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Posts posted by Marcos989

  1. Bangkok Airways cargo. I used it a few weeks ago to ship my belongings from Utapao to Samui, rates and info are on their website http://www.bangkokair.com/pages/view/cargo-service

    Yes, I looked into them, could not make head or tails from their general good list and when I contacted them they came back with such small allowances on the flight I felt the name Cargo service was misleading, they seemed the same as Tiger Air...15kgs or some such nonsense and pay throught the ass for excess. Like I said earlier I ended up paying more for my normal bags accepted around the world than I did for the >US$300 ticket.

    But I guess I will check them out when I get there.

    To MIN (6 kg.) N (6Kg - 44Kg) Q45 Q100 Bangkok

    (Suvarnabhumi, BKK) Samui (USM) 120 18 15 13 Phuket (HKT) 120 18 13 17

    Can you explain this to me?

    What do the 120, 18,13 represent?

    What is Q45, Q100 supposed to mean?

  2. It might be a bit naive at this point but anybody see a problem with me bringing in this much stuff?

    Coming in as a tourist though in reality I intend to live here. Will sort out the Visa stuff later but give I travel so much the 30 day limit is not much of an issue for me.

    Now I am wondering if I should bring the bicycle also.

    I have made a complete inventory of what is in each bag and I intend to bring a doctored invoice for the kayak but the other stuff....no receits, mostly used and in some cases old and no value to anyone but me (work clothes ect).

  3. I have 2 bags that contain sports equipment (folding kayak to be exact).
    bag #1-2m lng x 30cm dia, weighing 25kgs,
    bag #2-1m lng x 50cm x 50cm, 20kgs

    bag #3-1m lng x 50cm x 50cm, 20kgs-personal items

    bag #4-stanrd airline carry-on

    bag #5-backpack-electronics

    I did not think a domestic airline would accomodate me after my experience with Tiger Air last month, paid more in excess baggae costs than the flight cost.

  4. I can sypathize with your situation as my Brazilian wife married me to rob me and that is exactly what she got away with including murdering her own child with an injection to the head to conceal her crimes.

    I invested 10 years and my entire life into seeking justice whch cost me everything I had.

    I had to start all over and now years later am doing well, not great but well enough to escape Brazil.

    Going to start a new life in Thailand. Older and wiser.

    My only comment about the business thefts is this (which you likely know) the only way anybody can embezle a business is by the Directors instituting a ineffective, inefficient accounting system.

    Not enough checks and balances.

    All malfeasance cannot realistically be stopped but if it becomes significant you have a flawed system.

    Risk control costs time & money.

  5. Brand new here and in Thailand, that being said rather expereinced (+20 yr's) in foreign countries and judging from my pate, in life.

    I am curious, generally speaking does an educated middle class Thai girl/woman expect to have sex on the 1st date assuming the date goes well and she likes you?

    If you hope for more dates and like her, are you scoring points (in her mind) by resisting sex or will she interpret this as weird, timid, gay, diseased (take your pick) & that she did not satisfy you? Again from her perspective.

    Same questions go for the lesser educated but I think that may be more obvious as they have fewer options and may be more inclined to satisfy our filthy, beastly nature for future security.

    Tought to generalize though.

    Religious fervor and\or family acquiescence is propbably the controlling factor.

    Here in Brazil (where I presently sit) compared to the US I would say the girls expect you to make a move.

    And before you accuse me of being a troll all of you at one time had few posts.

    Come next week I live in Thailand, have given-up on Brazil.

    This is not a BS question.

    I have my "first date" with a lovely young lady (university degree) on her one night off I met in a bar where she and the rest of the waitress's are just that, waitresses. Not bar girls.

    Age difference is "enhanced" and do not know what to expect. But I have put forth much effort (all of it fun) for this 1st date.

    I would be happy to make a friend of her as like I said I am brand new there and wanting to make friends and yes....eventually find the right girlfriend for me.

    I am just curious what her mindset might be on this 1st date, I already know she is not timid about asking my to buy her things....dropping US$10k in the bar last

    month propably set that tone of which I am soon to invalidate.

    But damn she is difficult to say "no" to.

  6. Hello All,

    1st post.

    I arrive Bangkok on Int'l flight (BA) at 09:00 Wed. 19 Mar. 2014
    I arrive with my full allotment of baggage (2 in the hold, 1 carry-on + computer bag) plus a folding kayak (2m lng x 30cm dia weighing 25kgs).
    The airline prices for this amount of baggage is ridiculous for the domestic leg to Phuket so I want to contract a private company to transport all my property except the computer bag to Patong, Phuket.
    Please reply ASAP.ny help out there?
    Regards, Mark
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