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Posts posted by EastSaxCol

  1. post-20082-1258893724.gif

    Oldham 2 U's 2

    U's were 1-0 up at half-time and laying in second place before I drove up to London for a London Jazz Festival gig at the South Bank Center. I couldn't really catch the final score until I got home in the early hours , but it was a bit disappointing to read of yet another draw which sees us slip into third place behind Huddersfield **on goal difference. Although that could be changed with a win on Tuesday if we beat Stockport at home -- my last match for a while before returning to the LOS -- so, Come On U's !

    Also, it looks as though Norwich could be deducted points for poaching Lambert. :)

    ** Correction

    1 Leeds United 39

    2 Charlton 33

    3 Huddersfield 30

    4 Colchester 30

  2. I wonder what the reaction would have been if it had been an Irish hand in the French penalty area and the French were demanding a replay.Would we,on this Forum,be supporting them?I don't think so and it would be a fair bet that the British media would have a completely different view.

    No-one has supported the idea of a replay. Logistics apart, what would be the point as France would be unlikely to play as badly again ,and Ireland unlikely to play as well. Such a game would be a humiliation for both sides and neither would actually feel vindicated. The issue would still roll on, and on, ad infinitum.

    Would the British media take as much notice if it's have been France ? I doubt it given the British penchant for supporting the underdog, especially Ireland. But the same issues would have surfaced regarding poor referees, using technology ,and so forth.

    As for Keane, he's just a lout and failed manager. Nothing like deflecting the fact that he can't even manage a Championship side by indulging himself in bitter diatribe against his home nation.

  3. The fact that Henry admitted it. That doesn't make him a cheat in my opinion.

    Sorry, but that's nonsensical. mate. If someone cheats in an exam for example, if they then admit it afterwards means that they never cheated in the first place ?

    What Henry did may have been instinctual in a split moment, but it was deliberate and it was cheating.

  4. Not much entertainment to be had from his Wikipedia page as ...

    This page is currently protected from editing due to vandalism.

    Just had to make do with THIS I suppose. Although I personally would have had more sympathy if it wasn't for the shirt. Come on Ivory Coast. No cheats in that team. :)

  5. I used to go to Bromley when I was knee-high to a grasshopper back in the eightiew. I think the old gorund burnt down and this is a new ground. Pitch looks great.

    From what I was told it was the stand from which the photo's were taken was destroyed by fire "in mysterious circumstances". But the new one is very much ok, and the club house and directors box worthy of any league club -- possibly better than some.

  6. I said that I'd post a couple of pictures of Bromley's picturesque little ground when they were sent on. Well they finally arrived. No David Bailey, but still ... Thanks to Rob of ColU





    Taken from the directors box, btw. :)

  7. m waiting confirmation from fans that went, Happy hammer?whats your take on it. but apparently this was a game we should have won, seemingly comfortably. got to be just a bad day at the office for Colchester, they have so much quality cant really see them not being there or there abouts at the end of the season.

    Yes I was there and quite frankly ColU were second best for a lot of the match, whilst Exeter were impressive and disciplined. I think that most U's supporters that I heard were grumbling about a poor ColU performance, which s also true. I'b be interested to see the Grecians second goal as it was either a fantastic free-kick or that the ball swerved more than it should do under conditions that made it unpredictable. It was a quite a spectacle the way that it skidded along with water spraying each side as the sea parts in the line of a speedboat.

    I had given the game up as a worrying second league defeat on the bounce. So it was more relief than anything when Platt scored his second to equalise. Whilst we remain third on goal average leaves me wondering about a trip to Wembley for the play-offs come May. But first the critical Christmas period has to be negotiated and going on from there. Whilst Exeter, judging by today's performance, will easily be safe or better

  8. I reckon it's something you either grew up with or didn't. It's a tribal thing

    There's obviously a lot of mileage in the tribal affiliation side of being a supporter. But I wonder how much of that is a aspect that was more pronounced after around the 1980's ? I seem to remember it being less about tribalism and more about reflecting the hopes and aspirations of the community surrounding any particular club.

    As far as wearing a colours is concerned , I tend to only wear a strip which won't make me stand out in the crowd.


  9. Mate, the style may win world cups but doesn't change the fact that if you did a poll, 9/10 people would rate it 3rd compared to the Prem and La Liga in terms of excitement.

    but there's a very sound argument to be made that football isn't about excitement. it's about winning by any means necessary.

