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Posts posted by UbonRatch

  1. They all taste the same to me. I bet you that the customers could not even distinguish between the three types of rice. All they care about is it satisfies their hunger.

    That's why it sells for more money. A bit like wine - the water its grown in makes a difference.

    I never knew wine was grown in water. Whoa! We learn something new here everyday at TV.

    YEAH, OK, scarcasm is the lowest form of wit. But, if you have English humour... it can be quite amusing: especially Scouse humour!

    Wine and water goes with Jesus boots. ;)

  2. "the government has launched a campaign in Hong Kong, traditionally a major customer of Thai rice, especially fragrant rice, to retake its Thai jasmine rice market back from Vietnam."

    Traditionally, maybe, and I'm sure HK is really interested. I'm sure Vietnam is coming with all arms open, regarding the latter statement. Asif, is also an Indian name, which means 'there is no government anymore'.

  3. The already-rich Chinese-Thai rice millers aren't complaining. They were probably front of the queue when gov't money was being handed out.

    Let's think outside-the-box for a moment. There's a crop which is superior to rice for the following reasons... can you guess which crop?

    >>> grows like a weed in poor soils

    >>> doesn't need copious amounts of water, like rice does

    >>> doesn't need pesticides or herbicides like rice does

    >>> doesn't destroy watersheds like rice paddies do

    >>> has higher $ value than rice

    >>> its seed and oil are much more nutritious. What is rice, other than starch?

    >>> has hundreds of practical applications. Just one: Volvo uses one part of the plant to cushion its car and truck seats.

    answer: HEMP

    Either you're as high as a kite, or you've lived her too long and gone back 200 years in time.

    Hemp is not as widely used as you believe it is nowadays. The majority of man-made, modern, technologically-advanced products of late have totally out-priced hemp, and in most of its previous applications.

    Are you part of a Colombian cartel who ran away before being shot? giggle.gif

  4. I've done a Dusaass University poll, just in the last hour, and out of 1,235 corresponding ex-pats, aged 20-65, from USA, UK, Canada and Australia, 99% said they have been watching: National Geographic, BBC, Riley's Believe It or Not, and reading Reader's Digest for the last 20 years.

    I wonder what a Thai documentary shall comprise:

    Cartoons with big boobed little teenagers, bust like reality?

  5. Get ready to learn a new language, the American Empire is dying! (everything goes in cycles)

    King James also died, you know. thumbsup.gif

    Apparently, China now knows that Abby Lincoln is also dead. clap2.gif

    The sad part here is that US just doesn't get English humour, yet we developed it and u lot turned it on its head.

    Diapers for lunch anybody? I'd sooner prefer nappies. WT f is a diaper?

    Then again, I'd prefer a cup of hot tea than 'ice-tea'. You even ruined that. coffee1.gif - nice... << steaming hot! tongue.png

  6. Get ready to learn a new language, the American Empire is dying! (everything goes in cycles)

    Yes everything goes in cycles. England has gone from controlling 2/3 of the world, to being removed from all authoritative maps. tongue.png

    King James also died, you know. thumbsup.gif

    As America stamps it's authority on the world map in Afghanistan, Israel and etc.

    At least Brits took common sense with them, and offered it positively to the world, creating vast trade and enriching countries thumbsup.gif

    Please give an example of a country the US has invaded and enrichened. Vietnam? Afghanistan? any offers? Oh wait! Hawaii. cheesy.gif

  7. Now we will have even more of the world speaking 'American' English, when word constantly tells them they are making spelling errors when they are not.

    You ought to be thanking us for that; if it wasn't for "American English," the English language would be about as widely spoken as Portuguesewink.png

    Please tell me how you work that one out. The British Empire was still expanding whilst you lot were killing off Apaches, and thank the Lord for Canada and Australia, and etc.

    Eliot Rosewater. Definitely not a British name of decent, for sure. ;)

    • Like 1
  8. Just before the Native Americans were annulated and almost wiped off the face of the earth, Chief Sitting Bull said “white man him speak with forked tongue same rattle snake.” But here we have a King Cobra with 2 heads.

    Native Americans? Have you any idea what you are talking about? Even they would be considered 'farang' and ignored nowadays in Thailand, despite not being of Caucasian appearance. Hence, it is the same in that your reference to such should be ignored also, before you get pulled for being racist.

    In addition, did you mean annihilated, as opposed to annulated?

    When trying to make comparisons, why don't you refer to previous heads of state of your own origin, such as MaoTse Tsung or Pol Pot, before tiring us with rubbish which you have no idea about what you refer to?

    Being obnoxious has no account to offer positives to this TV forum, nor does posting negatives about pictures you have neither seen nor experienced.

    Thank me for the grammar lesson, after your forethoughts have been reconsidered.

    However, don't thank me for the history lesson, as it is obvious you haven't got a clue about what you refer to, yet continue to enjoy trolling.

    Kind Regards,


  9. I would like to thank KT for his concern for those living in the kingdom but from what I've been seeing and hearing in CM the NCOP are already making a surprisingly large proportion of Thais happy and the smiles are returning to most faces.

    The general seems to have substantial backing from right accross the demographic spectrum..... keep your ears pinned back tomorrow for confirmation.... but he really needs to scrap the night curfew in fairness to those who have chosen to visit Thailand on vacation.

    Let's hope Thaksin got one thing right and Thailand can look forward to a new beginning.

