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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. "a Korean or japanese who ultimately has more similar features as a thai"

    I guess they all look the same to you, but perhaps not to a Thai.

    I think that there is a perception, perhaps well founded, that Japanese and Korean men can be much more patriarchal and chauvanist than Thai men.

    That comment was referring to more similarities of a Korean person to a this compared to a Caucasian to a thai

  2. Why do you have to attack me for asking a simple question , does it make you feel better . Only small people attack someone they know nothing about .Get a life .cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    I didnt attack you, nor intend to either,

    but the view of "all my exes are better when with me" comes across as arrogant, and self righteous,

    not saying you are one, but there are a lot of losers on TV and thailand who think they are awesome and gods gift to women and the country because they have much more money then an average thai, and farangs are seen as desirable by women for whichever reason

    • Like 1
  3. Curious question, lots of opinions expressed here by and about farangs

    but when i stroll around the streets of bkk, I usually pay attention to how how non farangs get treated, say the arabs, indians, blacks etc.

    How are the japanese/koreans seen as from thai perspective???? are they all lumped into the foreigner categories with farangs??

    are they considered say more desirable then a thai man in general,

    Ive heard both mixed opinions ranging from "I wouldnt go near them" to "they are sophisticated, cultured, polite and gentle, and are at the top of my list, I wouldnt go near a farang"

    me thinks that if you are after a foreginer, why not go for a white foreigner rather then a Korean or japanese who ultimately has more similar features as a thai

    Serious discussion only please ;)

    Offtopic but I recall I was walking down sukhumvit road and there was a attractive girl standing there, I assume it was a hooker or similar, and two fairly handsome young indian looking men in front of went to talk to her

    and she yelled "dont talk to me, I dont do chocolates", the guys just laughed and walked off, I felt sorry for them actually

  4. Often, but not always, Thai women who have been together with a farang for a long time, will find another farang once the relationship has finished. But I also saw a few of them hooking up with a Thai man instead. smile.png The situation of a Thai man playing father to the GF's look kreung (half farang) children I have never seen yet.

    Would be interesting to hear some case stories.

    assuming they arent bargirls,

    I too have always wondered when a thai girl goes out with any farang, they seem to stick with them, like the saying "once you go black, you'll never go back" type of scenario.

    I hear lots of non bar girls who say "I not want thai man" and when you ask them why, they really dont have an answer, like literally, have no answer, at least the bargirls will say/lie and say they're drunks, gamblers, playboys, lazy or whatever

    I wonder if they have experienced a farang, they think that farangs are better? or they see it as an upgrade, or farangs are seen as easier, or going back to a thai man with a mixed kid is something that wouldnt happen ?

    back in my home country, a lot of asian girls in general who do date asian men, once they get a white guy, also tend to continue with them too.

  5. This is not a negative thainess experience, quite a positive one

    my first visit to thailand about 10 years ago when I was early 20s, with my at the time girlfriend,

    we were walking around looking for the boat terminal near the river, and were lost,

    we asked a middle aged lady walking about for directions, she told us directions and we got chatting,

    I lived in oz, GF lived in Japan, and we were there for a week

    after we told her our countries, she says "my 18yr old daughter went on exchange to Japan recently"

    and "my husband is working in Perth as a scuba instructor"

    followed by, "would you like to come to my house for lunch"

    to be honest, I was freaked out by the coincidences of the countries, and was quite skeptical

    so politely declined saying we had to get back to the hotel now to catch a flight out in a few hours.

    I still wonder if she was just being genuine, or we'd end up missing a kidney or two had we gone

  6. I met two girls long time ago who made their conservatism very clear. One said though she is not a virgin now she is a "christian" and would not do it again until marriage. Another told me she never wants to have sex. So I asked her if we got married could l take a girlfriend. "No that would be cheating".


    I respect peoples religious views but I cannot stand the high and almighty view and that their view is almighty

    Maybe say that in your religion involves having four mistresses

  7. !

    Bonefish I accept your comments and I too would be worried if all my wife's relatives had died from a young age of liver cancer. But I would still have an enquiring mind. For example are you so sure however, the causation solely falls on the shoulders of the fermented and/or undercooked fish, rather than fluke contaminated drinking water or high levels of alcohol consumption in some sectors of Thai community?

    If reason for liver cancer and flukes is from poor sanitation, so it follows where you have poor sanitary provisions, you'll likewise have risks from poor quality non-mains drinking water supplies in rural areas. I would hope, that there comes a time when there is widespread fluke screening for infection in high incident areas. If Thai authorities cannot afford this, why do not international aid Agency's step-in?

