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Posts posted by ellathai

  1. 6 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Definitely none of the derm clinics, they are focused on acne,  skin whitening] and other cosmetic concerns .


    There are very, very few doctors in Thailand with experience with skin cancer. The only one I can really recommend is in Pattaya, and second to that would be the Derm hospital in Bangkok.


    However if this is a flat mark, not a raised lesion, and since it is on your wrist which would get sun exposure, probably not high enough index of suspicion to warrant such a long trip.


    I suggest you start by going to Srinagraind Hospital in Khon Kaen (Khin Kaen University Hospital), after hours clinic and see if you can get an appointment with Prof.Suteeraporn Chaowattanapanit or Prof. Charoen Choonhakarn. Have a Thai speaker go with you. The after hours clinic usually starts around 4 PM and also on Saturday mornings.


    Prof Charoen can also be seen at Khon Kaen Ram Hospital, will cost more but be mopre convenient in terms of wait time and language




    Thanks for your reply l will get onto that.

    The mark is on the inside of the wrist and not raised,but best to check

    Thanks again

  2. Hi

    l have noticed over the last few weeks a mark on my wrist changing colour, would like to get it checked by a professional.

    I'm based in Kalasin but will be willing to travel (not to Bangkok if l can help it).

    In Australia l would pop down the doctors or a skin care clinic  and take it from there but here is different.

    Could anybody with information on this send me in the right direction please.



  3. On 6/1/2020 at 9:06 AM, Digitalbanana said:

    I had this with True before, all I did was :

    Cancel SPAM SMS:
    Dial *137 select 9 for ENG and 2 (cancel) or 3 (cancel) or 4 (cancel ALL SPAM!)


    I also had it with DTAC and I phoned support and told them to switch it off and demanded a refund, which they gave me.

    Thank You

    Did this on my phone and wife phone ,been 5 days now and no credit deducted.


  4. Hi all

    l have a vivo phone and true one year unlimited 4g data sim, l have had this for about 8 months without any problems.

    l always have credit in my account just in case l need to use the actual phone, recently l noticed my phone credit is reducing 10 baht everyday and l have no idea why, could someone  explain to me why this is happening and how to stop it.

    Thank You



  5. 10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    63 year old pensioner, WOW, last check, you had to be 67 + to get the pension in the land of Oz. Maybe he is on a disability pension ?


    I can tell you one thing, if these clowns think they are funny by claiming this guy to be a hiding kangaroo because of his nationality, it just goes to show how pathetic and child like minds they have, real "racists" trying to justify the taxpayer dollars spent for their BMW ride.

    You can still get the pension before 67 check your facts 

  6. I'm looking to buy some quality pots for the kitchen i'm based in Kalasin checked out all the usual shops here makro etc but there stuff is waffer thin rubbish.

    So i'm thinking of checking out Central in Khon Kaen or indeed any shop with quality there.

    Don't like lazada for this type of stuff you  really need to check the  pots by eye.

    Can anyone please direct me to such shops in Khon Kaen.



  7. Hi All

    A Couple of questions

    1/ The wife and l are heading back to Australia to catch up with family,l want to buy 10kg of my favorite cheese which l can't get here.

    The plan is bring back 5KG in my suitcase and 5 in hers.All frozen.

    Has anyone else done this?

    Any problems?

    2/ Can l take a litre of duty free grog on carryon on Thai Smile (Domestic)


    Cheers and Thanks

  8. My wife (thai passport) and l (Australian Passport) live in Thailand and are going to Vietnam next month for a weeks holiday.

    As far as l can understand is that the wife just fronts up at Ho Chi Minh airport and gets a visa on arrival.

    On the other hand l have to get an approval letter over internet, present that at  Ho Chi Minh airport pay a fee and get a visa .

    The fee is $us25, l presume l can pay in Thai baht ?

    If anyone has done this can they confirm that i'm right and suggest name of legit approval letter company.




    • Sad 1
  9. On 12/13/2018 at 3:54 PM, BangkokBaksida said:

    I am working in Ho Chi Minh City now.  A Vietnamese colleague came into the office one day recently wearing some new glasses that appealed to me very much - and they were very cheap too.  Here is where he bought them:




    By the way, Ho Chi Minh City has an excellent and cheap public bus system.  And there is a wonderful app that you can use for navigating it:  https://busmap.vn/?locale=en

    Thank you very much

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