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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. While I am sure--that officials took every opportunity to enrich themselves ===It is the NGOs that one has to be very careful to be around --these western women (nic named Feminnazi's) are a long way from being the white knights they would like the world to view them as...I think Cambodia is waking up to that fact & taking action.......I guess Burmese girls will be next on the list for them to save from lustful men..............coffee1.gif

    Siem Reap branch of the CWCC, which like most other Cambodian NGOs depends on foreign funding to keep going. In 2002-03, it received about $520,000 in funds from a range of foreign donors, including governments, according to documents at the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia, which facilitates information exchange between NGOs.

    But critics have serious misgivings about some of the CWCC's methods, including the way it gathers evidence from potential witnesses, holds out the promise of financial compensation to victims and pays for help. The agency denies that its methods are illegal or unethical.

    Three Siem Reap province mothers have filed a complaint against the Cambodian Women’s Cris­­­is Center at the provincial court, claiming that the NGO illegally detained three of their daughters in 2003, officials said Sunday. Take the case of Thouk Sam Ang. The 11-year-old claims that she was held prisoner for nearly two weeks by the CWCC and put under great pressure to testify that 57-year-old Cleghorn, a family friend, had sexually abused her. "They asked me to say that Graham had touched me. They asked again and again," Thouk claims in an interview with the REVIEW. She denies that she was touched or sexually abused, and this was borne out by medical testing. "They said that Graham and [his Cambodian wife] Toeur had already confessed . . . They said I should sue him and take all his money," adds Thouk.......http://www.grahamcleghorn.org.nz/News/2004/2004-0325_FarEasternEconomicReview_Madness.htm

  2. "I don't think I am prejudiced or homophobic, and have a few gay friends"-----ebonykap

    You've got gay friends --wow--

    How about black....?........ got any Black friends----I bet you have....some of your best friends are probably Black ??

    I bet you've also got some Chinese friends haven't you ?----- crafty people aren't they ?

    & Jew got an odd Jew as a friend yet..?.....work on it if you haven't ---give JingThing a call

    well---I'd say your quite the well rounded fellow----- homophobic gosh no........coffee1.gif

    "should you be gay, decide to live a gay life whether partnered or married, then you sacrifice the right to adopt, surrogate or raise children period." ----ebonykap

  3. 4/ Get some more Girls in....(if we are getting our priorities right it should have been number 1) I went to live there in the late 90s & stayed 7 years, Honestly the some of the Girls on the beach then were knockouts....& a real big selection-----better then the bars.

    Never did get to have a swim there...................coffee1.gif

  4. My advice is buy a small safe and dip your toes in the water--asiaj

    Buy gold or do not buy-----but whatever you do --do not even think about buying a small safe, Unless your going to put nothing in it, & hide your money in some secret place. I worked for Chubb safes in NZ in the 70s one of our jobs was lock outs......& attempted brake ins --you wouldn't believe how many people can forget a 3x2 digit combination.---a lot more people than those who failed to brake into the safe.

    I think the longest it took us to open one of the more high end safes was 80 minuets----the small safes, they were a joke.

  5. Where do you mean to keep it--?...... I don't mean give me your address, but you have to consider it if you don't have a safety deposit box (which are not so easy to get in Thailand) ---some quite reputable shops will keep it for you. You can get a mix of weights, (or if the shop is keeping it for you they will just do a deduction,) Trading in it is so very easy here 100 baht a trade I think.

    I brought some a few years back-----obviously at the completely wrong time.....(story of my life) it still hasn't reach anywhere near what I paid for it yet.... but I'll let you know when I do decided to sell it all, because the day after the price is bound to rocket.

  6. Sorry can not help you with the lease part---I have lived in Issan for quite some years Udon, which has 2 Honda dealerships & an hours drive each way will give you a large one in each of those towns--- I still shop in BKK, the price & extras for my last car (Accord -----which last year had a waiting list) was well worth the airfares / hotels etc.