    And no, there is no ulterior motive, other than an enquiring mind. My wife stocks jars of commercial pickled Gouramy fish. Would you say these commercial supplies are treated to kill the parasites before being distributed? I'm glad you cook at home, a good choice.

    Being involved in hospitality, opinions are like A$$holes, everybody has one

    The cause of thebcancer may be this particular fish however there is like 100 other possibilities so definitely saying it's fish is a bit silly

    How many internet reviews so you see with people saying "I got food poisoning from this restaurant, I was feeling sick by the end of the meal and I know it was the medium rare steak, rare meat gives me food poisoning! "

    Newsflash! Food poisoning occurs anywhere between 8-36 hours after the meal, there is no way you could get food poisonibg during the meal,

    Maybe the food was laced with some kind of cyanide?? Then chances are youd be dead, and chances are every other person who ate the same steak from the same batch would get sick on the spot

    Unless its the only thing you ate in the last 48 hours you can only narrow it down slightly

    Yes there might be 100 possible causes but we only have anecdotal evidence to go on so until proven otherwise I'll be avoiding it.

    Agreed about food poisoning though, but as I understood food poisoning can have incubation period of up to a few days with a peak around 48 hours. In hospitality too and been accused a few times over the last 10 years - usually people got sick overnight and as you say thought it was from their last meal. Council health inspector comes and takes curry samples for the lab, but always negative. Once they understand about the incubation period they attribute it to some other source.

    At least those people wait overnight, I've seen many a people scream black and blue during the meal that everything they touch is laced with poison because the customer didn't like the taste of a particular dish and immediately felt nauseaous

  8. !

    Bonefish I accept your comments and I too would be worried if all my wife's relatives had died from a young age of liver cancer. But I would still have an enquiring mind. For example are you so sure however, the causation solely falls on the shoulders of the fermented and/or undercooked fish, rather than fluke contaminated drinking water or high levels of alcohol consumption in some sectors of Thai community?

    If reason for liver cancer and flukes is from poor sanitation, so it follows where you have poor sanitary provisions, you'll likewise have risks from poor quality non-mains drinking water supplies in rural areas. I would hope, that there comes a time when there is widespread fluke screening for infection in high incident areas. If Thai authorities cannot afford this, why do not international aid Agency's step-in?

    And no, there is no ulterior motive, other than an enquiring mind. My wife stocks jars of commercial pickled Gouramy fish. Would you say these commercial supplies are treated to kill the parasites before being distributed? I'm glad you cook at home, a good choice.

    Being involved in hospitality, opinions are like A$$holes, everybody has one

    The cause of thebcancer may be this particular fish however there is like 100 other possibilities so definitely saying it's fish is a bit silly

    How many internet reviews so you see with people saying "I got food poisoning from this restaurant, I was feeling sick by the end of the meal and I know it was the medium rare steak, rare meat gives me food poisoning! "

    Newsflash! Food poisoning occurs anywhere between 8-36 hours after the meal, there is no way you could get food poisonibg during the meal,

    Maybe the food was laced with some kind of cyanide?? Then chances are youd be dead, and chances are every other person who ate the same steak from the same batch would get sick on the spot

    Unless its the only thing you ate in the last 48 hours you can only narrow it down slightly

    Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcal food poisoning 1-6 hours Sudden onset of severe nausea and vomiting. Abdominal cramps. Diarrhea and fever may be present. 24-48 hours Unrefrigerated or improperly refrigerated meats, potato and egg salads, cream pastries


    Seems you can if you are not a fast eater.

    That's one strain out of the 15 or so mentioned on the fda website, plus it's more the uncommon one!!

  9. !

    Bonefish I accept your comments and I too would be worried if all my wife's relatives had died from a young age of liver cancer. But I would still have an enquiring mind. For example are you so sure however, the causation solely falls on the shoulders of the fermented and/or undercooked fish, rather than fluke contaminated drinking water or high levels of alcohol consumption in some sectors of Thai community?

    If reason for liver cancer and flukes is from poor sanitation, so it follows where you have poor sanitary provisions, you'll likewise have risks from poor quality non-mains drinking water supplies in rural areas. I would hope, that there comes a time when there is widespread fluke screening for infection in high incident areas. If Thai authorities cannot afford this, why do not international aid Agency's step-in?

    And no, there is no ulterior motive, other than an enquiring mind. My wife stocks jars of commercial pickled Gouramy fish. Would you say these commercial supplies are treated to kill the parasites before being distributed? I'm glad you cook at home, a good choice.

