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Posts posted by Paxton

  1. I have seen the online price listed as 50 USD which is about 1800 baht. However, the price when applying at the embassy in person is apparently between 800 and 1200 baht which is around 22 to 33 USD.

    Can anyone confirm this? Has anyone got one in the last few months? Also, can anyone tell me how big the visa is? My girlfriends passport has almost out of pages so we are trying to take up as little space as possible on the page that is left.

    We plan to travel in about 3 weeks so I don't think we will need any sort of express service.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. Okay so I will add the driving stupidity to this thread as I experience it and this weeks highlights were.....

    I am sitting at my favourite street resto on Ramkhamhaeng road and although dinner takes about 45 minutes, I managed to spot at least 6 cars driving without headlights on (this is at about 21:30, btw). Is this some type of cultural thing or are they as possum1931 suggested, trying to save fuel? I just don't get it.

    Also, an oldish guy on a bicycle runs into the front of my car and practially kisses the windscreen as I am pulling out of 7/11. This guy managed to scratch the bumper and not only remove the registration plate (with either his leg or bike) but it ended up in the middle of the road. He was of course riding his bike on the road and against the traffic and managed to appear right in front of me in between me doing a last check for traffic and actually taking off. In a normal country, there is no great need to check in front of you once again before taking off but here there clearly is. There is always a good chance that some idiot is riding or driving against the traffic and doesn't for a second suspect that you might be pulling out even though it looks like you are and anyone with half a brain cell can see that this is the case. The guy was okay btw, just a bit shaken (we both were) and had a few scratches on him. His bike on the other hand.....

  3. thanks for the replies, all. Its been a busy week or two but in the end I went to Dr Sunil Dental clinic. My last root canal was a bit of a nightmare so this time I wanted the work guaranteed with great clinic reviews and top notch work. I asked Dr Sunil for his best and looks like I got just that. The endodontist was a Thai doctor and the guy was a magician. I hate getting dental work done but I almost fell asleep in the chair....after all the drilling and grinding of course :)

    The removal of the pulp and nerves was hell for me the last time and this time was a breeze. @ callaway, yes I just moved from Ramkamhaeng Road into the city so that is all a bit far away from where I am now but I remember seeing all the dental places while driving around. Had I still been living down there it would have made sense to go there.

    I had to bargain them down to a good price and refuse the unecessary post-treatment extras they wanted me to buy such anti-inflammatories, tooth mousse (whatever that is) and the panoramic x-ray. All I needed was some nurofen in the end!! I received exceptional service at Dr Sunils with free drinks (non-alcoholic, unfortunately!), free pick up and return by car, free massage and free bad TV in the waiting room.

    I still need to get the pin and crown fitted but the part I was feeling most apprehensive about is over and I swear never to eat sweets again!

  4. Their Laem Chabang supermarket is about to go bust.

    Perhaps due to their extortionate prices. Apart from the evening promotions section, the prices seem pretty high.

    There is a member who always post in the Pattaya forum who has repeatedly claimed that they are so cheap, that even the long drive from Pattaya gets compensated.

    Well in the one near my condo, the beer is at least 10 baht more expensive than 7/11 and a bag of salad was twice the price of that in tesco....might be regional differences in prices. They do have much more variety than most of these convenience stores

  5. Anyone noticed that many drivers here won't wind down their window at a toll booth and open the entire door instead? Or won't keep their wipers on in the rain and instead opt for switching on the wipers once every so often because it's got to the point where they can't see out of the windscreen? I guess driving without headlights at night might also fit into this silly behaviour.... What are they trying to do, save electricity?

  6. Putting the irritating name aside, I've found this place to be quite convenient (ok, it's supposed to be, but...). I've been getting my dinner from their "Promotion" section for the last four nights and I can see this becoming a habit but I get the feeling that it's not a good one...

  7. I drive a lot and just don't notice it any more.

    I just assume that what I would have seen maybe once a year back home is about to happen right now, this instant, just drove 700 Km to Chonburi and on to Trat and experienced it as a pleasant trip. I did see a big truck on its roof this morning but I assume that the poor guy hadn't been allowed to sleep for a day or two.

    Minibuses stem from the pits of hell and are to be avoided, whether as a passenger or road user. They use ya ba to get them through the week.

    Motorbike accidents represent the majority of traffic fatalities here.

    People of my age were sitting in cars with their grandparents and parents; these guys were driving buffalo or were in boats a generation ago.

    I have yet to see a road safety spot on TV.

    there is some great road and great scenery to exeperience across thailand - especially between BKK and CM but those turned over trucks are better than 7/11 coffee for a shot of wake up! I usually see them on their side in the drainage ditch between lanes.

  8. I drive a lot around thailand (pickup and motorbike) and yes people here mostly ignore even basic road rules. No indicating, double changing lanes at once, driving up very close from behind, speeding, sudden braking, cutting you off, driving with lights off at night (!!). Most of the windows are so tinted that you can't even see the idiot that's driving the car. I've driven past so many mass accidents (crumpled cars and bodies) that I cannot count them and what's worse is the drivers don't even let the emergency services though when there is an accident. To make things worse, the roads are paved with cement and not asphalt which means it's slippery as hell in the wet.

    I'm quite surprised and delighted though when people do indicate or let you into a queue or don't drive up so close...so there are some thougthful drivers here. My girlfriend (who also drives) suggested to just drive like them, but I refuse. I have found that I survive pretty well by following the rules and being ready for their stupidity and carlessness. It will only make me a better driver Don't get me wrong, when I'm the only one in the car and on the road, I like a bit of speed but this doesn't endanger anyone besides me.

