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Posts posted by d2b2

  1. 6 hours ago, sirineou said:

    A lot of misinformation by many above. The information has been posted repeatedly , but many seem to ignore it because it does not feet in their narrative .

    I think we can all agree that if you do not have covid you can not transmit it.Which is why the test and then the quarantine , because you could develop it with in 14 days.

    After 14 dats you can go, and its not because you cab no longer get it. 

    So you are vaccinated . 

    Below is information concerning that from the US CDC website updated Jan 5

    "ll COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States have been shown to be highly effective at preventing COVID-19. . "

    Notice it says Preventive covid 19 , not preventing the symptoms of covid 19. 

    the vaccines available now in the US have a 95% prevention rate , which means that there is still a 5% chance of getting it. 

    So , reading further more on the CDC website it states :

    " Based on what we know about vaccines for other diseases and early data from clinical trials, experts believe that getting a COVID-19 vaccine may also help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19."

    So you have a 5%  chance of getting it but a good chance that you will not get seriously sick.

    So you expect Thailand to shoot themselves on the tourism foot, because vaccinated people might have a minuscule chance of getting infected, and an even smaller chance of getting sick. BUT, you think it is Ok to release unvaccinated people from quarantine with a significantly bigger chance of getting infected and infecting others? 







    Your post demonstrates, you don't understand how any of this works.

  2. On 11/24/2020 at 2:21 PM, hansnl said:

    You do know, I hope, many earn a living in the tourist industry, possibly a million people lost their job?

    Are their wishes also selfish?

    You think only the business owners have problems?

    And the government paying for all that might be difficult, less tax coming in, no income from tourism, less VAT incoming because people buy less (no money), and so on.

    Isn't your answer slightly egoistic?

    The government has been manipulating the baht for years now and they have been feeding the trough but they can't manage to offer aid to the kingdom's citizens? They are able to drastically increase military spending and float loans for high speed rail and infrastructure projects, build an overpriced parliament building and countless other projects, but they can't offer aid beyond travel discounts and some vouchers?


    throwing the borders of Thailand open to a world literally drowning in new Covid infections, before a vaccine, is a great idea. Maybe you could apply to greet the arriving guests as they deplane?

  3. On 11/25/2020 at 1:36 AM, Marcel woods said:

    Lol lol look at how you go on for a virus that has an 99.8% recovery rate. It affects the old and the normal flu kills more people weekly than covid. 


    Yous come on here crying of covid but go kiss and <deleted> prostitutes day in day out after many other been there without the worry of much serious infections like Hep C and HIV which has no cure. 


    Kop on <deleted> 

    You are spouting gibberish garbage. The flu doesn't kill more than Covid-19. It effects more than just the old. You are really sucking up Trump's kool aid, which is now causing massive disaster in USA and you want to spread that same falsehood here. You are deranged.

  4. On 11/25/2020 at 2:04 AM, DB58 said:

    Self interest is everyone’s motivation. There’s no crime in this; you say some should go hungry so you feel safe right? What’s that if not self interest.

    You miss the point. The government shut down the borders to protect the kingdom. It is the government's responsibility to provide aid, it is not worth exposing everyone to illness and/or death just to keep the tourist industry's ability to fleece tourists.

    • Confused 1
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  5. Sadly, the "new Normal" is going to be increasing numbers of virus jumping from animals to humans. We have been enjoying life on borrowed time, avoiding the inevitable transfers of pathogens. 

    Urban sprawl, increased population, increasing travel and global warming are just a few of the aggregating factors. 

    The world needs to prepare for more viruses like Covid 19

  6. Just now, JCauto said:

    We're observing one of the facts of the modern era, which is to amplify what was already known long before the internet.

    “The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.”

     Bertrand Russell


    You can be certain that the loudest voices and most cocksure on TV are the least qualified. You will also observe an almost 100% correspondence between those who don't wear masks and those who believe Climate Change is a hoax. Oh, and you can also guess for whom they vote. I say let the virus cull these bad genetic mutations from the population and their predecessors who failed to apply course correction through proper parenting. On on the virus!

    If only they alone were at risk, the Darwinism principle would be so appealing

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