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Posts posted by Rigby40

  1. 19 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    You clearly don’t understand the economics of restaurants.


    The Red Hen has a customer base, a large part of which will be regulars.


    S. H-S and Trump set about trying to ruin the restaurant’s reputation.


    Some of the regulars, but by no means all might choose to take their business elsewhere.


    Most will continue as customers because, like most of us, they choose where to eat regularly for a wide range of reasons. In a 23 seat restaurant like the Red Hen this will undoubtedly include personal interactions with staff and owner.


    So the attemp to ruin the restaurant is not likely to impact regular customers.


    What it does do is create a lot of anger amongst people who are never going to eat there ( example expat Trump supporters  in Thailand) and it will also create a desire amongst others to support the restaurant.


    The latter group turn up and spend money at the restaurant.


    If Trump only creates one customer for every thousand ranting illiberals swearing never to go near the place he’s massively increase their business.


    A liberal hangout that Trump very especially rants against - what a great marketing campaign that makes.

    I really couldn't care less.

  2. 20 hours ago, simple1 said:

    There may well be petty & spiteful actions by members of the public. However, senior members of government, especially a national leader of government, are not expected to set examples of divisiness, vicious personalised spite and blatant lies. The completely unjustified behaviour of Trump and some of his appointees demonstrates the ever increasing risk of the Trump Administration leading their supporters to a society drenched in negativism.

    Then don't kick senior members of government out. Plain and simple.

    I wouldn't care if a conservative restaurant owner kicked out a democrat government official and they posted the experience on their twitter account and I sincerely doubt you would either. So save me your phony pearl clutching.


  3. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:

    True, though she used her govt account to publicly disparage the owner, she would have know the consequences for the owner. Trump supporters  have attempted to destroy the business by way of social media; false reviews and false reservations. Trump later joined in with OTT public inflammatory remarks - usual abuse of power by Trump.

    That's the beauty of the free market. Just how liberals do the same thing to business owners who don't cater to gay weddings. Vote with your dollar. If they go out of business because the people don't support their actions or political stances, on either side of the fence, then so be it.

    The owner should have known the consequences of her actions by kicking her out. No sympathy.

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  4. 10 minutes ago, Becker said:

    5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555! Thank you - nothing like a nice cup of drivel around lunch time:thumbsup:

    Here's a piece of friendly advice; As a person who has swallowed the Swamp King's bile hook line and sinker (i.e. been manipulated) you really REALLY shouldn't accuse others of being easily manipulated.






    And it's just about my bed time so I appreciate your sending me a post full of the same ol' uninteresting and sleep inducing nonsense.


  5. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Trump gave Kim everything, and got a little bit of hot air in exchange. Kim walked away from the table saying to his aides, why on earth do they call that guy a good negotiator? He brought nothing to the table. He is the true definition of a chump. I flattered him a bit, and he became my best friend! Such a simpleton. 


    The art of not being able to make a deal to save his life. The art of being an absolutely horrible negotiator. The art of coddling dictators and despots, while shunning helpful, friendly allies, and our closest friends. The art of not being able to lead a nation, and the art of never, ever being able to make America great again. The art of making America less relevant, by the day. 

    My favorite is Trump's art of playing the Left like a fiddle.

    Not only does anger destroy you, it blinds you as well and makes you easy to manipulate.

    For the last 2 years they've been putting on quite an amusing show for us ?

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