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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. 37 minutes ago, oom5656 said:

    i am self taught engineer who worked in China 5 year,i have expreince design and manufacturing electronic devices i had also exprince with generating electric etc,but i am not sure if there is any ease for me?

    Well' I work for a Mammoth company but prefer being more humble towards others not in the same boat - so to speak mate ......................................

    • Like 1
  2. 10 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    If you have robust financial assets or targeted job skills and/or are an investor in accordance with Thailand's stated investment goals, then you will be able to do what you ask. However, if you are of limited financial means, or do not have the  targeted  specialized labour skills you will have a difficult time. Thailand doesn't wish to have any more marginal long stay foreigners.


    Foreigners who  meet the  goals of the 4.0 strategy which focuses on strategic industries such as; New technologies,  smart electronics, medical tourism, biotechnology, food and beverages, and automotive are welcome. In particular, foreigners who can help build robotics, aerospace, digital services, bio-energy and bio-chemicals, and healthcare in Thailand are targeted as desirable residents. Thailand is not looking for  anymore shop clerks, software coders, hair dressers, cooks, waitresses, clerks etc.

    Jesus, are you having a laugh. Its plainly obvious this chap doesn't have the academia to understand or is even able to read your garbled portrayal similar to a difficult  book namely: Ulysses, by James Joyce .............

  3. On 1/25/2018 at 6:27 AM, yellowboat said:

    You should not put all your eggs in a Thai egg basket.  The Thai egg basket has a false bottom.  Pay as a go and expose yourself as little as possible in Thailand.

    Main reason I left Thailand. To me its the most undesirable place to buy a home and set up with a Thai spouse. Everything, is about money and especially to her family, buying a house and so on we all know the lines. I pop in 3 times a year on business although still like the Thai people even though their attitude to us Farangs stinks to high heaven. Nobody need rant n' rave about it happening everywhere - it doesn't in my view. Who the f0ck meets a new girlfriend then within a short period of time - starts supporting her Family.. <deleted> .....

    Thai apologists eat your heart out hahaha

  4. 6 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    Many of us could have that carved on our tomb stones :sleep:

    So sad although quite a regular occurrence. Personally, I've met a lot of Thai Goldiggers that made me cringe somewhat.Especially, once I had them sussed. Being honest, never met anyone in the UK paying her family and only until it became a Divorce situation you face a snake. Money comes first in this country and Love comes secondary. If you don't believe that policy, try not paying her or family members and see where your darling's true feelings lay....................

  5. 8 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    " They had heard her cries for help as an argument ensued but no one dared intervene."


    yes but a 10 on 1 fight can be easily arranged but no one can get together to go help a woman screaming for help.


    Cowardly filth.


    RIP young woman.


    and execute the boyfriend.


    Next case.

    Too true
    Its my pet hate about Thais. Thus, being their spineless stance on beating defenseless people albeit a woman or thuggery in numbers against a single farang. They're infamous around the Planet for their cowardice. I really couldn't care-less who's gonna give us figures on other countries when we're discussing Thailand. 



  6. 21 hours ago, Reigntax said:

    My computer holds information from Prayuth promising elections by at least 5 previous dates.  Would someone please charge him for distributing false information, totally wrecking any chance the country had of any reasonable reputation and his contribution for lowering the medium intelligence level of the human race. That is, if he qualifies.

    This countries so-called officialdom is a complete and utter farce, If they were paid for incompetence they'd all be multimillionaires.  A place known around the world for debauchery, sin and sex encounters galore have the audacity to enforce a mans basic rights to keep snorky under control and in Tip-Top condition to keep your motors running smoothly, now coming to an abrupt halt under the guide of the morality Police ................. :post-4641-1156694572:

  7. 2 hours ago, aguy30 said:

    Absolute stupidity!


    If a person (think farang) smokes a cigarette on the beach, he can get a fine of 100,000 baht. This is absolutely absurd and even more so when you consider that a Thai can violently assault a farang and receive a whopping 500 baht fine and then walk away without jail time. I'm all for "no smoking" but the realistic fine should be about 1000 baht.


    Seems the government is trying its best to destroy the Pattaya beaches frequented by farangs. The beaches were enjoyable more than 10 years ago. Now they are dirty, very compressed limited seating and soon no more food and beer. Doesn't anyone in charge know what beach users want?


