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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. The day after the murders, an asian guy posted on Hanna Witheridge's facebook tribute page the series of events that led to the murders of these innocent tourists! He said that there was an argument in a well known bar between the victims and a member of a local Thai gang. Later in evening the gang member along with his kronies followed the victims after they left the bar and murdered them. I don't know who this guy is but why wasnt a lead like that followed up immediately. The police know exactly who committed these horrific crimes, but as per what's happened previously regarding westerners murder, it looks like another case is going to remain unsolved. This is a dangerous country people, never forget it!

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  2. This is ridiculous. Why dont the police just grow a pair and arrest who killed them, they obviously know the culprits but because of this loss of face BS they will not act as they should. We all know that even if the real killers are arrested , they will not be incarcerated for long, give it a year or two when everythings died down and they will conveniently be released citing some new made up law.

    Those involved in Dale Henry's death got eternal life sentences.

    These assailants were normal people so was not a problem making an example of them although this was only 5 years ago and the sentence doesn't necessarily mean that its set in stone.

    Like I said in one of my earlier posts what about the policemen who gunned down 2 tourists in cold blood? Sentence 42 years now has had takenn 18 years off it and there is the possibility a further 9 years can come off it to. This man executed 2 innocent people!! And lets not forget about the red bull heir who thought it would be cool to drive home with a police man underneath his ferrari, he got off scot free. Status=power

  3. This is ridiculous. Why dont the police just grow a pair and arrest who killed them, they obviously know the culprits but because of this loss of face BS they will not act as they should. We all know that even if the real killers are arrested , they will not be incarcerated for long, give it a year or two when everythings died down and they will conveniently be released citing some new made up law.


    If and when they have enough evidence arrests will be made and they will be locked up forever.

    O.K officer what ever you say

  4. This is ridiculous. Why dont the police just grow a pair and arrest who killed them, they obviously know the culprits but because of this loss of face BS they will not act as they should. We all know that even if the real killers are arrested , they will not be incarcerated for long, give it a year or two when everythings died down and they will conveniently be released citing some new made up law.

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  5. So breaking news now says both suspects related to poo yai bahn, one is his son the other is his brother, if this is in fact true then we know why this has taken do long for the police to do anything, apparently one is in custody but the other has escaped to Bangkok. Bet you its the brother whos been nicked and the son whos managed to get away

  6. to many bar stool generals here.dudes & dudetts in this forum seem to have all the answers to all the guestions they think should be asked. its true, some of you guys think that what you say is good & true because you said it.the thai police will get to the bottom of it sooner or later, for every barny fife there is a andy behind him.......oh yea one more thing....rapes & murders are far less here than uk,usa & aussie land. :-)

    I would dearly like to see those stats on murders for the UK and Australia. USA, not sure, but there is absolutely no way that those countries have a higher murder rate.

    Next you will tell me its safer to drive in Thailand than those countries.

    I am not holding my breath waiting for the Thai police to solve anything. At the moment they seem quite happy apparently solving nothing.

    Stats according to UN survey are as follows

    USA - 5 per 100, 000 people capita

    UK - 1 per 100, 000 people capita

    Australia - 1 per 100, 000 people capita

    Thailand - 6 per 100, 000 people capita.

    No surprises there then!

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  7. Just as I thought its been removed but here is someones response to his post and his facebook name

    Julius Montenegro , if you know so much then get in touch with the local police. Why you have to be so graphic is beyond comprehension. This page has been set up as a memory of Hannah . Nobody deserves to die in this way , so your statement claiming there was a "reason" is irrelevant, & shows how uneducated you are. This is somebody's daughter, show some degree of compassion. God bless Hannah and her family.

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  8. Is nobody investigating the scenario an asian guy posted on the girls facebook page??? He states that apparently a local gang member took a liking to the girl but when his advances were rejected by the girl the gang took revenge by following both the girl and her friend back after the night out and then murdering them. Surely this is a more credible and plausible scenario and like I said its what somebody wrote on her facebook tribute page!!!

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