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Posts posted by KhnomKhnom

  1. Your relationship with this woman is doomed. You doomed it when you did not take her Mother a present nor a present for her home, meaning extended family. "Your" woman is already looking for an escape and or a better situation. If she is paying for anything, half or whatever, she has enough money to just leave you without having to clean out any shared money, so you are both stupid and lucky.

    How does the woman earn her money?

    If you are living with a Thai woman who has an above-ground job, she is earning peanuts. You should let her keep all her earned money and you should pay for all rent, all joint food, and for all joint trips. As soon as you do that, very likely she will check if you have enough money and give you some of hers.... of her own free will, not a part of a deal. You are not allowing her to be generous.

    If you can not afford my plan given herein, you will have to date a woman who works at night and, thus, not think about anything permanent with her. These are facts and there is no compromise possible. TIT.

    In a few months I will be giving away my researched booklet on how to "stay married/living with" a Thai woman. Get it.

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  2. These sound like standard starts for cons that must develop over a kind of 'friendship' feelings....... i.e., warm you up before striking as you are relaxed. Very very few Thai have enuf English grammar to pull that off.

    They both wanted something, of course. Be very wary.

    I like to collect interpersonal communication examples and often, if time, will go along with such a person just to see how skilled she is, and especially if she is cute, what she wants. One rule is I never let them touch me or bump me or carry my stuff because that is time for them to steal pockets or etc. It is really cruel fun to play THEM while they think they are playing you and also fun to see if you can yourself pull that off without being found out. I like taking them for hours if possible to drain their time to con others.

    Same for religious folks coming to ur home. Lead them along; makes them nutz when they see they lose.

  3. I started the film, tv, animation b.a. program at mahidol university and taught there on a work permit until retirement at about 65. I very much doubt you being hired by a school at your age....... that is the way it goes here regardless of your expertise. CM is, of course, off the media beaten track which is mostly in BKK, but even trying to get someone to provide u with a work permit anywhere in Thailand is very doubtful. I would probably have tried to recruit you in my program, then, but NOW, age has gottcha.

    Giving private lessons for pay or free is illegal.

    No one has told me what Thai law applies to a person living in Thailand all the time but being paid by a company OUTSIDE OF Thailand. For me an interesting question I can not hope to get a solid answer for. I also wonder what if a guy goes to Singapore to do a short job, gets paid there, and returns to Thailand residence? On the Internet, too??????????????

    • Like 1
  4. Yes, to be legal, you must have a valid and current work permit for any activity that could be called work, including for pay or no pay, volunteering or otherwise. The matter is very strict and you can cook your own breakfast but watch out cooking for the whole family and especially taking money for that.

    Seriously, if you are in the public eye and are working like you describe, technically you are breaking the law and someone could turn you in.

    One of the easiest ways to get into trouble in Thailand is for someone to complain to the police about you. Personal complaints filed officially are investigated and once the officers have had to write the complaint up and go take a look, believe me some action will result. If the problem had been short cut earlier in the process, ok, but once the wheels get rolling, hard as they may be to get rolling, someone is going to suffer or pay.

    The reason for the limit on foreigners working here is on the explanation that foreigners should not be allowed to take work away from the same kind of work that a Thai can do. One of the few categories is teaching English where it is rather assumed that a foreigner would be better able to do the job than a Thai, so most teaching, especially English or some other highly specialized category is allowed. "Allowed" does not mean exempt from a work permit. Thai lawyers, a breed even beyond the low ones in usa, may use phrases relating to this fact to get clients, but as a 6 year holder of teaching work permits here, I can testify you need the permit. Further , employers are at the greater risk for hiring undocumented workers than the worker, so they are loath to take on such.

    You did not ask about the process, so I will wait.

  5. Gee, now I am doubting my ten year old memory, but I am absolutely sure that I renew my one year retirement visa and do my 90 day reports without being asked if my money in the bank came from outside the nation.... that is true lately, like the last 3 years at least, my money is ALREADY THERE and for years.

    Is it the case that that "brought in from overseas" idea only applied upon very first application?

    Otherwise, one would have to send one's money out of the country and bring it right back in over and over. I am sure I do not do that either.

  6. For nine years, I have been able to satisfy the "money in the bank" Immigration Police question by supplying a signed letter from my branch bank office where I opened my account. I was told by Imm. Police that they did not want to use the bank book as proof of anything, but did not investigate how long I had held the money. Maybe after seeing me for years, the bank letter satisfies for my case.

    Start at your bank with your question because they will have to provide you the support letter anyway and should know all about it. You will have to go there anyway.

  7. Thailand does not want you. Proceed from that given. Sounds your best idea is to try to become a citizen, but.........

    Rumors say that the Thai citizenship test is in written Thai language and not of the sixth grade level. My one source investigated and concluded he could never master that level of the language. My different source said that he has asked to take the Thai citizenship test and his request had been delayed now for over ten years. Both are Western foreigners.

  8. Like this site, this question has lots of guesses attached to it. The first part is to obtain an account.

    Go the the largest Bangkok Bank you can get to and talk to a senior person who really speaks your language, English. Explain you want to open a savings account of at least 800000THB (opening deposit can be less) and refill it via the system whereby you have American money paid to you via the arrangement of sending the money to your number at the Bangkok Bank in NYC (not an account, just a 'pass through' number) which will immediately direct that money to the THAILAND Bangkok Bank account of yours. This system is described clearly on BB web site. You should be able to talk yourself into a savings account at the Thailand Bangkok Bank; if not, you may be one of the early victims of the item below. Dress in tie and be nice.

    There is a new USA law called Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act(FATCA) which is going after ALL American-held bank accounts all over the world (above $10000). The FOREIGN bank must report to the usa IRS (note IRS) all such accounts. This is without respect to privacy or other such niceties. It also requires that of the foreign banks without compensating those banks for this service to IRS. This law will simply add to the cost of a bank having an American account holder, and add to that, there are American-based penalties to the banks for non compliance.

    Imagine the arrogant gall of this law!

    Obviously, it puts Americans wishing to use their Thailand bank account to comply with the Thailand laws on retirement visas in a bind, a Catch 22. One could reasonably conclude that banks holding smaller American accounts, like 800000 to a few million THB, would just close the accounts instead of trying to mess with compliance with this weird AMERICAN law. No one seems to know how this will shake out in reality, but I guess banks will resist American-held accounts as soon as they fully realize what is going on.

    This is your Police State American govt at work for you and all of the world. I suggest America also make a law that Americans living anywhere in the world be caught and reported for driving over 55mph and those reports go the the new Foreign Highways Speeding Compliance Act records collection office. That office will expect foreign police to make such traffic stops and report, uncompensated, and with fines for noncompliance, Americans, then accumulating bad driving records can have their foreign automobile insurance suppliers to raise their rates under threat of penalties from the USA.

    My thin hope is 1. that Thailand will give the finger to usa and skip the mess and 2. some USA congresspeople change this law. The law seems like another kind of drone strike in other sovereign nations. Seems Uncle Sam wants to keep his little American babies at home where he can drain them even more. My skimpy retirement will put me in a trailer park down by the railroad tracks if I must move back to usa.

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