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Posts posted by casualposter

  1. Obsessed by what?

    I am in south florida, having the best of florida's weather and lifestyle,

    while people in thailand are suffereing in 100 degree weather, and trying to make a living,


    speak for yourself,

    I am maintaining my connection to a girl I spent over 4 months with exclusively in her home and traveling about,

    you, sound jealous of people like me

    You're not fooling anyone.

    You're sexually inexperienced and have become obsessed with a prostitute.

    As I said, if a Thai man were to see your endless posts about this hooker, he'd simply laugh at you.

    Move on.

  2. Not really at odds with evolutionary theory at all in regards to the sexual superiority of a woman over a man.. Do you really think you can keep up with a woman who is sexually liberated to enjoy sex without all the societal BS running through her head? Physically you will be unable to compete sexually with a woman.. They can exhaust one man after another in quick succession or all at once.. Men may be superior in physical strength, but not sexual abilities no matter the size of their unit or libido!

    As to being the 'driver' of monogamy, I agree to disagree. Any woman I have known as a guy in the rear seat just in case the one in the driver's seat doesn't work out - especially if she is pregnant or has a kid. Women I've known tend to get over a man emotionally far quicker than the other way around - nature might of intended it that way so a woman can move on quicker in securing the next provider for offspring. And again, if women are in the driver's seat of monogomy, it is because they were indoctrinated by the religious morals of a patriarchal society to believe monogamy is 'right' because the male image of the society's imaginary sky daddy says so.. Why? The human male mate wants to monopolize a human female, to dominate her by controlling her sexually superior abilities so that he can be assured he is the father of the children he then provides for. The human female is biologically no different than many other female species in that she was designed by evolution to mate with, and receive the sperm of multiple males, and often in quick succession.

    Ever notice after child bearing years women start straying at a far greater rate than during? You'll find vast numbers of over 40 MILFS cheating on their hubbies at 'hook up' sites because they don't really want or need monogamy after they'd done their child rearing duties as mothers. If that's what you mean by being in the driver's seat of monogamy after coming to the conclusion she doesn't need it anymore, I'll agree wai.gif And by the way, at a statistical level, women are far more adulterous than their male counterpart boyfriends and husbands - at least in the US and I would suspect most anywhere in the world because they are sexually superior than their male counterpart.

    Please tell me you're paid to post this crud.

    Seriously, please.

  3. But I found exactly what I wanted to see in bed next to me, and I paid for it.

    You're obsessed.

    Ever heard of the term "holiday romance"?

    Sorry to be rude, but you sound hopelessly inexperienced.

    What means you?

    Of course I do,

    I spent my late teen years and early adult years in Miami Beach, where new girls came every week, to the same limited clubs and hotels, and swimming pools

    we mastered that art at 16

    No you didn't.

    If a Thai man were to see how you talk 10 or 20 times a day about a prostitute, he'd just laugh at you. He'd think you're crazy.

    You need to drop it.

    Enjoy your life. See your family and friends. Pursue your hobbies.

    You had a holiday (paid-for) romance with a prostitute. So what?

    Find yourself a new girl. Move on.

    Seriously, you're obsessed.

  4. The saddest part is these girls don't bank it for the future, easy come easy go. . .

    These days I know nothing at all about hookers and their Johns.

    Back in 1999, though, I met a girl who'd worked in Sukhumwit 33 and been given a million Baht by some idiotic piece of Eurotrash. She blew it all in a year. Her husband (a Thai) pissed most of it away on Heineken.

    I used to know another girl whose boyfriend (a Swede) sent her a small fortune every month and forbade her from going out. She was seriously lonely. She asked me to accompany her to the boy bars in Soi Surawong. She wanted to purchase some "company". This too was back in 1999.

    She found her "company" and took him home. She was happy because the boy she'd purchased came from the same town as her in Isaan.

    Madness.Complete madness.

    I quit that scene back in 2000.