    Being involved in hospitality, opinions are like A$$holes, everybody has one

    The cause of thebcancer may be this particular fish however there is like 100 other possibilities so definitely saying it's fish is a bit silly

    How many internet reviews so you see with people saying "I got food poisoning from this restaurant, I was feeling sick by the end of the meal and I know it was the medium rare steak, rare meat gives me food poisoning! "

    Newsflash! Food poisoning occurs anywhere between 8-36 hours after the meal, there is no way you could get food poisonibg during the meal,

    Maybe the food was laced with some kind of cyanide?? Then chances are youd be dead, and chances are every other person who ate the same steak from the same batch would get sick on the spot

    Unless its the only thing you ate in the last 48 hours you can only narrow it down slightly

  10. Where are you right now OP ? Don't they have them where you come from? Because sure as hell you are not in Thailand now , are you?wink.png

    The odds are very low in thailand in my opinion, yes i agree

    However unlike a lot of farangs on here I don't suddenly get the need to save a poor girl from a tough life, since I have graced them with my presence and since my culture is superior, which Is what a lot of numb nut tourists do by leaving their brain at the airport

  11. unlike a lot of TV bitter people on here, OP may be looking for a genuine relationship, and its not all about sex,

    obviously her sleeping over and no sex would also be a problem, but if I wanted a genuine relationship, and she wouldnt sleep over, id also be wondering why!

    sorry, Ive got no advice other then to ask her straight up! also, there is still a possiblity of her being a bar girl and you have left your brain at the airport like a lot of tourists do (not implying you have)

    just be aware

  12. :) as you can see from the post, it wasnt a brag, im not rich, im not hansum, im not 10 years younger then I look, I dont have a 10 year younger teerak,

    and its was more a passing comment on if there were other people who thought along the same way as me

    and yes I have had met a fair of women like that, I never did say filthy rich, just not really poor

  13. I thought that would get people's attention..... But it's true, well sort of

    I'm in my 30s and am not rich nor poor, I'm actually more well off then the average person of my peers

    I always look for a financially well off girl, not a farm girl, not a 7-11 girl. She doesn't have to be a millionaire or filthy rich

    Now before people have a go at me and say I'm the equivalent of a male bar girl, I am actually not looking to live or leech off here on fact, I have no interest in her money

    I actually want a girl who won't see me as a walking atm or is struggling to eat everyday or is too poor to do anything. I want a girl who has the financial means to look after herself physically and metaphorically.

    I feel little connection with a lady that is always complaining about how expensive something is or how little money they have. I have been through tough times in the past and it's not somewhere I want to go again

    So fire away boys!!

  14. When something is either deep fried, laden with sugar or salt or msg to make it taste of something palatable, and has little or no nutritional value.. It is junk. I.e many thai food dishes easily available

    Note I said not all. Read the post again before pressing quote at the first thing you see that touches a nerve

    shark fin is junk food?

    its full of msg, sugars and sauces, and has little nutrtional value

    a lot of food ingredients have little taste but you enjoy it for the textures or wank factor, doesnt mean its junk

  15. as americans always consider themselves No1 in virtually everything, its always fun to challenge their chauvinism now and again.

    I reckon the Brits give the americans a run for their money in thinking their culture, the way they think, their views as number one in thailand

  16. I love italian food, in fact I love just about all foods,

    I know this is not a thread on which food is healthier, but italian food for me is a recipe for getting fat,

    carbohydrates via pizza and pasta, and breads

    cheese from primarliy the pizzas,

    Creams from your creamy pastas

    processed meats from the salami/ham etc.

    Olive oil- yes its healthy but too much of it is no good, its still an oil!

    and on top of that, I eat wayyyyyy to much when I have a pizza or pasta in front of me

    • Like 1
  17. @hanno


    When i'm in thailand I alway train everyday to keep my weight down

    Other wise I would become an obese person

    Gaining 3 or 4 stones/42+ lbs

    All asian countries have delicious dishes

    They probably even got great dishes down in papua new guinea

    Them people talking about macdonalds and burger king are having a laugh!

    I dont eat that food anymore

    Literally for years

    I did use to like fillet of fish and fries and thick vanilla milk shake

    that was 20 years ago

    I've since found out last year that macdonalds put silicone in their food (cheese) that probably explains the plastic chemical taste?

    I discovered.a video on youtube in april

    A man from new york: abe finkelstein

    Is talking and boasting about what they put in macdonalds

    Basically human meat

    Check out the video on youtube.com/abefinkelstein

    No more macdonalds for me

    And did you know MacDonald's puts radioactive plutonium in its shakes

    And sarin gas in their water

    Silicone in their cheese..... How ridiculous

    • Like 1
  18. Another ugly farang. You really are. You need a huge understand of Thai before you call them prostitutes. They are bar girls. They have few alternatives in life. They don't want a thai guy. they want to marry and be happy with a farang. Now for the truth - too many are in the business too long. they become alcoholics/drugs. If they get out of their job, life is a little boring. Remember, they worked for about 1 full year every day. they miss their friends. Even though they got their farang husband it is a difficult transition especially with a guy who thinks they were whores.

