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Jungle Jim

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Posts posted by Jungle Jim

  1. Bob's brain like the typical foreigner that comes to Thailand is fueled by booze. He like many others will get his bank account drained. The guy is just a common idiot nothing more. Sorry no sympathy for a man with ZERO common sense and a brain that is likely mush. I see and meet these guys EVERYWHERE.

    • Like 1
  2. I totally agree with you. These guys tend to get in non stop trouble because of the foreigners they hang with, alcohol and the places they visit. But you forgot to mention Phuket, Koh Samui and the numerous other shit holes that attract the dregs of society. Lucky for me i am not one of the MOST and avoid these places like the plague . I have not encountered much of any problems outside the tourist slums. You have to also realize the dregs are unable to speak much of any Thai , have bar girls for their so called girlfriends and their life is a constant drama. Often their final days of their miserable lives which they would never admit or are in alcoholic daze are in a hotel room and the balcony calls them to their death. Now Ballbearing the TV STALKERS are going to hunt you and me down. Happens everyday here.

    I have worked in construction for over 30 years and I have worked in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Phillipines, China, Vietnam, Fiji and Papua New Guinea and in all these countries the dregs of society seem to flock to the "bright lights".

    Most of the posters on this forum seem to be from Bangkok or Pattaya - the "bright lights" of Thailand.

    Is it any wonder that "scams" and criminal activities happen everyday in these places - of course not.

    Get your ass out of Bangkok / Pattaya and experience the real Thailand and you will see why it is call the Land of Smiles !

    • Like 1
  3. you mean the first time

    If you cheat me once, shame on you. But if you cheat me twice, shame on me.

    Keep your eyes open, learn from your mistakes and others mistakes. But it is still no guarantee you will not be cheated again. So try your best to be more smart.

    Scam, cheating, corruption is in all the countries of the world more or less and Thailand is not exemption.

    Have you forgotten how Bush won the election 2nd time???????

  4. Agree with you with the foreigners that have it in their head that a young girl they met in a bar is really their girlfriend. Keep drinking enough and you will see anything you wish. The foreigners are at the total mercy of the hooker and just too dumb and or lazy to learn a word of Thai. Had one tell me that sign language is good enough. Another "They Need To Learn English". You can tell from their battered looks their brains are soaked in alcohol and the bar girl wants to keep it that way. Ever notice that if you speak Thai how the bar girl wants to get you away from the foreigner as fast as possible ? What is the saying in Thai ? Understand much no good.

    It`s like this.

    I can understand naive tourists and gullible newbies falling for scams from lack of experience, but there are no excuses for those who have lived here or travelled here frequently over a number of years.

    The older guys who believe that women young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters will find them desirable for their looks, personalities and charm, those that become involved in dodgy business ventures or can`t be bothered to learn even the most basics of Thai language that need their wives or girlfriends to do all the negotiating while they stand there like a spare one at a wedding not having a clue what`s going on, the one`s that invest or part with vast amounts of money purely on trust, the fools that consider their bargirl lover is different from all the rest and the long and suffering who will ply resources into a relationship even though their partners treat them like crap but refuse to see the reality.

    Thailand is no different from our home countries or anywhere else, no matter where we live there is always going to be someone, people or companies scheming to part us from our money because money is the only thing we have that everyone wants.

    Being scammed depends on how gullible you are or trying to live the dream denying the reality.

    So the answer to the OP is; Thailand is the land of smiles for some and a fools paradise for others.

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  5. That is their biggest problem zero if any common sense. The majority of tourists and expats are their own worst enemies . The expats bitch and moan about their bar girl girlfriend /wife. Never bothered to learn a word in Thai. No good normal Thai woman would ever think of taking them home to mom and dad. Who wants a drunk for a boyfriend. As far as tourists non stop problems. dining where all the foreigners go, sleeping where all the foreigners go, using the hotels travel services which 90% of the time are overpriced , too dumb to figure out how to travel on their own. The expats are totally at the mercy of the bar girl/hooker to assist them in everything. The list is endless. Sorry no sympathy for anyone them and they deserve everything they get.

    When people arrive in Thailand, they dump their common sense at immigration.

    +1...also many never had any.

    • Like 2
  6. And the meaning is what ? i already know the answer. Curious if you do.

    Something to be proud of. When i see the words Ting Tong spoken by a foreigner it is easy to tell much of your Thailand experience has been learned in a bar. Next time ask a bar girl if there is such a word in the Thai language. Foreigners speaking bar Thai just shows low class. Sorry to tell you. Not trying to hurt your feeling but try leaving the bar from time to time.


    Iv'e had half the bargirls from a certain bar back in my loom


    My Thai aint that good but I am sure ND can confirm :"Ting Tong" exists in the Thai language

    So over to you Mr know it all about Thailand, he who is at one with his Thainess

  7. I remember a guy there about 2005 just opened the bar. One month later he was finished just as i predicted. I chances of Bob surviving with a bar girl involved is about nil. I give it three months tops that Bob survives. If he is smart, he will leave on the next plane. I have my doubts he will do the smart thing. This has failure written all over it.

  8. DP25 likely one of the smartest guys on Thaivisa. You might wish to have a chat with Mr. Toad and his bar buddies. They might learn something but i doubt it.

    Uhhh I don't date bar girls and was recommending others don't bring them to their home.

