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Posts posted by KhnomKhnom

  1. Here are answers instead of guesses and cheap shots.....

    1. Women..........

    a. Married women are a bit vague in case a better situation comes along and change can happen.

    b. Unmarried women living with bf wish they could brag they are married, but cant, so are vague.

    c. Unmarried women with no partner certainly do not want to admit that, so are vague

    2. Men......

    a. Men do not want to get married with the idea that it 'ties them down' and thus the married ones are vague.

    b. Men living with gf want to leave open idea of getting a different, or better, gf, and thus are vague.

    c. Unattached men likely want to brag about 'their freedom,' but want others to think that they CAN get a girl, so are vague.

    Unuf for you ?

  2. I have a two story home with four to twelve Thai camping out from time to time. Still, I can not come up with nearly all your electrical plugs attached to something two to three meters away, the standard length of cord on a tv, for example.

    Pardon me, but I have good reason to doubt your photo represents reality. Not only are there way too many cords in one place but all of them are new and clean. I smell a doctored photo or a photo exaggerating what not to do.

    23 plugs, come on.............

  3. I have a two story home with four to twelve Thai camping out from time to time. Still, I can not come up with nearly all your electrical plugs attached to something two to three meters away, the standard length of cord on a tv, for example.

    Pardon me, but I have good reason to doubt your photo represents reality. Not only are there way too many cords in one place but all of them are new and clean. I smell a doctored photo or a photo exaggerating what not to do.

  4. If you are genuinely clinically depressed and not just feeling down for a week (or less), it is very difficult to dig your self out by your self, unaided.

    That situation, your bootstraps are broken and all the claptrap about Just Pull Yourself Together is just that, claptrap.

    There are psychologists and therapists in Thailand, some associated with the medical part of Mahidol University.... look at http://www.ramamental.com/sadd.html.

    The added problem for Westerners is that Thai people do not experience depression in the same ways, see article, and you need a Westernized doctor to help. I recommend a careful medicinal, pills, strategy to lift you back up. I know that there are drugs that will, over time and with careful dosage and doctor oversight, WILL TRAIN YOUR BRAIN to be happier and more able to cope. That training is gradual but over a year or so, your chemicals in your brain will learn to make the meds stuff on its own and you WILL FEEL BETTER.... and get off the meds, too.

    I know the prejudice against taking a pill for just any little thing, but in this case the third generation of meds are well tried and the fourth is around too. Get to a psychotherapist, test his/her attitudes about meds, and go with the one who has confidence in his research and his meds treatment. You can get better!

  5. To all who think checking out permanently by one's self can easily be done, think again.

    1. You are old and in pain enuf to think suicide would be ok.... LATER.

    2. You are really sure this is the time... but

    a. are you strong enuf to get the pills or other method, can you get out of bed? If you can get out of bed, are you so so bad off?

    b. do you have enuf mental capacity to make a decision?

    c. doubt in Thailand you could get anyone to help you due to karma on them.

    There are two books I have forgotten titles which are written for movie script writers on the clinical details of the ways humans die. One is about poisons and the other is for other means. The writer's bookshop in Los Angeles has them but only for your information if you plan to write a movie script.

    News story said one guy got up the nerve to use his Colt .45 but after long agonizing, he decided to do it and his hands were too weak to throw the bolt and chamber a round.


    #2, 8km in motor wheel chair in traffic or where?; what if chair breaks; where does he pee; it must be a tank if can manage sand; was he ever robbed; what happens when his hired woman runs off with her boyfriend or brings him in to live…. Some questions, but I hope the guy succeeds.

    #4, Health care in Thailand is a bargain, yes, but one Big Operation will wipe you out if not really careful.

    #5, Does wheelchair work in loose dirt in a country path? Will you be aware enough to start your escape plan? WHAT, no morphine!

    #10, My gray hair and cane get me lots of help with doors, etc, from strangers here. Some are motivated only by money, sad but true. I doubt a dozen geezers behind the wheel at any one time cause the highway wholesale slaughter now days.

    I see “take out” food offered for delivery to homes in BKK, and there is that new service ads here, delivers products, too, I guess. All ordered by telephone but do you speak Thai? I read doctors’ walls looking for diplomas from USA teaching. Bumrungrad has resumes of their doctors on line.

    #16,Saved by son, sad story but happens.

    #17, Various stages of “really old.” Good news about elevators in SkyTrain; I never saw a one and no signs either. You can die waiting for a larger taxi.

    Everyone except you has sat in stopped traffic with the ambulance blaring behind and NO ONE moving…. I see that every road trip I make. Ok, I guess a person could mumble hospittsal or something while holding broken leg, geeze.

    My own family is none of your beeswax, Sean, but what I cite I have seen happen.

    Ok, you are waddling along on sidewalk in a larger city and suddenly need “the facilities” fast… all you have to do is hold it, go eight or ten blocks, stumble into a hotel, or wheel, and dive for their toilet…….. sure, can be an easy trip any day. I have been in hotel toilets where me standing up had a problem fitting inside it.