    Youmust have married a whore, so I can see why you'd want to protect her honour.

    There are millions of thai women who work in factories for a lot less and work a damn sight(?) harder. These prostitutes have taken the easier option. Drinking beer, socialising, and sleeping with an ugly farrang in an aircon hotel room, with a tv that shows cartoons. For some the wages are akin to a proffesional, like a doctor or a Dentist.

    Bar girls would imply they work and stay in the bar. They don't. They are prostitutes. Get over it.

    Couldn't agree more

    Everybody in life has choices (except human trafficking)

    Take the easy non respectful way out, expect no respect. You are deluded if you think they deserve the same respect as those 7-11 workers

  19. this is what happened to me recently, a reflection of the differnce in attitude and culture between two different countries,

    I have a waterproof phone from sony, in a moment of sillyiness, I was with a friend and said lets test to see if the phone is waterproof, I ensured that the two flaps that made the phone water proof were secure, my friend also checked it,

    we put it into some water for about 30 seconds, and lo and behold the phone was full of water, the camera lens was like a fishtank,

    anyway, we took it back to the shop and they said they would try and get it replaced under "goods not fit fur purpose" however, Sony will probably say the flaps werent on properly., and then it becomes a "he says, she says" type stiuation

    the shop who was on my side because I was not the first person to complain about the same problem, anyway, after a bit of forwards and back by the shop, as a gesture of good will, they gave me a brand new phone

    Would this ever happen in thailand in light of a guy having problems even getting his phone repaired under warranty!!!!

  20. @hellohello123


    Japanese food is ok but in my opinion can never compete with thai cooking

    Japanese seem to like raw food

    I prefer cooked food!

    Also with some of the japanese dishez too many hands touching and proding and fingering the food.

    "sorry too many cooks spoil the broth"

    fair enough, I can see your view,

    I agree the japanese do like their food raw, as a general rule to appreciaet the quality of the ingredients you need to eat it as natural or untouched as possible, imagine getting the best live fish or beef, and mincing it, putting spices in it, flouring it, crumbing it, deep frying it and smothering it in sauce! that is truly a waste as you wouldnt get a true understanindg of the original ingredient ie you could use some mouldy gutter fish and it still taste the same,

    that being said, the japanese have a very sophisticated palate, their flavours are very delicate and subtle, a lot of the japanese find other asian foods to be simply too strong, heavy and ruins the appreciation of the true flavours of the origianl ingredients,

    btw. I like thai food a lot, and asian food

    • Like 2
  21. From what I get at home it's a well rounded diet with veggies, seafood, pork, chicken, fruit all inclusive....just by Thai diet alone I lost 10+ kilos a few years back.....the weight only goes up if we vacation and I start eating more western food. Here - maybe a western meal once a week....rarely eat beef/steak - maybe a good burger a few times a year.....

    When I went to China with a Thai tour group they barely touched the Chinese food unless it had the Thai spices added to it - the general opinion was it was pretty repusive to them the way it was cooked, ingredients, etc.

    Before a few years back I'd been known to eat a little Thai from time to time rolleyes.gif ...but now my diet is full time Thai.......thumbsup.gif .....maybe that's a different forum....

    youd be surprised, a steak and burger (obviously not from an american franchise) is quite healthy, obviously the pattie shouldnt be full of fat and covered with slices of bacon and cheese,

    if you actually ate, steaks, salad, burgers without the bacon, cheese and fries, every day, thas a damn healthy meal! go brown bread and its even better, far better then white rice, and sugar laden sauce stirfry

  22. When I hear stories like this that end up me shaking my head in disbelief, I always ask myself, do these people seriously think they are entitled to something?? or do they just try it for the sake of it??? or do they seriously think they have been hard doned by it???

    Ive never worked it out as I dont tend to associate with people like this, they are a cancer to me, they will eat at me until I sink to their lows

  23. I would not waste much time on it. Pay, get it back and forget about it.

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    and encourage them to keep on doing it to someone else?!?!?!?!

    yes I agree, it may not be worth your time, however, by allowing it means you are encouraging them and saying its ok to do it

    and its got nothing to do with Farang or thai culture, in case you want to go down that path,

    sure, getting agro may mean you lose face, which is another topic,

    but at the end of the day, charging for a product thats a warranty issue within the warranty period is simply UNACCEPTABLE, farang or thai

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