty anyone who has problems dong this. Real men and woman for that matter get off the ass and move their own bodies to make sport and not have to pollute the world to have some fun.

    Jet skies are one of the worse polluting crimes ever devised!

    The noise pollution is horrible too!

    I hate them just next to cigerets

    I wish all people would figure it out that its better to change our sick sports ideas then to destory the Earth making them.  :o

    Ever heard of swimming? Or isnt that cool any more?

    Wake up folks before its to late!


    is all im saying as to not get a warning or a ban.......

  5. Now dont think that Im having a dig at you personally but on first reading of some of your replies, although you may not mean it, but you sound so full of self-importance, someone who, at some point arrived in thailand - as did everyone else and thought wow - the weather, the culture, the beauty of the country and its women.... but has since climbed up into an ivory tower to contemplate yours and every other farrangs position in this new land.

    as a farrang with a thai gf/wife youre gonna be judged... ... and i think its far worse back in  your native country.

    IMHO  :o

    My writing style is what it is, and I don't think I should have to "dumb down" my vocabulary just to sound "less snobby". If some people interpret my remarks as "self-important" simply because I use polysyllabic words, that's not my fault.

    And as for being judged back in my home country, I doubt it. I could walk around the streets of New York with my wife for years and nobody would give us a second glance.

    Other than that, good points, I agree with what you're saying.

    Fair enough, like i said i wasnt having a dig just voicing an observation...

    as for new york... well i wouldnt know about that - maybe people there are a bit more broad minded, sadly not always the case in England... or by experience anyway.

  6. Due to a few cancellations... the Thaivisa UK Party / Get together in Birmingham tomorrow looks like it may need to be postponed till the New Year.

    Firstly - Can we have a show of hands who thinks this is a good or bad idea please.

    Secondly - Can those that were intending or would have come, but couldnt for whatever reason, suggest a few possible dates, in the New Year, in order to give members the maximum prior warning.

    Once we have some feedback we can post a new Poll / Topic and have another go...!



  7. " We and our wives/gfs all have to deal with that, and sadly I dont think that will ever change. Unfortunately many of the farangs that complain about that also stereotype other farang/Thai couples as well."

    Amen... and thats my problem with this thread, pudgi and mrs dont know bkkmadness and mrs situation.... and you both dont know me and my mrs situation.... and we dont know another guys situation... so on and so forth - we all judge and we all are going to be prejudged

    as sad as it is - its human nature... no?

  8. Wow - this is still going is it.... well ill chuck my 2baht in before it gets closed then.

    Pudgimelon - Ive followed this from the beginning, wanting to bite back as soon as the topic was posted... but thought no, let it run its course and see what becomes of an obvious potential flaming match....

    i think you have some valid points and youve obviously made some true observations, however, i think the reason that people are coming out of the woodwork to take a pop at you may have something to do with your writing style and persistence.

    Now dont think that Im having a dig at you personally but on first reading of some of your replies, although you may not mean it, but you sound so full of self-importance, someone who, at some point arrived in thailand - as did everyone else and thought wow - the weather, the culture, the beauty of the country and its women.... but has since climbed up into an ivory tower to contemplate yours and every other farrangs position in this new land.

    I would imagine a lot of what you see, behaviour wise of may forreigners, are guys on their first, second or third holiday... and theyre running round like kids in a candy shop... who can blame them! Why do you feel so passionate about trying to get other expats to "better themselves", you speak as though you know the path to enlightenment but havent quite got there yet as youre so wrapped up in the daily struggle not to be seen as one of "those falang/thai couples".

    I think that's a sorry state to be in, I know the feeling, Ive felt it myself when ive been out with my wife, but as a farrang with a thai gf/wife youre gonna be judged, whether it be from peers, passers by, thais, backpackers, holiday makers, hotel staff whatever... and i think its far worse back in your native country.

    But to sum up this post - I think after 16 pages its clear to see that everyone now knows your take on life and i think youve got a flavour from the flip side of the coin.

    IMHO :o

  9. Sorry didnt see the DDR2 in the memory spec of the OP.

    Seems like a waste of money to me over standard DDR400, Unless as I stated before he's trying to run an ultra-high spec gaming machine. 

    I put together (by hand) on average 2 PC's a week, frequently updating our office gaming PC's as well - Spending more on a motherboard does not increase its speed exponentially, you get more features, overclocking ability and a very slight performance increases.  For the OP's needs a brand name low-end motherboard would be more than fine.

