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Posts posted by Choctastic

  1. If any other Forum members wish to have a very good understanding of some critical aspects of Ebola outbreaks, the Ebola patient and the Ebola virus - reading the WHO Reports is essential - basically required reading. Some really sobering words and sentences can be found in these articles.

    The WHO was a significant player in the H1N1 'pandemic' fraud. Why would I trust anything they write?
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  2. They should maybe start by telling their own media how biased and manipulative are. Most media in Europe and states are in hands of same lobby.

    Interesting. What is this 'lobby'?

    This colonialist mentality should stop from western governments and many of their citizens who need to wake up and stop trying to show others what they should do.

    Western governments and their gullible 'citizens', long ago lost any credibility. It's the standard MO of western moral myth-making. Easy to interpret. Whatever we accuse the other guy of doing, that is what WE are doing.
  3. Pneumonia is often a complication brought on by the flu virus... so if they came down with the flu and the pneumonia was brought on because of the flu.... the cause of death is rightly caused by the flu virus.


    'Pneumonia, according to the American Lung Association, has more than 30 different causes, influenza being but one of them. The CDC itself acknowledges the slim relationship, saying 'only a small proportion of deaths... only 8.5 per cent of all pneumonia and influenza deaths [are] influenza-related.'


    ...expect the number of "suspected" cases to rise during flu season as people panic..... (flu season usually kills between 3,000 and 49,000 people annually in the US).

    Flu season might see this many deaths but they are nothing to do with actual influenza. 90% or more of the deaths are due to pneumonia and other causes.

    Some facts...

    'The flu vaccine is no more effective for children under 2 than a placebo, according to a large-scale, systematic review of 51 studies, published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.'

    According to the CDC...

    'In some years when vaccine and circulating strains were not well-matched, no vaccine effectiveness can be demonstrated in some studies, even in healthy adults. It is not possible in advance of the influenza season to predict how well the vaccine and circulating strains will be matched, and how that match may affect the degree of vaccine effectiveness.'

    'Research published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine also confirms that there has been no decrease in deaths from influenza and pneumonia, despite the fact that vaccination coverage among the elderly has increased from 15 percent in 1980 to 65 percent now.'

    There's more but you get the idea.

  5. Unfortunately it's a fact of life that as populations and population densities increase, the likelihood of virus outbreaks increase.

    Thank you for regurgitating the meme you have been conditioned to believe. Unfortunately it's a fact of today's life that as Mencken so aptly stated, the public is being menaced by an endless series of hobgoblins, none of them real. How many more scams need to be foisted upon you, before you wake up? Ebola is just another trojan horse, masking the real objectives.

    Dress up some soldiers in protective clothing, hire a few 'state actors' to play victim and family and the emotions of the TV audience can be played like a violin. These made-for-TV 'psyops' are good telly but are they real?

    What is the true objective? Oil in Nigeria, Diamonds in Sierra Leone, AFRICOM establishing a stronger presence in the region. Note the initial U.S. response. Not civilian medical teams but U.S. military 'boots on the ground'. More than 3000 of them.

    What other benefits are there? How about the establishment of a global medical system, overriding national boundaries, where mandatory vaccines will be forced on millions. Another nail in the coffin of national sovereignty and personal freedom.

    What else is necessary for this latest iteration of 'The Great Swine Flu Caper' to work? You need victims. This is where the troops come in. Force vaccinations on the local population. There have already been many examples of African and Indian communities being killed or seriously damaged by vaccines. Enough will be injured by the latest vaccine drive for the powers that be to say... 'See. There IS a problem'.

    Any objective examination of the 2009 'Flying Pig' flu should raise alarm bells with this one. The CDC's claims that 60 million Americans were infected by H1N1 is so ridiculous it should challenge anyone's beliefs.

    Never mind. Keep drinking from the 'manufacturing consent' cup and roll up your sleeve.

  6. How much of this latest 'pandemic' in waiting is pure bovine excrement? How many more vaccine drives and attempts to establish global systems of medical control will it take before people stop being taken in? The CDC even now claims that H1N1 infected 60 million Americans. That is 1 in 5. When the labs weren't confirming enough cases, the government said.. stop counting and just declare anyone with flu as having H1N1. The definition of a pandemic was changed to enable the treaty-bound purchase of billions of dangerous and unproven vaccines.

