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Posts posted by Nigeone

  1. Tourism, or at least Western tourism may well be down. The relentless bad press the country has received over its political turmoil, human trafficking, beach and other scams, crime and the pathetic police responses all have had their effect. Until the country can show that they are actually doing something about this the decline will continue.

    I suspect the human trafficking scandal may well be what places the lid on the coffin.

    Yes I agree..apart from the other issues you mention once a major holiday destination gets continually bad press about practices it shows the seed of doubt and then if the Human Trafficking issue ends up with a further downgrade or whatever they do next...with social media and the awareness of people today they will crash...that and of course the Air issue is a big problem for internal movement so that could be the final straw if they don't address it...there is one other issue that's going to happen one of these day..although your not allowed to talk about it and I'm my opinion is also going to be a major issue maybe bigger than these other..
  2. I got caught up in this as it all happened when I was on my way to Bangkok..found out when landing in Dubai..cost me loads in lost hotel bookings extra flights to try and get to chiang Mai...was out maybe £600 and eventually managed to get on a flight into Malaysia then direct on a empty plane into Chiang Mai ..does this mean I will get my money back? Wishful thinking..I did get some back via insurance but the hotels booked etc I lost and some additional flight I had booked via Phuket I lost.

    Very simple mate, lodge a law suite against the person that called for the airport takeover.
    Yeah right..that's going to work not..I couldn't afford the 4 years of lawyers knowing I was going to get screwed anyway...and I also want to come out there again...sadly I won't be doing that..but you know that already don't you !
  3. konying, on 29 Jun 2015 - 06:10, said:snapback.png

    I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

    tourists would be back.

    Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

    Your are talking about the package holiday people, that might see it a better alternative than say, Tunisian beaches eh?

    However I do not think cheapness is the prime factor. Thailand is still relatively cheap. My country certainly is not in the top as for tourist numbers, nothing like EU countries, but over the last five years Thailand has not had good press. This is not about Mers or Coups or airlines. It has to do with friendliness, rudeness and safety. It's been getting a bad rap in travel media, both national and local. How this is to be fixed remains to be seen. I doubt Thailand is very concerned about doing anything, so it will just continue

    No I am not talking about packages.

    Examples: in Australia I cam buy tshirt in Kmart for $5, in Thailand markets its 200 baht=$8

    Female companion from a gogo can cost up to 10000 baht

    Basically in past 3 years, exchange rate gone down while prices tripled.

    Wow...you need to find another go go ..that's far to much..where was that?. chiang Mai 2000/3000 baht LT

    And can't believe Pattaya is much different..Bangkok same 2000/3000 baht LT allegedly!!

    I suggest you visit Thailand to know the prices .

    2000-3000 is st, plus 1000-2000 bar fine, plus drinks

    4000-6000 is lt plus same bar fine and same drinks

    Even freelances asking for 3000

    Was in Thailand..both Bangkok and Chiang Mai for two visits for a total of 6 months last year..I accept the drinks etc are not included in my approx figures but the prices you quote are so wrong..maybe they saw you coming..1000 -2000 for bar fine is nonsense...anyway I'll agree to disagree...try Foxy lady in Chiang Mai or any of the ground floor in Nana...nowhere near those prices your mentioning..

    Schools out Nana..think that's the name..2400 plus 500 bar fine...Foxy lady Chiang Mai 2000 plus 600 both LT..fact..and both really fit..one stayed with me for 3 days from Nana...sorry mate..haggle a bit more..

  4. I got caught up in this as it all happened when I was on my way to Bangkok..found out when landing in Dubai..cost me loads in lost hotel bookings extra flights to try and get to chiang Mai...was out maybe £600 and eventually managed to get on a flight into Malaysia then direct on a empty plane into Chiang Mai ..does this mean I will get my money back? Wishful thinking..I did get some back via insurance but the hotels booked etc I lost and some additional flight I had booked via Phuket I lost.

