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Posts posted by starky

  1. 3 hours ago, bolt said:

    A bar girl has an earning potential of 20-30K per month, whereas working in a Gym or hotel reception is 10-12k


    Incredibly difficult decision to make for a young girl, and to be honest working in a bar looks like fun most days.

    Don't know where old mate got his figures but top shelf are making a stack more than 30k a month. That's peanuts. Heaps of  girls out there making that just in ladies drinks and that's before the barfining an everything else that comes with it. Not to mention the muppets will be back soon all the major sponsors and minor sponsors sending hookers money from foreign lands so they can book a spot on their return. Then you got your 2 week millionaires paying weeelllll over the odds I could go on and on but I think I've made my point.

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  2. 16 hours ago, Adumbration said:

    I think you have confused bragging with taking pride in my achievements.  I do preen my own feathers occasionally.  But that is a skill that I consciously developed and then adopted to counteract the negative impact on my mental health from living with a violent alcoholic father that used to refer to me as a worthless piece of sh*t.  Lots of people grew up poor.  That was just one of issues I had to deal with as a kid.  I have also have an incurable and chronic genetic blood disease.



    Clearly still not getting it. Anonymous forum mate. Like everyone else. Don't know you, never will, not interested, don't care. 

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  3. On 6/12/2022 at 9:00 PM, BritManToo said:

    For the first month ...... then every coffee shop in Thailand will be growing and selling it.

    Not to mention the headstart "some" companies got. Was watching a video the other day from  a company in Bangkok now selling bud they gave a tour of their "factory" which was of course a massive commercial hydro set up .   Now not exactly sure when all was made legal but it's, as you know 8-10 weeks lead time to produce anything of quality yet these  people had buds in volume ready to go on the first day of opening. Curious methinks. 

  4. On 6/12/2022 at 9:00 PM, BritManToo said:

    For the first month ...... then every coffee shop in Thailand will be growing and selling it.

    Not to mention the headstart "some" companies got. Was watching a video the other day from  a company in Bangkok now selling bud they gave a tour of their "factory" which was of course a massive commercial hydro set up .   Now not exactly sure when all was made legal but it's, as you know 8-10 weeks lead time to produce anything of quality yet these  people had buds in volume ready to go on the first day of opening. Curious methinks. 

    • Haha 2
  5. On 6/17/2022 at 8:28 AM, Orinoco said:

    It was always preferred to use as little paper as possible.

    or just go to the Bong or Hot knives around the cooker.

    Back in the day.



    Ps I quit smoking 23 years ago and unfortunately pot had to go at the same time  as well. :sad:



    Ah hot knifing such sweet memories...

    • Haha 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Adumbration said:

    You are overestimating how much money you need. As I have already posted I bought the house I am currently in for 270K THB (all up the deal was the vendor paid all transfer costs and taxes).  It is a nice little split level rendered brick place in a lovely flower lined dead end street with no through traffic.  MY neighbors are all edlerly and lovely.  No young twits on noisy motorbikes.  I have to date spent about 50-60K more on renovation and extension but just on materials.  All of the work myself and my GF have done, including hand mixing over 6 cubic meters of concrete.  I am just starting on a new double carport at the front of the property. With the recent price increases in gal steel I am looking at around 20-25K to complete that including concreting and blocking in and rendering the side walls.  My electricity bill is between 500 and 700baht every month.  My water bill is between 60-80 baht each month.  I have a true 6mps unlimited 12 month sim card that cost me 1120 baht.


    I have a  FCD account with Krungsri with a sum that more than covers the 800KTHB requirement for my annual NON-o retirement extension.


    I am five minutes from a beautiful beach.  I am three minutes from an estuary river where my boats are moored and I drive out the mouth of the river into the sea.  Great fishing here...this season I caught coral trout, grouper, queenfish, barracuda, spanish mackeral, and lots of other premium table fish that I only know the Thai name for like Pla Tamad, Pla Seeum, Pla mare, etc.


    My friend here in the village has a shellfish farm.  I buy green lipped mussles of him for 40 baht a kilo.  My GF also has two farms about 5 KM from our house.  I dug a bore on one and we have great water.  We have planted out lots of fruit and vegies there. (Went there today on the way back from the fresh market and some <deleted> had stolen all of my ripe mullberries..)


    If you have 100K aud that is more than enough to recreate my lifestyle.  The key however is that I speak fluent Thai.  


    I used to be a big deal.  I have three degrees and I am a qualified tradesman as well. I once worked for the then Prime Minister's family and I have completed projects for some of the largest companies in the world.  But that was another life...and one I am grateful to be rid off.


    Now I have a new and very little life, but it brings me a great deal of joy.

    All sounded fantastic until you went all...."I used to be a big deal" ???????????????????? jesus wept.

    • Haha 2
  7. 5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    As with anything some people will abuse it. Kids will be using it in Thailand. In moderation no biggie  but done regularly really not good at all.




    I am happy about the de facto legalization. Overall it's very positive news in many ways. Also it's great for Thailand's international branding image.


    But still there will be downsides.

    Do you think teens were not using it before it became legal? And do you believe it will increase the chronic use amongst teens now it is legal?

     I think recreational use may increase due to the novelty of legalisation but I doubt it will turn people on to drugs that weren't interested in them in the first place.


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