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Posts posted by casualposter

  1. To the OP; Whereustay....I originally pressed the like button for your current topic

    of discontent but then "unliked" it after the reference to the 3 babes topic you

    penned/hacked cropped up. Why...go figure. Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about

    the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I

    wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't

    be posted here...so there. Anyway...who cares? In case you're wondering about why

    some farang are unhappy with successful farang in LOS on TVF try jealousy or simply

    taking the mickey outta em for fun. Again WTFC. Have fun in your future liaisons &

    please do us a favour...keep it and you so called conquests to yourself. We don't

    really care.

    I hear ya! I'm not going to boast about the 3 bisexual ladies, one Japanese, one Thai, and one Korean, all of them stunners, that I daily gave massive multiple orgasms to for 3 months when I was in Paris waiting for the bronze statue of myself I had had commissioned a world famous sculptor to create. Nor am I going to boast about the twin Texan beauty queens I had as guests on my 50 meter yacht last time I cruised the Caribbean.

    I won't even talk about the photos and videos, because that would imply I think you wouldn't believe me....and why wouldn't you?

    So, no, I will not brag about anything.


  2. To the OP; Whereustay....I originally pressed the like button for your current topic

    of discontent but then "unliked" it after the reference to the 3 babes topic you

    penned/hacked cropped up. Why...go figure. Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about

    the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I

    wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't

    be posted here...so there. Anyway...who cares? In case you're wondering about why

    some farang are unhappy with successful farang in LOS on TVF try jealousy or simply

    taking the mickey outta em for fun. Again WTFC. Have fun in your future liaisons &

    please do us a favour...keep it and you so called conquests to yourself. We don't

    really care.

    "Geeze man I'm not gonna boast about the nookie I have scored in my lifetime because nobody would ever believe it and I wouldn't blame em for not believing it...except there are photos to prove it which can't be posted here"


  3. Re loving to write novels (as in plural) in Chiang Mai coffee shops:

    "Words are easy; books are not." The well published essayist Fran Lebowitz is infamous in NY publishing circles for her unfinished novel for which she received in-part an advance from Random House.



    Thanks JL - I've actually completed 8 novels, and have finished four of a wonderful five book fiction series I'm been working on in coffee shops for the past four years. In an alternate universe I'm a best selling author. In this one I haven't figured out how to get anyone to notice me. On purpose - I'm too busy writing to brag about how long I've been anywhere. If I'm here too long then I'll be gone. Just the way life is.

    "I've actually completed 8 novels"

    Just curious - are you self-published? If not, what do you think of this:


  4. Tell the girlfriend that the daughter has been playing with your Thai Visa Forum member when the wife sleeps o the floor and that it is time to end your temptation with her daughter. Ask her to say nothing to her daughter as you are embarrassed by the whole situation. That should do the trick as it is unlikely your girlfriend will confront her. Remember your girlfriend is dependent on her daughter for security in your girlfriend's old age and remember that Thais have a very liberal view of sex - not morality connected. After sleeping alone for 2 weeks, your girlfriends daughter will prefer the new sleeping arangements. Just to reassure the family that you like everyone invite her to sleep in your bed ( but not next to you) occasionally when your girlfriend is unavailable to you.

    I also had this problem but my Thai wife also loves my membership and privacy so she eased the child out and into her own bedroom. She comes back rarely but the honeymoon is over.

    "Tell the girlfriend that ..... it is time to end your temptation with her daughter."

    What an unbelievably sick comment.

    • Like 2
  5. What irritates me is guys from Hawaii, well they are really Yanks that moved to Hawaii then came here, using expressions like 'aloha' or calling themselves 'haole'. Or guys that speak Spanish or another language but refuse to learn Thai.

    I really don't understand why so many would want to leave a beautiful place like Hawaii to come here.

    I really don't understand why so many would want to leave a beautiful place like Hawaii to come here.

    Misfits + failures with women.

    Simple, really.

  6. I wouldn't describe myself as a proponent of dating sites; I view them as online tools which, when used dispassionately, can achieve the desired result. If you make full use of the available search options and adhere strictly to sensible criteria, you won't get scammed.

