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Posts posted by JustAnotherFarang

  1. I am 183 cm and suffer with tennis elbow.  I did have that problem of having to stoop at first but rectified it by tying a rope loop around the handle where I hold it and then put the other end of the loop over my neck which allowed me to cut without stooping and also relieved the pressure of holding the handle.  My only gripe is that I am left handed but its setup for right handed use.  Maybe I can get the motor to swing to my left side instead, haven't figured that out yet.



  2. Just to update the post.  I bought the Troy Bilt 280ES for 18,000 bht which was considerably cheaper that I had been quoted by another poster who advertises the same model on this forum (4,000 baht saving).  First impressions are that it is a real well built tank of a mower, far bigger and better than my previous mower the Euroe Eat 5.  After charging the battery it started first time and using the side mulch feature it powered through the tall grass and did a great job mulching.  The fact that I dont have to push it also saved me a great deal of time and energy.  I like the deck cleaning feature which works very well.  First impressions are very good.


    The Honda UMR 435T bushcutter was also very impressive.  I paid 9000 bht for it and after setting it up got to work on a large overgrown piece of land to clear it of the tallest grass.  It cut through it very well and was a lot easier to use than the standard brushcutters that have the motor at the end of the handle.  It starts first time, it nowhere near as noisy as a 2 stroke and I had no back pain whatsoever which was always a problem previously with the standard brushcutter. 


    All in all, I am a happy man with a very tidy 2.5 rai garden


    Thanks to everyone who responded and for all your time and advice.  If anyone would like any further information then please feel free to ask



  3. I sent ALurker a message but no reply as of yet.  Really want to buy my mower soon as I have a few weeks holiday coming up that I want to spend in my garden. So if anyone has any leads or information about where I can purchase this particular mower and any other useful advice then please let me know


    Much appreciated as always



  4. Thanks for all the input guys, really helps to get some wise advice.  I am now leaning towards the Troy Bilt mower at 17,500 bht and the Honda UMR 435T bushcutter at 7,900 baht.  They will probably tack on another 1000-1500 bht on top for delivery so before I commit, is there anywhere else selling these items cheaper?


    Much appreciated




  5. 10 hours ago, weegee said:

    It's only got 4HP Engine...too small for a 20inch blade. You need to start with 5-6HP for a 20inch blade at least. 


    I guess I am penny pinching as the cheapest Troy Bilt I can find is 17,500 bht plus 1000 bht for delivery.  Having used the Euroe for 4 years the missus thinks 18,500 bht is a lot of money just to cut the grass

  6. I am looking to buy a new mower to replace my Briggs and Stratton Euroe EAT 5.  I have had it for 4 years and although it did a good job it has needed a few repairs along the way and can be very hard to start and even more so after it has gotten hot.  I was using it to cut 2 rai of land and often came upon rocks (which I have discarded) so it took a fair bit of punishment.  I was considering the Honda variety but heard that the blades need replacing often so now I am considering the Troy Bilt TB208 ES model.  Looking online the cheapest price I have seen is 18,000 bht and up to 21,000.  Anyone had any experience of this model and is it worth purchasing to replace my old Euroe EAT 5




  7. I am looking to buy a new mower to replace my Briggs and Stratton Euroe EAT 5.  I have had it for 4 years and although it did a good job it has needed a few repairs along the way and can be very hard to start after it has gotten hot.  I was using it to cut 2 rai of land and often came upon rocks so it took a fair bit of punishment.  I was considering the Honda but heard that the blades need replacing often so now I am considering the Troy Bilt TB208 ES model.  Looking online the cheapest price I have seen is 18,000 bht and up to 21,000.  Anyone had any experience of this model and is it worth purchasing to replace my old Euroe EAT 5




  8. I have had a similar situation with Bangkok Bank when opening an account to use a visa card.  They directed me to an office upstairs to give the money to the bank managers assistant and then invited me to have a chat with the bank manager.  When I came back, the assistant told me that the money I had to deposit to get the visa card was short of 500 bht.  I had counted out the money 3 times already but she insisted it was short and I have to pay it to get the card.  I paid because I needed the card but each and every time I see her and she wais me, I completely blank the thieving little b!tch.  


    When I recounted the story to somebody in immigration, they insisted that Bangkok Bank would never do such a thing........They are honest.


    The moral is never trust thais with money.



  9. I have a visa based on marriage and I am about to start up a small family "tutoring" business to obtain a work permit.  Checked with the work department and have the all clear and so my wife went to the business registration department today who offered her a list of companies who would take care of all the relevant paperwork.  The advisor of one of these companies has quoted us a price of 12,000 bht which covers all the paperwork, services, a rubber stamp with company logo, the paid up capital and to move us to the head of the queue. There will also be an additional 5,000 bht to be paid for business registration.


    My wife initially told her that we wanted to open the business as sole owner/or partners with 1 additional thai employee (as instructed by the work department) and that we could show 1 million baht in the bank but the lady advised us that this was not easy as I would have to prove were the money in the bank originated from.  She has said that she can open a small family business with my wife as owner and 2 other thai employees and me as an additional employee.  We would have to pay social fund payments and as long as we earned under the tax threshold we would not pay any tax.


    My question is this, the 1,000,000 registered capital I could show has been lying dormant in my 2 bank accounts for over 5 years so why would I have to prove where it came from?  I would prefer to only start a business with my wife and I with an additional employee so what is it that prevents me from doing so?  Secondly, is 17,000 bht all inclusive a fair price to pay for business paperwork and registration


    Cheers guys



  10. With regards to the previous poster saying that my previous post was ridiculous and immature.  You are entitled to your opinion which I respectfully disagree with. My post was a statement of the fact that you can not ascertain so don't let my honesty in any way sway your judgement.  What you think is neither here nor there and does nothing with regard to my circumstances or my wish to close this topic to further replies


    Thanks for taking the time to read





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