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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Just to clarify:

    Providing you still have a fixed abode in the UK and pay Council Tax (its important), then you do not need to declare any absence. Do you think Simon Cowell or Sean Connery declare their long term absences from the UK. If you do declare then yes you can expect your benefits to be cut, but as long as you pay your Council Tax, then they will simply assume your still in the UK. Its not like they go knocking on door checking.

    the fixed abode can be anything,paid for or not,I like a paid one in Benidorm,lose the summer cooling allowance though,but DWP hate writing there

    PS paying council tax is not important

  2. Pattaya as far as farang long stay/permanently living here is on the way down for sure,the die is cast on that one,Chinese and Indians on the way up,little wonder why farang wants to go. Pattays OK for hour or twos drive to reach,few hours or nights then push off

    Stop those half filled or quarter filled Chinese tour buses,place would be empty

  3. What are the ball park figures on x-ray and ct scan or is it mri scan I should have, I would prefer to go for a one off clear scan as opposed to x-ray then the risk of having another scan.

    I have had experience with the KKU hospital, taking my friend there who incidentally has liver cancer, he is always left at the end of the queue regardless of what time he arrives - never been less than an 8 hour wait - lost files, indifference etc. No doubt the expertise is there but Farang friendly? not really.

    Also, it is not Cigna uk as mentioned before its cigna global which is regulated in Guernsey, a get out anything place!!

    So I think I will have to be a bit careful here!

    I won't be using the insurance way until I know what the score is, I'll self pay until then.



    Yes treated like an idiot in Thailand,hard to break through the language barrier too. Try India,Calcutta two hours away,finest equipment the world has to offer,far cheaper than here too. Just type PET scan Calcutta,or whatever you search for,see the various options stay away from Apollo chain,bit like the BKK chain here,direct hospital not franchised

  4. Comparing punters,yes quite a few Indians,hardly spending anything 1 coke per hour stuff,Chinese shunted around en mass and the the westerners mostly 120 year oldies,long time dead stuff,dug up and propped up,hardly any youngsters as of years ago Christ I have two feet in the grave but most of the UK punters now make me look a teenybopper

  5. been thinking about this a lot.

    But many factors come together i guess.

    pattaya definately need an update, to attract new tourists from a different category

    The whole mid section of the old city needs an update to attract new investments for new bussinesses. Infrastructure i mean.

    The whole economie in Thailand is down, although they state something else. Toerism is not different.

    The general does not make it look attractive to outiders, only to Thai. maybe we see through it all easier?

    Prices and service in Thailand are not what they used to be

    The neighbouring countries do a lot better in most of these points, To toerist that is eh.

    Low prices, better English, more authentic and for the rest , would you mind as a 3 week toerist if you go to Vietnam, cambodia or Thailand.?

    I feel Thailand has put itself in a less favourable position for investments as well as holidays, over the last 5 years.

    So what you suggest is a fleet of bulldozers going end to end,easier way drop a bloody great bomb on it,making sure I'm not around

  6. The price for removal of a polyp is insane at Bangkok Pattaya, and is probably more than what is charged in the States. This seems to be a trend with the hospitals that I have contacted; offer a reasonable price and then add excessive fees in the fine print for polypectomy and pathology. It really is not a "package" if the final price is going to be 3-? times the initial package fee. Like you mentioned, how will the patient really know if you do not trust the hospital to be honest...

    Good time to consider India both test came to under $50,polyp testing was cheap,had three done and price was around $25 5 day testing,emailed results, I'm going in a month or two for these ,prostate and skin cancer ,plus other tests cheap visa for yanks £80 return two hour flight

    Loppylugs1, concerning India: Are those proceedings being conducted under sedation of the patient?

    Tried a Gastroscopy in Thailand without sedation: No can do !

    Thx & cheers.

    Yes back of the hand if required, I did not find the up the backside one too bad ,but down the throat Id choke on my own breath

    Nothing primitive about Indian hospitals,light years ahead of anything in Thailand,..anything for sure,price wise just the opposite of Thailand

  7. Far more subdued this year,punters looking for fun city,not having much fun,hardly would know Christmas was on us,no effort with decorations for sure.