    The people in charge of Pattaya need to go to Bali (Kuta and Legian) for a few weeks and learn from them how to make a success of the beaches both daytime and also allow night time use. Bali beaches are far better that Pattaya. They might also investigate why Bali's night life is prospering while Pattaya is in a downward spiral.


    On second thought these are not a reasonable suggestions as Thais already know everything and have no need to learn anything different or new from non Thais.


    Its beyond a Joke. Pattaya beaches are cesspits now having the audacity to fine Farangs for smoking. Does that include non-farangs? I think Thailand should Ban farangs from everywhere and time they discovered why they need our hard earned  cash !!!

  8. 8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    What passes for discipline in Thai schools is an utter disgrace. If ever I have witnessed a school room incident where someone deserves to be charged by the police this is it. This teacher needs to be sacked and jailed.

    <deleted> ... can't believe my eyes. This is a sheer mockery of schooling at its worst. This bullying Bastard needs a taste of his own medicine and jailed for 10 years to show others it will not be accepted. Lost for words on this one .......:sad:

  9. 11 hours ago, oldgent said:

    and exactly what has that statement got to do with members sharing their opinions

    the couple in question are the ones that are challanged as to why they are telling

    the truth or not

    Not only do you condemn others for what you you deem fit according to your obvious Thai apologist enthusiasm but now doing your Psychoanalysis projects on all and sundry. Get real mate - everything doesn't revolve round your insecurities there's a big world out there my friend. Time you took that onboard before you depart this earth having  little consideration for us unfortunates not having your inner strength or morality. Yeah, your one of the greats !!!   

  10. 5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    I'm not saying they have lied, their story might well be true.


    But if they have lied about a crime being committed in Thailand to raise money online, then does that not leave them open to charges under the defamation laws or computer crime fraud?


    Could well be a grey area, but as the story appears to be gaining publicity, I'm sure the authorities will want to make them suffer for damaging Thailand's reputation further. 


    If they are lying that is.

    They're not. A big boy did it and ran away lol

  11. 4 hours ago, NamKangMan said:

    "leaving him in a side street with multiple leg fractures" - multiple leg fractures, during a "mugging" in which the offenders had a gun, in a bar area, in a crowded street.   Mmmmmmmmm.


    Multiple leg fractures are conducive with a motorbike accident.  Just saying. 





    Fantastic you was on the scene so quickly to report this news .................................:passifier:

  12. 1 hour ago, torrzent said:

    Well I think that is your mistake right there....it is always better to pay up and get away, than to argue on principle and take a hiding!

    I agree
    However, being Scottish we're proud people to and cannot change our cultural indifference becoming subservient at others threats or whims. Hospital food through the drip comes in different flavours these days. Certainly, a joy not to be missed ............ :passifier:

  13. 15 hours ago, tropo said:

    Why do people talk about Thailand street mentality as though it's unique? This is ridiculous. Where do people on the street have referees to ensure fair fighting? There's only one place to have a fair fight - in a refereed competition fight with competitors of like size, weight and skills. On the street, it's anything goes - anywhere in the world. Unless the Thai guy is highly trained, why would you expect 1 on 1? On the street, the primary objective is to win, as easily as possible without being injured.

    Pray tell me where I insinuated that its unique in Thailand to get accosted? Let’s call a spade a spade my friend. Farangs for instance have been confronted in heavy numbers for many years not being able to defend one's self. So please don't rabbit on as if it doesn't happen mate. The ideology is that we're much bigger so they attack like a pack of hyenas bludgeoning one to near death having no thought for their victim. Now your gonna mention gangs around the world. Let’s keep it here since we’re describing Thai mentality in this instance.

    I’ve lived in Thailand 12 years now preferring Europe which to me feels safer depending where you are graphically of course. I love Thailand as many others do although knowing one must be careful not to make annoy a Thai, what he considers’ loss of face’ or you will lose your face once his backup patrol gets ready to perform. I do appreciate your view of course but having been beaten up myself by a baying mob for refusing to pay an extortionate Tuk Tuk fare it left a bad taste in my mouth – probably the blood lol.

    Anyway, thanks for your response keep happy………..

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