  5. Tourism is already dying here in Phuket, even though tourist arrivals are up.

    Massive Chinese tourist presence, though, all money spent by them is kept among only a few agencies and tour companies.

    Outrageous tuk-tuk prices, no public transport, beaches taken over by the jet-ski mafia, no sun-beds for older people to use, pollution running into the sea, rubbish strewn at the side of the roads, unfettered building that stays closed after completion, the constant rip-offs, aggressive touts and grid-lock on the roads. These are the real reasons that tourism here has started to collapse and it's only going to accelerate. Everyone with a business here that doesn't cater to the Chinese is dreading the next high season.

    There was a lot of hope that the army would sort out all the problems, but, they have been as effective as a chocolate tea-pot. All talk, a little bit of action and when they leave, it all goes back to the way it was.

    Thai greed, compromise and cowardly corrupt officials are killing this place.

    Only been to Phuket twice and the first time was okay although noticed the rip,offs etc..the second time was maybe 2005 and right from the start at the airport and the taxi scams and then the stop half way to town trying to get you to change your hotel booking and then when eventually warning the driver he had to take us to the hotel him driving like a lunatic to make a point it all went down hill...would not go back again and tell everyone to avoid it that's asks me where to go in Thailand. And I was lucky in those days as I knew about the jet skis etc but many still don't..it's not hard to sort out either is it..pigs and troughs come to mind though
  6. konying, on 29 Jun 2015 - 06:10, said:snapback.png

    I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

    tourists would be back.

    Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

    Your are talking about the package holiday people, that might see it a better alternative than say, Tunisian beaches eh?

    However I do not think cheapness is the prime factor. Thailand is still relatively cheap. My country certainly is not in the top as for tourist numbers, nothing like EU countries, but over the last five years Thailand has not had good press. This is not about Mers or Coups or airlines. It has to do with friendliness, rudeness and safety. It's been getting a bad rap in travel media, both national and local. How this is to be fixed remains to be seen. I doubt Thailand is very concerned about doing anything, so it will just continue

    No I am not talking about packages.

    Examples: in Australia I cam buy tshirt in Kmart for $5, in Thailand markets its 200 baht=$8

    Female companion from a gogo can cost up to 10000 baht

    Basically in past 3 years, exchange rate gone down while prices tripled.

    Wow...you need to find another go go ..that's far to much..where was that?. chiang Mai 2000/3000 baht LT

    And can't believe Pattaya is much different..Bangkok same 2000/3000 baht LT allegedly!!

  7. I've never been in business so maybe members with experience will weigh in.

    I posted last year that a friend booking up for a 3 month visit was shocked at the prices being quoted for accommodation in places he had stayed before and one had jacked their rates up by 200%. One of the receptionists he spoke to and who remembered him said there was nothing she could do because due to a fall in tourism the owner had put the prices up and instructed " no deals, no discounts . "

    This seems to be a common attitude here and doesn't sound like good practice, if you're losing custom how does increasing prices encourage what custom is available to buy, stay etc. ?

    This seems to be a Thai trait and is often mentioned...it's flawed but that's the way they work...they never seem to take into consideration also if the reduced prices slightly they would have more people and get more than the reduction back in sundries..ie restaurant room service drinks etc...
  8. konying, on 29 Jun 2015 - 06:10, said:snapback.png

    I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

    tourists would be back.

    Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

    Your are talking about the package holiday people, that might see it a better alternative than say, Tunisian beaches eh?