    Few bars and I mean few got limited crowds in that has only materialised last few days,down Soy Boocow,the laying of water pipes has added to congestion,.....days after Christmas Ill be looking for pics of Christmas past,blink and Ive missed it

  8. Think I saw this pic too,not much chance Id say,but never know.

    Now if it was my dog id take it with me, about $400 to Canada or put a pic in a hometown newspaper anywhere in the west,brief story,and threat of being eaten etc.guaranteed to get re-homed

    Soi Dogs in BKK will give good advice on transportation

  9. Some new Bars and restaurants opened, Indian on 2ng Road, another Scooter Bar in LK Metro and the Elephant Bar next to the Dragon Bar in Soi Bulkhao being reopened, The Pook Bar also had a name change and a big refurbishment. Some people must be thinking it's going to 'pick up' again.

    Elephant Bar will be shut in a few months.....no need for another bar on Soi Buakhao....someone is looking to blow their wad on another good deal...?

    Elephant Bar will be shut in a few WEEKS....no need for another bar on Soi Buakhao....someone is looking to blow their wad on another good deal...?

  10. The days when I wanted to buy a condo in Thailand have gone. I enjoy short term breaks and renting. Reason that Pattaya will not be so desirable in a few years judging by the attitude of many Thais towards Farang.

    Many condos are overpriced if in a good location but very saleable. VT6 for example sell studios for 5.5 m and get that price.

    Agree,condo living gets you into the centre of things,houses not so, more spread ,and that is where the collapse of property started,it will eat into the entire fabric of Pattaya,its a dump.

    As VIP stated good to get a two base aspect,Southern Europe and Patts for a few months,just the damned baggage,3 dogs and the cat,Emirates are calling the shots though The Thai wife not so sure,you realise the tree is not far away,and getting them looked after while away is peanuts here,literary a bag now and again,,not so Portugal,least they will not be eaten there

  11. To (maybe) answer Huawei, The Base is scheduled to be done in April 2016 but I've heard that it might be done earlier, in late February or maybe early March, to take advantage of the temporary reduction in the transfer taxes, which will save both the buyers and the developer money when the condo transfers are done. If this is the case, buyers might start receiving letters from The Base in late January or early February. If a buyer is unable to transfer early, they might be able to postpone the transfer, citing the original April finish date, and delay the transfer while they look for a buyer to sell the contract to. Haven't been following it too closely but last time I checked prices still seemed to be around 100,000 Baht a sq. meter for the higher floor condos with seaviews. Anybody with more info?

    Just how did you garner this information?you have to have been close to the developer to deliver this gobbleygook Could drive a coach and horses through some of your past statements and yes developers would steam ahead with or without units being sold,as long as it was not their money being used ie the banks. Developers will tell you anything,anything at all to get their hands in your back pocket All around me I see unsold flats condos even completed blocks houses,some people walking away from Northpoint for instance nursing a million and a half loss on purchase price,(yes he shoved off to Portugal)house owners taking a 2 million hit on re-selling,that is if they can sell,and up you pop telling all fine and steaming ahead,sorry but putting supposed drapes in lower floors does not suggest anything

    I l do not believe anything you spout and yes only a few days left to see if that presumption of yours re Centric is true,I reckon come New Years eve,still the same amount of lights on at nighttime ie 7% of total,and those Ducati motorbikes are going to be in freeflow (or not)

    One more thing to compound events in Thailand ,especially the US raising interest rates yesterday with the intention of another four next year ,this will stuff Thailand into a cocked hat, make borrowing much more expensive

    As VIP states... amount of money wanted here for purchase compared to southern Europe is to say the least remarkable,poor quality builds litter the place,The Waterfront I would consider now structurally unsound,due to water ingress,salt air corrosion of reinforcements etc,and that monstrosity Pattaya Pride,already the flippers are at it 2.6 mil plus,not detailing anything ,but 10 baht would not get me into the place

  12. Certainly there are people who buy contracts on condos during the pre-sale and construction stage with the intention of then re-selling the contract later and making a profit. But, and here's the big but, they usually try to sell before the project is done and they have to go to closing and actually buy the condo. The Base condo, now finishing construction, will be sending letters in a few months to all the buyers telling them it's now time to buy your condo. Might see a bargain or two then if a buyer hasn't sold his contract and doesn't have the money to go to closing. In the case of Lumpini Park Beach, the condo has been open for a few years now and those contract buyers long ago either sold the contract, went to closing, or returned the contract to Lumpini. There may be some owners sitting on condos and leaving them empty but the large majority are actually being used, just infrequently.

