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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. ... and the last time a visited about a year ago, those nice pirates on the 3rd floor were operating a marshalled Cartel

    They chose the price or you don't get home...


    But they did smile alot (Until I tried to negotiate....)



    Is it not common knowledge now that you go upstairs to Departures to get a cab and avoid all the scammers and fare loaders?




    Mate, have you had a read of this?




    Maybe the situation has changed these past few months?



  2. ...as someone said to me - "argh! You have to have a child... why should you be Happy, all your life!"

    (I don't particularly agree, but at present, my Son may...

    Maybe a single man's guide to happy expat life in Thailand.

    Seems rather a lonely existance to me.

    I get the feeling of 'I am a Man, therefore I am an Island'

    Each to their own.

    That said, a well written OP.


  3. ... it's called delusional disorder

    I drive a Merc I say if it rocks your boat go for it and my partners father lives 6 hours away and has not been to see us in 10 years we visit him so easy to jump in the Merc and wizz off when I say so.

    In 10 + years never had a driving problem. My hobby is my 3 dogs and 7 cats and the fish in the Klong right out side our new house.

    Each to your own and I do not care what people might say or speak when I get out of the Merc.

  4. ... but you still want a low price for your "assembled in China"?

    (Apple quote)

    Once again the lack of Quality Control in China...

    They try to burn your houses down. They try to electrocute you, now they are trying to poison you... whistling.gif

    By the way the news also says KFC have problems too...

    It's a US subsidiary.

    A production line at a Shanghai Husi Food factory. Chinese officials have accused the subsidiary of a U.S. company of selling expired meat. Reuters

    BEIJING—The chief executive of a U.S. meat supplier apologized Wednesday after managers of its Chinese subsidiary were accused of intentionally selling expired meat to restaurants. Chinese authorities detained five people.

    OSI Group Inc., the Ilinois-based parent of the Shanghai operation under scrutiny, dispatched a team of its "global experts" to address the problems in China as its CEO vowed that the "completely unacceptable" missteps wouldn't happen again.

    " dispatched a team of its "global experts" to address the problems"

    Maybe they should have dispatched a team of global experts to run the company properly in the first place.

  5. ... can you explain: the Kindness bit?

    I work in a school of Desperado (Thai) teachers, most of whom still look through me like I don't exist...

    I took some photographs to help out the (failing) Marketing department -

    more people smiled! well for about a week..

    Then last week I bought an ill women some cough sweets and people were extra smiling {normal in the West] and saying hello (Most for the first [genuine] time!)

    I feel like an alien observer!!!

    (PS when I venture outside the school 99% of people are "Normal" (Friendly couteous etc)

    A lot of good advice there......

    Just one other point.......

    Here "kindness" can be seen as "weakness"......

  6. did you mean - will the Shanty town be rebuilt on the beach?

    Or will the beach be for everyone, with up to date comfortable
    seating/laying/sunbathing chairs, for a reasonible price (Monitored)

    PLUS regulated space for people to walk along the beach, where children can play...

    Thailand can not live in the past But Thailand still needs to be low cost AND provide

    what the customer wants (Especially the Target market of "Quality" Tourists...)

    Thailand is great for back pakers (I was one)

    Then there's Alcholics/Sex tourists

    Thailand need's to cater for people who generally save all year for their 2 weeks of Paradise.

    They dont want Shanty - anything!

    • Like 2
  7. Government/Education/Schools should realise that there are people willing to come here

    But they must be looked after!

    It is much easier and cheaper to hire English speaking Thais

    [so why bother with foreigners] "Foreigners just come and go"

    I took a 50% pay cut to come here. (Because I can afford to)

    It cost me THB 50,000 to Fly/Visas and settle in costs.

    (Including Loss of Salary because through procrastination and bureaucracy I had to fly out again)

    Real Teachers aged between 24 and 44 with at least some experience and qualified

    cannot afford to stay here, if they want to retain any semblance of a "normal" life

    Other countries in this area offer far better welcomes than Thailand,

    including Vietnam and China - with ALL costs covered.

    Even a flight home every year to visit family!

    (As with all International companies)

    Despite having, all "the bells and whistles" and an excellent track record,

    I am treated as just some foreigner - like an office junior...?

    I wanted to stay here, but I am thinking of leaving.......

    This is a good thing.

    Get a work permit and work visa. Pay your bloody taxes. Then you'll have no problem.

    This visa run thing has gone on long enough. One of the good things that will come out of this is we will have less 'teachers' now. We really don't need all this riff raff 'teachers' whose only qualification is speaking the language and being white. High time this country hired real English teachers.

