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Posts posted by PepperMe

  1. For anyone who hasn't seen it, go to you tube and type in "The Gatekeepers" great film narrated by the perpetrators themselves.

    No.... Because I only work with facts..... not fiction and insane conspiracies that completely ignore obtainable factual history.

    That stuff is for the lower intelligentsia of the human species.

  2. Shame on you for supporting the cold blooded murder of innocent civilians, despite Netanyahu repeatedly stating that the IDF have not targeted one civilian, shame on you again.

    Nobody targets civilians, they get in the way because they get put in the way...... By Hamas.

    You clearly know nowt about the history of the region.... You are just one of the low education specimens that the western media can easily manipulate.

    You are talking out of your donut pal. I seriously urge you to go away and study the 50 year war, and you will see for yourself the Jews have been more than accommodating to the Palestinians.


    Think you'll find that the majority of the western media is run by pro Israelis, therefore biased towards Israel.

    And its not the " Jews " I have a problem with, its the Zionist state of Israel and there colonisation of the Palestinian people.

    Laughable doughnut.

    Yet again you display total lack of intelligence.

    That is and has always been a laughable conspiracy theory.

    If it is so..... Please explain why the western media have a history of actually condemning the Israelis?.... Go on.

    Explain that one... If the Jews controlled the western media, surely it would be the other way round.

    You seriously are digging your hole even deeper, I am having a great time playing with you.... Never have I had it so easy exposing an anti-Semitic Nazi holocaust supporter.

    Shame on you, and so close to the Auschwitz anniversary.

    • Like 1
  3. Not even worth a reply, there is no comparison and lets not forget who allowed the state of Israel to form where it did. Yes that's right, the British!

    Again demonstrating that you do not have even the most basic grasp of the history of the region.

    The region was given over to the Jews who were by the way "holocaust survivors" in a UN vote of which the British abstained from.

    Barring the Islamic and Arab nations the result was a massive yes with a few abstentions.

    Regarding the British, the Jews were shooting British soldiers in the back.... Like I said, go study your history before commenting, you are just embarrassing yourself.

  4. Shame on you for supporting the cold blooded murder of innocent civilians, despite Netanyahu repeatedly stating that the IDF have not targeted one civilian, shame on you again.

    Nobody targets civilians, they get in the way because they get put in the way...... By Hamas.

    You clearly know nowt about the history of the region.... You are just one of the low education specimens that the western media can easily manipulate.

    You are talking out of your donut pal. I seriously urge you to go away and study the 50 year war, and you will see for yourself the Jews have been more than accommodating to the Palestinians.

    • Like 2
  5. people repeatedly summoned would face measures step by step - starting with banning travel out of the country, having their assets investigated and suspending their financial transactions.


    How about prison?

    Having your assets investigated is a punishment?... It is only a punishment if you have been corrupt. So what they are saying is that they know ALL politicians have been corrupt, and if you are naughty we will call you up on it. When really what they should be doing is investigating all their assets as a matter of default if that is what they truly believe.

    Only in Thailand eh.

    We know you have been corrupt, but if you are well behaved, we are happy with it.

  6. They just don't get it. Only a couple of days ago a senior official from the Commerce Ministry spoke of expected increased exports this year then she said the world currency fluctuations etc and the strength of the Baht would make exports more expensive.

    It's usual for officials to cross purposes and contradict each other but now it's been condensed into the same statement.

    In very uncertain times regarding global currencies and markets, the Thais have no other option than to make it up as they go along. I really don't think there is any country out there doing anything different.

    Thailand's situation is as uncertain as everyone else's. Because nobody knows how their currency is going to react. Also exports are tied to the currency, if it gets weaker than the Indian Rupee and the Vietnamese Dong, then that will be good for Thai rice exports because it makes us more competitive, but at the3 same time can affect negatively other commodities depending on the currency behaviour of competing countries in that commodity.

    It is very tough to call. If the baht crashes, exports will be good across the board, if the baht strengthens, it will be very bad for exports.

    • Like 1
  7. Normally I would say "FOOLS" Never give in to terrorists.

    The main reason being is that it just encourages them to do it more... However, with ISIS, they don't need encouragement, they will do it at any and every opportunity that presents itself.... I think we all know that.

    For the sake of a failed suicide bomber that Islam has an almost unlimited access to.... If it saves two lives, I would accept that.

    The trade would not make the situation any worse.

    The biggest whinge will come from the US...... Erm..... Arms for hostages?

  8. Simplest way is each party to publish their top 10 most expensive policies with full costings including what services etc that need to be cut to fund each policy, while still balancing the budget.

    Then have them scrutinised, and reject each one that is deemed unnecessary or too many cuts where it would have a negative impact on more people than said policy would positively affect

    Of course, also the obvious policies that are targeted at a specific demographic that would be construed as that party's core voter base. Those actually stand out like sore thumbs.... (see... rice pledging scheme, first car discount scheme, tablets for kids.)

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