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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. On 9/9/2019 at 2:18 PM, Fex Bluse said:

    I am confident I know more about Thailand than you. I am invited to events here that people you read about and have never met get invited to. I don't want to give myself away, but rest assured some of us with poor opinions of Thailand are not average working class, fixed income retirees. 

    I wouldn't attend any event that invited people like me.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Crossy said:

    I will email support next week, whilst we have been a bit overcast I am not seeing the conversion efficiencies advertised (not even close).

    My 330W panel has generated 12 units in the past 14 days.

    Even in the brightest of mid-day sunshine it only generated 250W.


    My panel stopped working once, when I first tried it out and had it sitting on a table.

    The rear of the frame was blocked by the table and the panel got too hot.

    You gotta have the panel ventilated as well as the GTI.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, sillyfool said:

    i think you are giving the general market a little too much credit. 


    i think again you are giving the market more credit than you should. most people drink or smoke to get the intoxicating feeling. sure taste etc are important but at the end of the day for your average consumer i think it is far less relevant. connoisseur and medical smokers aside. i just wonder how many people would continue to buy 10 % thc weed that tasted good over a 30 %.  same would apply with alcohol. most people buy alcohol for the buzz over the taste ? i mean look at the stats on alcohol here. as far as i know lao khao dominates the market. i may be wrong on that one though. 


    You're absolutely right.

    I buy the cheapest beer I can find, and zero bottles of fine wine.

    • Haha 1
  4. 30 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Curious, what you would do if they doubled the money you need to keep in the Bank (I'm alright Jack, I can bring mine in from Singapore, crappy USD/GBP rates don't bother me), what if it tripled, quadrupled? at what point would you find yourself packing a bag & heading back home. 

    At no point, as there are plenty of other countries in Asia I can live in if I can pay 300USD for the 1 year VISA.

  5. 3 hours ago, yogi100 said:

    London high streets are thronging with people in the daytime who are obviously not British. Ask can yourself why they're not working and where does their money come from.

    I always assumed they were waiters/waitress/barmen/maids/night nurses/etc., people that worked low paid evening jobs and could live in London because they were OK living 10 to a room.

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, abrahamzvi said:

    I broke a hip and had  surgery with 2 nights in ICU and a total of 2 weeks in hospital, including a few sessions of physiotherapy, and the total bill including 3 months supply of expensive medicines, amounted to just over BHT 1 Million, all in Bangkok hospital.

    Guy I know broke his hip, NokornPing government hospital charged 16Kbht for the plastering and initial recovery (3 nights), paid direct by his government minimum m/c insurance and another 25Kbht for a month in a fully inclusive Chiang Mai care home, paid by him.


    Hope you feel the 960Kbht extra you paid for 'expensive medicine' and a private room was worth it.

    • Thanks 1
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