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Posts posted by PepperMe

  1. Once again, seems to be pretending she in minister for foreign trade????

    Has she been told to start working?

    So why not do a premier's job instead of being a puppet pretending she knows what the hell she is doing?

    Obviously sitting up front with the minister for trade talking to her through an earpiece...

    If she had been doing things like this for the past 2 and a half years, then it may seem credible, but at this point in time, all this pretense is just too funny.

    Anyone would think she was attempting to offset a 'negligence case'..... too late Poo.... you are already sunk, but good try all the same..... even looks like you were told to invent a 'serious politician' face just for the organized picture.

    Just too see through.

    • Like 2
  2. Get used to it..... The only way to get rid of her so that there is no need for the constitution and its interpretations is to impeach the bitch and all of her lackies, and there are plenty of impeachment opportunities available.

    If the C Court does not impeach her, then this would be a victory for the terrorists and their intimidation tactics.

  3. Shouldn't this be released from the Ministry for foreign trade?

    Is Yingluck so desperate to score plus points that she is now personally announcing any positives for the country?

    This is not an achievement of Yingluck, this is a natural process from Japan's import monitoring procedures.

    The questions for Yingluck should be based around why Thailand had been banned while under her brother's watch in the first place.

    Sorry Yingers, you can't convince people that you have achieved anything here.

    • Like 1
  4. Seeing as 80% of all the posts on this thread are speculative, here is one for you.

    Has anyone stopped to think about the possibility that these two people on the plane were Thais?

    Southern insurgents attempting a 9/11 style hijacking with an attempted diversion of the plane possibly to BKK?

    At the moment, everything and anything is a possibility.

    Not saying that they would have flown into a building there, but could well want to hold the passengers and plane hostage on Thai soil to bring global attention to the southern problems and add pressure on the government when they are at their weakest ever time with no effective PM, and everyone knows that the Thai authorities would be far too inept to control the situation should a hijacked passenger aircraft be sat on the tarmac at Swampy airport.

    A Malaysian/Chinese flight would be perfect because of the ties and pressure the Thai government would have put on them from respective countries.

    This could explain the sudden change in direction, and obviously their plans went horribly wrong and were forced to detonate an explosive device and become martyrs instead.

    It is just as plausible as any other suggestion based on the fact that none of us know anything yet, and if these two people actually turn out to be Thais from the south, then I predict this direction is what all the speculation is going to take.

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    "Hundreds of passports are lost or stolen on Phuket each year, raising fears they could fall into the hands of criminal or terrorist networks."

    Thousands of passports are lost or stolen all over the world each year.

    Why single out Phuket?

    Where there is concentration of tourists, crime and thieving is very common.

    Stop, bashing Pucket.

    Thailand has always been know for being a hub for human trafficking. Wheither it's Phuket or Chang Mai, it's irrelevant. Most of the counterfeit documents presented to airlines and immigration inspectors have had some connection with Thailand.

    I could agree to a certain level on your first statement that Thailand has been portrayed as a hub for human trafficking, mostly by the media and NGO's.

    However, it is your second statement that would give me concern. If my reading is correct, you are stating that on a global picture, most of the counterfeit documents presented to airlines and immigration have a connection with Thailand?

    I would be extremely interested in the source of that information.

    Just as an aside, I don't think there is too much counterfeiting of travel documents done by Thais in Thailand. It is a very complicated process that requires the correct paper, stamps, copying software and machinery, etc. IMHO, you shouldn't credit people with something that is only here-say..................wai.gif

    Well I suggest you go and watch the youtube video that actually fingers Bangkok as the hub of counterfeit documents including passports, US driving licenses and just about anything else you care to name.

    These are pretty much openly traded in the backstreets and the police do not clamp down on it, because they are only interested in clamping down of infringement of their own trademark laws, and have no concern for the rest.

    TIT, They are only interested in looking after their own industries and **** the rest attitude.

    Now they are being exposed and the Thai government are going to look even more dubious than they already do, as being completely ineffective as well as the police that they control.

    You can probably find the fake document center next to the child porn DVD center that police casually allow on the streets of BKK that would raise a lot of eyebrows across the world, but hey.... TIT.

    • Like 1
  6. "She also said she wondered whom the army would fight against for building the bunkers because most red-shirt followers are women and old people."

    ​I wasn't under the impression they were planning to fight with anyone. Maybe it is to protect that majority of women and old people from grenades accidentally dropped by the minority? One would almost think those bunkers disrupted some plan of hers ... if one were cynical.

    It's amazing how the message changes with the passage of time, I'm glad she explained that what Ko Tee and others were saying was not what they meant but rather a simple misinterpretation.

    Good point also.

    Her question about 'who you going to fight against'?

    The army have not said they were ever going to fight anyone, have they???

    Oh.... did she just let the cat out of the bag again?

    Possibly the armed militia that they are assembling for training?

    • Like 2
  7. Does she not read the news?