  9. I have just been to the dentist and to my surprise, it's not just a filling that I need done but root canal. Has anyone had this treatment recently with an endodontist? I don't have a big budget (max 10k - preferably much less) and like most people, I don't enjoy dental work so I would like to see an endodontist that understands that it's not fun getting a root canal and won't skimp on the anesthetic. I have big teeth and massive roots so when they are messed with, the usual one or two shots of anesthetic just isn't enough.

    I found several excellent threads on the site about this alas they are about 5 years old so wanted to find some updated information. Apologies if there is a more recent thread that I have not found. I saw some seemingly ridiculous prices such as 3000 baht for the treatment which could be due to the age of the threads. Today I was quoted 12000 to 14000 baht for my root canal. This was at a large clinic in the city and it looked like they spent a lot of money on the clinic decor and appeared to be way over-staffed which I assume means higher prices for customers. I'm not sure if a smaller clinic might mean a better price or lower quality work or both...

    Any help would be appreciated.

  10. I would not bother with vis services unless you really lazy & not got gumption sort it yourself, they do next to nothing really for the fee.

    Savannakhet is nice & hassle free for a consulate visa experience with little bit of pre visit research plus a night there is pleasant enough & good experience .

    Exactly my reasoning. When I was initially told about these types of visa services I heard that they pretty much did everthing for you and that you didn't even have to go to the immigration office (imagine that!).

    I was also told that they worked for the immigration office and that your visa would be almost guaranteed. Now if you had plenty of money to spare and wanted to enjoy your time in vientiane (for example) or take 2 day tour or whatever then it might be worth the extra 3k or whatver it is that they charge. I was happy enough doing it myself last time and if going through them isn't easier or I don't have a better chance at a visa then it's a pointless waste of money.

    Savannakhet sounds like its much more relaxed and I've never been there alas I am already booked in for vientiane - I don't really mind though and I guess I'll go there for the new 6 month visa when its available.

  11. I got my first 60 day double entry tourist visa earlier this year in Vientiane and would like to now get a second one. I've booked already for Vientiane (flight and hotel) but have been reading reports that it's also possible and perhaps easier / better chance in Savannakhet. I had an ED visa for 12 months before this so wondering if this also might affect a second TV.

    Also wondering about the new warnings on visa "services", are they aimed at people using them or providing them? Someone I know used one of these and all the guy did was escort her through the process and did some photocopies but she got it. I don't see what peole are paying for with these "services".

    btw, I can't access the region reports page on thaivisa.com for some reason so cant check. I'll check it again soon but seems down?

  12. The 12 month visa issue as others have posted is as regards tax free importation of personal items/effects.

    Don't think an ED visa would cut it anyway, normaly customs want to see a Work Permit along with a 12 month Extension of Permission to Stay, although it can be done with a One Multiple Entry Non Immigrant Visa.

    The other agent is correct, you will be allowed to import your stuff but will be hit for import duties.

    Be careful to get all you 'ducks lined up' before you import as demurrage charges are steep if your items get stuck in customs prior to clearance.

    I was wondering about how long customs would give me to claim the boxes before they or the shipping company start either charging me or destroying my goods. My stuff will arrive a few days before me.

  13. Unless it is really nice stuff that you cannot live without why bother with it.

    It's a good question and I am leaving behind / giving away / selling most of my stuff. It turns out it would be three times more expensive to replace once I arrive than ship what I have.

    I have moved country several times in the past and my shipments used to be much much worse. I'm slowly learning to be "lighter" when travelling / moving but it is surprisingly difficult :)

  14. Hi All,

    While I was hoping to snoop around for a while on this forum and hopefully contribute before posting, I am now in desperate need of answers and assuming at least some of you might have some experience with this.

    After years of stalling, I am finally moving to Thailand and while most of the move appears to be under control, shipping my belongings over is turning out be a hassle. I have two large boxes ready to go and two different shipping companies are telling me different stories about the requirements for clearing my goods through customs. Initially I contacted the customs call center directly and got a very informative and clear email back in excellent English explaining that I may need to pay duty on my goods which was totally expected. I later read on one of the shipping websites that I need a valid 12 month visa in order to clear any shipping through customs. The shipping company also called the carrier (DHL) to confirm this and they confirmed that it was a requirement for any shipments coming in. I honestly found it hard to believe that all people shipping their goods and moving to Thailand have a 12 month visa before they arrive. If not, their goods would be sitting at customs and apparently destroyed if not collected in time.

    The other shipping company is telling me that they can clear it for me without issue and I will have to cover any duty that is payable. While I am hoping this is true, I cant trust what they are saying and risk not being able to collect my boxes. I will eventually have a 12 month ED visa but only after about 5 weeks and have to enter on my 30 day "free" visa initially. I was considering sending by sea freight as it would give me time to get my visa in order but this seems totally unnecessary and I could take up to 3 months to arrive, apparently,

    I emailed Thai customs once more to ask about the 12 month visa and now I keep getting a delivery failure message using the same address as I did before ([email protected]). There are no further email addresses and my last attempt to call them failed due to the language barrier.

    Can anyone confirm if the 12 month visa is necessary? Has anyone shipped recently and cleared their goods on the 30 day free visa?

    Any info is greatly appreciated,

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