    However I do not think cheapness is the prime factor. Thailand is still relatively cheap. My country certainly is not in the top as for tourist numbers, nothing like EU countries, but over the last five years Thailand has not had good press. This is not about Mers or Coups or airlines. It has to do with friendliness, rudeness and safety. It's been getting a bad rap in travel media, both national and local. How this is to be fixed remains to be seen. I doubt Thailand is very concerned about doing anything, so it will just continue

    Yes...recognising the problem, working out the answers and putting them into practice...Too many hurdles I'm afraid without a major culture change...And the famous Thai smile..genuine ..Is sadly lacking as now you always feel there's a angle behind it while before in years gone by it would be genuine. In the sticks maybe not so...
  9. I'm my country stuff goes on but when there caught and they usually are eventually they get punished..as Ezzra said the problem here is its not punished and these sideways movements and inactive post nonsense has to stop and real punishments handed out otherwise they don't stand a chance.. give a period of grace, not very long! And implement the laws, lock up punish seize assets etc regardless who they were but there lies the problem..there all in it aren't they...I have just been trying to think of one area in Thai society that might be clean but I've given up..right from a early age at school etc there at it and everybody grows up thinking that mentality is allowed and the norm....

  10. Is the MERS a problem at the moment? Is it right there's only been 2 people found with it...I would be more worried for sure about the airlines and the traffic and Mafia than MERS...and yes it is noticeably more expensive now even allowing for a poorer exchange rate than years ago..mind you the air fares from UK to Bangkok return are really cheap..ie £535 Isle of Man to Bangkok return via Manchester..that's a bargain!

  11. They have no chance..ie zero....if they can't sort out the Jet Ski etc what chance have they got with officials..and no mention of the main players in most people's eyes been sorted! the BiB...and the Army!...and hey as above said 4 cases in 7 years out of 9000 Mmmmm ..maybe they should sort out there legal procedure first and streamline it otherwise it's not going to happen...period! At the rate there going there will be a projected 8 cases to court by 2022 which only leaves 8992 to go without adding to the arrests...brain dead !! Sad as I so wish they would sort it out..I used to tell my x wife how I thought they would sort it but I was so naive those years ago...it's not going to happen is it!!

  12. Well it's all very interesting..the plot is certainly thickening...Its 6 am here in the UK so it's bed for me...I look forward to reading and seeing the continuation of this story because I've a feeling there's a lot of mileage left in this yet..

    I actually don't really care either where the gun comes from but I do enjoy this guy get found out..As another poster said once the lies start they tend to get bigger and bigger as the hole gets deeper...I too though he might get off with a lighter sentence from maybe the powers that be leaning etc on there Japanese counterparts but I don't think so now somehow..quite rightly too

  13. Nigeone wrote:

    "I don't know how your reading it to be honest...I asked a question...based on what's been reported and the statement that Arabic and English numbers are on the gun....as another poster has put quite clearly why differentiate between the words English and Arabic ...this would then lead to any normal thinking person to ask where the ex BiB would get a gun 'possibly' from a Arabic country...I am looking in at a situation as is everyone else...if the reports are true?? And the gun has come from a Arabic country which country would you suggest it might have come from .? And from who...just a thought....I don't have agenda whatsoever but I do know what I believe to be right and wrong...and this situation is very wrong and unlike in Thailand I hope he gets what he deserves ..that's it...no red shirt yellow shirt stuff...just right and wrong...is that clear for you"

    Yes, thank you that is very clear.

    Still kind of a weird coincidence, that of all the countries with Arabic- language, you choose Dubai.

    But anyways...

    You are aware, that with the right connections and the right money, you can almost buy ANY weapon in Thailand, aren't you?

    Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Israeli....

    There could be Sumeric- signs on that weapon and it could have still been purchased in Thailand.

    Yes..I am aware that you can buy ANYTHING in Thailand with money and connections...but I'm as I said looking in as is everyone else as stated from the OP the natural conclusion,from info known would suggest a possible source of the gun to be Dubai....not a coincidence to arrive with those thoughts bearing in mind the picture shown on other topics with the two men in question...Listen..I said before I don't have a agenda..but come on..if I asked you to go out on a limb...and knowing what we know from reports etc,,where do you think it might have come from...?
  14. This is a godsend for AOT and the Transport Minister, " see, the gun isn't linked to Thailand so he couldn't have been carrying it when he passed through Swampy so our scanners and the experts who man them are fully vindicated. "

    The same thing occurred to me....not registered in Thailand, ergo it couldn't have come through swampy according to AOT laugh.png

    That's a argument ,or change of story they might try, but then surely he has a bigger problem if he goes down that route..okay so now your saying it didn't come from Thailand so where and who did you get it from in Japan and how did you 'forget' it was in your luggage..he's f***** ..serve him and BiB right..more of the same please..also..Arabic numbers and English indicating where the gun was sold...!! Dubai anyone?