    Key rules, of course, are:

    1. Do not fall in love with girls you've never met

    2. Do not EVER send money.

    As for the OP's "new squeeze", she may or may not be a scammer, but she's someone who I would have blocked immediately. In addition to the key rules above, a sensible criteria should include:

    1. She should be the correct age for you. Not too young; not too old.

    2. No midgets.

    3. University educated.

    4. Good job.

    5. Transparency. She should be willing to "friend" you on Facebook and share her photo albums. She should have nothing to hide.

    6. Middle class family. Always ask about her parents' occupation.

    7. Home and transport.

    8. Good written and spoken English.

    9. No farang exes. This point is very important.

    10. No tattoos. Occasional drinking only. No smoking.

    laugh.png , your going to be or are a hermit............laugh.png

    I used Thaifriendly from January 2011 to August 2011.

    I dated 4 girls who "satisfied" my criteria. They were okay, but two were greedy.

    The best girl of all (my current GF) contacted me out of the blue in August 2011 to ask for help with a computer design language. That was obviously lucky, but life is full of strange twists and turns!

  7. I would agree that many Thais automatically assume that farangs are wealthy...although this is slowly changing as there are a good number of in-country farangs who are far from rich.

    To get a better understanding of farang/Thai dating in the Kingdom, note the following:

    a. Most Thai girls do not believe that money is THE MOST important thing in a mate.

    b. Most Thai girls chasing farangs do believe that money is important, if not the most important, thing in a mate.

    So Thai girl Cat. A are not going to be chasing farangs....which is not to say that they wouldn't date a good farang guy if given the opportunity. They're just not going to be chasing farangs on dating sites and other tourist hang-outs. The OP most likely has a Cat. B Thai girl. Sorry to all for generalizing, but just trying to keep it simple.

    No. Once again you're wrong.

    I've noticed a fair bit of negativity on this forum when it comes to dating sites. I think a few guys have never tried online dating and simply don't know what they're talking about; I think too that some of the more overt negativity stems from insecurity.

    When I talk about insecurity, I'm referring to men who give themselves an ego boost by claiming they've got a "real" girl because they live in Thailand, speak Thai and understand the local culture. What these guys resent is the way in which dating sites level the playing field. They resent the fact that a young, decent-looking guy can set up a free account on a dating site and within minutes start chatting to girls half their wife's age and much better looking.

    Put another way, the more extreme negativity directed at dating sites is coming from men with older and less attractive wives. If these men were married to supermodels, they would have zero interest in online dating sites.

    My experience

    I met a handful of girls in BKK thanks to my free account with Thaifriendly. Half were looking for money (one actually wanted me to buy her an iPhone); half were normal.

    I found these girls by searching for women aged 28-32. I picked out the ones who I found attractive and were university educated. I filtered out the runts (few things in Thailand are more ridiculous than the sight of farangs in the company of five foot midgets); I also deleted girls with farang exes.

    I met one girl who'd been chatting to a Canadian for a whole year. She'd been planning to fly to Canada to meet him because, as the said, he was a mechanic and didn't have much money. In the end she discovered he had another girl in Canada. I had a few dates with her: she was 37, pretty and intelligent. I eventually decided she was too old.

    My current GF contacted me because I do the same job as her (she'd read my profile) and wanted help with a design language called CSS. Money was not part of the equation. Obviously it was pure luck that she was the right age (32) and a university-educated Schwarzkopf model, but I think luck almost always plays a part in finding the right person.

    Your problem, Mr Berkshire, is that you're prone to generalizing about things you have no experience of. This said, your posts are at least free of bitterness, stupidity and envy.

    You're a big proponent of dating sites, I know. Don't you think it's a good idea to let the novice--especially one who lives overseas--be more aware of what might be going on in a good number of cases? You yourself put the figure at 50% scammers/wackos, although I myself think it's a little higher.

    But since you believe that dating sites are the way to go, what do you think about the OP's new squeeze? For real or not? Don't say you don't have enough info as none of us do.