  5. As far as the charge of gold digging women is concerned ... exactly who is it that flew thousand of miles in the hopes of being able to exploit whom? If your appearance and personality make it a certainty that no sane woman in your own country would have anything to do with you unless some major cash changed hands and you thought you'd find some attractive, sexy women in Thailand thrilled to see you, you really are delusional. The only thing you may have going for you is money if you are that much of a turn off. Once again, the majority of farang who have Thai partners probably are quite content and have no complaints, but the small number who manage to get separated from their money with nothing to show for it have no one to blame but themselves.


  6. They generally despise Indians too, but not as much as Burma, Laos and Cambodia.

    Yes it's a horrible thing, but I think you'll find most of us farang here don't give a toss.

    I agree.

    I remember an incident a few years back when a bunch of Thais went gambling in Poi Pet.

    Apparently they all thought it was funny to laugh at Cambodian beggars.

    Apparently they got chased back to their hotel and then needed a police escort when leaving Cambodia the following day.

  7. This is an "executive" service. It's not just about sex. I pay for all ground transportation and hotel accommodations. I'm on call 24 hours a day for one full week. I provide unlimited counseling sessions, which I am professionally trained for. If a man is willing to invest in his sexual healing and change his life forever, then I'm worth it. I don't have girls. I understand the freedom of choice and different tastes. My counseling is about empowering the man to be who he was designed to be, and reminding him about how much joy he can experience in turning the sex thing around, in cherishing the woman. I know what I'm doing. 100,000 baht.

    I know what I'm doing. 100,000 baht.

    That sounds like a good deal.

    I mean, for just 100,000 Baht you can teach me how to have sex with common prostitutes.

    But you didn't answer my earlier question re: certification.

    If I enroll in your course, will you award me a certificate or diploma upon completion?

    I'll do it for 50k baht and get you a gold leaf certificate...and a nice frame.

    The price is good. I'm interested.

    But is the certificate real gold?

  8. Just finished a conference live from Perth airport in Australia with Malaysia's prime minister & Australia's Tony Abbot present.

    The black box will stop sending a signal in a couple of days.

    The cost of this search has almost run into the Billions $$$

    It was mentioned : who will pick up the tab for this search ?? china ? malaysia ?

    The search has been going on for three weeks and nothing found has confirmed the actual location.

    The plane may never be found. This is looking more certain every day.

    What really happen to flight MH370 .. it is almost certain it was a foul play involved. Was the pilot involved ?

    We may never know the cause of what actually happen to flight MH370 ...

    That's my bet. wai2.gif

    We may never know the cause of what actually happen to flight MH370 ...

    Pilot suicide.

  9. I found my wife on Thailovelinks.com and was very particular with what I wanted after some bad experiences in China. My wife has not disappointed except in the area of children but to be fair we are past the age when most people have children. I told my Thai wife that she would never go to Canada unless we had one or two children in Thailand first. This for a very good and positive reason. Figure it out.

    My wife showed me her whole life via the computer on Thailovelinks. She had an air card and I went to her child's school. I went to her work and spent several hours there. i met her family and her friends. I looked for a woman who was away from Phuket or Pattaya. I looked for a woman who was working in this case for the government. She showed me her passport, her savings account, her drivers license. i saw her home. She laid everything on the table and I reciprocated.

    We knew each other very well before I came to Thailand and there was no awkwardness when I arrived in Bangkok. She is a good woman and we have a happy home in Mukdahan. It may be more difficult for a Thai woman going abroad leaving her family and friends but if she were allowed to take a friend or cousin that may help smooth the initial cultural shock. most Thais do not want to emigrate but I know there are exceptions because there are 40,000 Thais living in Canada.

    Hope this helps. Be honest and expect honesty in return.

    Good post.

    But I don't think you've described things too well.

    An honest women will reveal herself bit by bit -- not because she's forced to do so, but because she wants to do so.

    You should never FORCE women to "come clean".

    But it sounds as though things worked out well. Good luck to you.

    In my opinion, dating websites provide westerners with the best possible opportunity to meet partners who are equal in terms of education, experience and expectations.


