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Posts posted by ATF

  1. Your friend can kiss his cash goodbye. Even most Thais won't do business with the Southern Thais and most of the Islands are run as private fiefdoms.

    The lawyer could have been in on the scam. Docs get switched and the contact was probably in Thai.

    Only an original signed contract is valid under Thai Law but English is valid.

    The only possibility is to ask for the cash back (extremely slim chance) in order to rewrite the contract. Get the cash and skip town.

    If you pursue the matter you could end up as crab food.

  2. Don't Thais need to show their ID card when buying gold ?

    No one needs to show their ID when paying cash unless they are buying ingots which the shop will register in your name and give you a certificate of ownership.

    • Like 1
  3. I don't think the jokes are necessarily in bad taste they are more of a knee jerk reaction to I'm glad that wasn't me.

    No dude .... they WERE in bad taste .... I can't wait to get back to Thailand

    I don't think you understood the statement properly.

    People die here all the time in strange circumstances and making jokes is some people's way of relieving the stress of thinking, the next one could be me.

    Hope you can try to understand that.

    ... really !! ... I understood the statement .... do you expats really live in fear! ..... not the Thailand I know .... maybe you have a lifestyle that puts you in danger .... I for one feel extremely safe when I'm in LOS ... but then I'm not a bar monkey and I treat people the way I like to be treated .... just saying

    Well the deceased didn't get out much either. You obviously haven't been here very long.

    • Like 1
  4. Here is a question:

    Does anyone of you have a farang best friend, meaning of any nationality and actually met here in Thailand that you could honestly say would trust without any doubts? Other than just bar buddies or those you meet up with at times for a chat and a bit of conversation.

    My goodness Beetlejuice, you see only the worst in people, don't you? As much as you like to downplay my involvement with www.LannaCareNet.org, I've had opportunity to see many "farang best friend" relationships here -- of the best kind. (as much as I dislike the word "farang"). It's not uncommon for us to receive a call from some who says "my friend has just be admitted to hospital and I'd like to help but I don't know what to do". or "a Thai lady who works with me at my school has a foreign husband who has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, but he's refusing to get it treated and she's asking me for advice. Can you help?", or "I have a friend who wants to return to his home country for medical treatment and I don't know if he's really able to fly on an airplane. Can you help with arrangements" etc.

    Thailand is full of expats who help other expats.

    Firstly my question is only an appraisal, out of interest, no more, no less. In answer to another poster`s question, I do have 3 long term close farang friends.

    You do keep frequently reminding us of these outfits you have set up and all the good work you are doing. Perhaps you would like to become known as Chiang Mai`s answer to Mother Teresa? But as I have said many times previous I am not impressed for reasons that I have stated.

    My advice is to make your outfits sponsors here on Thai visa and become officially registered rather than use these forums to plug your businesses and than perhaps I will view you with credibility.

    She's a Digital Pikester BJ her vids are all over You Tube. You need to get down to CM Rotary Club and find out what's really going on.

    • Like 2
  5. It's all to do with the mentality of the people and IMHO nothing to do with the US.

    Flippers don't have the work ethic of Thais. Considering most Flippers speak English you would think this was an advantage but it isn't.

    Burma is over 50 years behind Thailand and Bangkok is a first world city. Manila isn't.

    Even China has problems competing with Thailand in certain industries.

    However Thailand has reached a plateau at the moment but once the politics are sorted out I see no reason for it not to move forward.

    I know many Filipinos that will disagree with you , the people I know work really hard , one of the best people you can hire as crew on ships , the Filipino teachers I know working in Bangkok are not more lazy than the Thai teachers, thats for sure.

    Yes they do have the work ethics in Phills , but they also struggle with poverty and corruption everywhere.

    Most companies in Thailand are Chinese owned and as others have said the Chinese know how to do business.

    One my visits I've found them to be a lazy bunch that are mostly only suitable as employees.

    They are like poor people the World over. Instead of ramping up their game they cut back and eat recycled garbage called Pak Pak. Google it and puke.

    How many Filipino multinationals are there - San Miguel?

    Water used to be more expensive than Coke and Coke was more expensive than beer.

    Why does every convenience store have guards with shotguns or automatic weapons. It's a cesspit.

    • Like 1
  6. If anyone not happy with a 2 tier price system....simple don't pay for it....nothing to do with racism...if one travels near and far one would know thailand is not the only country...bah.gif

    Try getting a cab in Malaysia. They'll take every Muslim in the queue before they'll take you.

    • Like 2
  7. Can someone please explain the attraction of Buakhow ? I frequently walk through it on my way to more attractive venues, but I've never really understood why anyone would want to park their carcass there from 10am in the morning and stare out at the traffic.

    Probably the best place to go is the Butcher's Arms but it's about the only place where the Middle Eastern types don't hang out, but there are much better places.

  8. What is an undesirable? Is it a law abiding overstayer? Or is a rich international criminal that is able to look "legitamate" with a bought visa?

    How can an overstayer be law abiding? Simply by overstaying he has committed a criminal offense. Everyone has to buy a visa criminal or not.

  9. I have traveled the world and lived in a few different countries. Been Thailand 20 years. I would have to say that I have never met such low life people than here. American, British, Iranian and Thai are the worst I have seen but I am sure all countries have their share represented in this land of scams and liars.

    I would normally trust people and not think badly of anyone but have learned the hard way that you can't do same here. Trust no one but be friendly. Expect the unexpected ....

    You should stop hanging out in the Rotary Club.

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