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Posts posted by denz2601

  1. hello again,as before but in more detail,i was married to a thai girl for 5 years up until 2 weeks ago when we got divorced,i have a house worth 5 million baht.we both agreed prior to the divorce that i would give her 500.000 baht,half million.so i got a solicitor and me and my ex both agreed that after i paid her that she can not ask me for more money or anything,so we wrote up a proper statement saying this signed by both of us and my solictor,now the tricky bit,the house was bought in installments until completion and most of the payments were paid from her bank account by cheque in her name,so basicly the house was in her name,until the last payment of 1 million baht which i paid and at the same time transfered the house into a company name,without her knowing or signing anything????so know the house is in a company name,thinking about to sell?we are divorced and i have documents signed by her that she does not want anything after i paid her 500,000 baht.which i gave her

    but now she claims that she wants more money as i transferd the house ito the company name without her consent.

    will she get anything now if she takes me to court???????

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