    I speak, read, and write Thai and am young. I don't have a problem meeting normal girls, every girl I've dated in Thailand has had a real job or has been a university student.

    I don't bring ANYONE to my home until I know them well. I wouldn't bring a bargirl to my home at all.

    No you look like a scumbag to many Thais . Don,t kid yourself thinking my Thai bar girl girlfriend or wife no one will ever notice she is or once was a hooker. Only low class foreigners date and marry these women. If you not capable of dating a normal Thai woman one that does not lie, cheat, steal , is loyal and does not ask for gold, new car, new home. i want, i want i want. You look like a low class fool and no good Thai wants anything to do with you. Learn the Thai language but most of all don,t be a pussy and learn to say NO, NO and NO means NO! They are bat crazy because of the grossness of many of the foreigners they are forced to deal with. Perhaps good for a toss in the bed , pay them, show them the door and lock it. 99.999 % percent are not worth getting involved with. That is if you have a brain that is working.

    Learn from the experience and don't take bar girls into your house for more than a day or two.

    Never take bargirls in to your house/apartment AT ALL. Aside from the dangers mentioned here of her not leaving or causing some type of problem, you look like a scumbag to all your neighbors by bringing home hookers all the time.

    Just get a cheap hotel room for the night.

    I do this with even 'normal' girls until I get to know them. It is dangerous bringing strangers in to your home. Too many of the chicks that go after farang are bat**** crazy

  9. Something to be proud of. When i see the words Ting Tong spoken by a foreigner it is easy to tell much of your Thailand experience has been learned in a bar. Next time ask a bar girl if there is such a word in the Thai language. Foreigners speaking bar Thai just shows low class. Sorry to tell you. Not trying to hurt your feeling but try leaving the bar from time to time.


    Iv'e had half the bargirls from a certain bar back in my loom

  10. Do foreigners need a permit to beg on the streets of Thailand ? I know of a few hundred or more that can use your help after having encounters with bar girls. Because of their serious lack of common sense they lost their fortunes to common farm girls. If you can help contact : I Am A Total Loser Help A Boozer Center (IAATLHAB) at most foreigner bars throughout Thailand

    • Like 1
  11. totally agree with you.

    This can't be real, but if it is,

    I have a few questions.....

    1) have you stopped screwing her yet?

    2)/do you not have the money to pay her, but keep screwing her anyway?

    3)/did you think screwing her and not paying her was OK?

    4)/have you met her brothers or her pimp yet?

    5) have you brought in an interpreter yet?

    6)/did you promise to pay her and then not?

    7) do you think she is as stupid as you think?

    8) do you know what happens to you if she calls in a police friend of hers?

    9)/have you seen the inside of a thai prison yet?

    10) why did you not pay her on your contract?

    11)/do you not think that you have a contract?

    12)/have you stopped screwing her yet?

    13) do you expect to pass a paternity test?

    14)/have you stopped screwing with your fellow posters yet


    Here is how you do it, nicely

    Without interpreter:

    You and me, finit.
    I go my home.
    How many baht?

    You can use fingers and hands as gesture

    With interpreter:

    1)/ you are sorry you lied to her and tried to screw her for free.

    2) you think she very nice, but you have wife home, and she have new baby

    3) you are sorry you lie, and you are the lowest of slimeballs in Thailand

    4) you hope she find new foreign man, who not lie, not pay

    5)/you hope she know, not all foreign man ,try to cheat Thai girl


    How many baht?

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  12. Answer: (1) Booze (2) Zero Common sense (3) Just Plain Dumb (4) Too lazy to learn Thai and get a girl that does not work in a bar. (5) Alcoholics typical brainless foreigner in Thailand chooses a bar girl/HOOKER for a girl friend or a wife. Thousands do and more are getting off the plane daily. No sympathy for these morons.

    Why, oh why do guys insist on a live-in GF? Unless you're going to marry the girl, never, never have her live with you. Especially BG's/ex-BG's. I see guys making this mistake time and time again. Why won't they ever learn?

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  13. In every single case i have seen a foreigner get involved with a bar girl and a bar or restaurant before very long the foreigner is flat broke. IN EVERY CASE ! No different than being dumb enough to marry a Thai hooker or massage girl. 99.999 % it is a total disaster .

    Whether a bar makes money or not is the key. A friend of mine bought a bistro (goodwill) and is paying rent. Three staff. Good location with ample car parking, little direct competition, close to a Rimping supermarket and Wine Collection in CM.

    Food is excellent at reasonable prices, the owner is chatty, the staff polite, and the ambience is good. But few customers. There is no rhyme or reason why it wouldn't be successful.

    Maybe it's the luck of the draw. Best wishes, Bob and Lek.

    You sir are a woodduck.

    Making money IN ANY BUSINESS is the name of the game.

    So your friend ( you mean you ) bought a business it has few customers and you say its going to be successful. Yeah right. Luck has got nothing to do with it. This business is gonna go straight down the shitter and take you and the rent with it. . Quack quack.

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  14. I have had some excellent meals for 30 baht or even less. But of course far from a foreigner restaurant that serves total crap Thai food that no Thai would touch where prices range from 120 to 170 baht. When i look at the English menus i just laugh walk across the street and pay 30 baht for much better quality and larger portions. Besides i get a smile not the common scowl from Thais that have to deal with obnoxious foreigners all day. Bob might be picking food off the streets soon. Sorry i have no pity for him.

    I rather enjoy the odd 30 baht meal.

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