    Get real.

  7. I am going to assert that Thailand is not a great place to be in if a foreigner and if really old and partially or totally infirm.


    -Difficult to get around, no curb breaks for wheel chairs, few lifts, few signs to lifts if there. Bad sidewalks in cities.

    -Almost no SkyTrain access and few stair assists; climbing SkyTrain stairs is very daunting.

    -Tiny taxi doors and trunk/boots for chair or walker.

    -Long wait for ambulance.

    -Ambulance can not move through traffic; Thai drivers just sit there.

    -No English in smaller hospitals and clinics.

    -No ordinary Thai knows what the English word HOSPITAL or DOCTOR means, especially not taxi drivers.

    -Few nursing homes or long term care facilities.

    -Impossible to get health insurance and also not get home nation's health cost assistance while in Thailand.

    -Can be plagued by home remedies and distrust of Western medicines by relatives.

    -Old can be victimized by family, especially kept alive on machines to collect assistance, or money taken.

    -Doctors and family can tend to be dismissive of real pains/problems with idea that patient will be dead soon anyway.

    -Violent dementia patients are big problem/big bodies for small Thai persons also not understanding what is going on.

    -Thai will not question authority of doctors nor press for better treatments.

    -Just try to use Thai toilets in wheelchair or even with a walker or cane.

    -add yours ...............


    -Thai respect and try to help old people on street and at home.

    -Thai have loyalty to sick old person in the household and provide good home care.

    -CPR training is available in Thai language, but very few take training, even if primary care giver.

    -Can drive car even if not legal unless bedridden.

    -Big cities have varied home delivery of foods and products called in by phone, but use Thai.

    -Lower cost international standard doctors and hospitals are abundant in Thailand.

    -add yours..............

    In a balanced and loving family, the old person can receive overall superior care IF the family wants to do that, and it seems they usually do. Being cared for by a truly loving caregiver is the best, but can be very wearing on the caregiver. In this way, Thailand is a good place to be really old, but there are lots of other, really negative aspects to worry about.

    • Like 1
  8. Thai throw away the valuable nutrition in the BROWN coating of the rice and eat only the unhealthy white rice.

    Many eggs, often fried.

    Many things fried.

    and hardly ever a true balanced diet.

    Seafood is good, but often fried. Fresh is good but often fried or washed in questionable water.

    Basically, Thai should all be dead with bad diet; maybe that is why traditional Thai eaters are so slim, they are denied what their bodies need? Thai regular diet would make a Western nutritionist run in fear.

    I add: anything that burns your mouth is bad for you; anything fermented (rotting) should be strongly questioned; and anything animals will not eat (like popular bagged snacks) should be avoided.

    Thai are definitely getting fat. The higher So the family, the fatter their kids.

  9. Chinese say home MUST face North. That is also the place of LEAST sun, in Thailand for sure.

    I use a combination of trees and green plastic mesh (used on construction sites, etc.) as sun shades. Adding the green mesh on the south side, angled like a porch from the side of the house downward to the rear fence, can be felt cooler by the hand on interior walls where the mesh shades compared to fully open to Southern sun.

    Color of roof should be as far toward white as possible with a large and well ventilated attic(helped by attic fan and or louvers to let hot air out the top or roof area). Exterior walls should be white. Windows covered with porch-type overhead and sun filtering plastic covering over the glass (like automobile dark windows) and even using foil over inside of unused windows.

    Smart poster said put closets and baths on hot side, South or West, is very good.

    Note for Aussies........ please remember when you are in Thailand that it is in NORTHERN Hemisphere.

    • Like 1
  10. This breed and its variants like Pit Bull should basically never be owned in private hands. Owned by trained dog handlers, ok, but these breeds were bred for centuries to fight and the idea that that is out of them due to owners' love is just emotional nonsense. You can not "just love" the fighter out of the breed; you must dominate it in the most tight methods which can only be described at best as "tough love."

    The most important point and the source of the very real danger these breeds present is that they have been bred (sometimes the breeding is amplified by training) TO FIGHT THE ALPHA DOG. The breeds must, from their genes, be willing to fight ANY dog even if that dog is recognized as the boss or top dog. That means that these dogs WILL ATTACK YOU even if you feel you have established Alpha Dog status with them with or without a pack.

    This latter fact is what makes these breeds so dangerous and anyone who thinks otherwise is sadly allowing emotion to over weigh facts.

    P.S., human toddlers are their ideal prey.

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  11. I am surprised at low housing rental costs because they are not in line with the cost of the housing.

    The USA housing market has a fairly well established rule of thumb that pegs rents to the market value of the property, with more expensive property renting higher.

    That ratio, if it exists, does not exist in Thailand except that, for example, one can rent a decent house for much less than the market value of it would seem to indicate.

    I hear native Thai do not want to own a second hand house which may push such for-sale house into cheap rentals when they do not get a sale.

    BTW, I see unsold lots, loooong time unsold lots, being carried on a bank's books AS AN ASSET... cute accounting.

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