    Agreed, no need to complicate things unless youre planning to overclock a gaming PC...

    Poor George... the guy only wanted to know if it was a fair price....


  10. for the record the OP stated the memory was

    DDR2-533 i believe this is DDR2-PC2-4200 @ 1.8v....

    DDR2-800 is DDR2-PC2-6400 @ 2.1v

    DDR2-1000 is DDR2-PC2-8000 @ 2.2v

    and ive taken this snippet from PCstats.com to enlighten anyone thats remotely interested in ddr/2 or is following this thread with no idea what its all about.... theres much more on the site if you feel the need... poor you!


    DDR2-SDRAM is considered an evolutionary upgrade over existing DDR memory. It maintains the same core functions, transferring 64 bits of data twice every clock cycle for an effective transfer rate twice that of the front-side bus (FSB) of a computer system, and an effective bandwidth equal to its speed x 8.

    Of course, DDR2 introduces some new features which allow it to ramp up to much higher speeds (with correspondingly higher bandwidth) and higher memory densities, all the while using less power.


    George - i think the spec should be fine if youre not doing anything thats very memory intensive....gaming and graphics

    remember the simple rule when considering a new system..... buy as much memory as you can, cos at some point you can betcha ass you'll need it.

  11. pkrv... its early here too and im not yet at full tilt, full speed operation...

    but im a little confused how arrived at those figures.

    "By the way I made a mistake the market price was actually 70.98 on the day of the trade (not 71.98 its too early here!) So my trade was only 0.9 points off market price."

    70.98 - 71.98 = 1 point isnt it?

    "(70.98 * 10,300) - (70.08*10,300) = 9,270 Baht.

    Assuming UK rate of 70.98 = £130"

    (70.98 x 10300. = 731,094.00 bht) - 731,094.00 = 0 ????

    sorry if ive missed something - can you explain just for my own sanity if nothing else

    thanks in advance

  12. Ive never had a problem with Chang or Singha... but ive heard that there's some funny things in Sangsom... if i drink too much of that i seem to spend the following day in a sub-concious parrallel universe, imagining talking to people that arent there etc!

    anyone else had the same experience?


  13. Hi TV'ers

    I did a search for this but only found topics about calling the UK from Thailand....

    Since coming to UK, my wife calls her mums Thai 1-2-Call mobile once a week using her UK vodafone mobile (contract)... these calls usually last between 15-45 mins and she has just exhaused her last International Calling Card last weekend.

    So before i trot off to the shop to buy another £20 card, can someone tell me if they've tried the Country Call Access Number, or any other similar thing, from a UK mobile and if so, how did you get on... reception, quality and cost of call obviously.



  14. Ive just booked a room at the same hotel for £46.95 + £4.25 for breakfast

    How the heck did you manage that? I want a refund!


    thought you may have been tucked up there Scouse...

    i booked online, so may have had a discount, other than that i dont know.. just had there email confirmation:

    "Date of your reservation: Nov 28, 2005 12:22 PM

    Arriving: Dec 10, 2005

    Leaving: Dec 11, 2005

    For 1 night(s).

    Our Rate - 1 Room(s) for 2 person (*1)

    Night of Dec 10, 2005 to Dec 11, 2005 Price per night 46.95 GBP

    Breakfast / person / day (available at extra charge) 4.25 GBP


  15. Theres a bus service that takes you across the friendship crossing, and from memory I think there are busses and minivans to vientianne, although I made the journey by Tuk Tuk. Didnt goto LP but found this which may help from Lonely Planet.... And be sure to go tubing in Vang Viang.

    good luck

    from lonely planet:

    Crossing the border at the Friendship bridge from Thailand to Laos: The safest and definitely the cheapest way obtaining a valid visa to Lao PDR is buying it at the official border, not from the several travel agencies or tuktuk drivers nearby. Foreigners are charged an extra entrance fee of 10 baht after having their visas stamped in the passport control. There are normally many taxis, minibuses and tuktuks at the border that will take you to Vientiane. (20-30 minutes drive).

    From Chiang Khong on the border of Thailand we caught a boat across to Laos. It seemed so strange going to another country like that. From Huay Xia across the border in Laos we caught a speedboat to Luang Prabang. The speedboat is a cramped longtail boat notorious for accidents, but it was only going to take six hours instead of the usual two days by slowboat.

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