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The stuttering parrot

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Posts posted by The stuttering parrot

  1. Hi there.

    I will be having a few mates arriving and have a van sorted for a trip from the Kwai up to Chiang mai. I'm looking for an interesting place to stop over on the way up overnight with places of interest some decent food and a good bar for a few drinks. Sukhothai will be worth a look so that's on the agenda.

    Wife said the driver ( friend of the family ) will know but some of you might have a better suited ideas for a stopover.

    Thanks in advance 

  2. Why wouldn't he be unfazed he speaks the truth about the yellows trying to seize power unlawfully opening up the opportunity for a military coup.

    Unfortunatley Sutep and his cronies are unfazed to and hid away in a temple until  it was deemed safe that enough time had passed.

    Some monks and pollies are Teflon coated and get a free pass to bring down a democratically elected government.

  3. Depression comes in many forms from financial stress to realationship breakdowns etc.

    One has to put oneself in their place to truly understand how a mind works to carry out a suicide and end it all.

    Understanding and support can help prevent these type of tragedies but not always.

    In Oz they have a are you ok day where you ask a mate if he's ok and if he wants to talk about any problems. It has taken off to an extent and at least it gives a person down on their luck a chance to vent and get some support and help.

  4. A two fold question.

    Buying a lead for a mobile in MBK the girl serving me paid no attention for about 5 mins while she was staring into the mirror putting on the war paint while I just stood there like a shag on a rock waiting for her. No problem I got what I needed and moved on but my question is I know all women love a look in the mirror but are Thai women the champions of mirrors and makeup?

    The other question is how do these mobile phone outlets survive? I know low wages come into it but row are row shop after shop selling the same product and paying rent can't be that profitable can it?

    The good news is there are some pretty girls there selling mobiles which makes it a pleasant walk.

  5. Right on queue as expected.

    Glad to see the  the soldiers generals are all squeaky clean and none of them have the odd bet on let's say Liverpool etc.

    Dont know how junta supporters view blanket amnesty for the junta so they can't be held accountable but the majority on here have far different views on what is and what is not corruption in all its forms.

  6. Fancy even believing or supporting this lot after what they have done to anyone who voices any opposition to the high and mighty road map.

    So over time it's now oh well they're not such a bad lot after all and we believe everything they say about alleged corrupt people.

    i wonder how many military names are on there from top to bottom?

  7. His reputation might be badly damaged ?

    Well after taken power by the barrel of a gun locking up any disinters silencing the media putting on a farce of a referendum now putting his mates into power to enshrine the military in parliament not to mention the reckless spending for his military mates on billion dollar subs etc how could his reputation be damaged?

    After all 93% of the country love him the other 7% are at attitude adjustment camps.

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