    Now here we go again, with iteration number 7? 8? Bird Flu, Swine Flu, West Nile virus, SARS...

    I've found the cure for this latest globalist and media hobgoblin, terrorising the world.


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  7. I have sympathy for both points of view.

    Pakistanis have always had a poor reputation. Likewise, Arabs, Jews, Blacks in Africa and some Mediterranean societies. Ask any bar girl which men are the best customers and which are worst and I bet her answer will reflect generally held beliefs about particular countries. I don't see this as 'racism' but simply an observation of how we see these peoples behave.

    Muslim-bashing, like Iran-bashing and Putin-bashing, is a reflection of the relentless media vilification, by the Empire's handmaidens, demonising targeted countries and communities, so they can blow up more brown babies. Now there is racism writ large. The mass murder of defenceless third world nations by 'civilized' nations. This vilification, focuses on extreme incidents which aren't a reflection of the prevailing moderate societies, in order to 'manufacture consent'. Those who echo these media memes are ignorant. They don't realize that by buying into the meme, they are facilitators of the murder that follows.

    None of these 'bad' peoples, including Pakistanis, will ever inflict as much death and misery on mankind as the 'good' mainly white, Judeo-Christian Masters of the Universe, who have perfected 'divide and rule' to create conflict and turn peoples against each other. Those who are only too willing to bash Muslims should instead take a good long look at the actions (not the words) of their own 'tribe', who have slaughtered millions in cold blood and who are still doing it. How does a young girl being kept as a slave compare to us blowing up a child via predator-drone? Do we have any right to sit in judgement, when we ignore the lack of morality within our own 'tribe'?

    Racism is a relatively new word. The charge of 'racism', like 'anti-semitism' is a tool, which can be used to bash anyone who.. for instance.. protests the flooding of their country by mass immigration. Or who might be concerned about the dilution of their own national or 'tribal' identity.

    The truth is not racist. It is simply the truth.

  8. Maybe I come across a bit of a tool but I have feelings for this girl and I need to know that her feelings are true and that her true intentions are a long term future with me and not the bar and other men.

    Not sure if anyone's brought it up yet, but have you read the book Private Dancer? You should. You're in the lead role.

    Do NOT read this book. I got through the first 50 pages and tossed it in the bin. Not because it wasn't true but because it was just about the most depressing read imaginable. No man could be expected to trust a Thai lady with such experiences in the back of his mind. Instead of being guided by someone else's bad experience, create your own good one. Just use a bit of common sense. No Thai lady can ever take from you what the western courts do, unless you are very foolish.

    As far as the recipe for success is concerned, why listen to those who have been institutionalized into the bar scene? The only conversation you get from these shagged-out old husks, who grope out of habit and not desire, is how much you should pay for a blow-job. They have lost all sense of decency (if they ever had it at all). No woman with sense would touch them.

    The doom-mongers may have their point of view but how about the girls? How many foreign men hit Thailand for a 2 week holiday, fall in lust, write heart-rending poetry or 'luv ya, babes' for 3 years, get cold feet and say 'Sorry, can't come'. These girls may have saved themselves and wasted their best years, for a waste of space, who if he was honest with himself, knew he wasn't really serious.

    Is this you? If it is. Be a man and tell her and stop wasting her and your time.

    As far as your young siren is concerned, if she speaks understandable English and says she has only been in the bar a week, it's an immediate red flag.

    To end on a positive note, I saw a poll in another place asking a simple question. 'Are you happy with your Thai partner'? 80% said 'Yes'. wai2.gif

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  9. If she had only worked in the bar a week, and you took her out of there immediately, then your chances are good. But 3 months in the bar is a sure way for her to transform from shy, demure and no alcohol, to tattoos, belly-button ring and a dirty laugh when she's pissed. The other girls will put peer pressure on her to be like them, while fat-walleted customers will up the price until she says ok. Her own naivete about foreigners and younger men, will soon change when she realizes you won't or can't afford to whisk her away. She doesn't yet know you are a poor prospect. Old farts are much better because they only need sex once a week and not 3 times a day, will die within a few years, fall in love easily (after painful divorces and the lack of available women back home) (usually over 40) and have pensions and assets that can be skillfully transferred.

    I fear it is already too late for you but as you are in the middle of a fantasy, enjoy it while it lasts.

