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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. I got pretty spooked when the shop told me they had run out of beer... :D

    Luckily there was a shop round the corner with more business sense.. :D

    totster :D

    Don't expect the small village shops to be able to cater for drinkers such as yourself :D

    In an hour or so time to find another shop Tots :o

  2. Cant believe the rain thread dropped all the way to page 18. :o

    Well today in the U.K it is lovely and sunny, little bit cold but it is nice to have some sunshine :D

    Maybe something to do with the lack of rain, no flooding, lots of sunshine etc.......... but still, good to see you and Icey back after your hols :D

    Thankyou :D

    Thaivisa sent me off to Hawai which was pretty fun, not sure where Daleyboy went though :D

  3. and maybe a pink cocktail for the ladies called something like erm.. maybe... erm... Chang Chompuu..

    Cocktails , what a great idea! :D

    We could name some after members.

    Please allow me to provide the first ones

    Mai Thaipauly :D

    Ice Maiden


    Singapore Simon

    Pink BambinA


    Moogburger, grilled Huski and of course Scampi and Chips,


    Kit KAT


    Blake 7UP

    Maybee other members could add more, but this is all I could come up with in 5 minutes and is just for fun

    Some of you may of course this is just mindless babble, and you will probably be right :o

    But thanks for indulging me anyway

    These sound great :D

    I think a bkkmadness would also be a good name for a cocktail and we can't forget a Chang Chompuu :D

    But seriously, we'd all be slaves to the new venue.... We would never leave! I'm sure it is an evil plan of Georges or something! :D

  4. I'm thicker than the large print version of the complete works of Shakespeare!!

    Is that the large print Braille version of Shakesperes complete works? :D

    Even both of them put together is being too kind Mr Daleyboy :o

    What about if i add a few dozen short planks to the thickness? Will that be getting close? :D

    Or hundred... :D

    Then we'd be getting close there! :D

  5. I am pretty sure were not the only ones. :o Maybe i should start a thread named the thaivisa rejects. Tots and kayo have their harems so maybe we should have the rejects club :D

    I think if that happened we'd be even bigger rejects :D

  6. My Dad swears Thailand was better a few years ago.

    Right now it is becoming more western every second and not even the apperance but the customs are changing too. Like I am sure you wouldn't of seen holding of hands a few years ago.

    Thai natives are becoming more western too. You can't go anywhere without seeing a billboard or an advert with a whiter than white person with a nose job and "whiter" hair with a painted smile advertising a new brand of cosmetics.... To also make you more western.

    Eye surgery is popular now too I have heard.

  7. Isn't there a law about bring dead threads back to life. :o Let the punishment fit the crime I alway's say sometimes :D

    Ahh but this isnt a dead thread, it was just having a little nap while i was away on my "holiday" and now i am back so is the rain thread :D

    We miss out on everything don't we, whilst having holidays :D

  8. I have a problem with mossie bites and the same problem as you at night!

    I haven't tried toothpaste but I will now, sounds pretty good.

    The orange mossie cream that Totster mentioned works well for me so you may want to try that :o

    Ummm... Those blue lights that you can place in your room to zap them also work great.

    But in my opinion I think it takes a while of living in LOS before you get used to them, my Dad and brother already have.

  9. Another piece of advice is keep practising! You may sound a bit silly at first (I still do!) but gradually you get better :o

    Even simple things like going shopping, speak to the staff in Thai! And in restuarants order your food in Thai. This has helped me develop my Thai a lot. And the ones I have spoken with are always happy to help you out if you make a mistake.

  10. Please help us out, as the baby is due july, we are thinking of baby names.

    I wounld like a kind of thai name but the wife wants a farang name.

    Any ideas?

    There are quite a few threads on this I believe so have a search :o

    I personaly like the name of a friend of mine she is called Anchisa but she is half Chinese and Thai so maybe it is a Chinese name? I'll ask her.

  11. Many Thai girls are now having plastic surgery on their noses to create a straight Farang nose.

    They are also having their eye sockets enlarged to create Farang eyes.

    They dye their hair blonde to create Farang looking hair.

    They learn English to speak the Farang language.

    They love Farang men............................

    ...................what more do you guys want ???????????????????????? :o

    You have no clue

    Those thai girls are doinging it for Thai men and maybe farang living abroad, not farang men

    in Thailand

    If i see thai girl with realy long nose, i might punch her nose outside in, if she act like .....

    Violence is the best answer, huh? Disgusting.

  12. I see you are back to your usual horny self! :D

    Only when the nymph is around... :o

    I believe blood donating is from your own free will.... I don't think she has a choice! :D

    She wants to really.... :D

    totster :D

    OMG what is going on here...

    Totster know what i want or it seems so

    Wofie want to suck me dry

    Kayo boss me around....

    Help I need HELP!!!!

    You ways stop!!! :D You understand STOP IT!!!! :D

    I am a good maid, bar tender...

    so just have a drink, relax and enjoy....

    I'll protect you Glauka :D

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