  10. I'm enjoying your posts, LOKESH.

    You keep going!!

    Trolling and patronizing.

    Go and find another forum.

    Stalking again?

    I reported you last night to the MODS. Would you like me to report you again?

    Either contribute to this forum or go somewhere else.

    Does your mum know you're on the computer again?


  11. Yep I think it's a terrible wage too, keep telling her she'd make more working the night shift in the local chicken processing factor here !

    She works at one of the smaller international hospitals on the outskirts of Bangkok, rather that a prestigious one in the center - she tells me it's more that the Dr's at the government hospital make. She does one day a week teaching at one of the universities for wich she gets the grand sum of 1,500 baht and they are threatening to stop that unless she gets a masters degree.

    She also specializes in TCM - Traditional Chinese Medicine, although she does have some western medical knowledge too, she is not qualified to work as a Dr in that.

    I've suggested she opens her own clinic, but she's worried that the cost of getting the right premises in an affluent area would be hard to recover. I don't make enough from my business for her not to have to work, so it would be hard while she got established.

    Are you for real? You're not, are you.

    Would the husband of a doctor really discuss his and his wife's future on an anonymous forum such as this?

    Stop being silly. You're neither funny nor clever.

  12. Well, a similar statement was made by the second president of India, Dr. Radhakrishnan:

    The intolerance of narrow monotheism is written in letters of blood across the history of man from the time when first the tribes of Israel burst into the land of Canaan. The worshippers of the one Jealous God are egged on to aggressive wars against people of alien cults. They invoke Divine Sanction for the cruelties inflicted on the conquered. The spirit of old Israel is inherited by Christianity and Islam. ''

    Hopefully present and future India governments will also act about the religious violence in their own country


    No religion is exempt.

    Thanks for the link. However, you can yourself see the widespread extermination of Hindus & culture by Islamic rulers at that link.

    And, please don't confuse incidents of communal tension with a well-planned out strategy to exterminate a particular religion, civilization and its culture.

    I'm enjoying your posts, LOKESH.

    You keep going!!

  13. Thai friendly and many of the dating sites do have quality people on them,

    you just cant rush anything there, and the one's that push to meet, are usually working

    Of course you can find "quality" women on dating sites. Everyone knows this.

    The posters disagreeing with you are idiots.

    You can also find "quality" women in Pattaya bars. But they're probably outnumbered by the "other kind." That's the point, isn't it? If someone (especially a newbie farang) goes to these dating sites thinking that all the girls are legit, he's going to be deceived. So the advice that some of these guys have given regarding the dangers of dating sites are probably much more beneficial than those that say "sure, these dating sites are full of quality women!"

    If someone (especially a newbie farang) goes to these dating sites thinking that all the girls are legit, he's going to be deceived

    No, you're wrong. I got an email today from a guy telling me I'd won several million dollars. I wasn't deceived. Would you have been?

    I used ThaiFriendly. At all times bar one, I initiated contact. I picked out girls within a specific age range who claimed to be college educated.

    I then "friended" the girls on Facebook and checked them out. I made sure their photos showed them at work; I filtered out those who had "farang" friends.

    I met one girl who seemed nice. She worked at an English Language Institute. On our second date we went to Central Lad Phrao and checked out the Apple store. I looked at the computers; she looked at the phones. As we left, I noticed the phone she was caressing and jokingly said "next time". She looked upset and muttered "next time next time next time next time". I wasn't deceived. She was from Buriram.

    The next girl I met was great. She worked at a hotel in Silom. I gave her one of my private email addresses. I can do this because I manage my own server. A week later I got an email from a bogus finance company inviting me to invest. The email they were using to contact me with was the one I had given to the girl. I wasn't deceived. She was from Nakhon Sri Thammarat.