    100,000 being signed up and physically trained by the end of the month.

    Ko Tee 'insignificant'?.... yeah right Thida.

    You should stop worrying about others and start worrying about yourself. The army would not hesitate to put you out of your misery.

    You are a target also.... Carry on digging your grave.

    By the way... every time I look at your picture on here, I keep thinking they should put it on a box of Ex-Lax and sell it empty, and those glasses, I bet when you look at a map, you see people waving up at you.

    • Like 2
  8. This is getting murkier by the minute almost.

    My suspicious half is getting a little more confident that this was a terrorist attack.

    In which case, stolen passports DO get cancelled off the international border control system, so looks like there may have been a little 'assistance' to get through immigration.

    All theory at the moment, but there are a lot of niggling doubts and questions related to this disappearance.

    It may have been a hijacking attempt that went horribly wrong.

    Don't burn me, I am just relating the feelings I am having from all the news bites so far... Not alluding to anything in particular.

    May they all rest in peace. If in fact this was terrorism, then may those people responsible burn in hell!

  9. The red supporters on TVF clearly understand that 'impartial' means 'on their side only'

    Pathetic! As well as the narrow minded OP.

    No mention of the red army being raised on the well documented orders of Charupong the interior minister, or the fact that the real reason that yellows walk free as opposed to reds being locked up, is simply because the yellows are quite reasonable citizens with a point to make, the red shirts are just over the top, violent uneducated thugs having their strings pulled by a criminal in the middle east.

    Sod 'presumptuous' .... What is happening at the moment, the army has the right to 'presume' that things will turn very ugly, very soon.

    Giving these Thaksin terrorists the 'benefit of the doubt' which is what the OP and the TVF reds condone, is going to prove to have been a massive error of judgement when the time comes and it is obviously too late.

    • Like 2
  10. Yes... Just another advancement for Thailand from those nice folks in the elite ridden capital/south for the benefit of those in the north who would have you believe that they could flourish without them.

    The red crew will be along in a minute to tell us 'these people could be from the north'.... In your dreams.

  11. The longer they take to locate any floating debris, the less chance of ever knowing. In a single day, a current can literally carry any flotsam a good 20 miles from the impact site.

    If the plane broke up in mid air at 35,000 feet, the debris can be spread across an area tens of miles wide.

    Locating the flight data recorder could be very slim indeed.

    Don't these recorders have a beacon / signal which relays positional information for a month or more ?


    But some are never found especially when a plane crashes in a sea.

    Also they have to be withing a certain distance from it to pick up the signal and the deeper the water the harder to pick up the signal. They need to dangle a receiver in th water and trawl around till they pick it up.

    Like in an earlier post, a debris field can be huge, and in water with a current it will be moving away from the FDR.

    For example. The Lockerbie disaster... The debris field was 81 miles long.

  12. Even the latest news on the BBC does not make any sense.

    The report from MAS ceo said that the last contact was almost 2 hours after take off, and is saying that the position was barely a few hundred miles from KL. How can this be when the plane would have been traveling at over 500 MPH within 15 minutes after take off?

    That would have it at almost twice as far as the location being shown in the southern gulf of Thailand.

    He specifically said that the last actual contact was at about 600 miles from KL.... how does an aircraft only cover that distance in that time? I would thought it would have covered at least 800 to 900 miles in that time and that would put it over Vietnam.

  13. My company has a Diving Support Vessel within 1 to 1/1/2 days sailing distance that can send saturation divers down to 300 meters water depth and a Remote Operated Vehicle that can be deployed and search with video and sonar scanners down to 1,000 meters water depth. The Malaysian Navy website is down so no way to find a number to call there. Malaysia Airlines has no telephone numbers that answer or will connect, the Malaysian Embassy in Bangkok and the USA also do not connect when you dial their numbers.

    Too bad there is no emergency response team number for those that can really offer some effective tools to maybe help save lives or at least see what is really happening subsea.

    I think you need to be contacting the Vietnamese authorities, it is their airspace and so those are the people that can help you.

    The Malaysian authorities are out of that jurisdiction.

  14. Ha! And now that PTP is trying to impeach 6 of the judges I'm sure they won't be able to rule fast enough on this one! 555


    The PTP have only served to speed up the cons court work to get this entire rabble OUT!

    I really have lost count on how many times this government have shot themselves in the foot.

    One might even suggest that everything they do is with hope that they will all be judicially toppled so that it will cause an uprising from the UDD and red shirts, and start a huge calamity that they are hoping will bring about civil war, and that in itself will help them tremendously in implementing a separate state of Lanna.

    I can assure them that any such uprising will be mercilessly crushed, and they will have to scale it down to years of terrorist attacks, they won't achieve their goals and will literally just be another problem like the south, but only worse as most terrorist attacks will target BKK

    Thailand now has only 2 outcomes.... The Shin Clan stays in power indefinitely or the only alternative is civil uprising.

    I hope I am wrong, but I know I am right.

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