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Posts posted by Jedsada3

  1. Please don't kill any animal if you don't plan to eat it!

    If a snake disturbs or makes you fear for your life or your dogs, use the hose and guide it with the water jet to the way out. Or keep yourself and your dogs inside and call the fire department, they will come, catch the snake and bring it in the forest.


    To avoid snakes coming in your garden, don't let trees or grass touch the wall (outside) around your house.

    And If you keep it (inside) free from everything, snakes will follow it and find the gate to go out.


    There are many snakes in my garden, specially after the rain. They come in to eat the frogs. I never killed any of them. I catch them with a self-made catcher (I wrote a post about it) and let them free over the wall.




    13 hours ago, xcell said:

    Thank you AIS! - making me change to TRUE - no limit as long as there are sufficient funds on the card...


    Prepaid cards from TRUE will also be cancelled after the due date is over, EVEN IF YOU STILL HAVE MONEY ON IT ! (you can see the balance and the expire date when you dial #123#)  . Your number is than lost and can't be retrieved.


    You can buy 30 days by typing *934*30#. It will cost you a few bahts.

  3. I suppose you agreed on the price before they started the job...


    By asking now if it's too much you take the risk to know you've been cheated and to not sleep well because of that.


    If you think it's OK for you then let them come back again for clean.

    If you think it was too much or the job wasn't done according to your criteria then talk to them or let someone else do the job.



  4. On 8/23/2016 at 8:14 PM, tifino said:

    the grandma way says always have to use white suger,

     - but we have done it with brown, raw, and even with palm sugar.


    You can also put some molten caramel candies in it, it gives your jam a special taste




    for the pot, you need one with the very thick base, needed for spreading the heat.

    -If you have thin skinned base, then burning is very likely, and is most eveident with light jams, like pineapple, but you can get away with it for dark jams.



    If you have a copper pot, it's the best!
    Just keep the flame low and keep on stirring... the pleasure of making jam.



    You can even make jam in a microwave oven (I made tomato jam in it )


    You can also use bread baking machine...




    Sterilise jam jars in the oven, instead of putting the filled jars into boiling water

    - helps to reduce the amount of breakages



    I never sterilised the jars and the jam is still OK after one year. You should fill the jars up to a few millimetres from the top and close them when the jam is still hot. By cooling down, the air in the jar will take less place and a vacuum will occur.



    If you have no experience, then it's better you not try to make marmalade, and it is too temperature-critical


    It's easier to cook jam than to cook spaghetti al dente!




    For homemade jams, put all what you have made into the fridge as soon as it is cooled, and keep it there.

    - this is because you haven't any preservatives in your jam



    Keeping the jam in a cool dark place is enough (see my explanation above about sterilisation).

    And sugar is a preservative...


    I cook jam every year and always try new mixing (I add caramel, apple vinegar, rum...). Sometimes it success and sometimes I don't get the expected result but it's always edible.


    Enjoy your new hobby!

  5. Hello,


    First step is to stop the ransom-ware (anti-virus, anti-ransome-ware).


    Most of the ransom-wares delete the original file after encrypting it. You might be lucky and recover them with a program like Recuva, UndeleteMyFiles or Disk Drill.


    I can provide you a copy of "Recuva" if you need it (contact by PM) :whistling:

  6. 2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    Seems like fun, probably someone will charge him for doing something illegal though.


    2 hours ago, worgeordie said:


    and I thought Metal detectors were illegal here ?,

    most things that you can have fun with,are

    regards worgeordie

    I asked in the forum "Ask the lawyer" if metal detector were legal in Thailand. The answer was:

    it's not illegal but you should ask the owner of the parcel if he allows you to scan it

  7. When you show your wallet to people you don't know, there is always the risk that they will follow you and when you are alone that they hijack you if they see a thick wallet with probably a lot of banknotes.


    I never have more than 300 THB in my wallet and no credit card, pics or any other stuff that I would miss if I lose it or it's stolen.

    I have some more banknotes in the "coins pocket" of my jeans and if I need more than 1000 THB, I keep it in a safe belt.

    I do this not only since I live in Thailand... I started with it when I still lived n Europe!

  8. An overstay stamp in a passport always make immigration officer look your passport more in detail.

    If you plans to come again to Thailand, you should take the time to stay legally in the country...

  9. I guess the rules are the same everywhere over the world:

    The day you sign the contract, you pay the first rent and the deposit and you get the keys.

    If you move in on the same day, the next month or never is your business and doesn't mean you get a delay for paying the rental and the deposit.


    As often seen on this forum, be sure the one who signs the contract is also the owner.

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