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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. but not a frenzied attack that seems normal here

    Along with a sexual assualt every 15 minutes

    No comparison, especially given the history of Australia, or "cowboy" America

    Just googled up on that Australian school boy case. The victim was 18 the person who killed him was alost 15.
    After retrail he recieved minimum sentence of just under 8 years. He struck the victim in the head twice with metal end of umbrella.Pierced his skull, died.

  2. This is the second time I have stated on Tv - YOU can make a difference

    Even with words (said in the right way)

    You are a ferang here but not in th world.

    But OMG! Thailand is part of the real world too and should get used to that idea!

    If YOU sit on your arse and say nothing YOU are just as guilty as knife wielding cowards...

    NAME and SHAME

    And to repeat myself again - there is no social Education here.

    YOU can make a difference - keep smiling but keep trying...

    It is what it is.

    Do I like it ... No

    Can I change it .. No

    Move on ... nothing to see here ...

  3. Great idea in fang principle.

    But what about the hard work?

    and the paper work (having to be legal)

    and the (maybe lose face if things go wrong) or Thai rules are changed locally...

    Short term trembles

    Oh and the "we can't pay them" so we need to get more Ingrit - Thai teachers instead...

    ... Fool circle

    Awful. Why is it so difficult to get a working visa in Thailand? Thailand needs to follow in South Koreas footsteps. All of the paperwork is done while the prospective teacher is in his/her home country. Before I taught in SK I needed my bachelors degree notarized and apostilled. The same with my FBI check. Included was my sealed transcript. Once done I sent the items to my recruiter who then secured my working visa for the year. The process took 3 months mainly because of the FBI check.

    Why can't Thailand implement something similar?

  4. ... nope they only paid the people in charge...

    People losing their businesses [being run in accordance with the "local rules"] and now

    standing in front of the ruins of it all ....

    ... others cheering about it because "it just serves them right" !!!

    The brainwash goes very deep it seems and thinking about it is obviously strictly forbidden !!

    A shame what is happening here.

    You are a nice funny guy. May you give me your address? Tomorrow i will open a beergarden in your garden, no rent, no tax ........

    If you pay me, no problem. That's what these guys did also ... they paid the ones who were in charge ! Government officials, police and local authorities !!!

  5. It is time to end the "Rikshaw" mentatlity that allows the poor to "beg" on the side street stalls.

    The poor cannot compete with the Masters of curruption, but suffer most from them, and will never have the chance to move up...

    The currupt are no different to loan sharks.

    Even at a professional level, staff are given extra work, for the priviledge of a higher position -

    but they have many extra tasks to perform and have many more responsibilities - without a penny in extra pay.

    This is little more than Slave Labour

    And is why Unions were formed

  6. In China they have a couple of cartoon characters:
    two men, one tall and thin, the other short and fat.

    They try to understand certain rules or new laws. (Without any dialogue) But of course they are hopeless,

    and one or the other get into all sorts of trouble (Wyle E Cotote style)

    Anyone (Everyone) who is not as stupid, laughs at the men but also gets the message.

    It is shown everywhere but only for a minute or so at a time.

  7. is this the start of modernism in a "quality" Thailand

    Or just the calm before the storm -

    the gradual "Return to Type"

    I cannot believe the psyche of Thailand will change for generations.

    And I'm sure Most people in Thailand don't want to be too "ordered"

    In many "civilised" countries, they have reached a consesous of order, through wars

    and parental proaganda of the "correct" behaviour, where cowardly acts are considered,

    acts against the family and country.

    Democracy is a right but not if it's bought or bribed

  8. I have been a Native speaking teacher in ASIA for many years - I always categorically state,
    "I'm not here because I'm the best teacher, [not better than local teachers]
    I'm here because I speak English" -

    (with a professional accent and utilising 20 years of Training/teaching + International business experience and quality work experience)


    You pays you money you takes your choice!



    You need to start by hiring native speaking english teachers only.whistling.gif BTW wasting money on paid junkets as such are not only a waist but a crime.wink.png

    Sorry, you can be a native speaker and a lousy teacher. Just try to get a Thai to teach you Thai and you will see. 


    Teaching if done correctly should NOT only be based on being a native speaker. I have had a native speaker teaching me English the guy was good but became upset when I told him he was wrong (i was correct I was just a kid). Later on I had a Dutch teacher teaching me English and h is teaching skills made up for the fact he was not a native speaker. I learned a lot more from him.


    Just imagine all the horrible accents there are in English, plus some have absolutely no skill in keeping a class interested and under control. Sorry for not agreeing.. and I am not a teacher but smart enough to know that knowing a language does not make you a teacher you need to know how to transfer your knowledge to others in an good way.



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  9. Can't say I like working here anyway - it may be a good time just to go...


    When the "Junta" took over, the school dropped my pay by THB10K. so I think that was the last straw...

    They obviously panicked but No discussion "take it or leave it"
    I feel no loyality to them


    I do feel sorry for the students, but they will survive




    But my visa is until April


    Didn't I see on Tv that You Cannot!


    I may come back or may not be back in time... who knows, she may be OK.


    "So THB2,000 just to leave the country for a family visit!"

    You can leave for a visit and not have to get a re-entry permit.
    No charge for leaving.



    Then you better pay it just in case.  Yeah, its a rip off.  But its part of living here. We all do it when we want to leave and come back on the same Visa.  





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