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  10. Too funny for words.

    Even if anyone considers any of the moves Putin has made as being " aggression " it was necessary for him to do so as a pre-emptive strike to thwart far more destabilising plans the US and EU together have for Russia.

    Well, of course it's all Russia's fault. coffee1.gif

    Demonization and misdirection are standard fare from the criminal syndicates infesting the White House and Wall St. The U.S. economy would collapse without war, so continual 'war' is what we get. The only tasks necessary are which dubious pretexts to use and the psychological operations needed to 'manufacture consent'.

    Killing people as an act of 'humanity' is my Orwellian favourite. Surely another Nobel is due?

  11. Also, the quote attributed by you to "Israeli officials" is actually by Yitzhak Laor, an Israeli novelist and poet, also known

    for his far-left political convictions. I daresay he'd be pissed (or amused) to know he was called an "Israeli official".

    I daresay he would be pleased his words are being posted to an international forum.

    As to 'Israeli officials'. I agree. That's why, with regards to him, I said 'commentator'.

  12. In other words. He did NOT say it. You are quoting someone else's SPIN.

    Take it easy. Criticizing a commentator's 'spin' by providing another commentator's 'spin' doesn't make the first commentator wrong. Especially when your link says '...there are valid and numerous reasons to doubt Netanyahu's commitment to reaching a two-state peace deal that would establish Palestine as an independent state'.

    There is nothing new in what the Times writer is saying...

    'Mr. Netanyahu’s father – himself an opponent of Palestinian statehood – told an Israeli news channel very soon thereafter that his son “doesn’t support [a Palestinian state]. He would support it under terms they would never accept.” The settlements expanded, the occupation continued, and the U.S. president backed off.


    I accept your criticism and will rephrase the statement...

    Based on comments from those who have more credibility than pedants on a message board, Netenyahu has no intention of allowing an independent Palestinian State.

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  13. Netenyahu has said he will not allow a Palestinian State.

    No he hasn't. Yet another falsehood.

    Sure. We can see he's all for it. whistling.gif

    'Netanyahu finally speaks his mind'


    'He made explicitly clear that he could never, ever, countenance a fully sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank.'

    'That sentence, quite simply, spells the end to the notion of Netanyahu consenting to the establishment of a Palestinian state.'

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  14. Saleh al-Arouri is suspect. 15 years in Israeli prison and allowed to move around freely in Turkey. Where is the evidence?

    Coming back to the continuation of the bombing campaign in Gaza. The pretexts are 'rockets' and 'tunnels' and 'Hamas' but as one Israeli commentator put it... 'it's a ritual'. How many times has Gaza been subjected to bombing?

    The Palestinians, in Israeli officials’ own words


    '...Israel is engaged in a long war of annihilation against Palestinian society. The objective is to destroy the Palestinian nation and drive it back into pre-modern groupings based on the tribe, the clan and the enclave. This is the last phase of the Zionist colonial mission, culminating in inaccessible townships, camps, villages, districts, all of them to be walled or fenced off, and patrolled by a powerful army'.

    In 2012 UNICEF and the UNRWA estimated that Gaza's population would increase to 2.1 million by 2020 and become unsustainable... http://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/press-releases/gaza-2020-liveable-place

    Netenyahu has said he will not allow a Palestinian State. It seems clear that Israel's 'solution' for Gaza is to accelerate that time-frame from years to months, (possibly weeks) by destroying everything that supports a civilized life.

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  15. Do you want a prize that you have found one MP who says disgusting things? She is an MP, she is not the head of the Israeli government and there is no evidence her murderous views are Israeli government policy.

    Rubbish. The head of the Israeli government's wet dream is war with Iran. He is clearly a warmonger. The Israeli government know women and children will be slaughtered in these operations. They also fully understand what they are doing with the gradual and slow destruction of the people and everything they need, to subsist.

    Anyone who knows my posting history knows I have never favored far right wing Israeli politicians or the west bank settlement movement.

    Yet you are clearly acting as an apologist for them, only too happy to buy into the 'Hamas made me do it' excuse, from the School bully.

    Not the same thing as defending the right of Israel to defend itself from forces that don't accept it's right to exist on any borders.

    More talking point rubbish. Israel isn't going anywhere, it is too powerful and established. When will Israel state where its borders are? Has it finished ethnically-cleansing the land it covets yet?

