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Posts posted by Crisu

  1. I am going to ask back the withholding tax from my fixed deposit account. But to be able to do that, you have to wait until the taxable year is finished (2018).So if you want to go this way too, you have to open a fixed deposit first and wait until 2019 is finished then you can try to obtain TIN in 2020 to be able to request back the withholding tax.One of my thai friends who assist me, talked with the thai revenue department in BKK and the staff told this way would be possible.No need work permit, no need thai elite visa. Just bring bank book as proof the bank charged tax on my interest + your residence in TH (e.g. rental agreement).Just in case i will prepare also copies of my passport, utility bill, certificate of residence of thai immigration    





    Got my Thai Tax ID last week in Bangkok to request back payment of the withholding tax on my fixed deposit account    


    Documents requested:  


    Copy first page passport (Visa type unimportant)


    Copy bank book


    As proove of adress in TH copy of my thai driving licence. Rental agreement would be accepted too.


    Fill out a form in thai.


    Needed time: ~15 min.



    On the Tax ID card everything is written in thai except the tax no. and my name.

























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  2. Seems to me the OP is trying to establish that he is working in Thailand by trying to get a Thai tax ID to give to his brokerage firm so he doesn't have to report & pay taxes in his home country on his investment gains & income. Maybe there's a legal way to do it,

    I visited a lawyer last year in Phuket which i know already for several years and asked him can he arrange a thai TIN for me. I woud be also willing to pay some money.

    He said there is only one chance left if i am not employed at a thai company with a salary and that is the way with a fixed deposit at a thai bank.

    I also dont have any other taxable income like rental income or own a company in thailand.

    So if you have 'nothing' right now, your chances are going to zero to obtain a TIN in 2019.

    Stock trading does not entitle you to ask for a TIN!

    But maybe other revenue departmens in TH will see it differently.
  3. 9 hours ago, alexanderhu said:

    simon43: I wouldn't call it a tourist visa since it allows you to spend 7,300 days (20 years) continuously in the country. This would be strangest tourist visa which allows you to rent a property, to open a local bank account, to stay for decades without interruption and so on. I know it's a non immigrant visa and doesn't give you permanent residence but 20 years is pretty close especially if we'll be able to renew it for another 20 years.


    ukrules: You mean someone who has been residing in the country for 3+ years could qualify for the citizenship if he or she could produce a tax return with some type of active income in it?

    Well to be honest i dont want to pay 2 mio. THB for a 20 year visa because i dont know if i stay in TH for the next 20 years and if you are already 50 years old there are other better options in my opinion which cost your far less but have to be renew every year, which mean some additional work. whit this visa you can stay 1 year, which is sufficient for me and most other expats here.

    I dont know if you are already in thailand or lived here before long time, but if not and you are belwo 50, i would apply for a 1 year Multiple Entry Visa first before i move to thailand to try everything first in TH. This Visa will allow you a max stay of 9 months in 1 year. If you still like it here you can apply for a tourist visa in one ot the neighboring country or if you want to learn thai or any other language you can apply for a "non immigrant Ed" which will allow you a longer stay in TH too.

    Why tie yourself for 20 years in the beginning and spending 2 mio. THB? Better you buy a small freehold condo for that money which is yours forever.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 7 hours ago, BigT73 said:

    If your broker had a option to pay into a Thai bank directly would you do that?


    On a sidenote my misses just mentioned yesterday that on the news thai banks are talking about TN for accounts. At this point aimed at locals for tax purposes.


    I use also Saxo SG and i pay from this accout  to my Thai account. Why not?

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    simon43: I wouldn't call it a tourist visa since it allows you to spend 7,300 days (20 years) continuously in the country. This would be strangest tourist visa which allows you to rent a property, to open a local bank account,


    You can open bank account, rent property even with single entry/multiple entry tourist visa or no visa (there are visa excemption for many countries, e.g. germany, france)






  6. I see, thank you Crisu. I do not want to pay tax, except if I have to. I simply want to avoid landing in hot water should the tax authority decide to check on my financial situation.
    You do not have too. Many choose TH also because of tax free heaven. You are not the first/only one.
    Never heared of anyone checked by thai Tax Autority. This is not germany or USA.

    If you are in need of a tax id you have to open a fixed deposit account in TH and then ask for TIN next year or you find an employment at a company then you cam ask for it this year.

    From my personal experience i can tell you SG banks/broker asked me for TIN but i infirmed them i no have and it was ok for all of them.

    Hong Kong stock broker like Saxo HK are also very easy concerning TIN i heared.

    • Like 1



    or it's locally sourced because the trades were placed from Thailand.


    You can make easy story very complicated.


    Has nothing to do where you placed yor orders.

    They mean income interest on foreign bank accounts or capital gains, rental income, dividends from foreign company ect.


    What if you place one of your orders during your holiday trip to Vietnam or in the plane by internet (i did it)? According to your tax logic this would then be foreign source and you would have to proove it to not be taxable in TH then.

    Thats complete insane.


    But anyway good luck with your research or your fear regaring AEOI and TH.











    In fact, I'm the one wanting to pay if I have to pay and truth to be told it's still not clear to me whether my trading income is taxable in Thailand or not
     According to the reputable international tax consultant KPMG you dont have to pay tax on income as a thai tax resident if this income is foreign sourced and not transferred to TH the same year it is received  https://home.kpmg/xx/en/home/insights/2014/04/thailand-thinking-beyond-borders.html


    Here some info from Deloitte










    So why pay tax if you can avoid so easy just by transferring your earnings the next year to TH in case you need the money?














  9. Any known downside to choose UOB over i.e. Kasi/BKK ?   

    I'm only looking for an savings account + atm card (or withdrawal at their office) to save in on the nowadays _huge_ atm fees. 


    I dont know if there is any downside, but i think your best chance to open an account at all is with UOB without work permit, no condo and tourist visa.I did open my account with them last year without work permit or condo. Before i tried some Thai Banks (bangkok bsnk, kasikorn, tmb ect.) in Bkk and they all refused.

    I have now a savings+fixed deposit account with UOB inclusive Visa debit card and internet banking.


    If you can open the account with Kasi ect. good luck and go on.


    Please report your experience if you are successful with Kasinorn since i can not see any recent report regarding account opening with them based on your data (no work permit ect.)




  10. The problem with asking in these forums is that people talk about their experience at a point in time. 

    Yeah, thats the problem. Most experience is several years ago.

    On tourist visa: Your first choice is UOB Bank.

    Just need prove of adress in TH.

    But up to everybody make their own experience and checking 10 different branches.

  11. On 8/18/2018 at 3:46 PM, Neeranam said:

    I don't need one as I have a yellow house book.

    I don't need one as I have a work permit.

    Why do you need one, are you a long term tourist?

    Since i am not working and not having a yellow book you need CoR for example:


    Open bank account at some banks in TH and can even be helpful abroad.


    Get a driving licence in TH


    Buy car/motorbike your name in TH





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  12. On 8/18/2018 at 3:44 PM, Neeranam said:

    What is learning the hard way?

    I always pay the 500b and leave immig. in 15 min with my CoR.


    I would recommend you to refuse to pay and see what happen to you since the treatment i patong can vary but i doubt very much  you will leave patong immigration same day like me in 15-20 min with your CoR.

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