    It's not true that "nothing is selling". Desirable condos in desirable locations are selling--and at high prices per square meter. If a project isn't selling well, it's likely in a less than desirable location, possibly being built by a sketchy developer, not offering anything special, and not really needed,to be honest--at least by enough buyers.

    For someone who" just happened to be with a friend at Centric" you sure have a remarkable insight with developments here,not that I would query anything ,but as one who who would not trust my own shadow in any financial dealings here in Thailand,you sure follow the patter of another "plant" on the pinned topics ,top of page. Now the patter went to and fro,on the topics,... too many awkward questions were raised, lo and behold the thread was locked,,still there,but unquestionable,why is this I ask myself?/ perhaps bandwidth

    From my perspective Centric as you say70% sold and you state probably to BKK individuals and used at holidays ,weekends etc, but forgive me ,living virtually in the shadow of the thing ,there are no lights on in the thing period,'cept the top sea view floors,just the constant 8 or so at rear side,appears more like 7% sold perhaps the 0 should have been omitted.Easy to see the BKK folk seeking other areas as seawater is forecast to be running from their taps next summer.

    Take a few seconds to explore the pinned property topics ,top of page,this is the tip of the iceberg,what was it Colliers ,yes the international estate agency stating Bkk and Pattaya was awash with property for sale. Need to get flogging more Ducati bikes methinks,and I do not believe a word you spout

  13. Once again, totally incorrect regarding Centric Sea condo. Centric Sea gave away a FEW motorcycles to buyers of a FEW select units a month or so ago. I think all the units sold and it created some buzz and was a fun promotion with the motorcycle sitting in the sales office. That's good marketing--and any well-run company, be it Coca Cola, Apple, or SC Asset, is going to always be doing marketing. Centric Sea is in no way 'desperate' for sales and is doing quite nicely in a slow sales environment. Another poster who needs correcting, the one who said something about condo buildings not having lights on at night being an indication the condo has had few sales. Not always true. Drive by Lumpini Park Beach Jomtien sometime during the week at night. Huge complex of 3 thirty story buildings and you may see only a few dozen lights on. Must be a failed project with few sales, right? Wrong. It's about 80% sold out, possibly more--the reason you see so few lights is that the vast majority of the condos are owned by Bangkok residents as getaway escapes and they only come now and then, usually on weekends or holidays.

    This must be true then,but from where I sit everything is up for sale,but problem is nothing is selling. yes undoubtedly Bangkok owners trying a bit of flipping,goes to show why Thailand has the highest debt in the world, per individual everyone gambling prices rise,if they don't,no problem,just sit on it for evermore,

  14. Totally not true, Loppy, regarding Centric. I was in the sales office a few days ago with a friend who is looking to maybe buy there and I think it's 70% sold--and probably a larger percentage sold for the higher floors with the best views. And, what's wrong with giving away a motorcycle? It's called MARKETING. It's called getting the customer in the door. Riviera is giving away a Mercedes. A poster mentioned about developers being happy selling 49% and then just sitting on the unsold condos. I think that is sometimes true with the 'Mom and Pop' companies but not so true with the big public companies. They have shareholders to answer to and they want to get the condos sold and move on to their next project. So, even if they have a great product they still do advertising and marketing. Just smart business.

    There is one thing of buying to live in ,and buying to flip,just by looking at the lights on or not on at nighttime everyone must be blind

    Might as well add that 30 floor monster going up on Pattaya Nua,some flippers are going to get seriously burned

  15. Bht 24'000 special sounds good. But 25'000 for the removal of a Polyp?

    How would a patient know how many Polyp's were actually removed? Yes they can make a video of the procedure. What if they give you a Video (DVD) from a previous patient where they removed 17 Polyp's? Unless the Video feeds date and exact time (tamper-proof) into the "movie".


    The price for removal of a polyp is insane at Bangkok Pattaya, and is probably more than what is charged in the States. This seems to be a trend with the hospitals that I have contacted; offer a reasonable price and then add excessive fees in the fine print for polypectomy and pathology. It really is not a "package" if the final price is going to be 3-? times the initial package fee. Like you mentioned, how will the patient really know if you do not trust the hospital to be honest...