    KT? Not anymore... simply nong Thaksin from now on. The respect is just about almost completely destroyed, thank Buddha. :)

    • Like 1
  10. Every single politician in this country is xenophobic, corrupt and money hungry. Both sides.

    I cannot understand how any farang on this forum can have anything to say. 90% don't have a clue and only rely on opinions from those they are close to and the other 10% are tourists or wannabes.

    Control yourselves, please.

    &lt;deleted&gt;? If you cannot understand then why make comment? Please placard your knowledge, in asserting that 90% of farang don't have a clue, and how the other end of the sprecturm market you assume is measured at 10%, comprising want-to-be persons.

    Idiotic post, and very detrimental/insulting/ to those of us who have lived here for many years.

    Control yourself master, walk on rice-paper for a few days, or you yourself may become blind.

    • Like 2
  11. Thaksin calls on NCOP to return happiness to Thais

    I'm sorry, but who the fhub is Thaksin to be requesting change by the NCOP. I thought he was some nob-head who fled Thailand because he was/is a wanted man, or am I completely wrong?

    Good luck nong Thaksin. May your next life haunt you without any passport to a life of conjecture and principle. Reap the crap you sowed, and stay put and shut up for once..... there will be no more assets raped from Thailand and placed into your off-shit bank accounts. Enjoy!

    • Like 1
  12. As some people have indicated he's a lawyer, it's about who pays him, he's no worse than a lawyer defending a child molester, but ethics aside, someone has to do it, he will do all he can to get a not guilty verdict, and sometimes they do, knowing full well they're guilty. It's all about the money, and of course the publicity too.

    Yeah, but in doing so aren't you supposed to wear an appropriate black or grey suit and tie, and not a ruddy great fat red shirt? cheesy.gif

  13. x153431-imagejpeg-225701-wpcf_728x413.jp

    He's dead Thai looking, especially compared to the guys behind him. I wonder how many Yuan it cost to buy a Thai name like "Sondhi"???

    He almost looks like a relation to Mao Tse, or even Thaksin himself... but let's not go there.... international relation importance an' all that,,.. all that... errm... BS

    Hope he rots in hell.

  14. Yinglucks mistake was stepping down calling for elections, once that happened she was stopped from being able to pay them for it. I think the farmers are smart enough to see what really happened. All you yellow followers seemed to hate the scheme, now you think its brilliant because your hero non-corrupt coup leaders are doing it now.

    I don't think the scheme is good. Never have. It was pure unsustainable populist vote buying, and mismanaged beyond belief at that.

    I'm just happy the farmers are being paid for what they sold.

    Yes I am glad you agree the money that should have been paid months ago was being held as a political hostage. Keep drinking the Yellow Kool-aid.

    Most Governments around the world have subsidy programs for farmers, but because it is done by a political party you oppose it must be bad. Oh my.

    Most Governements around the world agree with free-trade also, and don't try to control the prices of their major and world number one export product.

    The political party you have a passion for really f..d that up,, didn't it? Or are you still in denial that Thailand, since the last 6 months, has become the 3rd largest exporter of world rice as opposed to being ranked first?

    There is subsidy, and there is down right financial rape for personal gains.

    The problem here, for you, is that you are still a political hostage of all the klap-trap you've believed for some years.

    Time to grown up, mai na? Your beloved party has been disintegrated in days... and it ain't going to reappear before your eyes. The magic has gone. ;)

    • Like 2
  15. A writer from the Nation, a right wing publication wrote: "Double standards are now rife in Thailand thanks to our divisive politics. One faction screams in outrage when a taxi driver is attacked by protesters, while the other just ignores the incident. The situation is reversed when M79 attacks claim lives, with the former faction turning a blind eye. This has happened, is happening and will happen again."

    He's been reading TVF!

    Sounds to me he's been reading 'Viz' more like. 2 Fat Sl*gs. giggle.gif

  16. Reading my posting history eh!

    Sorry if my posting on demroracy offends you guys.

    I also happen to believe in innocent before being guilty!

    So enjoy your coup and military dictatorship until the next election!

    Good Lord, you do stutter, don't you?

    Is there a law preventing reading your posting history?

    Most people do believe in innocent before guilty { no need for the extra stutter, keep it simple me lad. ;) }

    As for your last comment, that was a big stutter. Who's coup is this? I'm ceratainly enjoying it, along with 75% of the country currently, and soon probably 95% when rice payments arrive. We shall enjoy it, and you'll still be stuttering.


    UbonR. wub.png

  17. The one thing that is different is that the military can now take action against those that ripped off the system to return the money to the coffers. remember anyone arrested now goes to military court not to civilian where they can make all sorts of threats and excuses.

    Prayuth realizes that the more he can do for the people the better it will be.

    The fact that all the political leaders are doing a time out does not hurt either.

    And where is Chalerm's response, or even where is he?

  18. Well i never the army buying votes!

    I doubt it will be long before the 2 trillion infrastructure scheme returns and is approved quickly.

    Shortly after they will probably grant themselves amnesty for their actions.

    Its all remarkably ironic, if it was not so predictable and pathetic.

    Maybe the 2 trillion in dosh has been located by Prayuth, and that's how he can now pay the farmers, and your own predictions may be slightly pathetic? Ever cross your mind? The 2 trillion infra-rubbish will undoubtedly be cancelled immediately, as many other investments for improvements are recognised as being much more needy. Ironic, isn't it?

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