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Posts posted by jobsworth

  1. it's a bit of a grey area and hence your question.

    you might be able to sneak through.

    i would just play it by ear.

    good luck and may you prosper.

    some years ago i stayed in Poipet Cambodia and took a motodop to the casino area

    to eat some Thai food since Cambodia food in Poipet was not very good.

    then when i took another motodop back to my hotel in Poipet Cambodia i was stopped by the Cambodian immigration and had to show my Cambodia visa.

    i don't think Thai immigration will stop you.

    you cannot go to the roundabout which is definitely in Cambodia.

    i know that i was going the other way but i hope that this helps.

  2. Where are the banks going to get 30% of all the money owed (It's "owed", NOT "promised".) to all of the northern farmers? If I were a farmer I would be afraid of a "30% of money owed" settlement, as a possible "final word" payment. The older I get (and I'm pretty old now) the more I think this is how the whole world economy works. Nobles and serfs. Ever hear of "Noctus Primus"? An old English right of Nobles over serfs. Maybe it still goes on..

    Prima Nocta or

    Droit du seigneur.

    or should that be


    any Latin scholars out there?

    i guess the yellows are the nobles and the reds are the serfs.

    There will always be haves and have nots.

    Democracy was invented to redress the balance and prevent either side becoming too powerful

    and thereby ensure peace.

    • Like 1
  3. Only thing I never understood about some Thai-parents, is how they can live with sending their daughters work in GoGo bars - and call them constantly for to have them send more and more money (even after they have built the house and bought the pick-up truck).

    How they as parents can do that and live with themselves, I will never understand... Maybe you can ask that? Personally, I would rather work myself to death, than send my daughter into prostitution. But I guess these parents will not be members of that site anyway...

    Some honestly don't know, convinced their daughter works for a bank and is very successful. Some think their daughter is simply married off to a rich foreigner. Some haven't seen or heard from their children in years and think they're dead. Some are just in desperate poverty and can do nothing about it. Some are evil, but not many.

    It's all heartbreakingly sad to witness.

    Sorry to go off topic.

    Christianity and not Jesus Christ teaches that sex is dirty and we should feel guilty about it.

    Drop that and think about the money and then sex work becomes just like any other job.

    No christian will ever agree with that.

    • Like 1
  4. the photo is of the poipet/aranyaprathet border crossing but the incident is supposed to have happened in Koh Kong province.

    just north of koh kong is the cardoman mountains the last wilderness in south east asia.

    it is difficult terain to trek in since it is all rocks and water and steep slopes.

    it is easy for foreign trekkers and khmers to stray onto thailand and it is the khmer police who have set up check points to prevent this.

    i wonder what really happened - sounds more like a case of bad map reading only there aren't any good maps.

  5. all computer power supplies are switch mode.

    the older ones have a slightly live case unless your condo has an earth.

    Most condos do not have an earth and it is expensive to provide an earth.

    the newer power supplies do not have a slightly live case.

    So the cheapest solution is to buy a new power supply at about 500 to 800 THB.

    It is the box screwed at the top of the case where the mains lead plugs in.

    Of course then you have to fit it which is not that difficult.

    Hope that this helps.

  6. How does one get to be a 'foreign operative'? It sounds more than a little exotic and very cool. Do you get an official looking badge? Is there an entrance exam? Do you need a WP?

    First you go to prison in Thailand or your own country.

    Then you get invited by the local police to work in Child Protection

    possibly for a reduced sentence.

    Pattaya is full of them and they are all above the law.

    • Like 1
  7. what - only 50 THB to connect the external to the internal?

    my bunch in Pattaya wanted 1000 THB to do that

    and the cable was the other side of the soi.

    did it myself in the end.

    not quite legal and they made problems later but it worked great

    i don't see that being down the end of a cable could affect signal speed - signal strength maybe.

    good luck with your new internet connection.

  8. My wife says it was most likely to be the cigarettes sellers themselves. If so, expats should stay well away from these markets and stop supporting the thieving bastards.

    what i would do is next time again buy 5 cartons from the same seller, then ditch 3 of them in Cambodia and see if you still get stopped and searched later on.

    the tax is about 850 THB per carton and the fine is 10 times that or 8500 THB per carton.

    It is still a half price buy and you would know who is the snitch.

    A friend of mine purchased 41 cartons and lost his pickup truck.

    the fine was 40*8500 = 340.000 THB.

  9. When will the human brain finally evolve?

    The North Korean leadership is made up of very neurotic people.

    But Human brains are rarely the problem.

    Our neuroses are first and foremost entangled in our bodies, not our brains. Irrational thinking is usually a symptom of body related emotive problems not the cause. The irrational neurotic behaviour is body related and merely filters our thoughts to make it appear that our brains are coming up with crap.

    The faster humans come to realise and deal with things in this way the better the world will become.

    Even university academics 'brains' are so wrapped up in their own body-neuroses that they stubbornly refuse to accept it, despite the insurmountable evidence is that "regular psychology" has got it all so wrong. I mean how many people get angry in their minds without their body being involved in some way? The body has emotive reactions then the brain follows NOT the other way around!!

    True "open mindedness" requires one to deal with their bodily neuroses in order to unfilter their perception of the world around them. Its hard enough for a well-to-do individual in the west; fat chance this will happen in the DPRK anytime soon!

    See here rather than me rant any more on in this forum: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatic_psychology

    i proscribe a thai oily massage with a happy ending.

    does wonders for the mind.

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