    It would pay you (or wife) to get on the phone to BKK & talk to some dealers there.........whats the downside to that ?..........coffee1.gif

  7. Christians and Jews have learned (at least most of them) to vent their bigotry in a non-violent fashion and can be almost sidestepped in society by non-believers.

    Yes the Christians were hopelessly inhumanly violent and bent on wholesale persecution for centuries right up to the 17th century. Hopefully most of us have learned from their mistakes. A few notable exceptions even in the 20th century.

    What is the excuse for violent assimilation or extermination of "non-believers" in the 21st century???

    I so glad to read that the churches were only inhuman up to the 17th century----

    bangon04 religion is an arm of the state control.....(that's why its taught in schools--no taxation ....etc ..etc) It will back whatever the state Army is at the time----there is nothing more graphic than that of the same churches in different countries in WW2--(not the 17th century) They stood by & allowed 6 million women children to be executed. & their main job was to back the state & tell the troops --Japan/ Germany Italy.....what a great job they were doing & how they would make it to heaven, no mention of virgins though ...........yer I am so glad our religion is so much different from those lunatic Muslims....coffee1.gif


    Historically the German Evangelical Church (protestant) viewed itself as one of the pillars of German culture and society, with a theologically grounded tradition of loyalty to the state. The "German Christians" embraced many of the nationalistic and racial aspects of Nazi ideology. Once the Nazis came to power, this group sought the creation of a national "Reich Church" and supported a "nazified" version of Christianity.

    .................................& the Catholics

    Before 1933, some bishops prohibited Catholics in their dioceses from joining the Nazi Party. This ban was dropped after Hitler's March 23, 1933, speech to the Reichstag in which he described Christianity as the “foundation” for German values. throughout this period there was virtually no public opposition to antisemitism or any readiness by church leaders to publicly oppose the regime on the issues of antisemitism and state-sanctioned violence against the Jews.

  8. I suggest you ask the Copts what they thought of the Morsi government, and the rape, murder and kidnapping campaign their supporters ran. Try asking anyone in Egypt's tourism industry which Islamists completely shut down ruining the Country's finances. Then we have Sinai which became a hotbed of terrorist activity which the Morsi government turned a blind eye to. By the way whether you or I liked the outcome of the Egyptian election is less important than what the Egyptian people thought, getting rid of Morsi became extremely popular very quickly. The Islamist lite party in Tunisia where the bizarrely named Arab spring began has also been turfed out.

    OK Dan.....I'll ask the tourist industry & the groups (Copts..etc) you have named that were opposed to that party anyway---then I'll make an educated guess on that basses of those people.

    Look Dan no one is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood -- but please don't pretend that you support democracy either--(just the ones you agree with) the unelected military that took over are not exactly clean skins--& I will be quite surprised if Germany deports that reporter to join the other 2 that are still in jail.

  9. The Nazis were elected democratically too. That does not mean that evil should be allowed to stand, when it becomes clear what it is,

    They weren't Ulysses.........elected to govern I mean--unless they teach you differently in American schools.

    Federal elections were held in Germany on 5 March 1933. The ruling Nazi Party, led by Adolf HitlerChancellor since 30 January – registered a large increase in votes, again emerging as the largest party by far. Nevertheless they failed to obtain an absolute majority in their own right

    To gain absolute power, Hitler instead succeeded in passing the Enabling Act on 23 March with the support of all non-socialist parties, which effectively made Hitler dictator of Germany--Within months, the Nazis banned all other parties and dissolved the (Parliament) Reichstag


  10. Good, Egypt is completely correct about this. The Muslim brotherhood are Islamic supremacists, out of which both Hamas and Al Qaeda were born. Qatar who bankroll Al Jazeera equally bankrolled Hamas to the tune of 1.6billion dollars, which was used to fun a network of tunnels under the Israeli and Egyptian borders used for arms smuggling and planned terrorist attacks.

