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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. Failing that try wandering through almost any rural village at night and listen/see the goings on.-----trainman34014


    I do traiman-----but I hate it when you get the type of women that insist on turning the light off before having sex.

    It makes it awfully difficult for me to see them through the window..................................coffee1.gif

  2. A Cambodian man --(I take it he is or they would mention nationality--& also it happened

    last year & he is still living there) Paid $us1,000 to go once with a young Cambodian girl....!!!!

    And the people that she lives with --never made her do this again-----

    No one wants to doubt child abuse complaint --- but as someone who has travelled that

    country on & off for the last 17 years.

    Its just a little Odd.............

  3. Road of borrox . Next troll please.

    So many budding fiction writers on TV----they should run a monthly contest..........Have a "Billy Liar" trophy

    But he did get the just 1 positive ---I believe you--note from "Cooked" who's last post was that he was drinking 30 cans of beer a day, but its not affecting his judgement...................................coffee1.gif

  4. While we always like to see people who share in the fruits of their industry not being philanthropic equally does not suggest a character flaw as well as being generous does not suggest a character asset.----arjunadawn


    I think the character flaw arjunadawn, is in the fact that he is claiming to have donated $102 million worth of cash and land to philanthropic and conservation organizations, he is not taking your "legitimate" stand that one has no obligation to do this------ He is saying he has done it.

    ................Just can not seem to locate the recipes to show you all....................coffee1.gif

  5. I thought it was legal in Cambodia?

    I was thinking the same thing BKKSnowBird..... its a cooking herb when I was last there...(about 4 years ago)....sold openly at the markets, & a favourite topping for the Pizzas in PP.

    Called happy topping..............(you can ---& I always did----ask for double happy topping)


    I guess things have changed----- so we can all go back to taking the real safe alternative-----Alcohol-- do we get to thank the NGOs for that change ??...........coffee1.gif

  6. Trump has said he donated $102 million worth of cash and land to philanthropic and conservation organizations over the past five years. But his campaign has provided little documentation for most of these contributions, and tax filings of the Donald J. Trump foundation show Trump has made no charitable contributions to his own namesake nonprofit since 2008.

    It is possible that Trump has been donating money anonymously through avenues other than his foundation----OP


    That's it !---You got it, that's what he has been doing all these years---giving all his money away quietly........he's that sort of guy....he just didn't want any Kudos for it........coffee1.gif

  7. That is, to travel with the expired UK passport as he should still be allowed to enter the UK even on a passport that has expired.---dabhand


    Yes you are allowed to enter your home country on an expired passport----I did this last year in the UK with a 3 month expired passport...... also a few years back into Oz --just 1 month oz expired passport--if you are worried you can phone & get confirmation from the embassy.

    • Like 1
  8. Hmmm. You aren't really doing your case for supporting the level of Thai education and competence any favours if you don't know the difference between an amp and a volt. Apart from that, your rant was... interesting .----Red queen

    Your quite correct Red Queen----- I don't know the difference between the 2......& I am not even khon Thai--maybe I should just stick to the shoe tying analogy, I do get a little depressed the way the colonials tend to view the "Natives" especially on this forum.....in the short time I have lived here (16 years) I have been around so many competent Thai people, in different professions. Even down to the girl in the bar who left school at 12 & speaks 4-5 languages--mainly to the farang who after 20 years here still finds it difficult to order a beer in Thai.

    I find this country such a nice place to reside in----I just get blown away by the people that get up every morning, just looking to post something negative about it.

  9. Be afraid. Be very afraid:-------OP

    Well you would find it quite hard to get a more biased headline that that on an "open discussion" congrats to the editor

    Then of course its followed by the usual Thai raciest stereotyping -----

    The day Thailand operates a nuclear reactor will mark my last day in the Kingdom.

    A country which to date cannot operate a functioning, safe, pedestrian crossing system within its urban areas is not one yet ready for the storage of radioactive material.

    I was at Bumrungrad hospital last month---where a friend was having (a successful) triple heart bypass surgery --the nurse told me that it was one of 9 major surgery's that day including a brain tumour removal from someone whom they had flown in from Saudi Arabia for it.