    The fragmentation of the ME, as suggested decades ago, in the Yinon Plan, means Muslims are busily killing each other, assuring Israel's hegemony over the region. Gaza must be a thorn in the side. A persecuted people armed with mostly harmless rockets standing up to one of the world's most powerful military, who let's not forget was formed out of Zionist terrorists.

    Apparently not. The former head of the Australian Army has said Australia "needs to prepare for an increasingly savage, 100-year war against radical Islam"; by that he includes the rest of the Western world.

    More terror Boogah Boogah!

    Warmongering nations are creating the enemies they need, keeping spellbound populations cowed and begging for security, in true Orwellian style. 'The enemy are always at the gates'. Both Hamas and militant Islam are useful, in allowing the Military-Industrial-Complex, upon which the U.S. economy is so dependent, to feed. Saudi Arabia, with its radical Islam are provided with billions in weaponry and are best buddies with the U.S. Arm and train 100,000 Islamist 'terrorists' in Afghanistan, then use them and their spawn as a tool of destabilization. Seems like extremist Islam is only a threat when the radicals aren't on your own team.

  16. No-one knows exactly the origins of the picture

    In other words, you have no idea if it is Hamas, but you insisted that it was not. All your spin does not hide the basic fact that you are commenting on something that you know almost nothing about, while pretending that you do.

    I sympathize with your embarrassment.

  17. Who is it? Please provide some evidence then. The article that I responded to does not say anything about when it was taken or that it is from the current conflict - only that it is Hamas.

    If you had taken the time to check the comments, to see if anyone had debunked it, it would have been clear. You could also have done a search for 'fake Hamas human shields'. It isn't difficult. Instead you simply grabbed it and supported the propaganda. No-one knows exactly the origins of the picture but a simple glance would show you the children couldn't stay there long, they already look like they are choking. Sitting them down outside the house would have been sufficient. Or even tying them to the railings.

    The fact that the picture was taken long before the current round of slaughter 'self-defence', is sufficient to know it is NOT as you suggested.

    Some basic fact-checking would improve your credibility.

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  18. The picture was taken in 2013 and there is no 'appears to be' about it. It is NOT Hamas.

    Your willingness to accept and spread lies enables Israel's genocide and colonization to continue. Shame on you.

  19. The storms and polar vortexes and ice melting being seen now can be described as having been initiated by the fossil fuel released in the 70's.

    Wake up to the time scale and finish doing the math - oh, and your closing comment reverts back to the reason again that I cited Charles Anderson. shock1.gif (NOT)

    Didn't Easterbrook point out that the 30s had something like 5x the extreme weather events than we see today?

    The carbon commies label IS apt. Since their solution involves central planning (global governance) and the 'de-industrialization' of successful nations.

    This is an extreme example of their thinking but there are plenty more... “An ecocatastrophe is taking place on earth.. prohibition, enforcement and oppression are the only solution. Those most responsible..will be sent to the mountains for re-education in eco-gulags. The sole glimmer of hope lies in a centralised government and the tireless control of citizens.” -Pentti Linkola, Ecologist

    It is irrelevant anyway because the battle to win hearts and minds (propaganda) has been lost by the green machine. UK Energy Minister, Osborne, said recently : “We are not going to save the planet by putting our country out of business. So let’s, at the very least, resolve that we’re going to cut our carbon emissions no slower but also no faster than our fellow countries in Europe.”

    Quite a turnaround from the 'greenest government ever'.

    While China continues to increase its number of coal-generated power stations, thus rendering any mitigating action moot, I think you should join The Global Warming Policy Foundation, launched by Lord Lawson. They will help you come to terms with your apocalyptic fears... http://www.thegwpf.org/who-we-are/

    The key to the success of the GWPF is the trust and credibility that we have earned in the eyes of a growing number of policy makers, journalists and the interested public. In our relationship with our members, with MPs, the media and our wider readership, it is the most important quality that we have.

    This is of great relevance today in light of scientific scandals and the public’s loss of trust in climate activists and politicians. For us, public trust is our most important asset. It has been accumulated as a result of the reasoned and moderate positions we have taken, the integrity of our foundation and the credibility of our actions.

    We hope you will join the GWPF and help us in our effort to restore trust and balance to the climate debate.'

    Yep. That's where you lost it.

    Trust and balance.

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