    I honestly can't see that watching overseas football league can inspire excitement. Nothing to really identify with. Ok there might be appetites and aversions like, Barca vs Real Madrid or maybe the 'Old Firm' to an extent (although not strictly overseas admittedly). But mainly, as with La Liga, it's all about appreciation of the football for it's own sake. Much like the 99.9% of the World Cup , European Championship and even the Champions League can be. Although I cannot remember being more thrilled than when Bara beat Chelsea last season. Perhaps it's that the CL is often nearer to home with likes and dislikes given the amount of high profile games that involves Chelsea (bad), Manu (sort of bad), Arsenal (good), Liverpool (sort of good).

    Be that as it may, it's different with the Premiership. Although indifferent to much of the what I still call the 1st Division, you can't help having likes and dislikes if you're indigenous to English football. I could list a whole number of teams that I wish no well for , and fewer that I really don't mind at all. The point is that it's those one-off affiliations in any given game that create the excitement and not the football itself.

  10. Why do i always feel like i'm in the dark?

    In amongst all those rules on Thaivisa, isn't there one that says bringing old disputes to new threads is not permitted unless you are prepared to explain the background of it all, thereby giving us all the chance to join in the dog fight - or should that be handbag swinging? :)

    I would fully support any measure aimed at stopping an idiot who rarely , if ever , posts anything about football blubbering childish and inflammatory remarks at ever possible juncture.

    You really don't want to join in. I'd like to think it beneath anyone over the age of about 10 years old.

  11. I wonder if you know who is still wearing his one or has he changed it for a colchester one or who ever he is supporting at the moment :)

    It must work out quite expensive keeping up to date with the current shirt especially when you keep changing clubs :D

    What a childish embarrassment you are. Why don't you just post using just smilies ? It's not like the others in your playground would notice and you might even appear more articulate.

  12. West Ham Millwall 3rd round dont think the FA will allow that to happen....

    I don't think that there's any rule to actually stop such a fixture. Although being played at a neutral ground and/or behind closed doors would be an option.

  13. The 1 p.m kick off at the picturesque little ground of Bromley looked more like a practice match for the U's than a full-blooded Cup tie. Two goals each half imposed an easy 4-0 win for ColU in the pleasant, late Autumnal sunshine.

    Only thing is that I wished that I hadn't forgotten my camera. Although I'll post a couple, if the bloke who did have his with him remembers to email me some.

  14. Wimbledon in peace, and I can't wait for Monday night, roll on the game

    Surprised me talking to one Bromley supporter who reckoned that Wimbledon AFC have the "nastious away supporters" who've been there. Was even a stabbing inflicted by one of them on a Bromley supporter outside of the ground apparently.

    Things must have got pretty mean in the Conference South last season. Only passing on what I was told.

  15. Impossible, the Burbs i can see, Stone Island too ...

    Seeing as I notice that you've viewed my profile and ,therefore, should have also seen my photograph. Then I can only conclude that you are as I have always thought, sonny boy :)

  16. ^, wonder if HH was one of them.

    Sir, for one thing I don't have a cockney accent. But proudly a SE Essex one. Secondly, the only Rangers that I may be likely to support is The Rangers at Great Notley Country Park.

    But I did find it slightly ironic following Gers1873 first post on this forum -- well using that name anyway :) I should hear of that behaviour. But unlike he and "another" who would like to tar all Celtic supporters with the same brush, I would be a hypocrite if I were to all Glasgow Rangers supporters as being the same as an idiot minority who further tarnish their reputation in Europe , as on Wednesday.

    That's all


    It's also the case that the only Celtic supporters whose behaviour in Lisbon some years back was in anyway questionable, were also London Celtic.

  17. and guys - remember if this gets too political and heated, I will have to close it

    MiG, you can't divorce international football from politics, whether with a small or large 'P'.

    However, I for one would support you closing this thread, as it's probably the most divisive that I've ever seen on this forum.

    I disagree, the LP and UTD pages are much more divisive. Shall we poll it?

    Why would you disagree , James ? You've only been around for a couple of minutes and very probably don't understand the issues involved.

    A poll may seem a good, although unrealistic, democratic ideal as far as leaving threads open or not is concerned. But I very much doubt whether going to happen.

  18. and guys - remember if this gets too political and heated, I will have to close it

    MiG, you can't divorce international football from politics, whether with a small or large 'P'.

    However, I for one would support you closing this thread, as it's probably the most divisive that I've ever seen on this forum.

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