    Arabic numbers are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 - As far as I know their are used most of the time in the Western world as well.

    If you see.... Etc..printed on a object would you call them Arabic numbers? no you wouldn't

    To make the point of English and Arabic numbers in the report would indicate once again as another poster has mentioned the 'other' Arabic alphabet was present..otherwise how could you make that statement ..

  15. This is a godsend for AOT and the Transport Minister, " see, the gun isn't linked to Thailand so he couldn't have been carrying it when he passed through Swampy so our scanners and the experts who man them are fully vindicated. "

    The same thing occurred to me....not registered in Thailand, ergo it couldn't have come through swampy according to AOT laugh.png

    That's a argument ,or change of story they might try, but then surely he has a bigger problem if he goes down that route..okay so now your saying it didn't come from Thailand so where and who did you get it from in Japan and how did you 'forget' it was in your luggage..he's f***** ..serve him and BiB right..more of the same please..also..Arabic numbers and English indicating where the gun was sold...!! Dubai anyone?

    Am I reading this right?

    You are trying to bring Thaksin into this story?



    Just wow!

    I don't know how your reading it to be honest...I asked a question...based on what's been reported and the statement that Arabic and English numbers are on the gun....as another poster has put quite clearly why differentiate between the words English and Arabic ...this would then lead to any normal thinking person to ask where the ex BiB would get a gun 'possibly' from a Arabic country...I am looking in at a situation as is everyone else...if the reports are true?? And the gun has come from a Arabic country which country would you suggest it might have come from .? And from who...just a thought....I don't have agenda whatsoever but I do know what I believe to be right and wrong...and this situation is very wrong and unlike in Thailand I hope he gets what he deserves ..that's it...no red shirt yellow shirt stuff...just right and wrong...is that clear for you
  16. This is a godsend for AOT and the Transport Minister, " see, the gun isn't linked to Thailand so he couldn't have been carrying it when he passed through Swampy so our scanners and the experts who man them are fully vindicated. "

    The same thing occurred to me....not registered in Thailand, ergo it couldn't have come through swampy according to AOT laugh.png

    That's a argument ,or change of story they might try, but then surely he has a bigger problem if he goes down that route..okay so now your saying it didn't come from Thailand so where and who did you get it from in Japan and how did you 'forget' it was in your luggage..he's f***** ..serve him and BiB right..more of the same please..also..Arabic numbers and English indicating where the gun was sold...!! Dubai anyone?
  17. It certainly is time to update.... I am most appreciative of the advice offered. This thread certainly took some twists and turns and it was in the main absorbing reading.

    I am pleased to say that in the last two months I have received more care and affection than I received in the last 30 odd years in "my other life"

    The ladies I have met have been an absolute pleasure to accompany. I have also had the opportunity to meet a number of their friends,family and children.

    It has been a steep learning curve but the basic tenants of good manner, happy disposition and great attitude really work in Chiang Mai. Maybe I have died and gone to heaven, but by goodness what is there not to like about being able to live here?