    Of course its a well known fact in every farang bar that no Thai person can tie up his own shoelaces unaided---they just don't have the intelligence to light up a 12 amp bulb. Let alone do anything on the level of any of the retired bar fly farangs that grace us with their presence here after retiring.

    So the comments about how stupid they are, (from that section) is expected---I just surprised the Editor also brought into the stereotyping with a headline like that. Its a discussion they are having--no one needs to fear an open discussion on options.


    *btw--- no I am not a fan of the nuclear option--- Japan is without doubt one of the most hi Thec & safety concious countries in the world

  10. Is he making another bid for the White House or was he just earning his retainer?

    Well he has always got his 2nd job to fall back on------Faux news----- the ridiculousness of the nonsense that comes from that station is that while they have would be republican presidential candidates "unbiasedly" commenting on the political scene----they run a banner behind them reading-----"Faux News--Fair and balanced"........ wub.png

  11. Not out the realm of possibilities that this event has taken place, I know of several Thai ladies who

    will not take a taxi home at night......

    Nor is it out of the realm of possibility that you would be writing to condemn the guy immediately ezzra......

    The guy drove around until they could contact the sister to find out where to take her---

    as she was sick all over the car the driver asked for money to clean it up.

    He argued with the sister about that as she didn't want to pay----

    He left all his details + his taxi license etc with the Sister---- (as most serial rapist do)

    The Sister who accused him through facebook has now closed it all down.

    Meanwhile he is banged up in Jail --unless he can get someone to stand bail.

    Coconuts Bangkok 2015-07-28

    "Atthapon added the passenger threw up all over his car, so he demanded THB500 more to wash it from her sister, who met him at the condo and proceeded to argue with him.

    Arttapon left his taxi license with the older sister before driving away. His family is preparing to request bail and fight in court, Nation TV reported.

    After the taxi driver came forward to tell his side of the story, the victim’s sister Pinpay Lipinpay shut down her Facebook."

  12. Khunying Pornthip Rojanasunand to give her the title awarded to her by the queen--& if there are any discrepancies in the police forensic case---they indeed should worried..Taksin had her removed after she brought down findings that the police under his "shoot drug dealers" policy were by an large shooting innocent people that they may have held a grudge against. Yingluk also terminated her contract as soon as she could & removed her from the office in May 2013

    --When she gave a press report after the Tsunami in Phuket 2005 she complained that the police's identification centre would have more success identifying the farang corpses if their jewellery (inscribed wedding rings etc) were not systematically stolen by the people (police) guarding the freezer containers.

    Pornthip's autobiography, which details her life and most prominent cases, has been translated into English and available through Amazon.


  13. Has TV hired a new writer?......

    Yer I think your right nickJ.....but there should be some reward for all this effort......maybe TV can have an Agony Aunt Cup, that gets awarded for the best script ---------- May even give it a go myself..


    Dear Thai Visa--I am in to necrophilia --bestiality -- & flagellation, do the readers think there is any hope for me, .....or am I just flogging a dead horse................coffee1.gif

  14. I don't take a lot of notice of the American elections-----mainly because the process goes on for so long---- but I did think that the Add that the Democrat put out on the John McCain-- Sarah Palin ticket was an all time classic.........it must have been for me to remember it that far back


    McCain & Palin.......... incontinent & incompetent....................coffee1.gif

  15. Could you possibly get me the phone number of the shark----- I also would like to lend 200,000 Baht, while having no property & showing other no possibility of ever being able to pay it back, & him knowing I was going to punt it at the casino........................coffee1.gif


    On 2nd thoughts let me know when you have written chapter 2-3-4 of your novel, its got quite a pacey start, so I'll look forward to reading the rest of it. Its not quite as good as BKK 8 but I can see it has some potential.

  16. What!

    No fabricated numbers from the Tourist Authority of Britain on the billions of Pounds this will generate.

    You have yet to ever provide any repeat ANY link --to say that numbers are fabricated anywhere-------but please don't let facts get in the way of a good slagging Thaddeus...................... coffee1.gif

    "Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"--Mark Twain.

    The last 3 reports from Mastercard etc----have put London as first in destination numbers...... BKK 2nd, I take it your willing to accept that's not a plot from the UK about the numbers---but it is from Thailand.

    Go get some more tin foil for your hat Thaddeus........................

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