    If they want real teachers they will have to pay real salaries.

  8. ... and if they are having a "Bad hair day" they can do and say what they want - they can "punish" you
    for daring to use body language that suggests, that they/or someone in the office made a complete F up!

    TIME to have written RULES ON the Office Wall - so NO ONE can be "Confused!"

    OK after that, a NAMED superior Duty officer has the right to intervene under special circumstance - (not covered by the basic rules)

    BUT the Point is RULES are RULES - no qustions ANYWHERE in Thailand.

    Most Immigration officers I have met are genuine professionals - but a few are Definately Not.

    In my experience 1 in 3 visits has seen someone crying, destraught or shaking their head/arms in the air -

    completely amazed at their experience. (I don't believe that all these people were trying to do anything illegal)

    This is NOT good for Thailand - especially for working or doing business here -

    It is NOT any Honour to Live here! (Or be a genuine tourist)

    What is written into law is this: The official Immigration translation of Police Order 777/2551 of which 2.4 covers the 30 day extension of tourist visas with the heading:

    Criteria and Conditions for Consideration of an Alien's Application for a Temporary Stay in the Kingdom of Thailand

    Note the word 'consideration'. It is always within the discretion of the 'competent official' whether or not to grant such extension -- they are in no way obligated to do so just because you show up with your 1900 baht.

  9. ... isn't that a Description of Marketing?


    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>



    what's wrong with beach chairs, umbrellas, cold drinks and snacks being served, if they are not overpriced and reasonable quality? People making living of the tourists there are not mafia

    the biggest problem of pattaya beach is poor quality of water, with an urban waste being pumped without being treated strait into the sea for the last 40 years


    The beach is run by local mafia... They own all the ones in the best places and you have to pay them to pitch anywhere else.


    I think you will find these mafia include local officials and police chiefs.


    They treat it like they are the owners and if you don't pay, you have big problems.


    They also encroach almost all the way to the waterline save for a few feet... basically they gobble up 80% of the beach space, and let's face it.... make it look horrendously ugly, like a squatter camp in Johannesburg.


    Maybe a few quality built modern looking beach side bars and restaurants would look a lot better dotted about randomly instead of a claustrophobic huddle of shanty structures.


    Jomtien beach next I hope.


    Agreed. the concept of private vendors gobbling up all available space on the beach and uglifying it is a real problem here. The beaches would look so much better if people could go and put  a beach blanket down and chill uninterrupted. It's a shame that every stitch of real estate has to be used to suck more money out of people. 


  10. ... don't believe everything you read...

    I stopped drinking milk after I did a little research. I have read studies by more than a few legitimate medical experts, not just wacko alternative quacks. It is not necessary, useful or healthy for humans to consume cow's milk for any reason. Of course if you only listen to the massive dairy industry promotional 'information' then you won't get the truth. Even calves stop drinking milk after they are weaned--they drink water--fact! Celebrities get paid big bucks to promote this profitable industry. Read 'The China Study' - the Chinese don't drink milk and have a low incidence of osteoporosis. If you still insist on your cow's milk know that processing milk creates an unhealthy product.

    • Like 1
  11. Many years ago I had similar problems. (I took milk to help the pain!)

    I found that a couple of beers at night actually made me better, and for a day or two...

    I was later diagnosed as having Helicobacter pylori and treated with a specific antibiotic.

    This worked for a while, but I found having a garlic tablet between meals STOPPED ALL stomach problems.

    I now always take them - except when I have had a beer or two...

    Try it. You can get "Tastless and odourless" types

    (The more you pay the less your breath will smell... and the more it works)

    • Like 1
  12. ... at first I was going to say, I don't understand what you mean...

    I have been to US 3 times for a few months at a time, been travelling for over 30 years, and been around ASIA for 8

    I don't have any [real] problems with Americans....

    But I have observed and listened to many people comments, from around the world

    Then I remebered the girl "model" from the World Cup -

    she was quoted as enjoying shooting wild animals - followed by "next, maybe a few Americans..."

    I had no idea why, especially young, Belgians would have a problem with Americans (Maybe I will research that one day??)