    So how did all this happen....am happy for you by the way....was all this change in your lifestyle from the ex pats meetings or what road did you go down..am genuinely interested as my circumstances are a little similar..hope your happiness continues..good luck
  18. in my breaking in days, learn.t the following

    treat them mean, and keep them keen policy

    it works u know

    a top of the morning to allsmile.png

    Can't do this...been brought up hearing this all my life from some of my friends...I guess am just old fashioned..interesting discussion mind...I'm one of the ones burnt by Thai girl...big time....but never was looking particularly in life for Thai wife...but it happened...then it didn't..lol...I love Thailand ..Lamphun particularly ...the ex pat club sounds interesting and might give it a look when I'm there next time...and would certainly be more than happy with friendship/relationship with western woman....after all it's love and friendship and companionship we all want no matter the nationality...
  19. I teach youngsters English...if they or there parents ask...in Lamphun and I'm here as a tourist..

    I don't care about the rules as who is going to complain...I'm not qualified but having coached sports all my life I have a good knowledge of preparation and structure..

    For those of you who are going to jump on me for doing so remember it gives alot of satisfaction to there parents,to me but most importantly to the student..One of which at 8 years old can sit and have a good conversation with me...I like to give something back even though my experience of Thailand has been often clouded and upsetting.Maybe,just maybe this 8 year old will grow up differently to her peers..and maybe not!! But I gave it a go.

  20. Quality tourist...your having a Laugh..Am in Lamphun which gets no tourists..got ripped of last night in a quiet restaurant /bar..was just out for a quiet drink..check bin!! 168bht for bottle of Leo for girl who chatted to me and I offered would she like a drink while she chatted to me..even outside the tourist areas ..and these girls aren't bar girls as such..80bht for Leo for me...stupidity as I will never go back..its a inherent ingrained mentality in so many Thais..they will never ever get more tourists even ,never mind Quality..whatever that means with there never mind about tomorrow mindset...buffalo's..

    • Like 2
  21. If Thailand is the jaded, sinking destination which this article says it is - then why have airlines flying to Thailand got full or nearly full flights in December, April and July?

    End of June I tried to book a ticket to Europe with China Airlines, and their site claimed the plane was full each and every day between the 1st of July till the 31st of October.

    I called them up and they confirmed that it was all fully booked, and so did several travel agencies, so they suggested that I put myself on waiting list.

    I did so at a random date, and within 15 minutes I received an email notification from China that both departure date and return date were confirmed. I later changed those dates at least 3 times with immediate confirmation.

    Oh, by the way the ticket price was with a 40% discount over the normal price, and they have extended their promotion now till 31 December.

    ALL major airlines have similar promotions for the past 4 months.

    Clearly, the airlines are not concerned too much - their prices are sky-high!

    You should climb from under that rock and look at that other thread in the travel forum. It is titled " I've never seen the prices that LOW"

    it might appear that flights are full but that may not reflect what is going on compared to several years ago, available seats have probably come down in numbers as have number of flights due to airlines like Etihad partnering with other airlines in code share agreements, it is very rare now that you will find an Etihad flight with spare seats because fights out of and into Abu dabi are shared with other airlines, when you look at the departure board for your flight it will likely have up to 5 flight codes from various airlines all sharing the same plane - the same applies to UK flights heading to say Bangkok on that flight you will have people going to China Australia Malaysia India etc and flights leaving Abudabi for Bangkok will have passengers that booked with other airlines from other countries

    No longer will you be sitting on a half empty plane but may have trouble getting a booking

    I posted.on another forum about Etihad flights..I flew in on25/26th Sept and Adu Dhabi to Bangkok was half full..I always travel Etihad and have never seen this before..usually full as you say..A friend I was speaking to in hotel in Bangkok flew Thai Heathrow to Bangkok and they had 3 or 4 seats each as did everyone on the flight.

    The cost of my flight Sept 25 return Dec 6th from the Isle of Man via Manchester /Abu Dhabi /Bangkok £528..

    that's £120 cheaper than its ever been since 2003

  22. Well that's the unemployment sorted out and more...Does he know what goes on in his country..

    And more to the point who's going to protect the whistleblowers..

    Another well thought out plan...not...

    mind you...wouldn't it be wonderfully if it did work...but with the BiB looking on

    its going to hard...

    they could of course just sack all the police..that would deal with over half !!

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