    I met another girl. We went to one of those outdoor restaurants where the tables are fashioned from re-cycled ox carts. The girl told me how she encouraged her younger sister to date farangs because farangs were better at taking care. I wasn't deceived. I called the waiter and asked for the bill. I then got up and went to the bathroom. When I came back, the girl smiled and told me she'd paid the bill. She smiled knowingly. She knew I would re-pay her. But I wasn't deceived. I gave her nothing. I got a free meal. She was from Ayuthaya.

    And then the impossible happened. A girl contacted me. She claimed to be descended in part from a Persian sultan. She said the sultan was buried just a stone's throw from her back garden. She said she had two university degrees and was a former model. She said her husband was an army captain who'd been blown up by a bomb near the Pattani - Yala border. We've been together for almost two and a half years.

    Because of her, I have a new hobby. I wrote this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sultanate_of_Singgora

    ThaiFriendly works. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Full stop. End of.

  14. Thai friendly and many of the dating sites do have quality people on them,

    you just cant rush anything there, and the one's that push to meet, are usually working

    Of course you can find "quality" women on dating sites. Everyone knows this.

    The posters disagreeing with you are idiots.

    I agree, and, the last girl I met on a dating site, after dinner in chaing mai, asked me if I liked a girl in a chair or two down, and I said yes, why, and she said, I like her too, want to try and pick her up together?

    that, was interesting, and, we stayed friends

    I met a few others in chaing mai, even a western girl,

    it can be done, but, there is never any chemistry that way


    I think you may be confusing quality with kink, but each to their own.

    What do you mean "there is never any chemistry that way"?

  15. Thai friendly and many of the dating sites do have quality people on them,

    you just cant rush anything there, and the one's that push to meet, are usually working

    Of course you can find "quality" women on dating sites. Everyone knows this.

    The posters disagreeing with you are idiots.

    • Like 1
  16. casualposter said:" Why not discuss the impact which Arabic and Persian culture has had on Thailand. "

    Does anyone know if the once powerful Bunnag family has influence in modern Thailand?

    I posted a set of Persian loanwords yesterday, but my post seems to have vanished like a puff of smoke. Maybe I'll add the link again later.

    The Bunnag family still has influence. Remember the guy who called the coup which ousted Taksin? He was Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army. His name is Sonthi Bunyaratkalin. He's part of the Bunnag family.

    The Bunnag's are powerful. They operate behind the scenes in the way they've always done.

    General Chavalit Yongchaiyut, a retired army commander and former PM, is also a Thai of Persian descent.
    Read more on page 82:
    • Like 1
  17. Any British thinker, or scientist or artist (with the notable exceptions of Shakespeare, Dr. Johnson, Bertrand Russell, Thomas a Becket, and of course Mr. Pastry) . . . . . . any British thinker who's dared to say anything of significance has been figuratively burned at the stake.

    They even burned that poor girl Jean d'Arc with nary a second thought.

    Just look 'round the sports bar any time you've got their sacred fough-bough on telly.


    Loony alert.

  18. Casualposter is entangled in a huge forest and trees problem that no amount of cutting/pasting will clear.

    As for your rubbish bombast, I once again stand by my initial statement.

    The wasps' nest in Thailand's south is a British legacy.

    Aside from never knowing when to leave the bar stewards never cleaned after themselves.

    They do leave an impressive trail of blaming the victim though.

    Witness Palestine, Kenya, Iran, India, Ireland, South Africa. I could go on but everyone here seems to get it but you.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You can stand by your garbage to your heart's content, but it won't change the fact that you don't know what you're talking about.

    Pattani has been "troublesome" since the 1630s.

    At one point -- in 1678, in fact -- King Narai wanted to give it away to the British East India Company. The Brits went there, but they didn't want it.

    Pattani was never a British colony, nor was it a British protectorate, nor was it ever administered in any way, shape or form by representatives of the British empire.

    The troubles in Pattani are NOT a British legacy. If you really understood what's behind the Pattani insurgency, you'd see just how stupid you look.

    Go away. Learn about Thailand. Come back when you feel you might be worth taking seriously.

    Until then, kindly refrain from posting rubbish.

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