    And reading your post I could answer by saying that many people think Americans live in a "bubble"

    (Recently an American replied to my post about gap years - his reply was about Americans only,
    without a thought of the rest of the world... (bubble)

    Their are 360,000,000 ish Americans - 7 Billion people in the world (1.6 Billion speaking English to a 'fair' degree))

    To move on to your points in your post:

    Europe is often seen [by Americans] as a small tourist place with small governments, with the infamous line

    "It's Tuesday so it must be Italy" (I have spent many, many, weeks in Italy and haven't begun to see all of the 'real' Italy)

    Americans always say for example "Paris France" rather than Paris
    (This is a minor irritation to the French who know Paris is more famous than the American one - so should have the respect of being called: Paris)

    But then, more importantly, the culture of many countries is that "scantily clad" people is an insult to their culture/tradition and/or religion...

    (Including Thailand, RE: Beach wear, on the street)

    If you are going to tell them different, is your problem - "when in Rome"

    I was in a bar a few years back and an American (Of good education and maybe 30 years of age)

    was shouting really loudly ... about himself...

    I actually turned to him just say would he mind lowering his voice, but on seeing his bare muscled, arms,
    I decided he was not going to listen to REASON - he notice my reluctance and laughed, even louder,

    where upon his friends told him that he was "a bit Loud" [even for an American]

    This shouting loudly, is NOT wanted by the rest of the world!
    (They don't want to know your life story, or how important, you are)

    Whoever introduced this False confidence got it [culturally] wrong

    It is "reverse Psychology", and is [seen as] False modesty - by everyone (outside the bubble)

    I know that Americans like to be positive with phases like (Loud) "How you doing today"

    and "you have a great day now"

    (To perfect strangers...) Again this is seen as false/insincere by the rest of the world

    You may say - so why should we [Americans] change!

    ... because you are actually part of the world village,

    and nature (and psychographics) demands you join, ADAPT, and respect

    (Not the other way around...)

    When I was young, I and most of my friends, hated Americans mainly because of Vietnam.

    But when I visited them at home, I changed to thinking they are really nice people...

    and Not loud....???

    • Like 1
  13. 15 days before - so if their is a problem (Or Rule changes...) it can be sorted out before expiry.

    Perhaps "within 15 days - the earlier the better"

    And using the term "Back-Packers" was a generalisation to include people who just wanted to be in Thailand for Up to a year.

    (I haven't been out of the country in over a year and know others who just visit airports or visa offices, to continue their easy beach life...)

    Maybe they meet someone from Thailand or another country and are lucky enough to have funds to remain here -


    Perhaps I should answer my own question and add a suggestion
    (But it does include a degree of "follow-through")

    To Prevent illegal workers / criminals

    Long stay Tourists - Get a Double entry for 6 months, then 15 days before that visa ends,
    apply for a new Double entry
    (Involving an Exit for a minimum 5 days - Any country any transport method).

    After that the Tourist must not enter Thailand for a further 6 months -
    Except for 1 month as normal vacation/holiday 'Free' entry.
    (No back-to-back. on that)

    Then the rule starts from the beginning.
    (To allow for a Pre- University Year, a Gap Year and a After University "year off").

    If they were working or committing a crime, they could be banned from re-entry, and fined.
    (Length and amount commensurate with "earnings")

    I don't get the apply for a new visa 15 days before your visa ends?

    And nearly everyone in my home country takes a " gap year or after university year" and most of them travel. Mostly as backpackers. But they never go to one country in Asia and stay a year in that country.

  14. Perhaps I should answer my own question and add a suggestion
    (But it does include a degree of "follow-through")

    To Prevent illegal workers / criminals

    Long stay Tourists - Get a Double entry for 6 months, then 15 days before that visa ends,
    apply for a new Double entry

    (Involving an Exit for a minimum 5 days - Any country any transport method).

    After that the Tourist must not enter Thailand for a further 6 months -
    Except for 1 month as normal vacation/holiday 'Free' entry.

    (No back-to-back. on that)

    Then the rule starts from the beginning.

    (To allow for a Pre- University Year, a Gap Year and a After University "year off").

    If they were working or committing a crime, they could be banned from re-entry, and fined.

    (Length and amount commensurate with "earnings")

  15. ... so a tourist could be - visiting friends/family, having a break, visiting a hospital "for other reasons", and for looking for property,

    meeting business contacts - who are not partners, yet...

    Let them be "innocent, until found guilty"

    After that - if they are currupt, dangerous or actually gulity (Worldwide)


    I bet Thailand made up their own idea of what a tourist is.

    Here is what the World Tourist Organization says...

    "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes"


    So..you see, long stayers can be tourists up to a year....according to everyone else, except Thailand. Notice that the above mentions leisure, business and other purposes.


    Note that it uses the word 'places' as in plural -- not stay in one place outside, etc.

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