    Good time to consider India both test came to under $50,polyp testing was cheap,had three done and price was around $25 5 day testing,emailed results, I'm going in a month or two for these ,prostate and skin cancer ,plus other tests cheap visa for yanks £80 return two hour flight

    Loppylugs1, concerning India: Are those proceedings being conducted under sedation of the patient?

    Tried a Gastroscopy in Thailand without sedation: No can do !

    Thx & cheers.

    Yes back of the hand if required, I did not find the up the backside one too bad ,but down the throat Id choke on my own breath

  16. Bht 24'000 special sounds good. But 25'000 for the removal of a Polyp?

    How would a patient know how many Polyp's were actually removed? Yes they can make a video of the procedure. What if they give you a Video (DVD) from a previous patient where they removed 17 Polyp's? Unless the Video feeds date and exact time (tamper-proof) into the "movie".


    The price for removal of a polyp is insane at Bangkok Pattaya, and is probably more than what is charged in the States. This seems to be a trend with the hospitals that I have contacted; offer a reasonable price and then add excessive fees in the fine print for polypectomy and pathology. It really is not a "package" if the final price is going to be 3-? times the initial package fee. Like you mentioned, how will the patient really know if you do not trust the hospital to be honest...

    Good time to consider India both test came to under $50,polyp testing was cheap,had three done and price was around $25 5 day testing,emailed results, I'm going in a month or two for these ,prostate and skin cancer ,plus other tests cheap visa for yanks £80 return two hour flight

  17. The poster is correct regarding The Base. It is maintaining prices of around 100,000 Baht a sq. meter even in a slow market. Why? Pretty simple. It is a quality project by a large, well-known BKK developer in a top location. Location and the developer are the 2 key things to look for, in my opinion, when you go shopping for a condo. Another example: Centric Sea, also, like The Base, in central Pattaya. Also like The Base, a quality project, top location, and well-known BKK developer. Prices also maintaining in the 100,000 Baht a sq. meter range. And, in some cases more than 100,000B a sq. meter. A buyer recently paid over 4MB for a 35sqm. condo on one of the higher floors. Buyers are willing to pay this price per sq. meter to be in a prime location in a quality high-rise condo that offers great views and amenities. Harder to sell, in my opinion, now and in the future, are the thousands of look-alike low-rise condos being built in all those 'theme park' condos mostly far from transportation and the beach. When all those come on-line I think there will be an even bigger glut and there should be some bargains to be had--if one of those floats your boat.

    Slow market? you ain't seen nothing yet,worse will most definitely get worse,just waiting for those interest rises to take effect. Funny you should state Centric Sea,now is this a sales ploy? An example of a quality project and top location in your opinion. I can state hardly any of the SEA has been sold,virtually empty, sales attempted to be pushed along by freebies Ducati motorbikes,the place ;looks liked to a council block in Glasgow

  18. If you got a New Condo at a real bargain price I bet even then you could not sell for anything like what you paid for it...

    Wonder if any of the developers guarantee to buy back property for what you paid?

    It is like buying a new car in the UK, it loses half it's value as soon as you drive it out of the showroom.

    This is a very poor comparison. The longer you hold on to your property/land the more it will appreciate, unless there is a sudden collapse in the market. As in every other Country in the World. Also when I bought my last house in the UK, I bargained the price down from the asking price, so some people on here have little idea of the World Markets and only have a bitch against Thailand. Another fact is I bought my land 13 years ago and it is now valued at 500% more than I bought it for. whistling.gif

    Yeah right whistling.gif wondering which planet? 500% rise ,so someone is outside the door right now with a bundle,think not,fact is Ill say definitely not "The longer you hold onto land" negotiating prices right now in Spain and Portugal that makes the eyeballs roll at the prices here for the crap. "World markets" sure Thailand is in its own little world,Pattaya especially...and to end "your land" the wife's or company,go on give it a go

  19. If you got a New Condo at a real bargain price I bet even then you could not sell for anything like what you paid for it...

    Wonder if any of the developers guarantee to buy back property for what you paid?

    It is like buying a new car in the UK, it loses half it's value as soon as you drive it out of the showroom.

    A lot worse than this ,I'm afraid,when you realise a load of utter crap has been purchased,duped to the extreme,especially these so called themed developments,likened to waking up from a bad dream into a nightmare.

    The pinned notices top of page "underpriced market value" "russian rubbish" should be buy one get ten free. Least the car after 7 years or so will look like junk,here it looks like junk a few months after purchase

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