    I wouldn't describe myself as a proponent of dating sites; I view them as online tools which, when used dispassionately, can achieve the desired result. If you make full use of the available search options and adhere strictly to sensible criteria, you won't get scammed.

    Key rules, of course, are:

    1. Do not fall in love with girls you've never met

    2. Do not EVER send money.

    As for the OP's "new squeeze", she may or may not be a scammer, but she's someone who I would have blocked immediately. In addition to the key rules above, a sensible criteria should include:

    1. She should be the correct age for you. Not too young; not too old.

    2. No midgets.

    3. University educated.

    4. Good job.

    5. Transparency. She should be willing to "friend" you on Facebook and share her photo albums. She should have nothing to hide.

    6. Middle class family. Always ask about her parents' occupation.

    7. Home and transport.

    8. Good written and spoken English.

    9. No farang exes. This point is very important.

    10. No tattoos. Occasional drinking only. No smoking.

  8. I've noticed a fair bit of negativity on this forum when it comes to dating sites. I think a few guys have never tried online dating and simply don't know what they're talking about; I think too that some of the more overt negativity stems from insecurity.

    When I talk about insecurity, I'm referring to men who give themselves an ego boost by claiming they've got a "real" girl because they live in Thailand, speak Thai and understand the local culture. What these guys resent is the way in which dating sites level the playing field. They resent the fact that a young, decent-looking guy can set up a free account on a dating site and within minutes start chatting to girls half their wife's age and much better looking.

    Put another way, the more extreme negativity directed at dating sites is coming from men with older and less attractive wives. If these men were married to supermodels, they would have zero interest in online dating sites.

    My experience

    I met a handful of girls in BKK thanks to my free account with Thaifriendly. Half were looking for money (one actually wanted me to buy her an iPhone); half were normal.

    I found these girls by searching for women aged 28-32. I picked out the ones who I found attractive and were university educated. I filtered out the runts (few things in Thailand are more ridiculous than the sight of farangs in the company of five foot midgets); I also deleted girls with farang exes.

    I met one girl who'd been chatting to a Canadian for a whole year. She'd been planning to fly to Canada to meet him because, as the said, he was a mechanic and didn't have much money. In the end she discovered he had another girl in Canada. I had a few dates with her: she was 37, pretty and intelligent. I eventually decided she was too old.

    My current GF contacted me because I do the same job as her (she'd read my profile) and wanted help with a design language called CSS. Money was not part of the equation. Obviously it was pure luck that she was the right age (32) and a university-educated Schwarzkopf model, but I think luck almost always plays a part in finding the right person.

    Your problem, Mr Berkshire, is that you're prone to generalizing about things you have no experience of. This said, your posts are at least free of bitterness, stupidity and envy.

    Well isn't it strange that I know ladies using these sites that are already married to FARANGS................clap2.gif

    One is in her late 50's and has met a farang in LOS who is already married to a Thai............clap2.gif

    Yes, there are some scummy people in Thailand and it's inevitable that some of them will use dating sites. So what? Who in their right mind would wish to date a Thai woman in her late fifties?

    I only ever searched for educated, middle class girls with decent jobs. My cut-off age was 32. A quick phone call or look at their Facebook page helped separate the wheat from the chaff; a couple of "real life" dates made it obvious who was greedy and who wasn't.

    There's no rocket science here. Only fools get scammed or taken for a ride.

  9. I would agree that many Thais automatically assume that farangs are wealthy...although this is slowly changing as there are a good number of in-country farangs who are far from rich.

    To get a better understanding of farang/Thai dating in the Kingdom, note the following:

    a. Most Thai girls do not believe that money is THE MOST important thing in a mate.

    b. Most Thai girls chasing farangs do believe that money is important, if not the most important, thing in a mate.

    So Thai girl Cat. A are not going to be chasing farangs....which is not to say that they wouldn't date a good farang guy if given the opportunity. They're just not going to be chasing farangs on dating sites and other tourist hang-outs. The OP most likely has a Cat. B Thai girl. Sorry to all for generalizing, but just trying to keep it simple.

    No. Once again you're wrong.