    Glad The Germans did the right thing, I somehow doubt they would have been arrested in the U.S at present.

    "The Muslim brotherhood are Islamic supremacists"---

    Are you talking about the first democratically & first civilian person elected in the history of Egypt --??

    I mean you don't (& I certainly don't) have to agree with their policies ----but isn't all this what its supposed to be about ?

    A completely democratic election (according to the UN observers) voted in a party that we don't agree with.

    This what the other 3 Al Jazeera journalist (1 Australian-2 Egyptians) were also jailed for pointing out last year.

    So basically Dan--the Democracy thing.....if we don't agree with the outcome is just BS.


    The post-Mubarak ruling establishment, attempting to thwart the Brotherhood's claim to governing, went as far as nullifying the outcome of the national parliamentary election under a legal pretext. However, one of the Brotherhood's leaders, Mohamed Morsi, was recognized as the winner of the presidential election that followed and assumed office on June 30, 2012. Morsi became the first democratically elected and first civilian President of Egypt

  11. Good clean Wholesome food is always better than a supplement...i.e Protein powder.

    Protein powder has it's place especially for Body Builders --as it is adsorbed into the system quickly, after they have trained hard.

    IMO I think that he should eat as much real food as you he can. He will fill out with age-especially if they can get him interested in going to a gym--or a sport.

    Being lean seems to be the least of most peoples worries on this forum...........

  12. Every year this old chestnut gets brought out. NKM do you have any hard facts on this, or are you just reading the news reports online? In this day and age, news gets brought to the attention of everyone unlike in years past when it was suppressed or not reported.---steelepulse

    Your right steelepulse--& also correct that NKM wont be posting any facts to back up his secret info from his bar----there isn't any, but still the doomsayers live in hope.

    For now, many countries are reaping the benefits. According to Brand USA, a tourism initiative launched by the American government, the average Chinese tourist spent $5,400 during their trip to the U.S., outspending other international tourists by 21 percent. http://www.ibtimes.com/chinese-tourists-break-spending-records-abroad-inbound-tourism-falls-1798196

    And so it is with any other country you would like to Google---I didn't put the Thailand figures here (as I have done before) because I was told they are all part of a secret plot by TAT & the Thai Government. So I put the USA figures--but who knows maybe their in on the plot as well--, get NKM to ask at his local bar. Chinese tourist don't spend where you spend....(you would think that would make most bar fly's happy.) but they do spend more than you spend--fact

  13. Police arrested Radit at his rented room in Thapkasattri

    Radit led police to his dealer, Monkol Benjapan, 31,

    Later the same night, police also Radit̕s friend Wuttiwat

    Monkol told police he often bought drugs from a man name Ekk Monkol also gave the police the name of a second dealer called Tien.

    Police told Mongkol to call Tien and order more drugs from her

    The Police arrested Tien --Tien who told police that she bought drugs from a man named Bang.

    So police also got Tien to set up a deal with Bang.

    Bang--& friend the two were later named as Nontapol (Bang) Chaipakdee, 35, and Jared Khorsantiwichai.

    Bang & friend said told police that he bought the ya ice from a man named Meng in Surat Thani

    And so on.............& so forth

    Thai Dealers--They really do take the "No honer amongst thieves" quote to a completely new level........coffee1.gif

  14. 1/ Thai women----I really do think that they are delightful, & isn't that what brought most of us here? ...

    if you disagree possibly you could be spending to much time in the bars, talking to the wrong ones.

    2/ Casual life style --I wanted to build a very small garden wall for my daughter in Oz last time there--it was just over 3 ft......needed council building approval + architect planes ------architect plans for a back yard garden wall.

    3/ Lack of PC................great

    1/Whingers on ThaiVisa

    2/Whingers on ThaiVisa

    3/Whingers on ThaiVisa

    Thailand is not for everyone-----that's understandable , so if you don't like it, go find somewhere that will make you happy---- its not so much that life is short---just that death so bloody long.

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