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Posts posted by Paulzed

  1. They may call it teak if it is only thin teak veneer or they may call it teak when it is not.

    Most wood you see here is not teak. There are many woods here that are denser and heavier.

    If you do not know teak when you see it, it would be better not to buy or to study up until you know it when you see it.

    What woods are more dense and heavier than Teak?

    Karri, Jarrah, Blackbutt, Ironbark

  2. Thanks for all the support!

    Of friendly people here!

    Massage to the black painters here,plz stop painting now , the color is running out!

    I think the most problem, Thai wife's have, heard everyday bad story's of other people , what happen with Falang relation ship, just another one also here from the village

    A European married a Thai wife already have 3 kids, stay 3 years together one son first year, and 2. Child just born, because she not use condom!

    After she visit one time Europe, a call comes back from her husband, my parents not like you , you not cook and not clean, husband want chancel everything send only money for one child, doctor advice her not having sex 3 month after giving birth

    But one month later , she travel again to Pattaya and work in soi 6

    That's only one of many bad story's!

    The childlike curiosity ,

    Of people heremakes the situation also not better!

    Of everyone in the village

    , it's like a contest about cheating farang and win money!

    Some Thais want help other, with advices , in relationship problems

    But it's like the circle of devil

    And reflect in daily contact

    At the moment I think I not get cheated but ignored , this is proberbly the same!

    Iam okay, I only need someone to talk, the trees not aswer me, people only smile cannot talk but want know where I come from , and how long I stay !

    Pattaya Soi 6.....Doesn't really sound like the type of place to meet your future wife....Just My opinion.

  3. I usually get Sandmans gist, but I just tried reading his post with different accents. I tried Indian, but that didn't work, next I tried reading out loud with a Russian accent. It works a charm! So well, that I might hazard a guess that he is indeed Russian....but that is just a wild guess.

    Try a country bumpkin Norwegian accent see how that works for ya

    • Like 1
  4. Sandman says "... because after 10 year here always ends in the same problems, or simular!"

    So, OP, you have learned nothing obviously... and now even built the house for your wife... so sooner or later you will be superfluous and ordered to leave... time for you to start your learning curve

    Hey Sandman I think Albert Einstein put it best "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

  5. I didn't know what Akka people were, but a bit of googling found the Akha of northern Thailand/Laos/China area.

    Black-toothed women.

    Good luck with that. I say go for it.

    MMMmmmm !!!! ethnic Asian women with black teeth, who are sexually liberal, nice.

    Hey Sandman you should forget about Thailand and go to live in Papua New Guinea.

  6. Gee Sandman, sounds like a sad story. I'm in the opposite position. Missus is sex mad and extremely liberal, so is her identical twin sister. Whenever her sister comes to stay they insist on us all sleeping together - after a week of that I have to make excuses to get out of the house. My latest excuse is "twilight golf" which she doesn't really understand but seems to believe me.

    The twin is coming down this weekend and bringing a cousin. I've seen photos and she looks so much like the wife and her sister that they may as well be triplets. I'm looking forward to the first few days of their visit but it's going to be draining. I've checked on the Kamagra supply and I think I should be OK. Last time the sister was here I OD'd on the stuff and developed an involuntary erection situation for the next fortnight that was a tad discomforting. Any sort of bump or touch and whamo, up she goes. Riding the scooter became a nightmare.

    But my real problem is this. I invested a considerable amount of baht in updating the Missus' breasts, to the point that they are totally exquisite. I don't mind the investment and she is totally in love with them - a bit like a new toy for us both. But of course, her twin sister has au natural breasts and therefore although they will be facially and frame size identical, their breasts will be different. I suspect this will cause some friction and competitiveness between them vis a vis me, and this may be more draining than usual. Add the cousin into the mix and it's potentially lethal.

    If I stop posting by about next Friday I'd be grateful if one or two TV members could hold a requiem service for me. Nothing lavish, but make sure you play my favorite song by The Stones "I can't get no Satisfaction".

    Actually, I'm wondering if I should offer to buy new (matching) bolt-ons for the sister to even things out. It'd be a relatively small investment for the potential pleasure we'd all receive. Not sure about the new cousin - I'll see after a test drive. biggrin.png

    You Da Man!!!
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