    I've noticed a fair bit of negativity on this forum when it comes to dating sites. I think a few guys have never tried online dating and simply don't know what they're talking about; I think too that some of the more overt negativity stems from insecurity.

    When I talk about insecurity, I'm referring to men who give themselves an ego boost by claiming they've got a "real" girl because they live in Thailand, speak Thai and understand the local culture. What these guys resent is the way in which dating sites level the playing field. They resent the fact that a young, decent-looking guy can set up a free account on a dating site and within minutes start chatting to girls half their wife's age and much better looking.

    Put another way, the more extreme negativity directed at dating sites is coming from men with older and less attractive wives. If these men were married to supermodels, they would have zero interest in online dating sites.

    My experience

    I met a handful of girls in BKK thanks to my free account with Thaifriendly. Half were looking for money (one actually wanted me to buy her an iPhone); half were normal.

    I found these girls by searching for women aged 28-32. I picked out the ones who I found attractive and were university educated. I filtered out the runts (few things in Thailand are more ridiculous than the sight of farangs in the company of five foot midgets); I also deleted girls with farang exes.

    I met one girl who'd been chatting to a Canadian for a whole year. She'd been planning to fly to Canada to meet him because, as the said, he was a mechanic and didn't have much money. In the end she discovered he had another girl in Canada. I had a few dates with her: she was 37, pretty and intelligent. I eventually decided she was too old.

    My current GF contacted me because I do the same job as her (she'd read my profile) and wanted help with a design language called CSS. Money was not part of the equation. Obviously it was pure luck that she was the right age (32) and a university-educated Schwarzkopf model, but I think luck almost always plays a part in finding the right person.

    Your problem, Mr Berkshire, is that you're prone to generalizing about things you have no experience of. This said, your posts are at least free of bitterness, stupidity and envy.

    • Like 1
  10. Kissing is just not in the traditional Thai culture. In the backwaters of Thailand you never see any public displays of affection. People rarely hold hands. Although my wife has been giving and loving in every way only a few nights ago did she awkwardly experiment with kissing and did not allow it even in bed. I could kiss or orally please her but not her mouth. Just not in their culture. They consider the feet to be dirty and you should not touch anyone with your feet so there is likely a similar taboo with kissing. Also you should not touch anyones head. So I guess kissing is touching someones head. BIG TABOO !!

    Your posts are outrageous.

    Your wife doesn't want to kiss you because kissing isn't part of Thai culture and is a big taboo.

    You're living on a different planet.

  11. Just say , " Pom yak kun. " and see where it goes from there. This is the traditional polite way of saying, " Do you want sex ? "

    I have tried it and if the person does not want you they just ignore the suggestion. Not like the occidental world where women get angry. It may take a few times of "Pom yak kun " before the desired response is elicited. If you prefer to be a little more gentile say, " Pom kit, pom rak kun. "

    If you want to know how she feels about you say, " Kun chop pom mae ? " If she smiles at you your in. If every time you have met she smiles at you that is a big invite. She has already given you something that is very personal - her smile.

    You like to see women's flesh. Women enjoy seeing yours. Remove as much of your clothing that the occasion allows. Thais love white skin. It is a status symbol.

    Surely this is a joke.

    • Like 2
  12. The ironic thing is most of these people you speak of,I've met them first hand also,speak hardly any Thai and despise the place,hang on this could be your average TV member.

    I completely agree with the OP and their views about this subject and especially the so called "VETS" that don't speak a damn word of the language.

    There is absolutely no excuse at all. Period. And the ones with the "because I choose NOT to learn" have no excuse either. Just hypocrites.

    And the reason why I call them hypocrites is because of this main reason:

    They expect YOU to learn their language when you live in their country.

    And you can bet your boobies they commented on that or have at the very least, thought about it when they came across a foreigner living in their country for 15+ years.

    That goes for language teachers as well. If you take the time to learn THEIR language, it will go a long ways. It puts you in their shoes and makes you a better teacher.

    I could not have survived in Japan my 17 years there nor Hong Kong 8 years [sarcasm] yep, that's right you vets, 17 years in Japan. I guess that makes me someone special like you[\sarcasm] without cracking open the books and studying the language.

    I just finished 8 months in Thailand with an ED visa and am grateful that I did.

    The attitude of the native people, where ever you live in the world, changes drastically towards you when you make some attempt to learn their language.

    And why not? You DO expect the same from them in your home country.

    Why you ask? Because it shows them respect. It shows you put time and effort to learn about them and their unique culture(s).

    I remember buying my curry and fried fish from some shop owners at the open market. The first few months not knowing the language, they just served me. No smile. "Another Farang who doesn't speak Thai" attitude.

    Months later with some conversation skills under my belt, those same people were not only serving me extra food but were engaging in small talk and giving a real Thai smile.

    The so called "Vets" can kiss my butt. I've been in Asia for 25 years and loving it.

    And I've got Japanese, Cantonese and Thai to put in my resume.

    So, Mr. Vet, what did you accomplish in all those years except to grow a festering attitude on your shoulder and copious amounts of Chang/Leo?

    ...2 beautiful sons and a beautiful wife. you?

    Awesome. You've got your priorities right.

    A beautiful wife / GF plus kids is always more important than language skills.

    But have you tried learning Thai?

  13. Every person has a desire to feel important in the eyes of others - some just don't have anything else to show off than being here longer.

    That's true.

    I knew an Israeli guy once who'd been here for six months and taught himself to speak and even read the language. He couldn't write it, though.

    I've met others who've been here for years and achieved nothing.

    Quality not quantity.

  14. No, family and herself are in Ubon.

    Something else I did not mention in my original post. She told me she is separated and that the marriage was never "registered". I am not familiar with this registry thing. But then again, if your goal is to scam a guy, why on earth say you are married, then separated, but never registered? Why not just say you are single? Could she have Thai bf, or even husband? Maybe... But why even raise the doubts by telling me she was married before? It just sounds like the honest truth, at least on this point.

    I still think you should move on. It's so easy to find young, attractive girls with decent jobs and solvent families.

    A major problem with your post is the word UBON. I'll let others on this forum explain the significance of that.

  15. Oh go away Trans. . . . you've got the debating skills of an amoeba.

    You wanna skew the discussion towards UK immigration policy in the 1950s now??

    You're not the only one to have picked up on this waste of space.

    I'm a white Brit and can assure you that these racist creeps make me vomit.

    • Like 1
  16. I have had many experiences with thai girls with us chatting away on the internet.....and just 3 conversations down the track and almost bloody predictably......they come up with some BS story about wanting money.....because..... (insert 100 reasons/excuses)

    One girl even wanted an absolute assurance from me that I would "take care" of her family....before she would consider meeting me....I refused (me...having lived in Thailand 6 years I know what the "take care" insinuation entails....money...money...money)

    I never had bad experiences or requests for money. Which site did you use? Were you in Thailand at the time?

    I had a free account at ThaiFriendly.

  17. @Esacpe4

    Of course this is a scam. So what? I get emails every day telling me I've won millions of dollars. You just delete this nonsense and move on.

    Contrary to what idiots on this forum claim, most girls on dating sites are quite normal.

    You'll find someone decent in the end. It just takes time. Enjoy yourself and don't take it too seriously.


    As other people are stating elsewhere on this forum, you really are quite pathetic.

  18. @Esacpe4

    Of course this is a scam. So what? I get emails every day telling me I've won millions of dollars. You just delete this nonsense and move on.

    Contrary to what idiots on this forum claim, most girls on dating sites are quite normal.

    You'll find someone decent in the end. It just takes time. Enjoy yourself and don't take it too seriously.

    • Like 1
  19. Yet you post a lot........hmmmmmmmmmmmm. ...........coffee1.gif


    The bloke with what, nearly 24,000 posts and counting who joined the forum only ONE year before me has the gall to suggest that I post a lot??

    What on earth are you smoking?

    HS -- don't waste your time with lonely old men.

    Accept that some expats here in Thailand are extremely lonely. Their lives are empty and pathetic.

    You know what I mean.

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